User's Manual


James E. Hines

Biological Resources Division, USGS(1)

11510 American Holly Dr. #201

Patuxent Wildlife Research Center

Laurel, MD 20708-4017



Program TMSURVIV (Transient-Model-SURVIVal analysis) computes parameter estimates of survival and capture probability and proportions of "residents" under the Jolly-Seber models described in "Capture-Recapture Survival Models Taking Account of Transients" (Pradel et. al., 1997). Actually, TMSURVIV is a specially modified version of Dr. G. White's program SURVIV (White, 1983) which incorporates the transient models. With this program and it's companion program, CNVTMSRV, users are able to get parameter estimates for these complex models from capture-history data without having to specify the cell probabilities.

TMSURVIV is intended to be used in a situation where the sampling area includes animals which pass through the area and are not part of the "resident" population. .

Output from TMSURVIV includes survival probability estimates, capture probability estimates, estimates of the proportion of residents, goodness-of-fit tests, and likelihood-ratio tests.

By default, models are generated for standard Jolly-Seber models (where all animals are assumed to be residents), and transient models (a portion of the population is transient and only available for capture in one sample). The model names signify the structure of the model. Each model name is in the form "S.P.G." where "S" stands for survival, "P" stands for capture probability, and "G" stands for "gamma (proportion of residents)". If S,P, or G are followed by a "t", then the corresponding parameter is "time-dependent". If there is no "G" in the name, then all animals are assumed to be residents (proportion of residents = 1.0), which is equivalent to the Jolly-Seber models.

Since program TMSURVIV is a generalization of program JOLLY, the conversion/model generation program (CNVTMSRV) will read input files designed for program JOLLY. Input consists of capture-histories for each animal, preceded by statements defining the specifics of the data (title, number of periods, interval lengths).


To run CNVTMSRV, type CNVTMSRV at the DOS prompt and respond to the program prompts. When the program is run, you are prompted for the name of the file(s) containing the capture-histories. Analysis on groups of animals may be performed by separating the capture-histories into different files. CNVTMSRV will prompt for each input file and a 1-character identifier (eg. M for male, F for female) until 'END' is entered for the input file.

Here is the output file created by CNVTMSRV which can be input to TMSURVIV:

PROC TITLE 'Lazuli bunting data from DESIGN & ANAL. METH... Burhnam et al.';
COHORT= 168 /* unmarked in 1 */;
31:; 4:; 0:; 1:; 0:; 0:; 0:;
COHORT= 31 /* marked in 2 */;
7:; 4:; 0:; 0:; 0:; 0:;
COHORT= 367 /* unmarked in 2 */;
12:; 10:; 4:; 1:; 0:; 1:;
COHORT= 23 /* marked in 3 */;
12:; 0:; 1:; 0:; 0:;
COHORT= 65 /* unmarked in 3 */;
8:; 3:; 0:; 0:; 0:;
COHORT= 34 /* marked in 4 */;
16:; 3:; 0:; 0:;
COHORT= 230 /* unmarked in 4 */;
25:; 3:; 3:; 1:;
COHORT= 49 /* marked in 5 */;
20:; 0:; 0:;
COHORT= 255 /* unmarked in 5 */;
38:; 13:; 1:;
COHORT= 66 /* marked in 6 */;
28:; 2:;
COHORT= 256 /* unmarked in 6 */;
39:; 7:;
COHORT= 83 /* marked in 7 */;
COHORT= 240 /* unmarked in 7 */;
s(1)=0.588756     ;
s(2)=0.480049     ;
s(3)=0.727235     ;
s(4)=0.601595     ;
s(5)=0.608575     ;
s(6)=0.501442     ;
s(7)=0.349755     ;
s(8)=0.313413     ;
s(9)=0.454870     ;
s(10)=0.655431     ;
s(11)=0.688543     ;
s(12)=0.629337     ;
s(13)=0.737137     ;
s(16)=0.168890     ;
s(17)=0.214131     ;
s(18)=0.286596     ;
s(19)=0.364735     ;
s(20)=0.453364     ;
s(21)=0.562283     ;

The output file, CNVTMSRV.OUT, contains a title statement, statements to define the input data, label definitions, statements to describe models, a test statement and a stop statement.

The title statement is used to identify the data used in the analysis.

The model definition statements start with "PROC MODEL NPAR=21 ADDCELL;" and end with "COHORT=240;". The "NPAR=21" indicates the maximum number of parameters (estimated or fixed) in any of the following models. In this example there are 7 survival rate parameters, 7 capture probability parameters, and 7 residency parameters.

Following the data are the labels for each of the parameters. Internally, the parameters are called "S(1), S(2), ... S(NPAR). The labels relate these internal parameters to meaningful labels for these models. The survival parameters are labelled PHI, followed by time period in parenthesis. The capture-probability parameters are labelled "p", and the residency parameters are labelled "gamma". If more than one group was input, the label will have a 1-character identifier tacked onto the end to indicate the group.

After the label definitions come the model definitions for each model. Each model starts with a "PROC ESTIMATE" statement. Options on the "PROC ESTIMATE" statement include "NOVAR" which inhibits printing of the variance-covariance matrix, the number of significant digits, "NSIG" (i.e., number of digits following the decimal point which do not change at the end of the iterative process), the maximum number of function evaluations, "MAXFN", and the name of the model. If the variance-covariance matrix of parameter estimates is desired, delete the string "NOVAR" using a text editor.

