# ========================================================================= # # Applied hierarchical modeling in ecology # Modeling distribution, abundance and species richness using R and BUGS # Volume 1: Prelude and Static models # # Marc Kéry & J. Andy Royle # # *** This is the text file with all R and BUGS code from the book *** # # Created 2 Dec 2015 based on draft from 21 Oct 2015 # # ========================================================================= ### Last change: 19 May 2017 # ========================================================================= # # 1 Distribution, abundance and species richness in ecology # # ========================================================================= # 1.1 Point processes, distribution, abundance and species richness # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sim.fn(quad.size = 10, cell.size = 1, intensity = 1) set.seed(82) tmp <- sim.fn(quad.size = 16, cell.size = 2, intensity = 0.5) # Effect of grain size of study on abundance and occupancy (intensity constant) tmp <- sim.fn(quad.size = 10, cell.size = 1, intensity = 0.5) tmp <- sim.fn(quad.size = 10, cell.size = 2, intensity = 0.5) tmp <- sim.fn(quad.size = 10, cell.size = 5, intensity = 0.5) tmp <- sim.fn(quad.size = 10, cell.size = 10, intensity = 0.5) # Effect of intensity of point pattern (intensity) on abundance and occupancy tmp <- sim.fn(intensity = 0.1) # choose default quad.size = 10, cell.size = 1 tmp <- sim.fn(intensity = 1) tmp <- sim.fn(intensity = 5) tmp <- sim.fn(intensity = 10) simrep <- 100 # Run 50 simulation reps grain <- c(0.1,0.2,0.25,0.5,1,2) # values will be fed into 'cell.size' argument int <- seq(0.1, 3,,6) # values will be fed into 'lambda' argument n.levels <- length(grain) # number of factor levels in simulation results <- array(NA, dim = c(n.levels, n.levels, 2, simrep)) # 4-D array ! for(i in 1:n.levels){ # Loop over levels of factor grain for(j in 1:n.levels){ # Loop over levels of factor intensity for(k in 1:simrep){ cat("\nDim 1:",i, ", Dim 2:", j, ", Simrep", k) tmp <- sim.fn(cell.size = grain[i], intensity = int[j], show.plot = F) results[i,j,1:2,k] <- c(mean(tmp$N), tmp$psi) } } } # Plot these two prediction matrices (NOT IN BOOK) par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(5,5,2,2), cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5) mapPalette <- colorRampPalette(c("grey", "yellow", "orange", "red")) # Plot mean abundance in sampled quadrats z1 <- apply(results[,,1,], c(1,2), mean) # mean abundance image(x=grain, y=int, z=z1, col = mapPalette(100), axes = T, xlab = "Grain size (cell.size)", ylab = "Intensity of PPP") contour(x=grain, y=int, z=z1, add = T, col = "blue", labcex = 1.5, lwd = 1.5) # Plot mean occupancy in sampled quadrats z2 <- apply(results[,,2,], c(1,2), mean) # mean occupancy image(x=grain, y=int, z=z2, col = mapPalette(100), axes = T, xlab = "Grain size (cell.size)", ylab = "Intensity of PPP") contour(x=grain, y=int, z=z2, add = T, col = "blue", labcex = 1.5, lwd = 1.5) # Plot relationship between occupancy and abundance for whole range of abundance plot(results[,,1,], results[,,2,], xlab = "Mean abundance", ylab = "Occupancy", frame = FALSE) lines(smooth.spline(results[,,2,] ~ results[,,1,], df = 4), lwd = 3, col = "blue") #abline(0, 1, lwd = 3) # ... and only for very small abundance keep <- results[,,1,] < 0.25 plot(results[,,1,][keep], results[,,2,][keep], xlab = "Mean abundance", ylab = "Occupancy", frame = FALSE) abline(0, 1, lwd = 3) lines(smooth.spline(results[,,2,][keep] ~ results[,,1,][keep], df = 4), lwd = 3, col = "blue") # 1.2 Meta-population designs # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 1.3 State and rate parameters # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 1.4 Measurement error models in ecology # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 1.5 Hierarchical models for distribution, abundance, and species richness # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 1.6 Summary and outlook # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 1.7 Exercises # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ========================================================================= # # 2. What are hierarchical models and how do we analyze them ? # # ========================================================================= # 2.1 Introduction # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.2 Random variables, probability density functions, statistical models, probability, and statistical inference # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ dbinom(0:5, size = 5, prob = 0.2) pnorm(200, mean = 190, sd = 10) pnorm(200, mean = 190, sd = 10) - pnorm(180, mean = 190, sd = 10) f <- function(x, mu, sigma){ (1 / sqrt(2*pi*sigma^2)) * exp( -((x-mu)^2)/(2*sigma^2)) } integrate(f, lower = 180, upper = 200, mu = 190, sigma = 10) # 2.2.1 Statistical models # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.2.2 Joint, marginal, and conditional distributions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Y <- 0:5 # Possible values of Y (# surveys with peregrine sightings) X <- 0:5 # Possible values of X (# fledged young) p <- plogis(-1.2 + 2*X) # p as function of X round(p, 2) # Joint distribution [Y, X] lambda <- 0.4 joint <- matrix(NA, length(Y), length(X)) rownames(joint) <- paste("y=", Y, sep="") colnames(joint) <- paste("x=", X, sep="") for(i in 1:length(Y)) { joint[,i] <- dbinom(Y, 5, p[i]) * dpois(X[i], lambda) } round(joint, 3) margX <- colSums(joint) round(margX, 4) margY <- rowSums(joint) round(margY, 4) YgivenX <- joint / matrix(margX, nrow(joint), ncol(joint), byrow=TRUE) round(YgivenX, 2) # 2.2.3 Statistical inference # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.3 Hierarchical Models # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.3.1 Two canonical hierarchical models in ecology # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The occupancy model for species distribution # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The N-mixture model for abundance # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.3.2 The process of hierarchical modeling # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.3.3 Inference for hierarchical models # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.4 Classical inference based on likelihood # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.4.1 The frequentist interpretation # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.4.2 Properties of MLEs # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.4.3 Delta approximation # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.4.4 Example: Classical inference for logistic regression # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Simulate a covariate called vegHt for 100 sites set.seed(2014) # Set seed so we all get the same values of vegHt M <- 100 # Number of sites surveyed vegHt <- runif(M, 1, 3) # uniform from 1 to 3 # Suppose that occupancy probability increases with vegHt # The relationship is described by an intercept of -3 and # a slope parameter of 2 on the logit scale beta0 <- -3 beta1 <- 2 psi <- plogis(beta0 + beta1*vegHt) # apply inverse logit # Now we go to 100 sites and observe presence or absence z <- rbinom(M, 1, psi) # Definition of negative log-likelihood. negLogLike <- function(beta, y, x) { beta0 <- beta[1] beta1 <- beta[2] psi <- plogis(beta0 + beta1*x) likelihood <- psi^y * (1-psi)^(1-y) # same as next line: # likelihood <- dbinom(y, 1, psi) return(-sum(log(likelihood))) } # Look at (negative) log-likelihood for 2 parameter sets negLogLike(c(0,0), y=z, x=vegHt) negLogLike(c(-3,2), y=z, x=vegHt) # Lower is better! # Let's minimize it formally by function minimisation starting.values <- c(beta0=0, beta1=0) opt.out <- optim(starting.values, negLogLike, y=z, x=vegHt, hessian=TRUE) (mles <- opt.out$par) # MLEs are pretty close to truth # Alternative 1: Brute-force grid search for MLEs mat <- as.matrix(expand.grid(seq(-10,10,0.1), seq(-10,10,0.1))) # above: Can vary resolution nll <- array(NA, dim = nrow(mat)) for (i in 1:nrow(mat)){ nll[i] <- negLogLike(mat[i,], y = z, x = vegHt) } which(nll == min(nll)) mat[which(nll == min(nll)),] # Produce a likelihood surface, shown in Fig. 2-2. library(raster) r <- rasterFromXYZ(data.frame(x = mat[,1], y = mat[,2], z = nll)) mapPalette <- colorRampPalette(rev(c("grey", "yellow", "red"))) plot(r, col = mapPalette(100), main = "Negative log-likelihood", xlab = "Intercept (beta0)", ylab = "Slope (beta1)") contour(r, add = TRUE, levels = seq(50, 2000, 100)) # Alternative 2: Use canned R function glm as a shortcut (fm <- glm(z ~ vegHt, family = binomial)$coef) # Add 3 sets of MLEs into plot # 1. Add MLE from function minimisation points(mles[1], mles[2], pch = 1, lwd = 2) abline(mles[2],0) # Put a line through the Slope value lines(c(mles[1],mles[1]),c(-10,10)) # 2. Add MLE from grid search points(mat[which(nll == min(nll)),1], mat[which(nll == min(nll)),2], pch = 1, lwd = 2) # 3. Add MLE from glm function points(fm[1], fm[2], pch = 1, lwd = 2) # Note they are essentially all the same (as they should be) Vc <- solve(opt.out$hessian) # Get variance-covariance matrix ASE <- sqrt(diag(Vc)) # Extract asymptotic SEs print(ASE) # Compare to SEs reported by glm() function (output thinned) summary(glm(z ~ vegHt, family = binomial)) # Make a table with estimates, SEs, and 95% CI mle.table <- data.frame(Est=mles, ASE = sqrt(diag(solve(opt.out$hessian)))) mle.table$lower <- mle.table$Est - 1.96*mle.table$ASE mle.table$upper <- mle.table$Est + 1.96*mle.table$ASE mle.table # Plot the actual and estimated response curves plot(vegHt, z, xlab="Vegetation height", ylab="Occurrence probability") plot(function(x) plogis(beta0 + beta1 * x), 1.1, 3, add=TRUE, lwd=2) plot(function(x) plogis(mles[1] + mles[2] * x), 1.1, 3, add=TRUE, lwd=2, col="blue") legend(1.1, 0.9, c("Actual", "Estimate"), col=c("black", "blue"), lty=1, lwd=2) # 2.4.5 Bootstrapping # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ nboot <- 1000 # Obtain 1000 bootstrap samples boot.out <- matrix(NA, nrow=nboot, ncol=3) dimnames(boot.out) <- list(NULL, c("beta0", "beta1", "psi.bar")) for(i in 1:1000){ # Simulate data psi <- plogis(mles[1] + mles[2] * vegHt) z <- rbinom(M, 1, psi) # Fit model tmp <- optim(mles, negLogLike, y=z, x=vegHt, hessian=TRUE)$par psi.mean <- plogis(tmp[1] + tmp[2] * mean(vegHt)) boot.out[i,] <- c(tmp, psi.mean) } SE.boot <- sqrt(apply(boot.out, 2, var)) # Get bootstrap SE names(SE.boot) <- c("beta0", "beta1", "psi.bar") # 95% bootstrapped confidence intervals apply(boot.out,2,quantile,c(0.025,0.975)) # Boostrap SEs SE.boot # Compare these with the ASEs for regression parameters mle.table # 2.4.6 Likelihood analysis of hierarchical models # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Discrete random variable # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ set.seed(2014) M <- 100 # number of sites vegHt <- runif(M, 1, 3) # uniform from 1 to 3 psi <- plogis(beta0 + beta1 * vegHt) # occupancy probability z <- rbinom(M, 1, psi) # realised presence/absence p <- 0.6 # detection probability J <- 3 # sample each site 3 times y <-rbinom(M, J, p*z) # observed detection frequency # Define negative log-likelihood. negLogLikeocc <- function(beta, y, x, J) { beta0 <- beta[1] beta1 <- beta[2] p <- plogis(beta[3]) psi <- plogis(beta0 + beta1*x) marg.likelihood <- dbinom(y, J, p)*psi + ifelse(y==0,1,0)*(1-psi) return(-sum(log(marg.likelihood))) } starting.values <- c(beta0=0, beta1=0,logitp=0) (opt.out <- optim(starting.values, negLogLikeocc, y=y, x=vegHt,J=J, hessian=TRUE)) sqrt(diag(solve(opt.out$hessian))) # A continuous latent variable # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ marg <- rep(NA, J+1) for(j in 0:J){ marg[j] <- integrate( function(x){ dbinom(j, J, plogis(x)) * dnorm(x, mu, sigma)}, lower=-Inf,upper=Inf)$value } } # nx = encounter frequencies, number inds. encountered 1, 2, ..., 14 times nx <- c(34, 16, 10, 4, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) nind <- sum(nx) # Number of individuals observed J <- 14 # Number of sample occasions # Model Mh likelihood Mhlik <- function(parms){ mu <- parms[1] sigma <- exp(parms[2]) # n0 = number of UNobserved individuals: N = nind + n0 n0 <- exp(parms[3]) # Compute the marginal probabilities for each possible value j=0,..,14 marg <- rep(NA,J+1) for(j in 0:J){ marg[j+1] <- integrate( function(x){dbinom(j, J, plogis(x)) * dnorm(x, mu, sigma)}, lower=-Inf,upper=Inf)$value } # The negative log likelihood involves combinatorial terms computed # using lgamma() -1*(lgamma(n0 + nind + 1) - lgamma(n0 + 1) + sum(c(n0, nx) * log(marg))) } (tmp <- nlm(Mhlik, c(-1, 0, log(10)), hessian=TRUE)) (SE <- sqrt( (exp(tmp$estimate[3])^2)* diag(solve(tmp$hessian))[3] ) ) # 2.4.7 The R package ‘unmarked’ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.5 Bayesian Inference # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.5.1 Bayes’ rule # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.5.2 Principles of Bayesian inference # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.5.3 Prior distributions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.5.4 Computing posterior distributions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.6 Basic Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.6.1 Metropolis-Hastings algorithm # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.6.2 Illustration: using MH for a binomial model # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Simulate data set.seed(2016) y <- rbinom(2, size=10, p = 0.5) # Define the joint distribution (= likelihood) which we will maximize jointdis <- function(data, K, p){ prod(dbinom(data, size=K, p=p)) } # Posterior is proportional to likelihood times prior posterior <- function(p, data, K, a, b){ prod(dbinom(data, size=K, p=p)) * dbeta(p, a, b) } # Do 100,000 MCMC iterations using Metropolis algorithm # Assume vague prior which is beta(1,1) = Unif(0,1) mcmc.iters <- 100000 out <- rep(NA, mcmc.iters) # Starting value p <- 0.2 # Begin the MCMC loop for(i in 1:mcmc.iters){ # Use a uniform candidate generator (not efficient) p.cand <- runif(1, 0, 1) # Alternative: random walk proposal # p.cand <- rnorm(1, p, .05) # Need to reject if > 1 or < 0 # if(p.cand < 0 | p.cand > 1 ) next r <- posterior(p=p.cand, y, K=10, a=1, b=1) / posterior(p=p, y, K=10, a=1, b=1) # Generate a uniform r.v. and compare with "r", this imposes the # correct probability of acceptance if(runif(1) < r) p <- p.cand # Save the current value of p out[i] <- p } mean(out) sd(out) quantile(out, c(0.025, 0.975)) # Evaluate likelihood for a grid of values of p p.grid <- seq(0.1, 0.9, , 200) likelihood <- rep(NA, 200) for(i in 1:200){ likelihood[i] <- jointdis(y, K=10, p=p.grid[i]) } par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar = c(5,5,3,2)) plot(p.grid, likelihood, xlab="", ylab="Likelihood", xlim=c(0,1), ty = "l", main = "Likelihood function") p.hat <- p.grid[likelihood == max(likelihood)] abline(v = p.hat) text(p.hat, 0.005, paste("MLE = ", round(p.hat, 3), sep= "")) plot(density(out), xlim=c(0,1), main = "Posterior distribution", xlab = "p", ylab = "Posterior") p.mean <- mean(out) abline(v = p.mean) text(p.mean, 0.5, paste("Post. mean = ", round(p.mean, 3),sep=" ")) # 2.6.3 Metropolis algorithm for multi-parameter models # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- log.posterior <- function(beta0, beta1, z, vegHt){ # Note: "z" and "vegHt" must be input loglike <- -1 * negLogLike(c(beta0, beta1), z, vegHt) logprior <- dnorm(c(beta0, beta1), 0, 10, log=TRUE) return(loglike + logprior[1] + logprior[2]) } niter <- 50000 out <- matrix(NA, niter, 2, dimnames = list(NULL, c("beta0", "beta1"))) # Initialize parameters beta0 <- rnorm(1) beta1 <- rnorm(1) # Current value of the log(posterior) logpost.curr <- log.posterior(beta0, beta1, z, vegHt) # Run MCMC algorithm for(i in 1:niter){ if(i %% 1000 == 0) # report progress cat("iter", i, "\n") # Update intercept (beta0) # Propose candidate values of beta # If the proposal was not symmetric, would be Metrop-*Hastings* beta0.cand <- rnorm(1, beta0, 0.3) # 0.3 is tuning parameter # Evaluate the log(posterior) logpost.cand <- log.posterior(beta0.cand, beta1, z, vegHt) # Compute Metropolis acceptance probability, r r <- exp(logpost.cand - logpost.curr) # Keep candidate if it meets criterion (u < r) if(runif(1) < r){ beta0 <- beta0.cand logpost.curr <- logpost.cand } # Update slope (beta1) beta1.cand <- rnorm(1, beta1, 0.3) # 0.3 is tuning parameter # Evaluate the log(posterior) logpost.cand <- log.posterior(beta0, beta1.cand, z, vegHt) # Compute Metropolis acceptance probability r <- exp(logpost.cand - logpost.curr) # Keep candidate if it meets criterion (u < r) if(runif(1) < r){ beta1 <- beta1.cand logpost.curr <- logpost.cand } out[i,] <- c(beta0, beta1) # Save samples for iteration } # Plot layout(rbind(c(1,1), c(2,2), c(3,4)), respect = T) # <- play with these settings par(oma=c(0,0,0,0),mar=c(5,4,1,1)) plot(out[,1], type="l", xlab="Iteration", ylab="beta0") plot(out[,2], type="l", xlab="Iteration", ylab="beta1") plot(density(out[,1]), xlab="beta0", main="") plot(density(out[,2]), xlab="beta1", main="") # 2.6.4 Why we need to use MCMC for logistic regression # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.6.5 Gibbs sampling # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.6.6 Convergence and mixing of Markov chains # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Slow mixing and thinning of Markov chains # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Effective sample size and Monte Carlo error # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.6.7 Bayesian analysis of hierarchical models # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The occupancy model # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Simulate the data set set.seed(2014) M <- 100 # number of sites vegHt <- runif(M, 1, 3) # uniform from 1 to 3 psi <- plogis(-3 + 2*vegHt) # occupancy probability z <- rbinom(M, 1, psi) # realised presence/absence p <- 0.6 # detection probability J <- 3 # sample each site 3 times y <-rbinom(M, J, p*z) # observed detection frequency # Number of MCMC iterations to to niter <- 50000 # Matrix to hold the simulated values out <- matrix(NA, niter, 3, dimnames = list(NULL, c("beta0", "beta1", "p"))) # Initialize parameters, likelihood, and priors starting.values <- c(beta0=0, beta1=0) beta0 <- starting.values[1] beta1 <- starting.values[2] z <-ifelse(y>0, 1, 0) p <- 0.2 # NOTE: using logistic reg. likelihood function here! loglike <- -1*negLogLike(c(beta0, beta1), z, vegHt) logprior <- dnorm(c(beta0, beta1), 0, 10, log=TRUE) # Run MCMC algorithm for(i in 1:niter) { if(i %% 1000 ==0 ) # report progress cat("iter", i, "\n") # PART 1 of algorithm -- same as before # Update intercept (beta0) # propose candidate values of beta beta0.cand <- rnorm(1, beta0, 0.3) # 0.3 is tuning parameter # evaluate likelihood and priors for candidates loglike.cand <- -1*negLogLike(c(beta0.cand, beta1), z, vegHt) logprior.cand <- dnorm(beta0.cand, 0, 10, log=TRUE) # Compute Metropolis acceptance probability (r) r <- exp((loglike.cand+logprior.cand) - (loglike + logprior[1])) # Keep candidate if it meets the criterion if(runif(1) < r){ beta0 <- beta0.cand loglike <- loglike.cand logprior[1] <- logprior.cand } # Update slope (beta1) beta1.cand <- rnorm(1, beta1, 0.3) # 0.3 is tuning parameter # evaluate likelihood and priors for candidates loglike.cand <- -1*negLogLike(c(beta0,beta1.cand), z, vegHt) logprior.cand <- dnorm(beta1.cand, 0, 10, log=TRUE) # Compute Metropolis acceptance probability r r <- exp((loglike.cand+logprior.cand) - (loglike + logprior[2])) # Keep the candidates if they meet the criterion if(runif(1) < r) { beta1 <- beta1.cand loglike <- loglike.cand logprior[2] <- logprior.cand } # Part 2 of the algorithm # update z. Note we only need to update z if y=0. # The full conditional has known form psi <- plogis(beta0 + beta1 * vegHt) psi.cond <- dbinom(0,J,p) * psi /(dbinom(0, J, p) * psi + (1-psi)) z[y==0] <- rbinom(sum(y==0), 1, psi.cond[y==0]) loglike <- -1 * negLogLike(c(beta0, beta1), z, vegHt) # Part 3: update p ## The commented code will update p using Metropolis ## loglike.p <- sum(log(dbinom(y[z==1],J,p))) ## p.cand <- runif(1, 0, 1) ## loglike.p.cand <- sum(log(dbinom(y[z==1], J, p.cand))) ## if(runif(1) < exp(loglike.p.cand-loglike.p)) ## p<-p.cand ## This bit draws p directly from its full conditional p <- rbeta(1, 1+ sum(y), sum(z)*J +1 - sum(y) ) # Save MCMC samples out[i,] <- c(beta0,beta1,p) } # Plot bivariate representation of joint posterior pairs(out) # Trace/history plots for each parameter (Fig. 2.8) op <- par(mfrow=c(2,1)) plot(out[,1], type="l", xlab="Iteration", ylab="beta0") abline(h = mean(out[,1]), col = "blue", lwd = 2) abline(h = -3, col = "red", lwd = 2) plot(out[,2], type="l", xlab="Iteration", ylab="beta1") abline(h = mean(out[,2]), col = "blue", lwd = 2) abline(h = 2, col = "red", lwd = 2) # 2.7 Model selection and averaging # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.7.1 Model selection by AIC # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.7.2 Model selection by DIC # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.7.3 Bayesian model averaging with indicator variables # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.8 Assessment of model fit # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 2.8.1 Parametric bootstrapping example # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sim.data <- function(beta0 = -3, beta1 = 2, p = 0.6, x=NULL){ # Function allows input of covariate "x", or simulates new M <- 100 if(is.null(x)) vegHt <- runif(M, 1, 3) # uniform from 1 to 3 # Suppose that occupancy probability increases with vegHt # The relationship is described (default) by an intercept of -3 and # a slope parameter of 2 on the logit scale # plogis is the inverse-logit (constrains us back to the [0-1] scale) psi <- plogis(beta0 + beta1*vegHt) # Now we simulated true presence/absence for 100 sites z <- rbinom(M, 1, psi) # Now generate observations J <- 3 # sample each site 3 times y <- rbinom(M,J,p*z) list(y=y, J=J, vegHt=vegHt) } # This is the negative log-likelihood based on the marginal distribution # of y. It is the pmf of a zero-inflated binomial random variable. # negLogLikeocc <- function(beta, y, x, J) { beta0 <- beta[1] beta1 <- beta[2] p<- plogis(beta[3]) psi <- plogis(beta0 + beta1*x) marg.likelihood <- dbinom(y, J, p) * psi + ifelse(y==0, 1, 0) * (1-psi) return(-sum(log(marg.likelihood))) } data <- sim.data() # Generate a data set # Let's minimize it starting.values <- c(beta0=0, beta1=0, logitp=0) opt.out <- optim(starting.values, negLogLikeocc, y=data$y, x=data$vegHt,J=data$J, hessian=TRUE) (mles <- opt.out$par) # Make a table with estimates, SEs, and 95% CI mle.table <- data.frame(Est=mles, SE = sqrt(diag(solve(opt.out$hessian)))) mle.table$lower <- mle.table$Est - 1.96*mle.table$SE mle.table$upper <- mle.table$Est + 1.96*mle.table$SE mle.table # Define a fit statistic fitstat <- function(y, Ey){ sum((sqrt(y) - sqrt(Ey))) } # Compute it for the observed data T.obs <- fitstat(y, J*plogis(mles[1] + mles[2]*vegHt)*plogis(mles[3])) # Get bootstrap distribution of fit statistic T.boot <- rep(NA, 100) for(i in 1:100){ # Simulate a new data set and extract the elements. Note we use # the previously simulated "vegHt" covariate data <- sim.data(beta0=mles[1],beta1=mles[2],p=plogis(mles[3]),x=vegHt) # Next we fit the model starting.values <- c(0,0,0) opt.out <- optim(starting.values, negLogLikeocc, y=data$y, x= data$vegHt, J=data$J, hessian=TRUE) (parms <- opt.out$par) # Obtain the fit statistic T.boot[i]<- fitstat(y, J*plogis(parms[1] + parms[2]*vegHt)*plogis(parms[3]) ) } (T.obs) summary(T.boot) # 2.8.2 Bayesian p-value # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.9 Summary and outlook # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ============================================================================ # # 3. Linear models, generalised linear models (GLMs) and random effects models: # the components of hierarchical models # # ============================================================================ # 3.1 Introduction # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Define data pop <- factor(c(rep("Navarra", 3), rep("Aragon", 3), rep("Catalonia", 3)), levels = c("Navarra", "Aragon", "Catalonia")) # Population wing <- c(10.5, 10.6, 11.0, 12.1, 11.7, 13.5, 11.4, 13.0, 12.9) # Wing span body <- c(6.8, 8.3, 9.2, 6.9, 7.7, 8.9, 6.9, 8.2, 9.2) # Body length sex <- factor(c("M","F","M","F","M","F","M","F","M"), levels = c("M", "F")) mites <- c(0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 0, 9, 6) # Number of ectoparasites color <- c(0.45, 0.47, 0.54, 0.42, 0.54, 0.46, 0.49, 0.42, 0.57) # Color intensity damage <- c(0,2,0,0,4,2,1,0,1) # Number of wings damaged cbind(pop, sex, wing, body, mites, color, damage) # Look at data str(pop) par(mfrow = c(1, 3), cex = 1.2) colorM <- c("red", "red", "blue", "green", "green") # Pop color code males colorF <- c("red", "blue", "blue", "green", "green") # Pop color code females plot(body[sex == "M"], wing[sex == "M"], col =colorM, xlim = c(6.5, 9.5), ylim = c(10, 14), lwd = 2, frame.plot = FALSE, las = 1, pch = 17, xlab = "Body length", ylab = "Wing span") points(body[sex == "F"], wing[sex == "F"], col =colorF, pch = 16) text(6.8, 13.8, "A", cex = 1.5) plot(body[sex == "M"], mites[sex == "M"], col = colorM, xlim = c(6.5, 9.5), ylim = c(0, 10), lwd = 2, frame.plot = FALSE, las = 1, pch = 17, xlab = "Body length", ylab = "Parasite load") points(body[sex == "F"], mites[sex == "F"], col = colorF, pch = 16) text(6.8, 9.7, "B", cex = 1.5) plot(body[sex == "M"], damage[sex == "M"], col = colorM, xlim = c(6.5, 9.5), ylim = c(0, 4), lwd = 2, frame.plot = FALSE, las = 1, pch = 17, xlab = "Body length", ylab = "Damaged wings") points(body[sex == "F"], damage[sex == "F"], col = colorF, pch = 16) text(6.8, 3.9, "C", cex = 1.5) # 3.2 Linear models # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 3.2.1 Linear models with main effects of one factor and one continuous covariate # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ summary(fm1 <- lm(wing ~ pop + body)) summary(fm2 <- lm(wing ~ pop-1 + body)) cbind(model.matrix(~pop+body) %*% fm1$coef, predict(fm1)) # Compare two solutions model.matrix(~ pop + body) # Effects parameterisation model.matrix(~ pop-1 + body) # Means parameterization par(mfrow = c(1, 3), mar = c(5,4,2,2), cex = 1.2, cex.main = 1) plot(body[sex == "M"], wing[sex == "M"], col = colorM, xlim = c(6.5, 9.5), ylim = c(10, 14), lwd = 2, frame.plot = FALSE, las = 1, pch = 17, xlab = "Body length", ylab = "Wing span") points(body[sex == "F"], wing[sex == "F"], col = colorF, pch = 16) abline(coef(fm2)[1], coef(fm2)[4], col = "red", lwd = 2) abline(coef(fm2)[2], coef(fm2)[4], col = "blue", lwd = 2) abline(coef(fm2)[3], coef(fm2)[4], col = "green", lwd = 2) text(6.8, 14, "A", cex = 1.5) # 3.2.2 Linear models with interaction between one factor and one continuous covariate # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ model.matrix(~ pop*body) # Effects parameterisation model.matrix(~ pop*body-1-body) # Means parameterisation summary(fm3 <- lm(wing ~ pop*body-1-body)) # Plot plot(body[sex == "M"], wing[sex == "M"], col = colorM, xlim = c(6.5, 9.5), ylim = c(10, 14), lwd = 2, frame.plot = FALSE, las = 1, pch = 17, xlab = "Body length", ylab = "") points(body[sex == "F"], wing[sex == "F"], col = colorF, pch = 16) abline(coef(fm3)[1], coef(fm3)[4], col = "red", lwd = 2) abline(coef(fm3)[2], coef(fm3)[5], col = "blue", lwd = 2) abline(coef(fm3)[3], coef(fm3)[6], col = "green", lwd = 2) text(6.8, 14, "B", cex = 1.5) # Create new design matrix (DM0 <- model.matrix(~ pop*body-1-body)) # Original DM for means param DM0[7:9,5] <- DM0[7:9,6] # Combine slopes for Ar and Cat (DM1 <- DM0[, -6]) # Delete former slope column for Cat # Fit model with partial interaction summary(fm4 <- lm(wing ~ DM1-1)) # Do significance test anova(fm3, fm4) # F test between two models # Plot plot(body[sex == "M"], wing[sex == "M"], col = colorM, xlim = c(6.5, 9.5), ylim = c(10, 14), lwd = 2, frame.plot = FALSE, las = 1, pch = 17, xlab = "Body length", ylab = "") points(body[sex == "F"], wing[sex == "F"], col = colorF, pch = 16) abline(coef(fm4)[1], coef(fm4)[4], col = "red", lwd = 2) abline(coef(fm4)[2], coef(fm4)[5], col = "blue", lwd = 2) abline(coef(fm4)[3], coef(fm4)[5], col = "green", lwd = 2) text(6.8, 14, "C", cex = 1.5) # 3.2.3 Linear models with two factors # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ model.matrix(~ pop+sex) # Design matrix of main-effects 2-way ANOVA # Fit linear model with that design matrix summary(fm5 <- lm(wing ~ pop + sex)) model.matrix(~ pop+sex-1) # Design matrix of the main-effects 2-way ANOVA # Fit linear model with that design matrix summary(fm6 <- lm(wing ~ pop + sex-1)) # Variant 1: Effects parameterisation (R default) model.matrix(~ pop*sex) #model.matrix(~ pop + sex + pop:sex) # Same # Variant 2: Means param. for pop, effects param. for sex model.matrix(~ pop*sex-1) # Variant 3 (output slightly trimmed): full means parameterisation model.matrix(~ pop:sex-1) # 3.2.4 Linear models with two continuous covariates and including polynomials # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ model.matrix(~ body + color) # main-effects of covariates summary(fm7 <- lm(wing ~ body + color)) # Fit that model model.matrix(~ body*color) # Interaction between two covariates summary(fm8 <- lm(wing ~ body*color)) # Fit that model # Cubic polynomial of body in R body2 <- body^2 # Squared body length body3 <- body^3 # Cubed body length model.matrix(~ body + body2 + body3) summary(fm9 <- lm(wing ~ body + body2 + body3)) # Fit that model # summary(fm9 <- lm(wing ~ body + I(body^2) + I(body^3))) # same # 3.3 Generalised linear models (GLMs) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 3.3.1 Poisson generalised linear model (GLM) for unbounded counts # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ summary(fm10 <- glm(mites ~ pop-1 + body, family = poisson)) # 3.3.2 Offsets in the Poisson GLM # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ summary(fm10a <- glm(mites ~ pop-1 + wing, offset = log(body), family = poisson)) # summary(fm10a <- glm(mites ~ offset(log(body)) + pop-1 + wing, family = poisson)) # same # 3.3.3 Overdispersion and underdispersion # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 3.3.4 Zero-inflation # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 3.3.5 Bernoulli GLM: logistic regression for a binary response # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ presence <- ifelse(mites > 0, 1, 0) # convert abundance to presence/absence summary(fm11 <- glm(presence ~ pop-1 + body, family = binomial)) # 3.3.6 Modeling a Poisson process from presence/absence data using a Bernoulli GLM with cloglog link # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ summary(fm11a <- glm(presence ~ pop-1 + body, family = binomial(link = "cloglog"))) summary(fm10) # 3.3.7 Binomial GLM: logistic regression for bounded counts # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- summary(fm12 <- glm(cbind(damage, 4-damage) ~ pop + body -1, family = binomial)) # 3.3.8 The GLM as the quintessential statistical model # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 3.4 Random effects (mixed) models # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 3.4.1 Random effects for a normal data distribution: normal-normal generalised linear mixed model (GLMM) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Plot data without distinguishing sex plot(body, wing, col = rep(c("red", "blue", "green"), each = 3), xlim = c(6.5, 9.5), ylim = c(10, 14), cex = 1.5, lwd = 2, frame.plot = FALSE, las = 1, pch = 16, xlab = "Body length", ylab = "Wing span") summary(lm <- lm(wing ~ pop-1 + body)) # Same as fm2 library(lme4) summary(lmm1 <- lmer(wing ~ (1|pop) + body)) # Fit the model ranef(lmm1) # Print random effects alpha_j <- fixef(lmm1)[1]+ranef(lmm1)$pop[,1] cbind(fixed = coef(lm)[1:3], random = alpha_j) par(lwd = 3) abline(lm$coef[1], lm$coef[4], col = "red", lty = 2) abline(lm$coef[2], lm$coef[4], col = "blue", lty = 2) abline(lm$coef[3], lm$coef[4], col = "green", lty = 2) abline(alpha_j[1], fixef(lmm1)[2], col = "red") abline(alpha_j[2], fixef(lmm1)[2], col = "blue") abline(alpha_j[3], fixef(lmm1)[2], col = "green") abline(fixef(lmm1), col = "black") legend(6.5, 14, c("Catalonia", "Aragon", "Navarra"), col=c("blue", "green", "red"), lty = 1, pch = 16, bty = "n", cex = 1.5) summary(lmm2 <- lmer(wing ~ body + (1|pop) + (0+body|pop))) # 3.4.2 Random effects for a Poisson data distribution: normal-Poisson generalised linear mixed model (GLMM) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ summary(glmm <- glmer(mites ~ body + (1|pop), family = poisson)) # 3.5 Summary and outlook # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 3.6 Exercises # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Define and plot data (10 times larger data set than the toy data set) clone.size <- 10 # clone size pop <- factor(rep(c(rep("Navarra", 3), rep("Aragon", 3), rep("Catalonia", 3)), levels = c("Navarra", "Aragon", "Catalonia"), clone.size)) wing <- rep(c(10.5, 10.6, 11.0, 12.1, 11.7, 13.5, 11.4, 13.0, 12.9), clone.size) body <- rep(c(6.8, 8.3, 9.2, 6.9, 7.7, 8.9, 6.9, 8.2, 9.2), clone.size) sex <- rep(factor(c("M","F","M","F","M","F","M","F","M"), levels = c("M", "F")), clone.size) mites <- rep(c(0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 0, 9, 6), clone.size) color <- rep(c(0.45, 0.47, 0.54, 0.42, 0.54, 0.46, 0.49, 0.42, 0.57), clone.size) damage <- rep(c(0,2,0,0,4,2,1,0,1), clone.size) # ========================================================================= # # 4. Introduction to data simulation # # ========================================================================= # 4.1 What do we mean by data simulation and why is it so tremendously useful ? # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 4.2 Generation of a typical point count data set # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 4.2.1 Initial steps: sample size and covariate values # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ M <- 267 # Number of spatial replicates (sites) J <- 3 # Number of temporal replicates (counts) set.seed(24) # Can choose seed of your choice elev <- runif(n = M, -1, 1) # Scaled elevation of a site forest <- runif(n = M, -1, 1) # Scaled forest cover at each site wind <- array(runif(n = M*J, -1, 1), dim = c(M, J)) # Scaled wind speed # 4.2.2 Simulating the ecological process and its outcome: great tit abundance # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ mean.lambda <- 2 # Mean expected abundance of great tits beta0 <- log(mean.lambda) # Same on log scale (= log-scale intercept) beta1 <- -2 # Effect (slope) of elevation beta2 <- 2 # Effect (slope) of forest cover beta3 <- 1 # Interaction effect (slope) of elev and forest log.lambda <- beta0 + beta1 * elev + beta2 * forest + beta3 * elev * forest lambda <- exp(log.lambda) # Inverse link transformation par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(5,4,2,2), cex.main = 1) curve(exp(beta0 + beta1*x), -1, 1, col = "red", frame.plot = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 18), xlab = "Elevation", ylab = "lambda", lwd = 2) text(-0.9, 17, "A", cex = 1.5) plot(elev, lambda, frame.plot = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 38), xlab = "Elevation", ylab = "") text(-0.9, 36, "B", cex = 1.5) curve(exp(beta0 + beta2*x), -1, 1, col = "red", frame.plot = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 18), xlab = "Forest cover", ylab = "lambda", lwd = 2) text(-0.9, 17, "C", cex = 1.5) plot(forest, lambda, frame.plot = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 38), xlab = "Forest cover", ylab = "") text(-0.9, 36, "D", cex = 1.5) # Compute expected abundance for a grid of elevation and forest cover cov1 <- seq(-1, 1,,100) # Values for elevation cov2 <- seq(-1,1,,100) # Values for forest cover lambda.matrix <- array(NA, dim = c(100, 100)) # Prediction matrix, for every combination of values of elevation and forest cover for(i in 1:100){ for(j in 1:100){ lambda.matrix[i, j] <- exp(beta0 + beta1 * cov1[i] + beta2 * cov2[j] + beta3 * cov1[i] * cov2[j]) } } par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(5,4,3,2), cex.main = 1.6) mapPalette <- colorRampPalette(c("grey", "yellow", "orange", "red")) image(x = cov1, y = cov2, z = lambda.matrix, col = mapPalette(100), xlab = "Elevation", ylab = "Forest cover", cex.lab = 1.2) contour(x = cov1, y = cov2, z = lambda.matrix, add = TRUE, lwd = 1) title(main = "A") matpoints(elev, forest, pch="+", cex=0.8) N <- rpois(n = M, lambda = lambda) # Realised abundance sum(N) # Total population size at M sites table(N) # Frequency distribution of tit abundance # 4.2.3 Simulating the observation process and its outcome: point counts of great tits # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ mean.detection <- 0.3 # Mean expected detection alpha0 <- qlogis(mean.detection) # same on logit scale (intercept) alpha1 <- 1 # Effect (slope) of elevation alpha2 <- -3 # Effect (slope) of wind speed alpha3 <- 0 # Interaction effect (slope) of elev and wind logit.p <- alpha0 + alpha1 * elev + alpha2 * wind + alpha3 * elev * wind p <- plogis(logit.p) # Inverse link transform mean(p) # average per-individual p is 0.38 par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(5,4,2,2), cex.main = 1) curve(plogis(alpha0 + alpha1*x), -1, 1, col = "red", frame.plot = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 1.1), xlab = "Elevation", ylab = "p", lwd = 2) text(-0.9, 1.05, "A", cex = 1.5) matplot(elev, p, pch = "*", frame.plot = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 1.1), xlab = "Elevation", ylab = "") text(-0.9, 1.05, "B", cex = 1.5) curve(plogis(alpha0 + alpha2*x), -1, 1, col = "red", frame.plot = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 1.1), xlab = "Wind speed", ylab = "p", lwd = 2) text(-0.9, 1.05, "C", cex = 1.5) matplot(wind, p, pch = "*", frame.plot = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 1.1), xlab = "Wind speed", ylab = "p") text(-0.9, 1.05, "D", cex = 1.5) # Compute expected detection probability for a grid of elevation and wind speed cov1 <- seq(-1, 1,,100) # Values of elevation cov2 <- seq(-1,1,,100) # Values of wind speed p.matrix <- array(NA, dim = c(100, 100)) # Prediction matrix which combines every value in cov 1 with every other in cov2 for(i in 1:100){ for(j in 1:100){ p.matrix[i, j] <- plogis(alpha0 + alpha1 * cov1[i] + alpha2 * cov2[j] + alpha3 * cov1[i] * cov2[j]) } } image(x = cov1, y = cov2, z = p.matrix, col = mapPalette(100), xlab = "Elevation", ylab = "Wind speed", cex.lab = 1.2) contour(x = cov1, y = cov2, z = p.matrix, add = TRUE, lwd = 1) title(main = "B") matpoints(elev, wind, pch="+", cex=0.7, col = "black") C <- matrix(NA, nrow = M, ncol = J) # Prepare array for counts for (i in 1:J){ # Generate counts C[,i] <- rbinom(n = M, size = N, prob = p[,i]) } head(cbind("True N" = N, "1st count" = C[,1], "2nd count" = C[,2], "3rd count" = C[,3]), 10) # First 10 rows (= sites) table(C) par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(5,4,2,2), cex.main = 1) matplot(elev, C, pch = "*", frame.plot = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 38), xlab = "Elevation", ylab = "Count (C)") text(-0.9, 36, "A", cex = 1.5) matplot(forest, C, pch = "*", frame.plot = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 38), xlab = "Forest cover", ylab = "Count (C)") text(-0.9, 36, "B", cex = 1.5) matplot(wind, C, pch = "*", frame.plot = FALSE, ylim = c(0, 38), xlab = "Wind speed", ylab = "Count (C)") text(-0.9, 36, "C", cex = 1.5) hist(C, breaks = 50, col = "grey", ylim = c(0, 460), main = "", xlab = "Count (C)") text(3, 450, "D", cex = 1.5) sum(N) # True total abundance (all sites) sum(apply(C, 1, max)) # 'Observed' total abundance (all sites) sum(N>0) # True number of occupied sites sum(apply(C, 1, max)>0) # 'Observed' number of occupied sites # 4.3 Packaging everything in a function # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function definition with set of default values data.fn <- function(M = 267, J = 3, mean.lambda = 2, beta1 = -2, beta2 = 2, beta3 = 1, mean.detection = 0.3, alpha1 = 1, alpha2 = -3, alpha3 = 0, show.plot = TRUE){ # # Function to simulate point counts replicated at M sites during J occasions. # Population closure is assumed for each site. # Expected abundance may be affected by elevation (elev), # forest cover (forest) and their interaction. # Expected detection probability may be affected by elevation, # wind speed (wind) and their interaction. # Function arguments: # M: Number of spatial replicates (sites) # J: Number of temporal replicates (occasions) # mean.lambda: Mean abundance at value 0 of abundance covariates # beta1: Main effect of elevation on abundance # beta2: Main effect of forest cover on abundance # beta3: Interaction effect on abundance of elevation and forest cover # mean.detection: Mean detection prob. at value 0 of detection covariates # alpha1: Main effect of elevation on detection probability # alpha2: Main effect of wind speed on detection probability # alpha3: Interaction effect on detection of elevation and wind speed # show.plot: if TRUE, plots of the data will be displayed; # set to FALSE if you are running simulations. # Create covariates elev <- runif(n = M, -1, 1) # Scaled elevation forest <- runif(n = M, -1, 1) # Scaled forest cover wind <- array(runif(n = M*J, -1, 1), dim = c(M, J)) # Scaled wind speed # Model for abundance beta0 <- log(mean.lambda) # Mean abundance on link scale lambda <- exp(beta0 + beta1*elev + beta2*forest + beta3*elev*forest) N <- rpois(n = M, lambda = lambda) # Realised abundance Ntotal <- sum(N) # Total abundance (all sites) psi.true <- mean(N>0) # True occupancy in sample # Plots if(show.plot){ par(mfrow = c(2, 2), cex.main = 1) devAskNewPage(ask = TRUE) curve(exp(beta0 + beta1*x), -1, 1, col = "red", main = "Relationship lambda-elevation \nat average forest cover", frame.plot = F, xlab = "Scaled elevation") plot(elev, lambda, xlab = "Scaled elevation", main = "Relationship lambda-elevation \nat observed forest cover", frame.plot = F) curve(exp(beta0 + beta2*x), -1, 1, col = "red", main = "Relationship lambda-forest \ncover at average elevation", xlab = "Scaled forest cover", frame.plot = F) plot(forest, lambda, xlab = "Scaled forest cover", main = "Relationship lambda-forest cover \nat observed elevation", frame.plot = F) } # Model for observations alpha0 <- qlogis(mean.detection) # mean detection on link scale p <- plogis(alpha0 + alpha1*elev + alpha2*wind + alpha3*elev*wind) C <- matrix(NA, nrow = M, ncol = J) # Prepare matrix for counts for (i in 1:J){ # Generate counts by survey C[,i] <- rbinom(n = M, size = N, prob = p[,i]) } summaxC <- sum(apply(C,1,max)) # Sum of max counts (all sites) psi.obs <- mean(apply(C,1,max)>0) # Observed occupancy in sample # More plots if(show.plot){ par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) curve(plogis(alpha0 + alpha1*x), -1, 1, col = "red", main = "Relationship p-elevation \nat average wind speed", xlab = "Scaled elevation", frame.plot = F) matplot(elev, p, xlab = "Scaled elevation", main = "Relationship p-elevation\n at observed wind speed", pch = "*", frame.plot = F) curve(plogis(alpha0 + alpha2*x), -1, 1, col = "red", main = "Relationship p-wind speed \n at average elevation", xlab = "Scaled wind speed", frame.plot = F) matplot(wind, p, xlab = "Scaled wind speed", main = "Relationship p-wind speed \nat observed elevation", pch = "*", frame.plot = F) matplot(elev, C, xlab = "Scaled elevation", main = "Relationship counts and elevation", pch = "*", frame.plot = F) matplot(forest, C, xlab = "Scaled forest cover", main = "Relationship counts and forest cover", pch = "*", frame.plot = F) matplot(wind, C, xlab = "Scaled wind speed", main = "Relationship counts and wind speed", pch = "*", frame.plot = F) desc <- paste('Counts at', M, 'sites during', J, 'surveys') hist(C, main = desc, breaks = 50, col = "grey") } # Output return(list(M = M, J = J, mean.lambda = mean.lambda, beta0 = beta0, beta1 = beta1, beta2 = beta2, beta3 = beta3, mean.detection = mean.detection, alpha0 = alpha0, alpha1 = alpha1, alpha2 = alpha2, alpha3 = alpha3, elev = elev, forest = forest, wind = wind, lambda = lambda, N = N, p = p, C = C, Ntotal = Ntotal, psi.true = psi.true, summaxC = summaxC, psi.obs = psi.obs)) } data.fn() # Execute function with default arguments data.fn(show.plot = FALSE) # same, without plots data.fn(M = 267, J = 3, mean.lambda = 2, beta1 = -2, beta2 = 2, beta3 = 1, mean.detection = 0.3, alpha1 = 1, alpha2 = -3, alpha3 = 0) # Explicit defaults data <- data.fn() # Assign results to an object called 'data' simrep <- 10000 NTOTAL <- SUMMAXC <- numeric(simrep) for(i in 1:simrep){ data <- data.fn(show.plot = FALSE) NTOTAL[i] <- data$Ntotal SUMMAXC[i] <- data$summaxC } plot(sort(NTOTAL), ylim = c(min(SUMMAXC), max(NTOTAL)), ylab = "", xlab = "Simulation", col = "red", frame = FALSE) points(SUMMAXC[order(NTOTAL)], col = "blue") data.fn(J = 2) # Only 2 surveys data.fn(J = 1) # No temporal replicate data.fn(M = 1, J = 100) # No spatial replicates, but 100 counts data.fn(beta3 = 1) # With interaction elev-wind on p data.fn(M = 267, J = 3, mean.lambda = 2, beta1 = -2, beta2 = 2, beta3 = 1, mean.detection = 1) # No obs. process (i.e., p = 1, perfect detection) data.fn(mean.lambda = 50) # Really common species data.fn(mean.lambda = 0.05) # Really rare species set.seed(24) data <- data.fn() # Default