Output used to produce Table 2.

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fSURVIV - Survival Rate Estimation with User Specified Cell Probabilities
 13-Oct-98      15:59:04         Version 1.4(OS/2)   June, 1991      Page  001

PROC TITLE 'mp data, sexes combined, 1st half(1-7), pers 
1-11 (fwd1half)';

     CPU time in seconds for last procedure was    0.00


COHORT=0;10: 00000000001;
6: 00000000010;
2: 00000000011;
8: 00000000100;
1: 00000000110;
23: 00000001000;
1: 00000001001;
11: 00000001100;
4: 00000001110;
2: 00000001111;
11: 00000010000;
1: 00000010001;
1: 00000010100;
6: 00000011000;
1: 00000011010;
1: 00000011100;
1: 00000011101;
2: 00000011110;
24: 00000100000;
2: 00000101000;
2: 00000110000;
1: 00000110100;
10: 00000111000;
1: 00000111010;
7: 00000111100;
13: 00001000000;
1: 00001010000;
4: 00001100000;
1: 00001111000;
2: 00001111100;
1: 00001111111;
12: 00010000000;
1: 00010111100;
7: 00011000000;
1: 00011110000;
2: 00011111000;
1: 00011111110;
16: 00100000000;
5: 00110000000;
15: 01000000000;
1: 01010000000;
2: 01111000000;
1: 01111100000;
11: 10000000000;
1: 10000111100;
1: 10001000000;
2: 10010000000;
3: 10100000000;
2: 10111000000;
13: 11000000000;
1: 11010000000;
1: 11011111000;
2: 11100000000;

      Number of parameters in model  =  32
      Number of parameters set equal =   0
      Number of parameters fixed     =   3
      Number of parameters estimated =  29

     Final function value  962.71012     (Error Return = 130)
     Number of significant digits       6
     Number of function evaluations  2132

 * *  WARNING  * *   Rounding errors became dominant before parameters estimated

 * *  WARNING  * *   to NSIG digits for Model MODA1     

 * *  WARNING  * *   Check to be sure the parameters are identifiable,

 * *  WARNING  * *   but the problem may just be ill-conditioned.

                              Results for model MODA1     

                                                         95% Confidence Interval
   I       Parameter            S(I)     Standard Error    Lower         Upper
  ---  -------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
   1   1 phi(1)               1.00000     0.290932     0.429773      1.57023    
   2   2 phi(2)              0.566071     0.262339     0.518879E-01  1.08025    
   3   3 phi(3)              0.366856     0.190532     -.658578E-02 0.740299    
   4   4 phi(4)              0.538462     0.265233     0.186041E-01  1.05832    
   5   5 phi(5)              0.393815     0.128679     0.141604     0.646026    
   6   6 phi(6)              0.550696     0.747614E-01 0.404164     0.697229    
   7   7 phi(7)              0.797944     0.855979E-01 0.630172     0.965716    
   8   8 phi(8)              0.575305     0.150714     0.279905     0.870704    
   9   9 phi(9)              0.426667     0.281604     -.125278     0.978611    
  10 -30 phi(10)              1.00000     0.000000E+00  1.00000      1.00000    
  11 -31 p(1)                 1.00000     0.000000E+00  1.00000      1.00000    
  12  12 p(2)                0.459459     0.173947     0.118524     0.800395    
  13  13 p(3)                0.315457     0.186290     -.496710E-01 0.680586    
  14  14 p(4)                0.775862     0.420801     -.489073E-01  1.60063    
  15  15 p(5)                0.771429     0.483315     -.175868      1.71873    
  16  16 p(6)                0.896211     0.266528     0.373816      1.41861    
  17  17 p(7)                0.924000     0.827400E-01 0.761830      1.08617    
  18  18 p(8)                0.860465     0.984855E-01 0.667434      1.05350    
  19  19 p(9)                0.705882     0.211744     0.290864      1.12090    
  20  20 p(10)               0.507813     0.361236     -.200209      1.21583    
  21  21 p(11)               0.238095     0.121107     0.724874E-03 0.475466    
  22  22 gam(2)              0.472222     0.932749E-01 0.289403     0.655041    
  23  23 gam(3)              0.451342     0.169460     0.119200     0.783484    
  24  24 gam(4)              0.717195     0.297590     0.133918      1.30047    
  25  25 gam(5)              0.522000     0.226003     0.790334E-01 0.964967    
  26  26 gam(6)              0.290487     0.151758     -.695846E-02 0.587932    
  27  27 gam(7)              0.627538     0.166426     0.301343     0.953732    
  28  28 gam(8)              0.516529     0.660878E-01 0.386997     0.646061    
  29  29 gam(9)              0.860000     0.844851E-01 0.694409      1.02559    
  30  10 gam(10)             0.657738     0.142010     0.379398     0.936078    
  31  11 gam(11)             0.547009     0.246056     0.647385E-01  1.02928    
  32 -32 1:GAM 2:LAM 3:F      1.00000     0.000000E+00  1.00000      1.00000    

@@    1  130    0  24   123.855      -4   49.7309     -136.244      330.487    
   G Total (Degrees of freedom =  24)     123.855
   Pr(Larger Chi-square) = 0.0000

   Log-likelihood = -136.24367        Akaike Information Criterion =  330.48733    

     CPU time in seconds for last procedure was   82.53

      Number of parameters in model  =  32
      Number of parameters set equal =   0
      Number of parameters fixed     =   3
      Number of parameters estimated =  29

     Final function value  962.71012     (Error Return = 130)
     Number of significant digits       5
     Number of function evaluations  2351

 * *  WARNING  * *   Rounding errors became dominant before parameters estimated

 * *  WARNING  * *   to NSIG digits for Model MODA2     

 * *  WARNING  * *   Check to be sure the parameters are identifiable,

 * *  WARNING  * *   but the problem may just be ill-conditioned.