CNVTMSRV produces the model definitions from most restrictive (model "SP") to most general (model "StPtGt"). The reason for this is that the most restrictive model has the fewest estimable parameters and converges more easily. Final estimates from this model can then be input as starting values to more general models. If more than one group was entered in CNVTMSRV, a series of additional models is produced which assumes the data came from only one group (eg. 1SP, 1StPtGt,...).

The statements following the "CONSTRAINTS" statement describe each model in terms of the most general model. In model "SP", the survival and capture probabilities are assumed to be constant across time, so the survival probabilities for time period two and three are set equal to the survival probabilities for time period one. The capture probabilities are also assumed constant over time, so the capture probabilities for time periods 3 and 4 are set equal to the capture probabilities for time period 2. These equalities must be specified in terms of parameter number which can be obtained from the labels section.

The sequence of statements starting with "PROC ESTIMATE ... NAME=SPG" cause TMSURVIV to produce estimates under the model with constant survival and capture probabilities and a constant proportion of residents.

The sequence of statements starting with "PROC ESTIMATE ... NAME=StP" cause TMSURVIV to produce estimates under the model with time-specific survival probabilities and constant capture probabilities (equivalent to model "B" in JOLLY).

The "PROC TEST;" statement causes TMSURVIV to print tables of statistics used for comparison of the models. "PROC STOP;" causes TMSURVIV to stop execution even if more statements follow.


TMSURVIV prompts for one line of input to specify the name of the input and output files and command line options. When the program is run, the following prompt appears:

Enter command line parameters [i=in_file] [l=out_file]

[lines=n] [compile run] [noecho]:

At this prompt, any or all of the items enclosed in brackets may be specified. If "i=in_file" is specified, the input will be read from the file "in_file". Usually, this is the file created by CNVTMSRV and is called CNVTMSRV.OUT unless it has been renamed. A full pathname may be used to indicate a different directory. If this item is omitted, TMSURVIV expects the input from the keyboard. (Cntl-Break will abort the program).

If "l=out_file" is specified, output from TMSURVIV will be directed to the file "out_file". The default output file is the CRT screen. To direct output directly to the printer, use "l=lpt1".

If "lines=n" is included, TMSURVIV will print a header and the title in the output file after every n lines. The default value for n is 60.

If "compile run" is included, TMSURVIV will only check the input file for errors and not perform any analysis. This option is used in SURVIV to create the estimation routine and is not needed in TMSURVIV.

The "noecho" option causes TMSURVIV to suppress printing of the input data. This option is useful when there are several runs of models on the same data and you would like to conserve paper, but at least one run should contain a listing of the data to check for "typos".

To run the sample data file with TMSURVIV, enter the following at the above prompt:

i=cnvtmsrv.out l=sample.out lines=9999

The output produced by TMSURVIV contains a listing of the input data, estimates of the parameters under each model, a goodness-of-fit test for each model, an AIC statistic for each model, and between model tests. The following output was created using TMSURVIV on the sample data file listed previously:

SURVIV - Survival Rate Estimation with User Specified Cell Probabilities
  2-Sep-97      15:47:55         Version 1.4(OS/2)   June, 1991      Page  001

  INPUT --- PROC TITLE 'Lazuli bunting data from DESIGN & ANAL. METH... 
  INPUT --- Burhnam et al.';

     CPU time in seconds for last procedure was    0.00

  INPUT ---    COHORT= 168 /* unmarked in 1 */;
  INPUT ---       31:;4:;0:;1:;0:;0:;0:;
  INPUT ---    COHORT= 31 /* marked in 2 */;
  INPUT ---       7:;4:;0:;0:;0:;0:;
  INPUT ---    COHORT= 367 /* unmarked in 2 */;
  INPUT ---       12:;10:;4:;1:;0:;1:;
  INPUT ---    COHORT= 23 /* marked in 3 */;
  INPUT ---       12:;0:;1:;0:;0:;
  INPUT ---    COHORT= 65 /* unmarked in 3 */;
  INPUT ---       8:;3:;0:;0:;0:;
  INPUT ---    COHORT= 34 /* marked in 4 */;
  INPUT ---       16:;3:;0:;0:;
  INPUT ---    COHORT= 230 /* unmarked in 4 */;
  INPUT ---       25:;3:;3:;1:;
  INPUT ---    COHORT= 49 /* marked in 5 */;
  INPUT ---       20:;0:;0:;
  INPUT ---    COHORT= 255 /* unmarked in 5 */;
  INPUT ---       38:;13:;1:;
  INPUT ---    COHORT= 66 /* marked in 6 */;
  INPUT ---       28:;2:;
  INPUT ---    COHORT= 256 /* unmarked in 6 */;
  INPUT ---       39:;7:;
  INPUT ---    COHORT= 83 /* marked in 7 */;
  INPUT ---       30:;
  INPUT ---    COHORT= 240 /* unmarked in 7 */;
  INPUT ---       46:;


      Number of parameters in model  =  21

      Number of parameters set equal =  12

      Number of parameters fixed     =   7

      Number of parameters estimated =   2

     Final function value  1133.1718     (Error Return =   0)

