Pacific golden-plover Pluvialis fulva

Identification Tips:

Adult alternate

Adult basic


Similar species:

The Black-bellied Plover is quite similar to the Pacific Golden-Plover but has black axillaries, white wing stripe, thicker bill, and white rump. In most plumages the Black-bellied is distinctly grayer without any gold coloration. American Golden-Plover is very similar but has black flanks and undertail coverts in breeding plumage. In basic and juvenal plumage, Pacific has yellower head and neck, especially the supercilium. Rare European Golden-Plover has shorter wingtips that barely reach the end of the tail and white axillars and underwings.

Length and wingspan from: Robbins, C.S., Bruun, B., Zim, H.S., (1966). Birds of North America. New York: Western Publishing Company, Inc.