Analysis of Population Change for Bird Conservation Regions

Draft Version 2004.-1

USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD

Most Recent Update: 8 January 2004. DRAFT

Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) were developed to provide a coherent spatial framework for conservation planning efforts under the North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI) . These regions were derived from existing physiographic strata (see map and explanation at the Bird Studies Canada BCR site. We have estimated population change and annual indices for these regions, and present results here for use in conservation planning activities.

Technical notes:
(1) This is the first release of the 1966 - 2003 BCR analysis, and we ask for public comments. Because this analysis is a new product, we suggest that you carefully review results before use, and report possible problems to us.
(2) There are probably a few species naming issues that lead to empty result pages. Please bring these to our attention, and we will correct them.
(3) Trend results from earlier analyses have been moved to archives, and we provide a link to the standard regional analyses.
(4) Some species are grouped for analysis. These are indicated on the selection lists.

General Information

Survey Results

Species Groups: Analysis of Change for Species Groups by BCR
Summary information on population change by region and time period

Interactive Species Trend and Indices Program
This program allows you to display BCR-level trends for 3 time intervals, by species. Indices are provided as links from the species names

Interactive Regional Trend and Indices Program
This program allows you to display trends for 3 time intervals, by BCR. Indices are provided as links from the region names