     Number of significant digits       7

     Number of function evaluations    45
                                                         95% Confidence Interval
   I       Parameter            S(I)     Standard Error    Lower         Upper
  ---  -------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
   1   1 PHI(1)              0.379861     0.200672E-01 0.340529     0.419193    
   2   1 PHI(2)              0.379861     0.200672E-01 0.340529     0.419193    
   3   1 PHI(3)              0.379861     0.200672E-01 0.340529     0.419193    
   4   1 PHI(4)              0.379861     0.200672E-01 0.340529     0.419193    
   5   1 PHI(5)              0.379861     0.200672E-01 0.340529     0.419193    
   6   1 PHI(6)              0.379861     0.200672E-01 0.340529     0.419193    
   7   1 PHI(7)              0.379861     0.200672E-01 0.340529     0.419193    
   8   2 p(2)                0.432594     0.327044E-01 0.368494     0.496695    
   9   2 p(3)                0.432594     0.327044E-01 0.368494     0.496695    
  10   2 p(4)                0.432594     0.327044E-01 0.368494     0.496695    
  11   2 p(5)                0.432594     0.327044E-01 0.368494     0.496695    
  12   2 p(6)                0.432594     0.327044E-01 0.368494     0.496695    
  13   2 p(7)                0.432594     0.327044E-01 0.368494     0.496695    
  14   2 p(8)                0.432594     0.327044E-01 0.368494     0.496695    
  15 -15 gamma(1)             1.00000     0.000000E+00  1.00000      1.00000    
  16 -16 gamma(2)             1.00000     0.000000E+00  1.00000      1.00000    
  17 -17 gamma(3)             1.00000     0.000000E+00  1.00000      1.00000    
  18 -18 gamma(4)             1.00000     0.000000E+00  1.00000      1.00000    
  19 -19 gamma(5)             1.00000     0.000000E+00  1.00000      1.00000    
  20 -20 gamma(6)             1.00000     0.000000E+00  1.00000      1.00000    
  21 -21 gamma(7)             1.00000     0.000000E+00  1.00000      1.00000    

   Cohort  Cell   Observed  Expected  Chi-square  Note
   ------  ----   --------  --------  ----------  -------------
      1      1        31      27.607      0.417   0 < P < 1      
      1      2         4       5.950      0.639   0 < P < 1      
      1      3         0       1.282      1.282   0 < P < 1      
      1      4         1       0.276      1.894   0 < P < 1      
      1      5         0       0.060      0.060   0 < P < 1      
      1      6         0       0.013      0.013   0 < P < 1      
      1      7         0       0.003      0.003   0 < P < 1      
      1      8       132     132.809      0.005   0 < P < 1      
      1 Cohort df=  2                     1.303   P = 0.5214
      2      1         7       5.094      0.713   0 < P < 1      
      2      2         4       1.098      7.670   0 < P < 1      
      2      3         0       0.237      0.237   0 < P < 1      
      2      4         0       0.051      0.051   0 < P < 1      
      2      5         0       0.011      0.011   0 < P < 1      
      2      6         0       0.002      0.002   0 < P < 1      
      2      7        20      24.507      0.829   0 < P < 1      
      2 Cohort df=  1                     3.957   P = 0.0467
      3      1        12      60.308     38.695   0 < P < 1      
      3      2        10      12.998      0.692   0 < P < 1      
      3      3         4       2.802      0.513   0 < P < 1      
      3      4         1       0.604      0.260   0 < P < 1      
      3      5         0       0.130      0.130   0 < P < 1      
      3      6         1       0.028     33.676   0 < P < 1      
      3      7       339     290.130      8.232   0 < P < 1      
      3 Cohort df=  3                    49.284   P = 0.0000
      4      1        12       3.779     17.880   0 < P < 1      
      4      2         0       0.815      0.815   0 < P < 1      
      4      3         1       0.176      3.871   0 < P < 1      
      4      4         0       0.038      0.038   0 < P < 1      
      4      5         0       0.008      0.008   0 < P < 1      
      4      6        10      18.184      3.684   0 < P < 1      
      4 Cohort df=  1                    17.593   P = 0.0000
      5      1         8      10.681      0.673   0 < P < 1      
      5      2         3       2.302      0.212   0 < P < 1      
      5      3         0       0.496      0.496   0 < P < 1      
      5      4         0       0.107      0.107   0 < P < 1      
      5      5         0       0.023      0.023   0 < P < 1      
      5      6        54      51.390      0.133   0 < P < 1      
      5 Cohort df=  2                     0.807   P = 0.6679
      6      1        16       5.587     19.407   0 < P < 1      
      6      2         3       1.204      2.678   0 < P < 1      
      6      3         0       0.260      0.260   0 < P < 1      
      6      4         0       0.056      0.056   0 < P < 1      
      6      5        15      26.893      5.260   0 < P < 1      
      6 Cohort df=  1                    25.163   P = 0.0000
      7      1        25      37.795      4.332   0 < P < 1      
      7      2         3       8.146      3.251   0 < P < 1      
      7      3         3       1.756      0.882   0 < P < 1      
      7      4         1       0.378      1.021   0 < P < 1      
      7      5       198     181.925      1.420   0 < P < 1      
      7 Cohort df=  3                    10.634   P = 0.0139
      8      1        20       8.052     17.729   0 < P < 1      
      8      2         0       1.735      1.735   0 < P < 1      
      8      3         0       0.374      0.374   0 < P < 1      
      8      4        29      38.838      2.492   0 < P < 1      
      8 Cohort df=  2                    22.331   P = 0.0000
      9      1        38      41.903      0.364   0 < P < 1      
      9      2        13       9.032      1.744   0 < P < 1      
      9      3         1       1.947      0.460   0 < P < 1      
      9      4       203     202.119      0.004   0 < P < 1      
      9 Cohort df=  2                     1.199   P = 0.5490
     10      1        28      10.846     27.134   0 < P < 1      
     10      2         2       2.338      0.049   0 < P < 1      
     10      3        36      52.817      5.355   0 < P < 1      
     10 Cohort df=  2                    32.537   P = 0.0000
     11      1        39      42.067      0.224   0 < P < 1      
     11      2         7       9.067      0.471   0 < P < 1      
     11      3       210     204.866      0.129   0 < P < 1      
     11 Cohort df=  2                     0.824   P = 0.6625
     12      1        30      13.639     19.626   0 < P < 1      
     12      2        53      69.361      3.859   0 < P < 1      
     12 Cohort df=  1                    23.485   P = 0.0000
     13      1        46      39.438      1.092   0 < P < 1      
     13      2       194     200.562      0.215   0 < P < 1      
     13 Cohort df=  1                     1.306   P = 0.2530
@@    1    0    0  47   207.123      21   190.424     -157.121      318.242    