arguments str(data) # Look at the object attach(data) # Make objects inside of 'data' accessible directly detach(data) # Make clean up # 4.4 Summary and outlook # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 4.5 Exercises # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Generate data set and fit Poisson and Bernoulli models data <- data.fn(M = 267, J = 1, mean.lambda = 2, beta1 = -2, beta2 = 2, beta3 = 1, mean.detection = 1, show.plot = FALSE) summary(fmPois <- glm(C ~ elev*forest, family = poisson, data = data)) presence <- ifelse(data$C > 0, 1, 0) summary(fmBern <- glm(presence ~ elev*forest, family = binomial(link = "cloglog"), data = data)) # Compare Poisson and Bernoulli estimates with truth print(cbind(Truth = c(data$beta0, data$beta1, data$beta2, data$beta3), summary(fmPois)$coef[,1:2], summary(fmBern)$coef[,1:2]),3) # ========================================================================= # # 5. Fitting models using the Bayesian modeling software BUGS and JAGS # # ========================================================================= # 5.1 Introduction # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 5.2 Introduction to BUGS software: WinBUGS, OpenBUGS, and JAGS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 5.3 Linear model with normal response (normal GLM): multiple linear regression # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Generate data with data.fn from chapter 4 set.seed(24) data <- data.fn() str(data) attach(data) # Summarize data by taking mean at each site and plot Cmean <- apply(C, 1, mean) par(mfrow = c(1,3)) hist(Cmean, 50) # Very skewed plot(elev, Cmean) plot(forest, Cmean) # Package the data needed in a bundle win.data <- list(Cmean = Cmean, M = length(Cmean), elev = elev, forest = forest) str(win.data) # Check what’s in win.data # Write text file with model description in BUGS language cat(file = "multiple_linear_regression_model.txt", " # --- Code in BUGS language starts with this quotation mark --- model { # Priors alpha0 ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Prior for intercept alpha1 ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Prior for slope of elev alpha2 ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Prior for slope of forest alpha3 ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Prior for slope of interaction tau <- pow(sd, -2) # Precision tau = 1/(sd^2) sd ~ dunif(0, 1000) # Prior for dispersion on sd scale # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ Cmean[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i], tau) # dispersion tau is precision (1/variance) mu[i] <- alpha0 + alpha1*elev[i] + alpha2*forest[i] + alpha3*elev[i]*forest[i] } # Derived quantities for (i in 1:M){ resi[i] <- Cmean[i] - mu[i] } }"# --- Code in BUGS language ends on this line --- ) # Initial values (have to give for at least some estimands) inits <- function() list(alpha0 = rnorm(1,0,10), alpha1 = rnorm(1,0,10), alpha2 = rnorm(1,0,10), alpha3 = rnorm(1,0,10)) # Parameters monitored (i.e., for which estimates are saved) params <- c("alpha0", "alpha1", "alpha2", "alpha3", "sd", "resi") # MCMC settings ni <- 6000 ; nt <- 1 ; nb <- 1000 ; nc <- 3 # ni <- 10 ; nt <- 1 ; nb <- 0 ; nc <- 8 # not run # Call WinBUGS from R (approximate run time (ART) <1 min) library(R2WinBUGS) bugs.dir <- "C:/WinBUGS14/" # Place where your WinBUGS installed out1B <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "multiple_linear_regression_model.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = TRUE, bugs.directory = bugs.dir, working.directory = getwd()) # Overview of the object created by bugs names(out1B) str(out1B, 1) # Call OpenBUGS from R (ART <1 min) library(R2OpenBUGS) out1OB <- bugs(data=win.data, inits=inits, parameters.to.save = params, model.file = "multiple_linear_regression_model.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = TRUE, working.directory = getwd()) detach("package:R2OpenBUGS", unload=T) # Otherwise R2WinBUGS is 'masked' # Call JAGS from R (ART <1 min) library(jagsUI) ?jags # Look at main function out1J <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "multiple_linear_regression_model.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb) out1J <- jags(win.data, inits, params, parallel = TRUE, "multiple_linear_regression_model.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb) par(mfrow = c(3,2)) traceplot(out1J, param = c('alpha1', 'alpha2', 'resi[c(1,3, 5:6)]')) # Subset # traceplot(out1J) # All params # Overview of object created by jags() names(out1J) # Summarize posteriors from WinBUGS run print(out1B, 2) # Summarize posteriors from JAGS run print(out1J, 2) n <- 10 # maximum lag par(mfrow = c(2, 3), mar = c(5,4,2,2), cex.main = 1) for(k in 1:5){ matplot(0:n, autocorr.diag(as.mcmc(out1B$sims.array[,,k]), lags = 0:n), type = "l", lty = 1, xlab = "lag (n)", ylab = "autocorrelation", main = colnames(out1B$sims.matrix)[k], lwd = 2) abline(h = 0) } plot(out1B) # For WinBUGS analysis from R2WinBUGS plot(out1J) # For JAGS analysis from jagsUI par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(5,4,2,2), cex.main = 1) whiskerplot(out1J, param = c('alpha0', 'alpha1', 'alpha2', 'alpha3', 'sd', 'resi[c(1,3, 5:7)]')) # For JAGS analysis from jagsUI library(denstrip) # Similar, but more beautiful, with package denstrip plot(out1J$alpha0, xlim=c(-4, 4), ylim=c(1, 5), xlab="", ylab="", type="n", axes = F, main = "Density strip plots") axis(1) axis(2, at = 1:5, labels = c('alpha0','alpha1','alpha2','alpha3','sd'), las = 1) abline(v = c(-4,-2,2,4), col = "grey") ; abline(v = 0) for(k in 1:5){ denstrip(unlist(out1J$sims.list[k]), at = k, ticks = out1J$summary[k, c(3,5,7)]) } (fm <- summary(lm(Cmean ~ elev*forest))) print(cbind(out1B$summary[1:5, 1:2], out1J$summary[1:5, 1:2], rbind(fm$coef[,1:2], c(fm$sigma, NA))), 4) plot(lm(Cmean ~ elev*forest)) mu <- out1B$mean$alpha0 + out1B$mean$alpha1 * elev + out1B$mean$alpha2 * forest + out1B$mean$alpha3 * elev * forest # Compute the posterior mean of mu par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(5,4,2,2), cex.main = 1) plot(1:M, out1B$summary[6:272, 1], xlab = "Order of values", ylab = "Residual", frame.plot = F, ylim = c(-10, 15)) abline(h = 0, col = "red", lwd = 2) segments(1:267, out1B$summary[6:272, 3], 1:267, out1B$summary[6:272, 7], col = "grey") text(10, 14, "A", cex = 1.5) hist(out1B$summary[6:272, 1], xlab = "Residual", main = "", breaks = 50, col = "grey", xlim = c(-10, 15)) abline(v = 0, col = "red", lwd = 2) text(-9, 48, "B", cex = 1.5) qq <- qnorm(seq(0,0.9999,,data$M), mean = 0, sd = out1B$summary[5, 1]) plot(sort(qq), sort(out1B$summary[6:272, 1]), xlab = "Theoretical quantile", ylab = "Residual", frame.plot = F, ylim = c(-10, 15)) # could also use qqnorm() abline(0, 1, col = "red", lwd = 2) text(-4.5, 14, "C", cex = 1.5) plot(mu, out1B$summary[6:272, 1], xlab = "Predicted values", ylab = "Residual", frame.plot = F, ylim = c(-10, 15)) abline(h = 0, col = "red", lwd = 2) segments(mu, out1B$summary[6:272, 3], mu, out1B$summary[6:272, 7], col = "grey") text(-1, 14, "D", cex = 1.5) fm confint(lm(Cmean ~ elev*forest)) par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(5,4,2,2), cex.main = 1) hist(out1B$sims.list$alpha1, main = "", breaks = 100, col = "grey", freq=F) abline(v = quantile(out1B$sims.list$alpha1, prob = c(0.025, 0.975)), col = "red", lwd = 2) text(-2.4, 1.8, "A", cex = 1.5) hist(out1B$sims.list$alpha2, main = "", breaks = 100, col = "grey", freq=F) abline(v = quantile(out1B$sims.list$alpha2, prob = c(0.025, 0.975)), col = "red", lwd = 2) text(1.7, 2, "B", cex = 1.5) hist(out1B$sims.list$alpha3, main = "", breaks = 100, col = "grey", freq=F) abline(v = quantile(out1B$sims.list$alpha3, prob = c(0.025, 0.975)), col = "red", lwd = 2) text(-2.2, 1.2, "C", cex = 1.5) hist(out1B$sims.list$sd, main = "", breaks = 100, col = "grey", freq=F) abline(v = quantile(out1B$sims.list$sd, prob = c(0.025, 0.975)), col = "red", lwd = 2) text(1.6, 4.9, "D", cex = 1.5) HPDinterval(as.mcmc(out1B$sims.list$sd), prob = 0.95) # HPDI quantile(out1B$sims.list$sd, prob = c(0.025, 0.975)) # Percentile-based CRI cbind(confint(lm(Cmean ~ elev*forest))[2:4,], out1B$summary[2:4, c(3,7)]) mean(out1B$sims.list$alpha1 < -1.6) mean(out1B$sims.list$alpha1 < -1.6 & out1B$sims.list$alpha1 > -1.8) plot(out1B$sims.list$alpha1, out1B$sims.list$alpha2) abline(h = c(2.5, 2.8), col = "red", lwd = 2) abline(v = c(-1.9, -1.6), col = "red", lwd = 2) mean(out1B$sims.list$alpha1 < -1.6 & out1B$sims.list$alpha1 > -1.9 & out1B$sims.list$alpha2 > 2.5 & out1B$sims.list$alpha2 < 2.8) crazy.ratio <- out1B$sims.list$alpha2 / abs(out1B$sims.list$alpha1) hist(crazy.ratio, main = "", breaks = 100, col = "grey", freq = F) abline(v = quantile(crazy.ratio, prob = c(0.025, 0.975)), col = "red", lwd = 3) mean(abs(out1B$sims.list$alpha2 / out1B$sims.list$alpha1) > 1) # Compute expected abundance for a grid of elevation and forest cover elev.pred <- seq(-1, 1,,100) # Values of elevation forest.pred <- seq(-1,1,,100) # Values of forest cover pred.matrix <- array(NA, dim = c(100, 100)) # Prediction matrix for(i in 1:100){ for(j in 1:100){ pred.matrix[i, j] <- out1J$mean$alpha0 + out1J$mean$alpha1 * elev.pred[i] + out1J$mean$alpha2 * forest.pred[j] + out1J$mean$alpha3 * elev.pred[i] * forest.pred[j] } } par(mfrow = c(1, 3), mar = c(5,5,3,2), cex.main = 1.6, cex.axis = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.5) mapPalette <- colorRampPalette(c("grey", "yellow", "orange", "red")) image(x=elev.pred, y= forest.pred, z=pred.matrix, col = mapPalette(100), xlab = "Elevation", ylab = "Forest cover") contour(x=elev.pred, y=forest.pred, z=pred.matrix, add = TRUE, lwd = 1, cex = 1.5) title(main = "A") matpoints(elev, forest, pch="+", cex=1.5) abline(h = c(-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1)) # Predictions for elev. at specific values of forest cover (-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1) pred1 <- out1J$mean$alpha0 + out1J$mean$alpha1 * elev.pred + out1J$mean$alpha2 * (-1) + out1J$mean$alpha3 * elev.pred * (-1) pred2 <- out1J$mean$alpha0 + out1J$mean$alpha1 * elev.pred + out1J$mean$alpha2 * (-0.5) + out1J$mean$alpha3 * elev.pred * (-0.5) pred3 <- out1J$mean$alpha0 + out1J$mean$alpha1 * elev.pred + out1J$mean$alpha2 * 0 + out1J$mean$alpha3 * elev.pred * 0 # pred3b <- out1J$mean$alpha0 + out1J$mean$alpha1 * elev.pred # same pred4 <- out1J$mean$alpha0 + out1J$mean$alpha1 * elev.pred + out1J$mean$alpha2 * 0.5 + out1J$mean$alpha3 * elev.pred * 0.5 pred5 <- out1J$mean$alpha0 + out1J$mean$alpha1 * elev.pred + out1J$mean$alpha2 * 1 + out1J$mean$alpha3 * elev.pred * 1 matplot(seq(-1, 1,,100), cbind(pred1, pred2, pred3, pred4, pred5), type = "l", lty= 1, col = "blue", ylab = "Prediction of mean count", xlab = "Elevation", ylim = c(-1.5, 7), lwd = 2) title(main = "B") pred.mat <- array(dim = c(length(elev.pred), length(out1J$sims.list$alpha0))) for(j in 1:length(out1J$sims.list$alpha0)){ pred.mat[,j] <- out1J$sims.list$alpha0[j] + out1J$sims.list$alpha1[j] * elev.pred + out1J$sims.list$alpha2[j] * 0.5 + out1J$sims.list$alpha3[j] * elev.pred * 0.5 } CL <- apply(pred.mat, 1, function(x){quantile(x, prob = c(0.025, 0.975))}) plot(seq(-1, 1,,100), pred4, type = "l", lty= 1, col = "blue", ylab = "Prediction of mean count at forest = -0.5", xlab = "Elevation", las =1, ylim = c(-1.5, 7), lwd = 3) matlines(seq(-1, 1,,100), t(CL), lty = 1, col = "blue", lwd = 2) title(main = "C") pred <- predict(lm(Cmean ~ elev*forest), newdata = data.frame(elev = seq(-1, 1,,100), forest = 0.5), se.fit = TRUE, interval = "confidence") lines(seq(-1, 1,,100), pred$fit[,1], lty= 2, col = "red", lwd = 3) matlines(seq(-1, 1,,100), pred$fit[,2:3], lty = 2, col = "red", lwd = 2) # 5.4 The R package rjags # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ library(rjags) load.module("glm") # Careful with that package, see JAGS discussion list load.module("dic") # Have to explicitly list the deviance if want samples params <- c("alpha0", "alpha1", "alpha2", "alpha3", "sd", "deviance") # Adaptative phase to maximize MCMC efficiency model <- jags.model(file = "multiple_linear_regression_model.txt", data = win.data, inits = inits, n.chains = nc, n.adapt = 1000) # Burnin update(model, nb) # Generate posterior samples samples <- coda.samples(model = model, variable.names = params, n.iter = ni - nb, thin = nt) # Get the summary statistics for the posterior samples summfit <- summary(samples) print(summfit, 2) # Traceplots and posterior densities plot(samples[,1:4]) # Compute the Brooks-Gelman-Rubin statistic (R-hat) gelman.diag(samples) # Compute the effective sample size effectiveSize(samples) # Secondary burnin can be applied (e.g. another 500 samples tossed out) #samples <- window(samples, start = nb + 500 + 1, end = ni) # More samples can be drawn (starting where the old chains stopped, not starting from 0) newsamples <- coda.samples(model = model, variable.names = params, n.iter = 1500, thin = nt) # Combine the new samples with the old ones (ugly but works) mc1 <- as.mcmc(rbind(samples[[1]], newsamples[[1]])) mc2 <- as.mcmc(rbind(samples[[2]], newsamples[[2]])) mc3 <- as.mcmc(rbind(samples[[3]], newsamples[[3]])) allsamples <- as.mcmc.list(list(mc1, mc2, mc3)) # Mean deviance Dbar <- summfit$statistics["deviance","Mean"] # Variance of the deviance varD <- summfit$statistics["deviance","SD"]^2 # Compute pD and DIC (according to A. Gelman, implemented in R2jags) pD <- varD/2 DIC <- Dbar + pD # Another DIC computation (according to M. Plummer). DIC = Penalized deviance (dic.pD <- dic.samples(model, 2000, "pD")) # 5.5 Missing values in a Bayesian analysis # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 5.5.1 Some responses missing # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copy mean counts and turn first 10 into NAs Cm <- Cmean # Copy Cmean into Cm Cm[1:10] <- NA # turn first 10 into missing # Bundle data (inside BUGS use Cm for Cmean) win.data <- list(Cmean = Cm, M = length(Cm), elev = elev, forest = forest) # Parameters monitored (i.e., for which estimates are saved) params <- c("alpha0", "alpha1", "alpha2", "alpha3", "sd", "Cmean", "mu") # … or this to get a subset of the parameters params <- c("alpha0", "alpha1", "alpha2", "alpha3", "sd", "Cmean[1:10]", "mu[1:10]") # Call WinBUGS or JAGS from R (ART <1 min) and summarize posteriors out1.1 <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "multiple_linear_regression_model.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = TRUE, bugs.directory = bugs.dir, working.directory = getwd(), DIC = FALSE) out1.1 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "multiple_linear_regression_model.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb) print(out1.1, 2) print(cbind(Truth=Cmean[1:10], out1.1$summary[6:15,c(1:3,7)], out1.1$summary[16:25, c(1:3,7)]),3) # 5.5.2 All responses missing # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Bundle data: simply drop the response from list win.data <- list(M = length(Cm), elev = elev, forest = forest) # Alternatively, add all-NA data vector win.data$Cmean <- as.numeric(rep(NA, length(Cmean))) str(win.data) # Cmean is numeric # Parameters monitored params <- c("alpha0", "alpha1", "alpha2", "alpha3", "sd", "mu[1:2]") # Call WinBUGS from R (ART <1 min) and summarize posteriors out1.2 <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "multiple_linear_regression_model.