Greater prairie-chicken Tympanuchus cupido

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Life History Groupings:

Breeding Habitat:Grassland

Nest Type:N/A

Migration Status:Permanent resident

Nest Location:N/A

Species Account:

The Greater Prairie-Chicken is closely associated with the native prairies of eastern and central North America. These native prairies have largely disappeared, causing a dramatic reduction in this species' abundance and range during historic times (Christisen 1969, Hamerstrom and Hamerstrom 1961). The isolated eastern race became extinct in 1932. Elsewhere east of the Mississippi River, populations fluctuated during the twentieth century but are currently reduced to a small remnant flock in south-central Illinois (McPeek 1994). The race in Texas has also been reduced to very small numbers. The only sizable populations remain on the Great Plains, where the species has almost completely disappeared from Canada and dramatically declined elsewhere along the northern edge of its range (Godfrey 1986, Stewart 1975).

As is true for other grouse, Greater Prairie-Chickens are poorly surveyed by the BBS (Sauer et al. 1994). The surveys are conducted after the males have abandoned their leks, and most records are chance sightings of individuals or hens with broods. Since this species is found along a very small number of routes, the scattered records may not be representative of the actual population trends. For example, the BBS data show no significant trends during 1966- 1994 (Trend List). Because of the small sample sizes, the trend estimates for the other intervals are of very questionable validity. However, the survey-wide indices exhibit a general decline throughout the survey period, which is probably more representative of the actual population trends (Survey-wide Annual Indices). These declines are most apparent in Kansas and western Missouri (Trend Map). While Greater Prairie-Chickens are recorded in small numbers along most BBS routes in their range, they are most numerous in Kansas (Relative Abundance Map).

As a resident species, its distribution is similar on CBCs with peak numbers reported from Kansas and Nebraska. They generally occur in flocks during these months, producing variable counts on CBCs and imprecise trend estimates of questionable validity.

Loss of native grasslands remains the most critical factor influencing population declines. As these habitats are converted to agricultural fields, continued declines in Greater Prairie-Chicken populations should be expected.

Literature Cited

Christisen, D.M.  1969.  National status and management of the                         
     Greater Prairie-Chicken.  Trans. No. Am. Wildl. & Natur.                          
     Resour. Conf. 34:207-217.                                                         
Godfrey, W.E.  1986.  The birds of Canada, rev. ed.  Natl. Mus.                        
     Natur. Sciences, Ottawa, ON.  595 pp.                                             
Hamerstrom, F.N. Jr., and F. Hamerstrom.  1961.  Status and                            
     problems of North American grouse.  Wilson Bull. 73:284-294.                      
McPeek, G.A., ed.  1994.  The birds of Michigan.  Indiana Univ.                        
     Press, Bloomington, IN.  358 pp.                                                  
Sauer, J.R., S. Orsillo, and B.G. Peterjohn.  1994.  Population                        
     status and trends of grouse and prairie-chickens from the                         
     North American Breeding Bird Survey and Christmas Bird Count.                     
     Trans. No. Am. Wildl. & Natur. Resour. Conf. 59:439-448.                          
Stewart, R.E.  1975.  Breeding birds of North Dakota.  Harrison                        
     Smith, Lund Press, Minneapolis, MN.  295 pp.