   G Total (Degrees of freedom =  47)     207.123
   Pr(Larger Chi-square) = 0.0000
   With pooling, Degrees of freedom =  21  Pearson Chi-square =    190.424
   Pr(Larger Chi-square) = 0.0000
   Log-likelihood = -157.12123        Akaike Information Criterion =  318.24245    

     CPU time in seconds for last procedure was    0.03


      Number of parameters in model  =  21

      Number of parameters set equal =  18

      Number of parameters fixed     =   0

      Number of parameters estimated =   3

     Final function value  1081.9256     (Error Return =   0)

     Number of significant digits       8

     Number of function evaluations    71
                                                         95% Confidence Interval
   I       Parameter            S(I)     Standard Error    Lower         Upper
  ---  -------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
   1   1 PHI(1)              0.586343     0.291084E-01 0.529291     0.643396    
   2   1 PHI(2)              0.586343     0.291084E-01 0.529291     0.643396    
   3   1 PHI(3)              0.586343     0.291084E-01 0.529291     0.643396    
   4   1 PHI(4)              0.586343     0.291084E-01 0.529291     0.643396    
   5   1 PHI(5)              0.586343     0.291084E-01 0.529291     0.643396    
   6   1 PHI(6)              0.586343     0.291084E-01 0.529291     0.643396    
   7   1 PHI(7)              0.586343     0.291084E-01 0.529291     0.643396    
   8   2 p(2)                0.617879     0.328420E-01 0.553509     0.682250    
   9   2 p(3)                0.617879     0.328420E-01 0.553509     0.682250    
  10   2 p(4)                0.617879     0.328420E-01 0.553509     0.682250    
  11   2 p(5)                0.617879     0.328420E-01 0.553509     0.682250    
  12   2 p(6)                0.617879     0.328420E-01 0.553509     0.682250    
  13   2 p(7)                0.617879     0.328420E-01 0.553509     0.682250    
  14   2 p(8)                0.617879     0.328420E-01 0.553509     0.682250    
  15   3 gamma(1)            0.354799     0.316262E-01 0.292812     0.416786    
  16   3 gamma(2)            0.354799     0.316262E-01 0.292812     0.416786    
  17   3 gamma(3)            0.354799     0.316262E-01 0.292812     0.416786    
  18   3 gamma(4)            0.354799     0.316262E-01 0.292812     0.416786    
  19   3 gamma(5)            0.354799     0.316262E-01 0.292812     0.416786    
  20   3 gamma(6)            0.354799     0.316262E-01 0.292812     0.416786    
  21   3 gamma(7)            0.354799     0.316262E-01 0.292812     0.416786    