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = TRUE, bugs.directory = bugs.dir, working.directory = getwd(), DIC = FALSE) print(out1.2, 2) par(mfrow = c(3, 2), mar = c(5,5,3,2), cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5) hist(out1.2$sims.list$alpha0, breaks = 100, col = "grey", main = "") text(-3500, 600, "A", cex = 2) hist(out1.2$sims.list$alpha1, breaks = 100, col = "grey", main = "", ylab = "") text(-3500, 580, "B", cex = 2) hist(out1.2$sims.list$alpha2, breaks = 100, col = "grey", main = "") text(-3700, 580, "C", cex = 2) hist(out1.2$sims.list$sd, breaks = 100, col = "grey", main = "", ylim = c(0, 230), ylab = "") text(30, 220, "D", cex = 2) hist(out1.2$sims.list$mu[,1], breaks = 100, col = "grey", main = "") text(-4000, 480, "E", cex = 2) hist(out1.2$sims.list$mu[,2], breaks = 100, col = "grey", main = "", ylab = "") text(-4000, 480, "F", cex = 2) # 5.5.3 Missing values in a covariate # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Shoot 'holes' in the covariate data ele <- elev # copy of elevation covariate ele[1:10] <- NA # missing values in covariate elevation # Bundle data: feed new 'ele' into 'elev' covariate inside of BUGS model win.data <- list(Cmean = Cmean, M = length(Cmean), elev = ele, forest = forest) # Specify model in BUGS language cat(file = "missing_cov_imputation_model_1.txt"," model { # Priors alpha0 ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Prior for intercept alpha1 ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Prior for slope of elev alpha2 ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Prior for slope of forest alpha3 ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Prior for slope of interaction tau <- pow(sd, -2) sd ~ dunif(0, 1000) # Prior for dispersion on sd scale # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ Cmean[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i], tau) # precision tau = 1 / variance mu[i] <- alpha0 + alpha1 * elev[i] + alpha2 * forest[i] + alpha3 * elev[i] * forest[i] } # Model for missing covariates for (i in 1:M){ elev[i] ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) } }") # Initial values inits <- function() list(alpha0 = rnorm(1,,10), alpha1 = rnorm(1,,10), alpha2 = rnorm(1,,10), alpha3 = rnorm(1,,10)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("alpha0", "alpha1", "alpha2", "alpha3", "sd", "elev") # MCMC settings ni <- 6000 ; nt <- 1 ; nb <- 1000 ; nc <- 3 # Call WinBUGS from R (ART <1 min) out1.3 <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "missing_cov_imputation_model_1.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = TRUE, bugs.directory = bugs.dir, working.directory = getwd()) # Specify model in BUGS language cat(file = "missing_cov_imputation_model_2.txt"," model { # Priors alpha0 ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Prior for intercept alpha1 ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Prior for slope of elev alpha2 ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Prior for slope of forest alpha3 ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Prior for slope of interaction tau <- pow(sd, -2) sd ~ dunif(0, 1000) # Prior for dispersion on sd scale # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ Cmean[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i], tau) # precision tau = 1 / variance mu[i] <- alpha0 + alpha1 * elev[i] + alpha2 * forest[i] + alpha3 * elev[i] * forest[i] } # Covariate mean as a model for missing covariates for (i in 1:M){ elev[i] ~ dnorm(mu.elev, tau.elev) # Assume elevation normally distributed } mu.elev ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001) tau.elev <- pow(sd.elev, -2) sd.elev ~ dunif(0, 100) }") # Initial values inits <- function() list(alpha0 = rnorm(1,,10), alpha1 = rnorm(1,,10), alpha2 = rnorm(1,,10), alpha3 = rnorm(1,,10)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("alpha0", "alpha1", "alpha2", "alpha3", "sd", "elev", "mu.elev", "sd.elev") # MCMC settings ni <- 6000 ; nt <- 1 ; nb <- 1000 ; nc <- 3 # Call WinBUGS from R (ART <1 min) out1.4 <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "missing_cov_imputation_model_2.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = TRUE, bugs.directory = bugs.dir, working.directory = getwd()) par(cex = 1.5, lwd = 2) plot(elev[1:10]-0.01, out1.3$summary[6:15,1], ylim = c(-10, 10), col = "red", xlab = "True value of covariate", ylab = "Estimate (with 95% CRI)", frame.plot =F) segments(elev[1:10]-0.01, out1.3$summary[6:15,3], elev[1:10]-0.01, out1.3$summary[6:15,7], col = "red") points(elev[1:10]+0.01, out1.4$summary[6:15,1], ylim = c(-3, 3), col = "blue") segments(elev[1:10]+0.01, out1.4$summary[6:15,3], elev[1:10]+0.01, out1.4$summary[6:15,7], col = "blue") abline(0,1) # 5.6 Linear model with normal response (normal GLM): analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate factor and plot raw data in boxplot as function of factor A facFor <- as.numeric(forest < -0.5) # Factor level 1 facFor[forest < 0 & forest > -0.5] <- 2 # Factor level 2 facFor[forest < 0.5 & forest > 0] <- 3 # Factor level 3 facFor[forest > 0.5] <- 4 # Factor level 4 table(facFor) # every site assigned a level OK par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(5,5,3,2), cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5) plot(Cmean ~ factor(facFor), col = c("red", "blue", "green", "grey"), xlab = "Forest cover class", ylab = "Mean count of great tits", frame.plot = F, ylim = c(0,20)) text(0.8, 20, "A", cex=1.6) # Bundle data win.data <- list(Cmean = Cmean, M = length(Cmean), elev = elev, facFor = facFor) # Specify model in BUGS language in effects parameterisation cat(file = "ANCOVA1.txt"," model { # Priors alpha ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Prior for intercept = effect of level 1 of forest factor beta2 ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Prior for slope = effect of elevation for level 1 of forest factor beta1[1] <- 0 # Set to zero effect of first level of facFor beta3[1] <- 0 # Set to zero effect of first level of facFor of elevation for(k in 2:4){ beta1[k] ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Prior for effects of factor facFor beta3[k] ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Prior for effects of factor facFor } tau <- pow(sd, -2) sd ~ dunif(0, 1000) # Prior for dispersion on sd scale # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ Cmean[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i], tau) # precision tau = 1 / variance mu[i] <- alpha + beta1[facFor[i]] + beta2 * elev[i] + beta3[facFor[i]] * elev[i] } } ") # Initial values inits <- function() list(alpha = rnorm(1,,10), beta1 = c(NA, rnorm(3,,10)), beta2 = rnorm(1,,10), beta3 = c(NA, rnorm(3,,10))) # Parameters monitored params <- c("alpha", "beta1", "beta2", "beta3", "sd") # MCMC settings ni <- 6000 ; nt <- 1 ; nb <- 1000 ; nc <- 3 # Call WinBUGS or JAGS from R (ART <1 min) out3 <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "ANCOVA1.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = TRUE, bugs.directory = bugs.dir, working.directory = getwd()) out3J <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "ANCOVA1.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb) traceplot(out3J) # Fit model using least-squares (produces MLEs) (fm <- summary(lm(Cmean ~ as.factor(facFor)*elev))) # Summarize posteriors print(out3, 3) # Specify model in BUGS language cat(file = "ANCOVA2.txt"," model { # Priors for(k in 1:4){ alpha[k] ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Priors for intercepts beta[k] ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Priors for slopes } tau <- pow(sd, -2) sd ~ dunif(0, 1000) # Prior for dispersion on sd scale # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ Cmean[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i], tau) # precision tau = 1 / variance mu[i] <- alpha[facFor[i]] + beta[facFor[i]] * elev[i] } # Derived quantities: comparison of slopes (now you can forget the delta rule !) for(k in 1:4){ diff.vs1[k] <- beta[k] - beta[1] # Differences relative to beta[1] diff.vs2[k] <- beta[k] - beta[2] # ... relative to beta[2] diff.vs3[k] <- beta[k] - beta[3] # ... relative to beta[3] diff.vs4[k] <- beta[k] - beta[4] # ... relative to beta[4] } } ") # Initial values inits <- function() list(alpha = rnorm(4,,10), beta = rnorm(4,,10)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("alpha", "beta", "sd", "diff.vs1", "diff.vs2", "diff.vs3", "diff.vs4") # MCMC settings ni <- 6000 ; nt <- 1 ; nb <- 1000 ; nc <- 3 # Call WinBUGS or JAGS from R (ART <1 min) and summarize posteriors out4 <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "ANCOVA2.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = TRUE, bugs.directory = bugs.dir, working.directory = getwd()) system.time(out4J <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "ANCOVA2.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb)) traceplot(out4J) print(out4, 2) # Fit model using least-squares (produces MLEs) (fm <- summary(lm(Cmean ~ as.factor(facFor)*elev-1-elev))) plot(elev[facFor==1], Cmean[facFor==1], col = "red", ylim = c(0, 20), xlab = "Elevation", ylab = "", frame.plot = F) points(elev[facFor==2], Cmean[facFor==2], col = "blue") points(elev[facFor==3], Cmean[facFor==3], col = "green") points(elev[facFor==4], Cmean[facFor==4], col = "black") abline(fm$coef[1,1], fm$coef[5,1], col = "red") abline(fm$coef[2,1], fm$coef[6,1], col = "blue") abline(fm$coef[3,1], fm$coef[7,1], col = "green") abline(fm$coef[4,1], fm$coef[8,1], col = "black") text(-0.8, 20, "B", cex=1.6) attach.bugs(out4) # Allows to directly address the sims.list str(diff.vs3) par(mfrow = c(1, 3), mar = c(5,5,3,2), cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5) hist(diff.vs3[,1], col = "grey", breaks = 100, main = "", freq=F, ylim = c(0, 0.8)) abline(v = 1, lwd = 3, col = "red") text(-1.2, 0.8, "A", cex = 2) hist(diff.vs3[,2], col = "grey", breaks = 100, main = "", freq=F, ylim = c(0, 0.8)) abline(v = 1, lwd = 3, col = "red") text(-1.4, 0.8, "B", cex = 2) hist(diff.vs3[,4], col = "grey", breaks = 100, main = "", freq=F, ylim = c(0, 0.8)) abline(v = 1, lwd = 3, col = "red") text(-2.2, 0.8, "C", cex = 2) # Prob. difference greater than 1 mean(diff.vs3[,1] > 1) mean(diff.vs3[,2] > 1) mean(diff.vs3[,4] > 1) # 5.7 Proportion of variance explained (R2) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ cat(file = "Model0.txt"," model { # Priors mu ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) tau <- pow(sd, -2) sd ~ dunif(0, 1000) # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ Cmean[i] ~ dnorm(mu, tau) } } ") inits <- function() list(mu = rnorm(1)) params <- c("mu", "sd") ni <- 6000 ; nt <- 1 ; nb <- 1000 ; nc <- 3 out0 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "Model0.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb) print(out0) # Compute R2 from BUGS analysis (total.var <- mean(out0$sims.list$sd^2)) # Total variance around the mean (unexplained.var <- mean(out3$sims.list$sd^2)) # Not explained by the ANCOVA (prop.explained <- (total.var - unexplained.var)/total.var) # 5.8 Fitting a model with non-standard likelihood using the zeros or the ones tricks # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Package the data needed in a bundle win.data <- list(Cmean1 = Cmean, Cmean2 = Cmean, zeros = rep(0, M), ones = rep(1, M), M = length(Cmean), elev = elev, forest = forest) # note 2 copies of response # Write text file with model description in BUGS language cat(file = "multiple_linear_regression_model.txt", "model { # Priors for(k in 1:3){ # Loop over three ways to specify likelihood alpha0[k] ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Prior for intercept alpha1[k] ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Prior for slope of elev alpha2[k] ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Prior for slope of forest alpha3[k] ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Prior for slope of interaction sd[k] ~ dunif(0, 1000) # Prior for dispersion on sd scale } var1 <- pow(sd[1], 2) # Variance in zeros trick var2 <- pow(sd[2], 2) # Variance in ones trick tau <- pow(sd[3], -2) # Precision tau = 1/(sd^2) C1 <- 10000 # zeros trick: make large enough to ensure lam >= 0 C2 <- 10000 # ones trick: make large enough to ensure p <= 1 pi <- 3.1415926 # Three variants of specification of the likelihood for (i in 1:M){ # 'Zeros trick' for normal likelihood zeros[i] ~ dpois(phi[i]) # likelihood contribution is exp(-phi) # negLL[i] <- log(sd[1]) + 0.5 * pow((Cmean1[i] - mu1[i]) / sd[1],2 ) negLL[i] <- -log(sqrt(1/(2*pi*var1))) + pow(Cmean1[i]-mu1[i],2)/(2*var1) phi[i] <- negLL[i] + C1 mu1[i] <- alpha0[1] + alpha1[1]*elev[i] + alpha2[1]*forest[i] + alpha3[1]*elev[i]*forest[i] # 'Ones trick' for normal likelihood ones[i] ~ dbern(p[i]) # likelihood contribution is p directly L[i] <- sqrt(1/(2*pi*var2)) * exp(-pow(Cmean1[i]-mu2[i],2)/(2*var2)) p[i] <- L[i] / C2 mu2[i] <- alpha0[2] + alpha1[2]*elev[i] + alpha2[2]*forest[i] + alpha3[2]*elev[i]*forest[i] # Standard distribution function for the normal Cmean2[i] ~ dnorm(mu3[i], tau) mu3[i] <- alpha0[3] + alpha1[3]*elev[i] + alpha2[3]*forest[i] + alpha3[3]*elev[i]*forest[i] } }" ) # Initial values inits <- function() list(alpha0 = rnorm(3, 0, 10), alpha1 = rnorm(3,0,10), alpha2 = rnorm(3,0,10), alpha3 = rnorm(3,0,10)) # Parameters monitored (i.e., for which estimates are saved) params <- c("alpha0", "alpha1", "alpha2", "alpha3", "sd") # MCMC settings ni <- 1200 ; nt <- 1 ; nb <- 200 ; nc <- 3 # For JAGS # Call JAGS library(jagsUI) outX <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "multiple_linear_regression_model.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb) print(outX) # Define negative log-likelihood function neglogLike <- function(param) { alpha0 = param[1] alpha1 = param[2] alpha2 = param[3] alpha3 = param[4] sigma = exp(param[5]) # Estimate sigma on log-scale mu = alpha0 + alpha1*elev + alpha2*forest + alpha3*elev*forest # -sum(dnorm(Cmean, mean=mu, sd=sigma, log=TRUE)) # cheap quick way sum(-log(sqrt(1/(2*3.1415926*sigma^2))) + (Cmean-mu)^2/(2*sigma^2)) } # Find parameter values that minimize function value (fit <- optim(par = rep(0, 5), fn = neglogLike, method = "BFGS")) exp(fit$par[5]) # Backtransform to get sigma # 5.9 Poisson generalized linear model (Poisson GLM) # -------------------------------------------------- # Summarize data by taking max at each site Cmax <- apply(C, 1, max) table(Cmax) # Bundle data win.data <- list(Cmax = Cmax, M = length(Cmax), elev = elev, facFor = facFor, e = 0.0001) # Specify model in BUGS language cat(file = "Poisson_GLM.txt"," model { # Priors for(k in 1:4){ alpha[k] ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Prior for intercepts beta[k] ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Prior for slopes } # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ Cmax[i] ~ dpois(lambda[i]) # note no variance parameter log(lambda[i]) <- alpha[facFor[i]] + beta[facFor[i]] * elev[i] resi[i] <- (Cmax[i]-lambda[i]) / (sqrt(lambda[i])+e) # Pearson resi } } ") # Initial values inits <- function() list(alpha = rnorm(4,,3), beta = rnorm(4,,3)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("alpha", "beta", "lambda", "resi") # MCMC settings ni <- 6000 ; nt <- 1 ; nb <- 1000 ; nc <- 3 # Call WinBUGS or JAGS from R and summarize posteriors out5 <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "Poisson_GLM.