                              Results for model MODA2     

                                                         95% Confidence Interval
   I       Parameter            S(I)     Standard Error    Lower         Upper
  ---  -------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
   1   1 phi(1)               1.00000     0.290960     0.429719      1.57028    
   2   2 phi(2)              0.566071     0.262361     0.518442E-01  1.08030    
   3   3 phi(3)              0.366856     0.190546     -.661458E-02 0.740327    
   4   4 phi(4)              0.538462     0.265252     0.185682E-01  1.05835    
   5   5 phi(5)              0.393815     0.128687     0.141589     0.646041    
   6   6 phi(6)              0.550696     0.747650E-01 0.404157     0.697236    
   7   7 phi(7)              0.797944     0.856016E-01 0.630165     0.965723    
   8   8 phi(8)              0.575305     0.150718     0.279898     0.870712    
   9   9 phi(9)              0.426667     0.281608     -.125285     0.978619    
  10 -30 phi(10)              1.00000     0.000000E+00  1.00000      1.00000    
  11 -31 p(1)                 1.00000     0.000000E+00  1.00000      1.00000    
  12  12 p(2)                0.459459     0.173947     0.118524     0.800395    
  13  13 p(3)                0.315457     0.186290     -.496710E-01 0.680586    
  14  14 p(4)                0.775862     0.420801     -.489073E-01  1.60063    
  15  15 p(5)                0.771429     0.483315     -.175868      1.71873    
  16  16 p(6)                0.896211     0.266528     0.373816      1.41861    
  17  17 p(7)                0.924000     0.827400E-01 0.761830      1.08617    
  18  18 p(8)                0.860465     0.984855E-01 0.667434      1.05350    
  19  19 p(9)                0.705882     0.211744     0.290864      1.12090    
  20  20 p(10)               0.507812     0.361236     -.200209      1.21583    
  21  21 p(11)               0.238095     0.121107     0.724872E-03 0.475466    
  22  22 gam(2)               2.11765     0.704868     0.736106      3.49919    
  23  23 gam(3)               1.25420     0.735300     -.186992      2.69538    
  24  24 gam(4)              0.511516     0.360102     -.194284      1.21732    
  25  25 gam(5)               1.03154     0.766675     -.471148      2.53422    
  26  26 gam(6)               1.35571     0.832499     -.275990      2.98741    
  27  27 gam(7)              0.877551     0.249025     0.389462      1.36564    
  28  28 gam(8)               1.54482     0.238198      1.07795      2.01169    
  29  29 gam(9)              0.668959     0.185403     0.305569      1.03235    
  30  10 gam(10)             0.648688     0.471565     -.275579      1.57295    
  31  11 gam(11)              1.82812     0.822401     0.216220      3.44003    
  32 -32 1:GAM 2:LAM 3:F      2.00000     0.000000E+00  2.00000      2.00000    

@@    2  130    0  24   123.855      -4   49.7309     -136.244      330.487    
   G Total (Degrees of freedom =  24)     123.855
   Pr(Larger Chi-square) = 0.0000

   Log-likelihood = -136.24367        Akaike Information Criterion =  330.48733    

     CPU time in seconds for last procedure was   90.72

proc test;

Modified AIC calculations: (see "Model Selection and Inference:
 A Practical Information Theoretic Approach" by K. P. Burnham
 and David R. Anderson, 1998)

  Most General Model:MODA1     
  n=         262 c=       5.160625926298579
  Model   K    AIC         AICc         QAIC         QAICc
   1     29  330.487      337.987      110.801      118.301    
   2     29  330.487      337.987      110.801      118.301    

  Submodel  likelihood    NDF    AIC       G-O-F    AICC      QAIC      QAICC
 ---------  ----------    --- ---------    ------  -------   -------   -------
 2 MODA2      -136.2       24   330.49     0.0000  338.0     110.8     118.3    
 1 MODA1      -136.2       24   330.49     0.0000  338.0     110.8     118.3    

                     Likelihood Ratio Tests Between Models
  General              Reduced                           Degrees   Pr(Larger 
  Submodel             Submodel              Chi-square  Freedom  Chi-square)
 ----------           ----------             ----------  -------  -----------

 * *  WARNING  * *   Sequence of models reinitialized to zero.

     CPU time in seconds for last procedure was    0.00

proc stop;

     CPU time in minutes for this job was    2.89

          E X E C U T I O N   S U C C E S S F U L