   Cohort  Cell   Observed  Expected  Chi-square  Note
   ------  ----   --------  --------  ----------  -------------
      1      1        31      21.595      4.096   0 < P < 1      
      1      2         4       4.838      0.145   0 < P < 1      
      1      3         0       1.084      1.084   0 < P < 1      
      1      4         1       0.243      2.360   0 < P < 1      
      1      5         0       0.054      0.054   0 < P < 1      
      1      6         0       0.012      0.012   0 < P < 1      
      1      7         0       0.003      0.003   0 < P < 1      
      1      8       132     140.171      0.476   0 < P < 1      
      1 Cohort df=  2                     4.817   P = 0.0899
      2      1         7      11.231      1.594   0 < P < 1      
      2      2         4       2.516      0.875   0 < P < 1      
      2      3         0       0.564      0.564   0 < P < 1      
      2      4         0       0.126      0.126   0 < P < 1      
      2      5         0       0.028      0.028   0 < P < 1      
      2      6         0       0.006      0.006   0 < P < 1      
      2      7        20      16.528      0.729   0 < P < 1      
      2 Cohort df=  2                     2.501   P = 0.2864
      3      1        12      47.174     26.227   0 < P < 1      
      3      2        10      10.570      0.031   0 < P < 1      
      3      3         4       2.368      1.124   0 < P < 1      
      3      4         1       0.531      0.415   0 < P < 1      
      3      5         0       0.119      0.119   0 < P < 1      
      3      6         1       0.027     35.570   0 < P < 1      
      3      7       339     306.212      3.511   0 < P < 1      
      3 Cohort df=  3                    32.638   P = 0.0000
      4      1        12       8.333      1.614   0 < P < 1      
      4      2         0       1.867      1.867   0 < P < 1      
      4      3         1       0.418      0.809   0 < P < 1      
      4      4         0       0.094      0.094   0 < P < 1      
      4      5         0       0.021      0.021   0 < P < 1      
      4      6        10      12.267      0.419   0 < P < 1      
      4 Cohort df=  2                     2.850   P = 0.2405
      5      1         8       8.355      0.015   0 < P < 1      
      5      2         3       1.872      0.680   0 < P < 1      
      5      3         0       0.419      0.419   0 < P < 1      
      5      4         0       0.094      0.094   0 < P < 1      
      5      5         0       0.021      0.021   0 < P < 1      
      5      6        54      54.238      0.001   0 < P < 1      
      5 Cohort df=  2                     0.163   P = 0.9219
      6      1        16      12.318      1.101   0 < P < 1      
      6      2         3       2.760      0.021   0 < P < 1      
      6      3         0       0.618      0.618   0 < P < 1      
      6      4         0       0.139      0.139   0 < P < 1      
      6      5        15      18.165      0.552   0 < P < 1      
      6 Cohort df=  2                     1.728   P = 0.4214
      7      1        25      29.564      0.705   0 < P < 1      
      7      2         3       6.624      1.983   0 < P < 1      
      7      3         3       1.484      1.548   0 < P < 1      
      7      4         1       0.333      1.340   0 < P < 1      
      7      5       198     191.995      0.188   0 < P < 1      
      7 Cohort df=  2                     1.138   P = 0.5660
      8      1        20      17.752      0.285   0 < P < 1      
      8      2         0       3.977      3.977   0 < P < 1      
      8      3         0       0.891      0.891   0 < P < 1      
      8      4        29      26.379      0.260   0 < P < 1      
      8 Cohort df=  2                     5.414   P = 0.0668
      9      1        38      32.778      0.832   0 < P < 1      
      9      2        13       7.344      4.356   0 < P < 1      
      9      3         1       1.645      0.253   0 < P < 1      
      9      4       203     213.233      0.491   0 < P < 1      
      9 Cohort df=  2                     4.116   P = 0.1277
     10      1        28      23.911      0.699   0 < P < 1      
     10      2         2       5.357      2.104   0 < P < 1      
     10      3        36      36.732      0.015   0 < P < 1      
     10 Cohort df=  2                     2.818   P = 0.2444
     11      1        39      32.906      1.128   0 < P < 1      
     11      2         7       7.373      0.019   0 < P < 1      
     11      3       210     215.721      0.152   0 < P < 1      
     11 Cohort df=  2                     1.299   P = 0.5223
     12      1        30      30.070      0.000   0 < P < 1      
     12      2        53      52.930      0.000   0 < P < 1      
     12 Cohort df=  1                     0.000   P = 0.9872
     13      1        46      30.850      7.440   0 < P < 1      
     13      2       194     209.150      1.097   0 < P < 1      
     13 Cohort df=  1                     8.538   P = 0.0035
@@    2    0    0  46   104.630      22   68.0196     -105.875      217.750    

   G Total (Degrees of freedom =  46)     104.630

   Pr(Larger Chi-square) = 0.0000

   With pooling, Degrees of freedom =  22  Pearson Chi-square =     68.020

   Pr(Larger Chi-square) = 0.0000

   Log-likelihood = -105.87508        Akaike Information Criterion =  217.75016    

     CPU time in seconds for last procedure was    0.05


      Number of parameters in model  =  21

      Number of parameters set equal =   0

      Number of parameters fixed     =   8

      Number of parameters estimated =  13

     Final function value  1097.6643     (Error Return =   0)

     Number of significant digits       6

     Number of function evaluations   466

                                                         95% Confidence Interval
   I       Parameter            S(I)     Standard Error    Lower         Upper
  ---  -------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
   1   1 PHI(1)              0.488248     0.142347     0.209248     0.767248    
   2   2 PHI(2)              0.222704     0.492480E-01 0.126178     0.319231    
   3   3 PHI(3)              0.551159     0.128118     0.300047     0.802270    
   4   4 PHI(4)              0.323701     0.548025E-01 0.216288     0.431114    
   5   5 PHI(5)              0.408204     0.589237E-01 0.292714     0.523695    
   6   6 PHI(6)              0.332919     0.442633E-01 0.246163     0.419675    
   7   7 PHI(7)              0.235294     0.236021E-01 0.189034     0.281554    
   8   8 p(2)                0.377931     0.118809     0.145065     0.610797    
   9   9 p(3)                0.230000     0.617062E-01 0.109056     0.350944    
  10  10 p(4)                0.373868     0.863731E-01 0.204577     0.543159    
  11  11 p(5)                0.471658     0.818681E-01 0.311196     0.632119    
  12  12 p(6)                0.450512     0.690642E-01 0.315146     0.585878    
  13  13 p(7)                0.619403     0.765506E-01 0.469364     0.769442    
  14 -14 p(8)                 1.00000     0.000000E+00  1.00000      1.00000    
  15 -15 gamma(1)             1.00000     0.000000E+00  1.00000      1.00000    
  16 -16 gamma(2)             1.00000     0.000000E+00  1.00000      1.00000    
  17 -17 gamma(3)             1.00000     0.000000E+00  1.00000      1.00000    
  18 -18 gamma(4)             1.00000     0.000000E+00  1.00000      1.00000    
  19 -19 gamma(5)             1.00000     0.000000E+00  1.00000      1.00000    
  20 -20 gamma(6)             1.00000     0.000000E+00  1.00000      1.00000    
  21 -21 gamma(7)             1.00000     0.000000E+00  1.00000      1.00000    