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = TRUE, bugs.directory = bugs.dir, working.directory = getwd()) system.time(out5J <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "Poisson_GLM.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb)) par(mfrow = c(4,2)) ; traceplot(out5J, c("alpha[1:4]", "beta[1:4]")) print(out5J, 3) par(mfrow = c(1, 3), mar = c(5,5,3,2), cex = 1.3, cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5) hist(out5$summary[276:542, 1], xlab = "Pearson residuals", col = "grey", breaks = 50, main = "", freq = F, xlim = c(-5, 5), ylim = c(0, 0.57)) abline(v = 0, col = "red", lwd = 2) text(-4.7, 0.54, "A", cex = 1.5) plot(1:267, out5$summary[276:542, 1], main = "", xlab = "Order of data", ylab = "Pearson residual", frame.plot = F) abline(h = 0, col = "red", lwd = 2) text(8, 4, "B", cex = 1.5) plot(out5$summary[9:275, 1],out5$summary[276:542, 1], main = "", xlab = "Predicted values", ylab = "Pearson residual", frame.plot = F, xlim = c(-1, 14)) abline(h = 0, col = "red", lwd = 2) text(-0.5, 4, "C", cex = 1.5) summary(glm(Cmax ~ factor(facFor)*elev-1-elev, family = poisson)) lambda2 <- array(dim = c(15000, 267)) for(j in 1:267){ # Loop over sites lambda2[,j] <- exp(out5$sims.list$alpha[,facFor[j]] + out5$sims.list$beta[,facFor[j]] * elev[j]) # linear regression/backtransform } plot(out5$sims.list$lambda ~ lambda2, pch = ".") # Check the two are identical lm(c(out5$sims.list$lambda) ~ c(lambda2)) sorted.ele1 <- sort(elev[facFor == 1]) sorted.y1 <- out5$summary[9:275,][facFor == 1,][order(elev[facFor == 1]),] # Plot A par(mfrow = c(1, 3), mar = c(5,5,3,2), cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5) plot(elev[facFor == 1], jitter(Cmax[facFor ==1]), ylab = "Maximum count", xlab = "Elevation (scaled)", frame.plot=F), ylim = c(0, 6)) lines(sorted.ele1, sorted.y1[,1], col = "blue", lwd = 2) # Post. mean lines(sorted.ele1, sorted.y1[,3], col = "grey", lwd = 2) # Lower 95% CL lines(sorted.ele1, sorted.y1[,7], col = "grey", lwd = 2) # Upper 95% CL text(-0.8, 6, "A", cex = 2) # Plot B plot(sorted.ele1, sorted.y1[,1], type='n', xlab = "Elevation (scaled)", ylab = "", frame.plot = F, ylim = c(0, 6)) polygon(c(sorted.ele1, rev(sorted.ele1)), c(sorted.y1[,3], rev(sorted.y1[,7])), col='grey', border=NA) lines(sorted.ele1, sorted.y1[,1], col = "blue", lwd = 2) text(-0.8, 6, "B", cex = 2) # Plot C elev.pred <- seq(-1,1, length.out = 200) # Cov. for which to predict lambda n.pred <- 50 # Number of prediction profiles pred.matrix <- array(NA, dim = c(length(elev.pred), n.pred)) for(j in 1:n.pred){ sel <- sample(1:length(out5$sims.list$alpha[,1]),1) # Choose one post. draw pred.matrix[,j] <- exp(out5$sims.list$alpha[sel,1] + out5$sims.list$beta[sel,1] * elev.pred) } plot(sorted.ele1, sorted.y1[,1], type='n', xlab = "Elevation (scaled)", ylab = "", frame.plot = F, ylim = c(0, 6)) matlines(elev.pred, pred.matrix, col = "grey", lty = 1, lwd = 1) lines(sorted.ele1, sorted.y1[,1], col = "blue", lwd = 2) text(-0.8, 6, "C", cex = 2) # 5.10 Goodness of fit assessment: posterior predictive checks and the parametric bootstrap # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bundle data win.data <- list(Cmax = Cmax, M = length(Cmax), elev = elev, facFor = facFor, e = 0.0001) # Specify model in BUGS language cat(file = "Poisson_GLM.txt"," model { # Priors for(k in 1:4){ alpha[k] ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) beta[k] ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) } # Likelihood and computations for posterior predictive check for (i in 1:M){ Cmax[i] ~ dpois(lambda[i]) log(lambda[i]) <- alpha[facFor[i]] + beta[facFor[i]] * elev[i] # Fit assessments: Chi-squared test statistic and posterior predictive check chi2[i] <- pow((Cmax[i]-lambda[i]),2) / (sqrt(lambda[i])+e) # obs. Cmax.new[i] ~ dpois(lambda[i]) # Replicate (new) data set chi2.new[i] <- pow((Cmax.new[i]-lambda[i]),2) / (sqrt(lambda[i])+e) # exp. } # Add up discrepancy measures for entire data set fit <- sum(chi2[]) # Omnibus test statistic actual data fit.new <- sum(chi2.new[]) # Omnibus test statistic replicate data # range of data as a second discrepancy measure obs.range <- max(Cmax[]) - min(Cmax[]) exp.range <- max(Cmax.new[]) - min(Cmax.new[]) } ") # Initial values inits <- function() list(alpha = rnorm(4,,3), beta = rnorm(4,,3)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("chi2", "fit", "fit.new", "obs.range", "exp.range") params <- c("Cmax.new", "chi2.new", "chi2", "fit", "fit.new", "obs.range", "exp.range") # MCMC settings ni <- 6000 ; nt <- 1 ; nb <- 1000 ; nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R and summarize posteriors out5.1 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "Poisson_GLM.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, modules = 'bugs') print(out5.1, 2) par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(5,5,3,2), cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5) plot(out5.1$sims.list$fit, out5.1$sims.list$fit.new, xlim = c(200, 1000), ylim = c(200, 1000), main = "", xlab = "Discrepancy observed data", ylab = "Discrepancy expected data", frame.plot = F, cex = 1.5) abline(0,1, lwd = 2) text(240, 1000, "A", cex = 2) (bpv <- mean(out5.1$sims.list$fit.new > out5.1$sims.list$fit)) plot(Cmax, out5.1$mean$chi2, xlab = "Observed data", ylab = "Chi2 contribution", frame.plot = F, ylim = c(0, 70), cex = 1.5) lines(0:30, sqrt(0:30), lwd = 2) text(2, 70, "B", cex = 2) # Fit model to actual data and compute two fit statistics fm <- glm(Cmax ~ as.factor(facFor)*elev, family = poisson) # Fit model observed <- Cmax expected <- predict(fm, type = "response") plot(observed, expected) abline(0,1) chi2.obs <- sum((observed - expected)^2 / (expected + 0.0001)) # fit stat 1 range.obs <- diff(range(observed)) # fit stat 2 # Generate reference distribution of fit stat under a fitting model simrep <- 100000 # Might want to try 1000 first chi2vec <- rangevec <- numeric(simrep) # vectors for chi2 and maximum for(i in 1:simrep){ cat(paste(i, "\n")) Cmaxrep <- rpois(n = 267, lambda = expected) # Generate replicate data set fmrep <- glm(Cmaxrep ~ as.factor(facFor)*elev, family = poisson) # Refit model expectednew <- predict(fmrep, type = "response") chi2vec[i] <- sum((Cmaxrep - expectednew)^2 / (expectednew + 0.0001)) rangevec[i] <- diff(range(Cmaxrep)) } # Summarize bootstrap results and compare with posterior predictive dist. par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(5,5,3,2), cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5) hist(out5.1$sims.list$fit.new, col = "grey", main = "", breaks = 100, xlim = c(180, 900), freq = F, ylim = c(0, 0.01)) abline(v = mean(out5.1$sims.list$fit), col = "red", lwd = 2) text(200, 0.009, "A", cex = 2) hist(out5.1$sims.list$exp.range, col = "grey", main = "", breaks = 50, xlim = c(10, 32), freq = F, ylim = c(0, 0.40)) abline(v = mean(out5.1$sims.list$obs.range), col = "red", lwd = 2) text(11, 0.38, "B", cex = 2) hist(chi2vec, col = "grey", main = "", breaks = 100, xlim = c(180, 900), freq = F, ylim = c(0, 0.02)) abline(v = chi2.obs, col = "red", lwd = 2) text(200, 0.018, "C", cex = 2) hist(rangevec, col = "grey", main = "", breaks = 50, xlim = c(10, 32), freq = F) abline(v = range.obs, col = "red", lwd = 2) text(11, 0.38, "D", cex = 2) # Lack of fit ratio in PPD and parboot mean(out5.1$sims.list$fit/out5.1$sims.list$fit.new) # ppc mean(chi2.obs/chi2vec) # parboot (pval1 <- 1-rank(c(chi2vec, chi2.obs))[simrep+1]/(simrep+1)) (pval2 <- 1-rank(c(rangevec, range.obs))[simrep+1]/(simrep+1)) # 5.11 Binomial generalised linear model (binomial GLM, logistic regression) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Quantize counts from first survey and describe y1 <- as.numeric(C[,1] > 0) # Gets 1 if first count greater than zero table(y1) mean(N > 0) # True occupancy mean(y1) # Observed occupancy after first survey # Bundle data win.data <- list(y1 = y1, M = length(y1), elev = elev, facFor = facFor) # Specify model in BUGS language cat(file = "Bernoulli_GLM.txt"," model { # Priors for(k in 1:4){ alpha[k] <- logit(mean.psi[k]) # intercepts mean.psi[k] ~ dunif(0,1) beta[k] ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # slopes } # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ y1[i] ~ dbern(theta[i]) logit(theta[i]) <- alpha[facFor[i]] + beta[facFor[i]] * elev[i] } } ") # Initial values inits <- function() list(mean.psi = runif(4), beta = rnorm(4,,3)) # Priors 2 # Parameters monitored params <- c("mean.psi", "alpha", "beta", "theta") # MCMC settings ni <- 6000 ; nt <- 1 ; nb <- 1000 ; nc <- 3 # Call WinBUGS or JAGS from R (ART <1 min) out6 <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "Bernoulli_GLM.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = TRUE, bugs.directory = bugs.dir, working.directory = getwd()) out6J <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "Bernoulli_GLM.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb) par(mfrow = c(4,2)) ; traceplot(out6J, c("alpha[1:4]", "beta[1:4]")) print(out6, 2) # Compare with MLEs summary(glm(y1 ~ factor(facFor)*elev-1-elev, family = binomial)) # Plot of observed response vs. two covariates par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(5,5,3,2), cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5) F1 <- facFor == 1 ; F2 <- facFor == 2 ; F3 <- facFor == 3 ; F4 <- facFor == 4 plot(jitter(y1,,0.05) ~ facFor, xlab = "Forest factor", ylab = "Observed occupancy probability", frame.plot = F, ylim = c(0, 1.15)) lines(1:4, out6$summary[1:4,1], lwd = 2) segments(1:4, out6$summary[1:4,3], 1:4, out6$summary[1:4,7]) text(1.15, 1.1, "A", cex=1.6) plot(elev[F1], jitter(y1,,0.1)[F1], xlab = "Elevation", ylab = "", col = "red", frame.plot = F) points(elev[F2], jitter(y1,,0.05)[F2], col = "blue") points(elev[F3], jitter(y1,,0.05)[F3], col = "green") points(elev[F4], jitter(y1,,0.05)[F4], col = "grey") lines(sort(elev[F1]), out6$mean$theta[F1][order(elev[F1])], col="red", lwd=2) lines(sort(elev[F2]), out6$mean$theta[F2][order(elev[F2])], col="blue", lwd=2) lines(sort(elev[F3]), out6$mean$theta[F3][order(elev[F3])], col="green", lwd=2) lines(sort(elev[F4]), out6$mean$theta[F4][order(elev[F4])], col="grey", lwd=2) text(-0.9, 1.1, "B", cex=1.6) # 5.12 Moment-matching in a binomial GLM to accommodate underdispersion # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bundle data win.data <- list(y = data$C, M = nrow(data$C), J = ncol(data$C), elev = elev, N = 32) # Specify model in BUGS language cat(file = "squeezed_count_GLM.txt"," model { # Priors alpha ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) beta ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-06) # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ mu[i] <- alpha + beta * elev[i] # linear model for expected response logit(p[i]) <- logit(mu[i] / N) # express param as function of first moment for(j in 1:J){ y[i,j] ~ dbin(p[i], N) } } } ") # Initial values inits <- function() list(alpha = 1.7, beta = -1.2) # works always inits <- function() list(alpha = runif(1), beta = runif(1)) # works sometimes # Parameters monitored params <- c("alpha", "beta", "mu") # MCMC settings ni <- 3000 ; nt <- 1 ; nb <- 1000 ; nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (ART <1 min) library(jagsUI) out7 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "squeezed_count_GLM.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb) par(mfrow = c(4,2)) ; traceplot(out7) print(out7, 3) # 5.13 Random-effects Poisson GLM (Poisson GLMM) # ---------------------------------------------- # Bundle data win.data <- list(C = C, M = nrow(C), J = ncol(C), elev = elev, forest = forest, elev.forest = elev * forest, wind = wind) # Specify model in BUGS language cat(file = "RE.Poisson.txt"," model { # Priors mu.alpha ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) # Mean hyperparam tau.alpha <- pow(sd.alpha, -2) sd.alpha ~ dunif(0, 10) # sd hyperparam for(k in 1:4){ alpha[k] ~ dunif(-10, 10) # Regression params } # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ alpha0[i] ~ dnorm(mu.alpha, tau.alpha) # Random effects and hyperparams re0[i] <- alpha0[i] - mu.alpha # zero-centered random effects for(j in 1:J){ C[i,j] ~ dpois(lambda[i,j]) log(lambda[i,j]) <- alpha0[i] + alpha[1] * elev[i] + alpha[2] * forest[i] + alpha[3] * elev.forest[i] + alpha[4] * wind[i,j] } } }") # Other model run preparations inits <- function() list(alpha0 = rnorm(M), alpha = rnorm(4)) # Inits params <- c("mu.alpha", "sd.alpha", "alpha0", "alpha", "re0") # Params ni <- 30000 ; nt <- 25 ; nb <- 5000 ; nc <- 3 # MCMC settings # Call WinBUGS or JAGS from R (ART 6-7 min) and summarize posteriors out8 <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "RE.Poisson.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = TRUE, bugs.directory = bugs.dir, working.directory = getwd()) out8 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "RE.Poisson.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb) par(mfrow = c(3,2)) ; traceplot(out8, c("mu.alpha", "sd.alpha", "alpha[1:3]")) print(out8, 3) Cvec <- as.vector(C) # Vector of M*J counts elev.vec <- rep(elev, J) # Vectorized elevation covariate forest.vec <- rep(forest, J) # Vectorized forest covariate wind.vec <- as.vector(wind) # Vectorized wind covariate fac.site <- factor(rep(1:M, J)) # Site indicator (factor) cbind(Cvec, fac.site, elev.vec, forest.vec, wind.vec) # Look at data # Fit same model using maximum likelihood (NOTE: glmer uses ML instead of REML) library(lme4) summary(fm <- glmer(Cvec ~ elev.vec*forest.vec + wind.vec + (1| fac.site), family = poisson)) # Fit model ranef(fm) # Print zero-centered random effects # Compare fixed-effects estimates (in spite of the confusing naming in glmer output), Bayesian post. means and sd left, frequentist MLEs and SEs right print(cbind(out8$summary[c(1:2, 270:273), 1:2], rbind(summary(fm)$coef[1,1:2], c(sqrt(summary(fm)$varcor$fac.site), NA), summary(fm)$coef[c(2,3,5,4),1:2])), 3) # Compare graphically non-Bayesian and Bayesian random effects estimates Freq.re <- ranef(fm)$fac.site[,1] # Non-Bayesian estimates (MLEs) Bayes.re <- out8$summary[274:540,] # Bayesian estimates par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(5,5,3,2), cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5) plot(Freq.re, Bayes.re[,1], xlab = "Non-Bayesian (glmer)", ylab = "Bayesian (BUGS)", xlim = c(-0.4, 0.42), ylim = c(-2, 2), frame.plot = F, type = "n") segments(Freq.re, Bayes.re[,3], Freq.re, Bayes.re[,7], col = "grey", lwd = 0.5) abline(0, 1, lwd = 2) points(Freq.re, Bayes.re[,1]) text(-0.38, 2, "A", cex=1.6) wind.pred <- seq(-1, 1, , 1000) # Covariate values for prediction pred <- array(NA, dim = c(1000, 267)) for(i in 1:267){ pred[,i]<- exp(out8$mean$alpha0[i] + out8$mean$alpha[1] * 0 + out8$mean$alpha[2] * 0 + out8$mean$alpha[3] * 0 + out8$mean$alpha[4] * wind.pred) # Predictions for each site } matplot(wind.pred, pred, type = "l", lty = 1, col = "grey", xlab = "Wind speed", ylab = "Expected count", frame.plot = F, ylim = c(0, 4)) lines(wind.pred, exp(out8$mean$mu.alpha + out8$mean$alpha[4] * wind.pred), col = "black", lwd = 3) text(-0.9, 4, "B", cex=1.6) # 5.14 Random-effects binomial GLM (binomial GLMM) # ------------------------------------------------ # Get detection/nondetection response y <- C y[y > 0] <- 1 # Bundle data win.data <- list(y = y, M = nrow(y), J = ncol(y), elev = elev, forest = forest, elev.forest = elev * forest, wind = wind) str(win.data) # Specify model in BUGS language cat(file = "RE.Bernoulli.txt"," model { # Priors mu.alpha0 <- logit(mean.theta) # Random intercepts mean.theta ~ dunif(0,1) tau.alpha0 <- pow(sd.alpha0, -2) sd.alpha0 ~ dunif(0, 10) mu.alpha4 ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) # Random slope on wind tau.alpha4 <- pow(sd.alpha4, -2) sd.alpha4 ~ dunif(0, 10) for(k in 1:3){ alpha[k] ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) # Slopes } # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ alpha0[i] ~ dnorm(mu.alpha0, tau.alpha0) # Intercept random effects re00[i] <- alpha0[i] - mu.alpha0 # same zero-centered alpha4[i] ~ dnorm(mu.alpha4, tau.alpha4) # Slope random effects re04[i] <- alpha4[i] - mu.alpha4 # same zero-centered for(j in 1:J){ y[i,j] ~ dbern(theta[i,j]) logit(theta[i,j]) <- alpha0[i] + alpha[1] * elev[i] + alpha[2] * forest[i] + alpha[3] * elev.forest[i] + alpha4[i] * wind[i,j] } } }") # Other model run preparations inits <- function() list(alpha0 = rnorm(M), alpha4 = rnorm(M))# Inits params <- c("mu.alpha0", "sd.alpha0", "alpha0", "alpha", "mu.alpha4", "sd.alpha4", "alpha4", "re00", "re04") # Params ni <- 30000 ; nt <- 25 ; nb <- 5000 ; nc <- 3 # MCMC settings # Call WinBUGS from R .... and crash ! out9 <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "RE.Bernoulli.