North American Breeding Bird Survey

Species Group Summaries for Bird Conservation Regions

This analysis will produce a summary of trends. The summary includes: We also provide some estimates of mean trend and a ranking of species from most extreme decline to most extreme increase, using the procedures given in Link and Sauer 1996. These results adjust estimates for relative precision, and you can estimate: See Link and Sauer (1996) for the details of estimating the precision-adjusted averages.

These results are based on the Route-regression, estimating equations method.

Please select the data and time period of interest:
1966-2019 core areas
1993-2019 expanded areas

Please enter the Bird Conservation Region of interest:

Please select the guild of interest:
Grassland Breeding Open-cup Nesting Short Distance Migrant
Wetland Breeding Ground or Low nesting Neotropical Migrant
Successional or Scrub Breeding Mid-story or Canopy Nesting Permanent Resident
Woodland Breeding Cavity Nesting
Urban Breeding All Species

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ver 2022.0, 09 June 2022, Authors: J.R. Sauer and J.E. Hines.

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