   Cohort  Cell   Observed  Expected  Chi-square  Note
   ------  ----   --------  --------  ----------  -------------
      1      1        31      31.000      0.000   0 < P < 1      
      1      2         4       2.614      0.735   0 < P < 1      
      1      3         0       1.803      1.803   0 < P < 1      
      1      4         1       0.461      0.630   0 < P < 1      
      1      5         0       0.095      0.095   0 < P < 1      
      1      6         0       0.024      0.024   0 < P < 1      
      1      7         0       0.003      0.003   0 < P < 1      
      1      8       132     132.000      0.000   0 < P < 1      
      1 Cohort df=  3                     1.541   P = 0.6729
      2      1         7       1.588     18.447   0 < P < 1      
      2      2         4       1.095      7.702   0 < P < 1      
      2      3         0       0.280      0.280   0 < P < 1      
      2      4         0       0.058      0.058   0 < P < 1      
      2      5         0       0.015      0.015   0 < P < 1      
      2      6         0       0.002      0.002   0 < P < 1      
      2      7        20      27.962      2.267   0 < P < 1      
      2 Cohort df=  1                    23.138   P = 0.0000
      3      1        12      18.798      2.459   0 < P < 1      
      3      2        10      12.968      0.679   0 < P < 1      
      3      3         4       3.316      0.141   0 < P < 1      
      3      4         1       0.683      0.147   0 < P < 1      
      3      5         0       0.172      0.172   0 < P < 1      
      3      6         1       0.025     38.284   0 < P < 1      
      3      7       339     331.038      0.192   0 < P < 1      
      3 Cohort df=  3                     4.106   P = 0.2503
      4      1        12       4.739     11.123   0 < P < 1      
      4      2         0       1.212      1.212   0 < P < 1      
      4      3         1       0.250      2.255   0 < P < 1      
      4      4         0       0.063      0.063   0 < P < 1      
      4      5         0       0.009      0.009   0 < P < 1      
      4      6        10      16.727      2.706   0 < P < 1      
      4 Cohort df=  1                     9.920   P = 0.0016
      5      1         8      13.394      2.172   0 < P < 1      
      5      2         3       3.425      0.053   0 < P < 1      
      5      3         0       0.706      0.706   0 < P < 1      
      5      4         0       0.177      0.177   0 < P < 1      
      5      5         0       0.026      0.026   0 < P < 1      
      5      6        54      47.273      0.957   0 < P < 1      
      5 Cohort df=  2                     3.540   P = 0.1703
      6      1        16       5.191     22.507   0 < P < 1      
      6      2         3       1.069      3.486   0 < P < 1      
      6      3         0       0.269      0.269   0 < P < 1      
      6      4         0       0.039      0.039   0 < P < 1      
      6      5        15      27.432      5.634   0 < P < 1      
      6 Cohort df=  1                    29.164   P = 0.0000
      7      1        25      35.115      2.914   0 < P < 1      
      7      2         3       7.234      2.478   0 < P < 1      
      7      3         3       1.819      0.766   0 < P < 1      
      7      4         1       0.263      2.065   0 < P < 1      
      7      5       198     185.568      0.833   0 < P < 1      
      7 Cohort df=  3                     7.990   P = 0.0462
      8      1        20       9.011     13.401   0 < P < 1      
      8      2         0       2.266      2.266   0 < P < 1      
      8      3         0       0.328      0.328   0 < P < 1      
      8      4        29      37.395      1.885   0 < P < 1      
      8 Cohort df=  2                    17.879   P = 0.0001
      9      1        38      46.895      1.687   0 < P < 1      
      9      2        13      11.795      0.123   0 < P < 1      
      9      3         1       1.705      0.292   0 < P < 1      
      9      4       203     194.605      0.362   0 < P < 1      
      9 Cohort df=  2                     2.068   P = 0.3556
     10      1        28      13.610     15.215   0 < P < 1      
     10      2         2       1.968      0.001   0 < P < 1      
     10      3        36      50.422      4.125   0 < P < 1      
     10 Cohort df=  1                    17.478   P = 0.0000
     11      1        39      52.790      3.602   0 < P < 1      
     11      2         7       7.632      0.052   0 < P < 1      
     11      3       210     195.578      1.064   0 < P < 1      
     11 Cohort df=  2                     4.718   P = 0.0945
     12      1        30      19.529      5.614   0 < P < 1      
     12      2        53      63.471      1.727   0 < P < 1      
     12 Cohort df=  1                     7.341   P = 0.0067
     13      1        46      56.471      1.941   0 < P < 1      
     13      2       194     183.529      0.597   0 < P < 1      
     13 Cohort df=  1                     2.539   P = 0.1111