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = TRUE, bugs.directory = bugs.dir, working.directory = getwd()) # Call JAGS from R (ART 2.5 min) out9 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "RE.Bernoulli.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb) par(mfrow = c(2,2)) traceplot(out9, c("mu.alpha0", "sd.alpha0", "alpha[1:3]", "mu.alpha4", "sd.alpha4")) print(out9, 3) yvec <- as.vector(y) # Vector of M*J counts elev.vec <- rep(elev, J) # Vectorized elevation covariate forest.vec <- rep(forest, J) # Vectorized forest covariate wind.vec <- as.vector(wind) # Vectorized wind covariate fac.site <- factor(rep(1:M, J)) # Site indicator (factor) cbind(yvec, fac.site, elev.vec, forest.vec, wind.vec) # Look at data # Fit same model using maximum likelihood library(lme4) # Load package summary(frem <- glmer(yvec ~ elev.vec*forest.vec + wind.vec + (wind.vec || fac.site), family = binomial)) # Fit model # Compare Bayesian and non-Bayesian estimates print(out9$summary[c(1:2, 270:274),c(1:3,7:9)], 4) (re <- ranef(frem)) # Print zero-centered random effects par(mfrow = c(1, 3), mar = c(5,5,3,2), cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5) pop.mean.int <- summary(frem)$coef[1,1] pop.mean.slope <- summary(frem)$coef[4,1] plot(sort(wind.vec), plogis(pop.mean.int + sort(wind.vec) * pop.mean.slope), type = "l", xlab = "Wind speed", ylab = "Prob. to count >0 great tits", lwd = 3, frame.plot = F) for(i in 1:267){ lines(sort(wind.vec), plogis(pop.mean.int + re$fac.site[i,1] + sort(wind.vec) * (pop.mean.slope + re$fac.site[i,2])), lwd = 1, col = i) } title(main = "A", cex.main = 2) # Compute expected detection/nondetection probability for a grid of elevation and forest cover, at wind-speed = 0 (covariate average) and for hypermean of intercepts alpha0 n.sims <- length(out9$sims.list$mu.alpha0) elev.pred <- seq(-1, 1,,100) # Values of elevation forest.pred <- seq(-1,1,,100) # Values of forest cover pred.array <- array(NA, dim = c(100, 100, n.sims)) # Prediction array for(i in 1:100){ for(j in 1:100){ pred.array[i,j,] <- plogis(out9$sims.list$mu.alpha0 + out9$sims.list$alpha[,1] * elev.pred[i] + out9$sims.list$alpha[,2] * forest.pred[j] + out9$sims.list$alpha[,3] * elev.pred[i] * forest.pred[j]) } } pm.pred.array <- apply(pred.array, c(1,2), mean) # Get posterior mean psd.pred.array <- apply(pred.array, c(1,2), sd) # Get posterior sd mapPalette <- colorRampPalette(c("grey", "yellow", "orange", "red")) image(x=elev.pred, y= forest.pred, z=pm.pred.array, col = mapPalette(100), xlab = "Elevation", ylab = "Forest cover") contour(x=elev.pred, y=forest.pred, z= pm.pred.array, add = TRUE, lwd = 1) title(main = "B", cex.main = 2) image(x=elev.pred, y= forest.pred, z=psd.pred.array, col = mapPalette(100), xlab = "Elevation", ylab = "Forest cover") contour(x=elev.pred, y=forest.pred, z= psd.pred.array, add = TRUE, lwd = 1) title(main = "C", cex.main = 2) # 5.15 General strategy of model building with BUGS # -------------------------------------------------- # 5.16 Summary and outlook # -------------------------------------------------- # ========================================================================= # # 6. Modeling abundance with counts of unmarked individuals # in closed populations: binomial N-mixture models # # ========================================================================= # 6.1. Introduction to the modeling of abundance # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 6.2 An exercise in hierarchical modeling: Derivation of binomial N-mixture models from first principles # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 6.3. Simulation and analysis of the simplest possible N-mixture model # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Choose sample sizes and prepare observed data array C set.seed(24) # So we all get same data set M <- 150 # Number of sites J <- 2 # Number of abu. measurements per site (rep. counts) C <- matrix(NA, nrow = M, ncol = J) # to contain the obs. data # Parameter values lambda <- 2.5 # Expected abundance p <- 0.4 # Probability of detection (per individual) # Generate local abundance data (the truth) N <- rpois(n = M, lambda = lambda) # Conduct repeated measurements (generate replicated counts) for(j in 1:J){ C[,j] <- rbinom(n = M, size = N, prob = p) } # Look at data # The truth .... table(N) # True abundance distribution sum(N) # True total population size at M sites sum(N>0) # True number of occupied sites mean(N) # True mean abundance (estimate of lambda) # ... and the observations table(apply(C, 1, max)) # Observed abundance distribution (max count) sum(apply(C, 1, max)) # Observed total population size at M sites sum(apply(C, 1, max)>0) # Observed number of occupied sites mean(apply(C, 1, max)) # Observed mean "relative abundance" head(cbind(N=N, count1=C[,1], count2=C[,2])) # First 6 sites cor(C)[1,2] library(unmarked) # Load package umf <- unmarkedFramePCount(y = C) # Create um data frame summary(umf) # Summarize (fm1 <- pcount(~1 ~1, data = umf)) # Fit model: get estimates on link scale backTransform(fm1, "state") # Get estimates on natural scale backTransform(fm1, "det") # Bundle and summarize data set win.data <- list(C = C, M = nrow(C), J = ncol(C)) str(win.data) # Look at data # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model1.txt") cat(" model { # Priors lambda ~ dgamma(0.001, 0.001) p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Likelihood for (i in 1:M) { N[i] ~ dpois(lambda) # State model for (j in 1:J) { C[i,j] ~ dbin(p, N[i]) # Observation model } } } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Initial values Nst <- apply(C, 1, max) # Avoid data/model/inits conflict inits <- function(){list(N = Nst)} # Parameters monitored params <- c("lambda", "p") # MCMC settings ni <- 25000 ; nt <- 20 ; nb <- 5000 ; nc <- 3 # Call JAGS (ART 1 min) and summarize posteriors library(jagsUI) fm2 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model1.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb) print(fm2, dig = 3) # 6.4 A slightly more complex N-mixture model with covariates # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Choose sample sizes and prepare obs. data array y set.seed(1) # So we all get same data set M <- 100 # Number of sites J <- 3 # Number of repeated abundance measurements C <- matrix(NA, nrow = M, ncol = J) # to contain the observed data # Create a covariate called vegHt vegHt <- sort(runif(M, -1, 1)) # sort for graphical convenience # Choose parameter values for abundance model and compute lambda beta0 <- 0 # Log-scale intercept beta1 <- 2 # Log-scale slope for vegHt lambda <- exp(beta0 + beta1 * vegHt) # Expected abundance plot(vegHt, lambda, type = "l", lwd = 3) # Expected abundance # Draw local abundance and look at data so far N <- rpois(M, lambda) points(vegHt, N) # Add realized abundance to plot table(N) # Plot the true system state (Fig. 6–2, left) par(mfrow = c(1, 3), mar = c(5,5,2,2), cex.axis = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.5) plot(vegHt, N, xlab="Vegetation height", ylab="True abundance (N)", frame = F, cex = 1.5) lines(seq(-1,1,,100), exp(beta0 + beta1* seq(-1,1,,100)), lwd=3, col = "red") # Create a covariate called wind wind <- array(runif(M * J, -1, 1), dim = c(M, J)) # Choose parameter values for measurement error model and compute detectability alpha0 <- -2 # Logit-scale intercept alpha1 <- -3 # Logit-scale slope for wind p <- plogis(alpha0 + alpha1 * wind) # Detection probability #plot(p ~ wind, ylim = c(0,1)) # Look at relationship # Take J = 3 abundance measurements at each site for(j in 1:J) { C[,j] <- rbinom(M, N, p[,j]) } # Plot observed data and effect of wind on det. probability (Fig. 6–2, middle) plot(wind, C/max(C), xlab="Wind", ylab="Scaled counts: C/max(C)", frame = F, cex = 1.5) lines(seq(-1,1,,100), plogis(alpha0 + alpha1*seq(-1,1,,100)), lwd=3, col="red") # Expected (lambda) and realized abundance (N) and measurements (C) cbind(lambda=round(lambda,2), N=N, C1=C[,1], C2=C[,2], C3=C[,3]) # Create factors time <- matrix(rep(as.character(1:J), M), ncol = J, byrow = TRUE) hab <- c(rep("A", 33), rep("B", 33), rep("C", 34)) # assumes M = 100 # Load unmarked, format data in unmarked data frame and summarize library(unmarked) umf <- unmarkedFramePCount( y=C, # Counts matrix siteCovs= data.frame(vegHt = vegHt, hab = hab), # Site covariates obsCovs = list(time = time, wind = wind)) # Observation covs summary(umf) # Fit model and extract estimates # linear model for p follows first tilde, then comes linear model for lambda summary(fm.Nmix1 <- pcount(~wind ~vegHt, data=umf, control=list(trace=T, REPORT=1))) fm.Nmix2 <- pcount(~wind ~vegHt, data=umf, mixture="NB", control=list(trace=TRUE, REPORT=5)) fm.Nmix3 <- pcount(~wind ~vegHt, data=umf, mixture="ZIP", control=list(trace=TRUE, REPORT=5)) cbind(AIC.P=fm.Nmix1@AIC, AIC.NB=fm.Nmix2@AIC, AIC.ZIP=fm.Nmix3@AIC) # Predictions of lambda for specified values of vegHt, say 0.2 and 2.1 newdat <- data.frame(vegHt=c(0.2, 1.1)) predict(fm.Nmix1, type="state", newdata=newdat, append = T) # ... or of p for values of wind of -1 to 1 newdat <- data.frame(wind=seq(-1, 1, , 5)) predict(fm.Nmix1, type="det", newdata=newdat, append = T) # Predict lambda and detection for actual data set (lambda.hat <- predict(fm.Nmix1, type="state")) # lambda at every site (p.hat <- predict(fm.Nmix1, type="det")) # p during every survey # Predict lambda and detection as function of covs newdat <- data.frame(vegHt=seq(-1, 1, 0.01)) pred.lam <- predict(fm.Nmix1, type="state", newdata=newdat) newdat <- data.frame(wind=seq(-1, 1, 0.1)) pred.det <- predict(fm.Nmix1, type="det", newdata=newdat) # Fit detection-naive GLM to counts and plot comparison (Fig. 6–2, right) summary(fm.glm <- glm(c(C) ~ rep(vegHt, 3), family=poisson)) # p-naive model matplot(vegHt, C, xlab="Vegetation height", ylab="Counts", frame = F, cex = 1.5, pch = 1, col = "black") lines(seq(-1,1,,100), exp(beta0 + beta1* seq(-1,1,,100)), lwd=3, col = "red") curve(exp(coef(fm.glm)[1]+coef(fm.glm)[2]*x), -1, 1, type ="l", lwd=3, add=TRUE) lines(vegHt, predict(fm.Nmix1, type="state")[,1], col = "blue", lwd = 3) legend(-1, 7, c("Truth", "'Poisson GLM' with p", "Poisson GLM without p"), col=c("red", "blue", "black"), lty = 1, lwd=3, cex = 1.2) ranef(fm.Nmix1) # calculate lambda.hat: exp(a0 + a1*vegHt) lambda.hat <- predict(fm.Nmix1, type="state")[,1] # calculate p.hat: plogis(b0 + b1*wind) p.hat <- matrix(predict(fm.Nmix1, type="det")[,1], ncol=ncol(C), byrow=TRUE) Ngrid <- 0:(100+max(umf@y, na.rm = TRUE)) posterior <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(C), ncol=length(Ngrid)) bup2 <- array(NA, dim = M) for(i in 1:nrow(C)){ # Loop over sites # Compute prior using MLE gN <- dpois(Ngrid, lambda.hat[i]) gN <- gN/sum(gN) # Compute likelihood for each possible value of N fy <- rep(NA, length(Ngrid)) for(j in 1:length(Ngrid)){ fy[j]<- prod(dbinom(C[i,], Ngrid[j], p.hat[i,])) } # Compute marginal of y. for denominator of Bayes rule qy <- sum(fy * gN) # Posterior posterior[i,] <- fy * gN / qy # N can't be less than max(C) if(max(C[i,] > 0)) posterior[i,0:max(C[i,])]<- 0 # Compute posterior mean (BUP) bup2[i] <- sum(posterior[i,] * Ngrid) } # Compare BUPS with true N and counts for first and last 5 sites (bup1 <- bup(ranef(fm.Nmix1))) cbind(N=N,count1=C[,1],count2=C[,2],count3=C[,3],BUP1=bup1,BUP2=bup2)[c(1:5, 91:95),] plot(ranef(fm.Nmix1), xlim = c(0,12))[sort(sample(1:100, 12))] # Main-effects ANCOVA: additive effects of factor and covariate summary(fm.Nmix2 <- pcount(~ wind+time-1 ~ vegHt+hab-1, data=umf)) # Interaction-effects ANCOVA: multiplicative effects of factor and covariate summary(fm.Nmix3 <- pcount(~ wind*time-1-wind ~ vegHt*hab-1-vegHt, data=umf)) # Get predictions for factor levels at average values of covariates newdat <- data.frame(vegHt=0, hab = c("A", "B", "C")) predict(fm.Nmix2, type="state", newdata=newdat, appendData = T) newdat <- data.frame(time = c("1", "2", "3"), wind = 0) predict(fm.Nmix3, type="det", newdata=newdat, appendData = T) newdat <- data.frame(vegHt=seq(0, 2 ,by = 0.1), hab = factor("A", levels = c("A", "B", "C"))) predict(fm.Nmix2, type="state", newdata=newdat, appendData = T) LRT(fm.Nmix3, fm.Nmix1) # Bundle data win.data <- list(C = C, M = nrow(C), J = ncol(C), wind = wind, vegHt = vegHt, hab = as.numeric(factor(hab)), XvegHt = seq(-1, 1,, 100), Xwind = seq(-1, 1,,100) ) str(win.data) # Specify model in BUGS language cat(file = "model2.txt", " model { # Priors for(k in 1:3){ # Loop over 3 levels of hab or time factors alpha0[k] ~ dunif(-10, 10) # Detection intercepts alpha1[k] ~ dunif(-10, 10) # Detection slopes beta0[k] ~ dunif(-10, 10) # Abundance intercepts beta1[k] ~ dunif(-10, 10) # Abundance slopes } # Likelihood # Ecological model for true abundance for (i in 1:M){ N[i] ~ dpois(lambda[i]) log(lambda[i]) <- beta0[hab[i]] + beta1[hab[i]] * vegHt[i] # Some intermediate derived quantities critical[i] <- step(2-N[i])# yields 1 whenever N is 2 or less z[i] <- step(N[i]-0.5) # Indicator for occupied site # Observation model for replicated counts for (j in 1:J){ C[i,j] ~ dbin(p[i,j], N[i]) logit(p[i,j]) <- alpha0[j] + alpha1[j] * wind[i,j] } } # Derived quantities Nocc <- sum(z[]) # Number of occupied sites among sample of M Ntotal <- sum(N[]) # Total population size at M sites combined Nhab[1] <- sum(N[1:33]) # Total abundance for sites in hab A Nhab[2] <- sum(N[34:66]) # Total abundance for sites in hab B Nhab[3] <- sum(N[67:100])# Total abundance for sites in hab C for(k in 1:100){ # Predictions of lambda and p ... for(level in 1:3){ # ... for each level of hab and time factors lam.pred[k, level] <- exp(beta0[level] + beta1[level] * XvegHt[k]) logit(p.pred[k, level]) <- alpha0[level] + alpha1[level] * Xwind[k] } } N.critical <- sum(critical[]) # Number of populations with critical size }") # Initial values Nst <- apply(C, 1, max)+1 # Important to give good inits for latent N inits <- function() list(N = Nst, alpha0 = rnorm(3), alpha1 = rnorm(3), beta0 = rnorm(3), beta1 = rnorm(3)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("alpha0", "alpha1", "beta0", "beta1", "Nocc", "Ntotal", "Nhab", "N.critical", "lam.pred", "p.pred") # could also estimate N, bayesian counterpart to BUPs before: simply add "N" to the list # MCMC settings nc <- 3 ; ni <- 22000 ; nb <- 2000 ; nt <- 10 # Call JAGS, time run (ART 1 min) and summarize posteriors system.time(out <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model2.