@@    3    0    0  36   136.108      10   131.422     -121.614      269.228    

   G Total (Degrees of freedom =  36)     136.108
   Pr(Larger Chi-square) = 0.0000
   With pooling, Degrees of freedom =  10  Pearson Chi-square =    131.422
   Pr(Larger Chi-square) = 0.0000

   Log-likelihood = -121.61377        Akaike Information Criterion =  269.22754    

     CPU time in seconds for last procedure was    0.14


      Number of parameters in model  =  21

      Number of parameters set equal =   0

      Number of parameters fixed     =   2

      Number of parameters estimated =  19

     Final function value  1050.5491     (Error Return =   0)

     Number of significant digits       6

     Number of function evaluations   876

                                                         95% Confidence Interval
   I       Parameter            S(I)     Standard Error    Lower         Upper
  ---  -------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
   1   1 PHI(1)              0.268398     0.498914E-01 0.170611     0.366185    
   2   2 PHI(2)              0.485112     0.131254     0.227854     0.742369    
   3   3 PHI(3)              0.674294     0.132072     0.415433     0.933156    
   4   4 PHI(4)              0.728724     0.128546     0.476773     0.980675    
   5   5 PHI(5)              0.517647     0.956648E-01 0.330144     0.705150    
   6   6 PHI(6)              0.555981     0.831053E-01 0.393094     0.718867    
   7   7 PHI(7)              0.361446     0.527329E-01 0.258089     0.464802    
   8   8 p(2)                0.687500     0.115878     0.460379     0.914621    
   9   9 p(3)                0.382353     0.833418E-01 0.219003     0.545703    
  10  10 p(4)                0.633333     0.879815E-01 0.460890     0.805777    
  11  11 p(5)                0.606061     0.850581E-01 0.439347     0.772775    
  12  12 p(6)                0.612245     0.696055E-01 0.475818     0.748672    
  13  13 p(7)                0.714286     0.697071E-01 0.577660     0.850912    
  14 -20 p(8)                 1.00000     0.000000E+00  1.00000      1.00000    
  15 -21 gamma(1)             1.00000     0.000000E+00  1.00000      1.00000    
  16  16 gamma(2)            0.215011     0.650886E-01 0.874375E-01 0.342585    
  17  17 gamma(3)            0.299408     0.988362E-01 0.105689     0.493127    
  18  18 gamma(4)            0.248970     0.557393E-01 0.139721     0.358219    
  19  19 gamma(5)            0.499608     0.105866     0.292110     0.707106    
  20  14 gamma(6)            0.395313     0.750206E-01 0.248272     0.542353    
  21  15 gamma(7)            0.530278     0.104530     0.325399     0.735157    
   Cohort  Cell   Observed  Expected  Chi-square  Note
   ------  ----   --------  --------  ----------  -------------
      1      1        31      31.000      0.000   0 < P < 1      
      1      2         4       2.614      0.735   0 < P < 1      
      1      3         0       1.803      1.803   0 < P < 1      
      1      4         1       0.461      0.630   0 < P < 1      
      1      5         0       0.095      0.095   0 < P < 1      
      1      6         0       0.024      0.024   0 < P < 1      
      1      7         0       0.003      0.003   0 < P < 1      
      1      8       132     132.000      0.000   0 < P < 1      
      1 Cohort df=  3                     1.541   P = 0.6729
      2      1         7       5.750      0.272   0 < P < 1      
      2      2         4       3.967      0.000   0 < P < 1      
      2      3         0       1.014      1.014   0 < P < 1      
      2      4         0       0.209      0.209   0 < P < 1      
      2      5         0       0.053      0.053   0 < P < 1      
      2      6         0       0.008      0.008   0 < P < 1      
      2      7        20      20.000      0.000   0 < P < 1      
      2 Cohort df=  2                     0.569   P = 0.7523
      3      1        12      14.636      0.475   0 < P < 1      
      3      2        10      10.097      0.001   0 < P < 1      
      3      3         4       2.582      0.779   0 < P < 1      
      3      4         1       0.532      0.412   0 < P < 1      
      3      5         0       0.134      0.134   0 < P < 1      
      3      6         1       0.019     49.727   0 < P < 1      
      3      7       339     339.000      0.000   0 < P < 1      
      3 Cohort df=  3                     2.763   P = 0.4296
      4      1        12       9.822      0.483   0 < P < 1      
      4      2         0       2.511      2.511   0 < P < 1      
      4      3         1       0.517      0.450   0 < P < 1      
      4      4         0       0.130      0.130   0 < P < 1      
      4      5         0       0.019      0.019   0 < P < 1      
      4      6        10      10.000      0.000   0 < P < 1      
      4 Cohort df=  2                     1.975   P = 0.3724
      5      1         8       8.311      0.012   0 < P < 1      
      5      2         3       2.125      0.360   0 < P < 1      
      5      3         0       0.438      0.438   0 < P < 1      
      5      4         0       0.110      0.110   0 < P < 1      
      5      5         0       0.016      0.016   0 < P < 1      
      5      6        54      54.000      0.000   0 < P < 1      
      5 Cohort df=  2                     0.048   P = 0.9765
      6      1        16      15.016      0.064   0 < P < 1      
      6      2         3       3.093      0.003   0 < P < 1      
      6      3         0       0.778      0.778   0 < P < 1      
      6      4         0       0.112      0.112   0 < P < 1      
      6      5        15      15.000      0.000   0 < P < 1      
      6 Cohort df=  2                     0.307   P = 0.8575
      7      1        25      25.290      0.003   0 < P < 1      
      7      2         3       5.210      0.937   0 < P < 1      
      7      3         3       1.310      2.179   0 < P < 1      
      7      4         1       0.189      3.468   0 < P < 1      
      7      5       198     198.000      0.000   0 < P < 1      
      7 Cohort df=  2                     0.016   P = 0.9921
      8      1        20      15.529      1.287   0 < P < 1      
      8      2         0       3.906      3.906   0 < P < 1      
      8      3         0       0.565      0.565   0 < P < 1      
      8      4        29      29.000      0.000   0 < P < 1      
      8 Cohort df=  2                     5.758   P = 0.0562
      9      1        38      40.376      0.140   0 < P < 1      
      9      2        13      10.155      0.797   0 < P < 1      
      9      3         1       1.468      0.149   0 < P < 1      
      9      4       203     203.000      0.000   0 < P < 1      
      9 Cohort df=  2                     0.626   P = 0.7313
     10      1        28      26.211      0.122   0 < P < 1      
     10      2         2       3.789      0.845   0 < P < 1      
     10      3        36      36.000      0.000   0 < P < 1      
     10 Cohort df=  2                     0.967   P = 0.6166
     11      1        39      40.189      0.035   0 < P < 1      
     11      2         7       5.811      0.243   0 < P < 1      
     11      3       210     210.000      0.000   0 < P < 1      
     11 Cohort df=  2                     0.279   P = 0.8699
     12      1        30      30.000      0.000   0 < P < 1      
     12      2        53      53.000      0.000   0 < P < 1      
     12 Cohort df=  1                     0.000   P = 1.0000
     13      1        46      46.000      0.000   0 < P < 1      
     13      2       194     194.000      0.000   0 < P < 1      
     13 Cohort df=  1                     0.000   P = 1.0000
@@    4    0    0  30   41.8773       7   14.8486     -74.4986      186.997    

   G Total (Degrees of freedom =  30)      41.877
   Pr(Larger Chi-square) = 0.0733
   With pooling, Degrees of freedom =   7  Pearson Chi-square =     14.849
   Pr(Larger Chi-square) = 0.0380

   Log-likelihood = -74.498573        Akaike Information Criterion =  186.99715    

     CPU time in seconds for last procedure was    0.21


      Submodel    Name      Log-likelihood  NDF  Akaike Inf. Criter.   G-O-F
      --------  ----------  --------------  ---  -------------------  ------
          1     SP          -157.12123       47      318.24245        0.0000
          2     SPG         -105.87508       46      217.75016        0.0000
          3     STPT        -121.61377       36      269.22754        0.0000
          4     STPTGT      -74.498573       30      186.99715        0.0733

               Likelihood Ratio Tests Between Models

                General     Reduced                Degrees   Pr(Larger 
                Submodel    Submodel   Chi-square  Freedom  Chi-square)
               ----------  ----------  ----------  -------  -----------
               SPG         SP             102.492      1       0.0000
               STPT        SP              71.015     11       0.0000
               STPTGT      SP             165.245     17       0.0000
               STPT        SPG              0.000     10       1.0000
               STPTGT      SPG             62.753     16       0.0000
               STPTGT      STPT            94.230      6       0.0000

 * *  WARNING  * *   Sequence of models reinitialized to zero.

     CPU time in seconds for last procedure was    0.00


     CPU time in minutes for this job was    0.01

          E X E C U T I O N   S U C C E S S F U L 

Hardware Considerations

The program has also been compiled for DOS and Windows95.

Software Installation

To install TMSURVIV on a PC simply make a sub-directory to contain the programs and copy the files from the floppy disk. The disk contains the executable program file, so no compilation is necessary unless you wish to alter the dimensions. Here are the commands to install the TMSURVIV programs onto the hard disk of a PC:

c:> mkdir tmsrv

c:> cd tmsrv

c:> xcopy a:*.* /s

To install TMSURVIV on other computers, a FORTRAN compiler will be required. The files must first be transferred to disk on the computer, then compiled and linked into an executable program file. A "make" file is included which will create the executable program file from the source files if the target computer has the make utility (as most Unix systems do). If the target computer doesn't have a make utility, a "batch" file is included to compile all of the routines. Most likely, the make file or batch file will have to be edited to reflect the names of the compiler and linker on the target system.

Literature Cited

Pradel, R., J.E. Hines, J-D. Lebreton, and J.D. Nichols. 1997. Capture-Recapture survival models taking account of transients. Biometrics 53, 60-72.

Pollock, K.H., J.D. Nichols, C. Brownie, and J.E. Hines. 1990. Statistical inference for capture-recapture experiments. Wildlife Monographs 107. 97pp.

White, G.C. 1983. Numerical estimation of survival rates from band-recovery and biotelemetry data. The Journal of Wildlife Management 47:716-728.

1. Formerly: National Biological Service