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, parallel = TRUE) ) traceplot(out, param = c('alpha0', 'alpha1', 'beta0', 'beta1', 'Nocc', 'Ntotal', 'Nhab', 'N.critical')) print(out, 2) plot(table(out$sims.list$N.critical), xlab="Number of populations with critical size", ylab="Frequency", frame = F) abline(v = 74.5, col = "red", lwd = 3) (metapop.extinction.risk <- mean(out$sims.list$N.critical > 74)) par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(5,5,3,2), cex.axis = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.5) X <- seq(-1, 1,, 100) plot(X, out$summary[219:318,1], xlab = "Vegetation Height", ylab = "Expected abundance (lambda)", ylim = c(0, 11), frame = F, type = "l") polygon(c(X, rev(X)), c(out$summary[219:318,3], rev(out$summary[219:318,7])), col = "gray", border = F) lines(X, out$summary[219:318,1], lty = 1, lwd = 3, col = "blue") plot(X, out$summary[519:618,1], xlab = "Wind speed", ylab = "Detection probability (p)", ylim = c(0, 1), frame = F, type = "l") polygon(c(X, rev(X)), c(out$summary[519:618,3], rev(out$summary[519:618,7])), col = "gray", border = F) lines(X, out$summary[519:618,1], lty = 1, lwd = 3, col = "blue") # 6.5 A very general data simulation function for N-mixture models: simNmix # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Execute function and inspect results data <- simNmix() # Default arguments data <- simNmix(show.plot = FALSE) # Default args, no plots set.seed(24) str(data <- simNmix(nsite = 267, nvisit = 3, mean.theta = 1, mean.lam = 2, mean.p = 0.6, area = FALSE, beta1.theta = 0, beta2.theta = 0, beta3.theta = 0, beta2.lam = 0, beta3.lam = 0, beta4.lam = 0, beta3.p = 0, beta5.p = 0, beta6.p = 0, beta.p.survey = 0, beta.p.N = 0, sigma.lam = 0, dispersion = 10, sigma.p.site = 0, sigma.p.visit = 0, sigma.p.survey = 0, sigma.p.ind = 0, Neg.Bin = FALSE, open.N = FALSE, show.plot = TRUE)) # All default args explicit str(data <- simNmix()) # Null data-generating model str(data <- simNmix(mean.theta = 0.60)) # ZIP with 40% structural zeroes str(data <- simNmix(sigma.lam = 1)) # Poisson-lognormal (PLN) mixture str(data <- simNmix(Neg.Bin = TRUE)) # Negative-binomial mixture str(data <- simNmix(mean.theta = 0.6, sigma.lam = 1)) # Zero-inflated PLN str(data <- simNmix(mean.theta = 0.6, Neg.Bin = TRUE)) # Zero-infl. NegBin str(data <- simNmix(mean.p = 1)) # Perfect detection (p = 1) str(data <- simNmix(mean.theta = 0.6, mean.p = 1)) # ZIP with p = 1 str(data <- simNmix(sigma.lam = 1, mean.p = 1)) # PLN with p = 1 areas <- runif(267, 1, 2) # Generate vector with site area str(data <- simNmix(nsite = 267, area = areas)) # Sites with variable area str(data <- simNmix(nvisit = 1)) # Only one visit str(data <- simNmix(sigma.p.site = 1)) # Random site effects in p str(data <- simNmix(sigma.p.visit = 1)) # Random visit (= time) effects in p str(data <- simNmix(sigma.p.survey = 1)) # Random site-by-visit effects in p str(data <- simNmix(sigma.p.ind = 1)) # Random individual effects in p str(data <- simNmix(mean.theta = 0.5, beta1.theta = 1)) # Site cov 1 in suit. str(data <- simNmix(beta2.lam = 1)) # Site covariate 2 in abundance process str(data <- simNmix(beta3.p = 1)) # Site covariate 3 in detection process str(data <- simNmix(beta.p.N = 1)) # Positive density-dep. in p str(data <- simNmix(beta.p.N = -1)) # Negative density-dep. in p # Same covariate in suitab. and abund. (see Phillips & Elith, Ecology, 2014 !) str(data <- simNmix(mean.theta = 0.5, beta2.theta = 1, beta2.lam = -1)) # Same covariate in abundance and detection (see Kéry, Auk, 2008) str(data <- simNmix(beta3.lam = 1, beta3.p = -1)) # Same covariate in all three levels of model (ouch !) str(data <- simNmix(mean.theta = 0.5, beta3.theta = 1, beta3.lam = 1, beta3.p = -1)) # Use unmarked to fit some models to these data sets cov <- data$site.cov summary(umf <- unmarkedFramePCount( y=data$C, siteCovs= data.frame(cov1=cov[,1], cov2=cov[,2], cov3=cov[,3], cov4=cov[,4], cov5=cov[,5], cov6=cov[,6], area = data$area), obsCovs = list(survey.cov = data$survey.cov))) summary(fm <- pcount(~1 ~1, umf)) summary(fm <- pcount(~1 ~1, umf, mixture = "ZIP")) summary(fm <- pcount(~1 ~1, umf, mixture = "NB")) summary(fm <- pcount(~cov1+cov2+cov3 ~ cov1+cov2+cov3, umf)) # 6.6 Study design, and bias and precision of the N-mixture estimator # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define simulation settings and arrays for sim results simreps <- 1000 # Simulate and analyse 1000 data sets nsites <- c(20, 120, 250) # Levels for nsites factor nreps <- c(2, 5, 10) # Levels of nrep factor estimates <- array(NA, dim = c(2, simreps, 3, 3)) # Fill p with random numbers between 0.01 and 0.99 p <- array(runif(n=simreps*3*3, 0.01, 0.99), dim = c(simreps, 3, 3)) # Launch simulation (takes about 6.3 hours) for(s in 1:3){ # Loop over levels of nsites factor for(r in 1:3){ # Loop over levels of nreps factor for(i in 1:simreps){ # Simulate and analyse 1000 data sets cat("*** Simrep number", i, "***\n") data <- simNmix(nsite=nsites[s], nvisit=nreps[r], mean.lam = 5, mean.p=p[i,s,r], show.plot = F) # Generate data set umf <- unmarkedFramePCount(y = data$C) # Bundle data for unmarked fm <- pcount(~1 ~1, umf) # Fit model estimates[,i,s,r] <- coef(fm) # Save estimates } } } # Visualisation par(mfrow = c(3,3), mar = c(4.5,4.5,2,2), cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.3) for(s in 1:3){ # Loop over nsites for(r in 1:3){ # Loop over nreps plot(p[,s,r], exp(estimates[1,,s,r]), xlab = "Detection probability", ylab = "lambda_hat", main = "", ylim = c(0, 75), frame = F) text(0.75, 60, paste("M = ", nsites[s], ", J = ", nreps[r], sep = ""), cex = 1.5) abline(h = 5, col = "red", lwd = 2) lines(smooth.spline(exp(estimates[1,,s,r])~p[,s,r]), col="blue", lwd=2) } } # 6.7 Study of some assumption violations using function simNmix # -------------------------------------------------------------- simreps <- 1000 # Number of data sets created/analysed MLE <- array(dim = c(5, simreps)) # Array to hold MLEs for(i in 1:simreps){ # Create and analyse 1000 data sets cat("*** Simrep number", i, "***\n") # Create data set with some extra (here: open populations) data <- simNmix(mean.lam=exp(1), mean.p=0.5, beta2.lam=1, beta3.p=1, beta.p.survey=1, open.N=TRUE, show.plot=F) # Analyse data set with standard model (here: assuming closure) umf <- unmarkedFramePCount(y=data$C, siteCovs = data.frame(cov2=data$site.cov[,2], cov3=data$site.cov[,3]), obsCovs = list(survey.cov = data$survey.cov)) fm <- pcount(~cov3+survey.cov ~cov2, umf, se = F) # Save MLEs MLE[,i] <- coef(fm) } # 6.8 Goodness of fit # ------------------- # Case 1: Test GoF of correct model library(AICcmodavg) par(mfrow = c(3,3)) for(i in 1:9){ data <- simNmix(show.plot = F) # Create data set fm <- pcount(~1 ~1, unmarkedFramePCount(y = data$C)) # Fit model pb.gof <- Nmix.gof.test(fm, nsim = 100) # 100 bootstrap reps } # Case 2: Simulate data with zero inflation and analyse without val.range <- seq(0.1, 1,,9) # Much to no zero-inflation for(i in 1:9){ data <- simNmix(mean.theta = val.range[i], show.plot = F) fm <- pcount(~1 ~1, unmarkedFramePCount(y = data$C)) # Fit model pb.gof <- Nmix.gof.test(fm, nsim = 100) } # Case 3: Extra-Poisson dispersion in lambda val.range <- seq(1, 0,,9) # Some to no extra-Poisson dispersion for(i in 1:9){ data <- simNmix(sigma.lam = val.range[i], show.plot = F) fm <- pcount(~1 ~1, unmarkedFramePCount(y = data$C)) # Fit model pb.gof <- Nmix.gof.test(fm, nsim = 100) } # Case 4: Site covariate in lambda val.range <- seq(3, 0,,9) # Strong to no effect of covariate for(i in 1:9){ data <- simNmix(beta3.lam = val.range[i], show.plot = F) fm <- pcount(~1 ~1, unmarkedFramePCount(y = data$C)) # Fit model pb.gof <- Nmix.gof.test(fm, nsim = 100) } # Case 5: Extra-binomial dispersion in p (survey random effect) val.range <- seq(1, 0,,9) # Strong to no effect extra-dispersion for(i in 1:9){ data <- simNmix(sigma.p.survey = val.range[i], show.plot = F) fm <- pcount(~1 ~1, unmarkedFramePCount(y = data$C)) # Fit model pb.gof <- Nmix.gof.test(fm, nsim = 100) } # Case 6: Site covariate in p val.range <- seq(3, 0,,9) # Strong to no covariate effect for(i in 1:9){ data <- simNmix(beta3.p = val.range[i], show.plot = F) fm <- pcount(~1 ~1, unmarkedFramePCount(y = data$C)) # Fit model pb.gof <- Nmix.gof.test(fm, nsim = 100) } # Case 7: Observational covariate in p val.range <- seq(3, 0,,9) # Strong to no covariate effect for(i in 1:9){ data <- simNmix(beta.p.survey = val.range[i], show.plot = F) fm <- pcount(~1 ~1, unmarkedFramePCount(y = data$C)) # Fit model pb.gof <- Nmix.gof.test(fm, nsim = 100) } # Bundle and summarize data set str( win.data <- list(C = data$C, M = nrow(data$C), J = ncol(data$C), e = 0.001)) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model.txt") cat(" model { # Priors lambda ~ dgamma(0.001, 0.001) p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Likelihood for (i in 1:M) { N[i] ~ dpois(lambda) # State model for (j in 1:J) { C[i,j] ~ dbin(p, N[i]) # Observation model } } # Posterior predictive distributions of chi2 discrepancy for (i in 1:M) { for (j in 1:J) { C.sim[i,j] ~ dbin(p, N[i]) # Create new data set under model e.count[i,j] <- N[i] * p # Expected datum # Chi-square discrepancy for the actual data chi2.actual[i,j] <- pow((C[i,j]-e.count[i,j]),2) / (e.count[i,j]+e) # Chi-square discrepancy for the simulated ('perfect') data chi2.sim[i,j] <- pow((C.sim[i,j]-e.count[i,j]),2) / (e.count[i,j]+e) # Add small value e to denominator to avoid division by zero } } # Add up individual chi2 values for overall fit statistic fit.actual <- sum(chi2.actual[,]) # Fit statistic for actual data set fit.sim <- sum(chi2.sim[,]) # Fit statistic for a fitting model c.hat <- fit.actual / fit.sim # c-hat estimate bpv <- step(fit.sim-fit.actual) # Bayesian p-value } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Do other preps and run model with JAGS inits <- function(){list(N = apply(data$C, 1, max)+1)} params <- c("lambda", "p", "fit.actual", "fit.sim", "c.hat", "bpv") ni <- 2500 ; nt <- 2 ; nb <- 500 ; nc <- 3 fm <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb) print(fm, dig = 3) ppc.plot(fm) # Produces Fig. 6–7 # 6.9 Abundance mapping of Swiss Great tits with unmarked # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 6.9.1 Set up of the analysis # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ tits <- read.table("SwissTits_mhb_2004_2013.csv", header = T, sep = ";") show(tits) # Look at data str(tits) # Overview of data file table(tits$latname) # Available species (Latin short) table(tits$name) # Same in English # Select Great tit and covariate data from 2013 and # drop 4 sites not surveyed in 2013 tits <- tits[tits$latname == "PARMAJ",] # get great tit data NA.sites <- which(apply(is.na(tits[,41:43]), 1, sum) == 3) # unsurveyed sites tits <- tits[-NA.sites,] # Drop them y <- cbind(tits$count131,tits$count132, tits$count133) # Counts date <- cbind(tits$date131,tits$date132, tits$date133) # Survey date dur <- cbind(tits$dur131,tits$dur132, tits$dur133) # Survey duration # Plot observed data: counts vs survey date (Fig. 6-9) matplot(t(date), t(y), type = "l", lwd = 3, lty = 1, frame = F, xlab = "Survey data (1 = April 1)", ylab = "Count of Great Tits") # Load unmarked, create unmarked data frame and inspect result library(unmarked) time <- matrix(rep(as.character(1:3), nrow(y)), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE) umf <- unmarkedFramePCount(y = y, siteCovs=data.frame(elev=scale(tits[,"elev"]), forest=scale(tits[,"forest"]), iLength=1/tits[,"rlength"]), obsCovs=list(time = time, date = scale(date), dur = scale(dur))) summary(umf) # Summarize unmarked data frame summary(apply(y, 1, max, na.rm = TRUE)) # Summarize max counts # 6.9.2 Model fitting # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ fm1 <- pcount(~ (elev+I(elev^2)) * (date+I(date^2)) * (dur+I(dur^2)) + time-1 ~ (elev+I(elev^2)) * (forest+I(forest^2)) + iLength, umf, control=list(trace=TRUE, REPORT=5)) summary(fm1) ; fm1@AIC fm1.K500 <- pcount(fm1@formula, umf, control=list(trace=T, REPORT=5), K = 500) summary(fm1.K500) ; fm1.K500@AIC fm2 <- pcount(~(elev+I(elev^2)) * (date+I(date^2)) * (dur+I(dur^2)) + time-1 - elev:date:dur - elev:date:I(dur^2) - elev:I(date^2):dur - elev:I(date^2):I(dur^2) - I(elev^2):date:dur - I(elev^2):date:I(dur^2) - I(elev^2):I(date^2):dur - I(elev^2):I(date^2):I(dur^2) ~ (elev+I(elev^2)) * (forest+I(forest^2)) + iLength, starts = coef(fm1)[1:31], umf, control=list(trace=TRUE, REPORT=5)) summary(fm2) # AIC = 3695.792 fm3 <- pcount(~(elev+I(elev^2)) * (date+I(date^2)) * (dur+I(dur^2)) + time-1 - elev:date:dur - elev:date:I(dur^2) - elev:I(date^2):dur - elev:I(date^2):I(dur^2) - I(elev^2):date:dur - I(elev^2):date:I(dur^2) - I(elev^2):I(date^2):dur - I(elev^2):I(date^2):I(dur^2) - I(elev^2):I(date^2) - I(elev^2):I(dur^2) - I(date^2):I(dur^2) ~ (elev+I(elev^2)) * (forest+I(forest^2)) + iLength, starts = coef(fm2)[-c(23, 27, 31)], umf, control=list(trace=TRUE, REPORT=5)) summary(fm3) # AIC = 3691.184 fm4 <- pcount(~(elev+I(elev^2)) * (date+I(date^2)) * (dur+I(dur^2)) + time-1 - elev:date:dur - elev:date:I(dur^2) - elev:I(date^2):dur - elev:I(date^2):I(dur^2) - I(elev^2):date:dur - I(elev^2):date:I(dur^2) - I(elev^2):I(date^2):dur - I(elev^2):I(date^2):I(dur^2) - I(elev^2):I(date^2) - I(elev^2):I(dur^2) - I(date^2):I(dur^2) - elev:I(date^2) - I(date^2):dur ~ (elev+I(elev^2)) * (forest+I(forest^2)) + iLength, starts = coef(fm3)[-c(21, 28)], umf, control=list(trace=TRUE, REPORT=5)) summary(fm4) # AIC = 3687.565 fm5 <- pcount(~(elev+I(elev^2)) * (date+I(date^2)) * (dur+I(dur^2)) + time-1 - elev:date:dur - elev:date:I(dur^2) - elev:I(date^2):dur - elev:I(date^2):I(dur^2) - I(elev^2):date:dur - I(elev^2):date:I(dur^2) - I(elev^2):I(date^2):dur - I(elev^2):I(date^2):I(dur^2) - I(elev^2):I(date^2) - I(elev^2):I(dur^2) - I(date^2):I(dur^2) - elev:I(date^2) - I(date^2):dur ~ (elev+I(elev^2)) * (forest+I(forest^2))+ iLength - I(elev^2):forest - I(elev^2):I(forest^2), starts = coef(fm4)[-c(9:10)], umf, control=list(trace=TRUE, REPORT=5)) summary(fm5) # AIC = 3686.094 # Negative binomial (NB) mixture fm5NB <- pcount(fm5@formula, starts = c(coef(fm5),0), umf, control=list(trace=TRUE, REPORT=5), mixture = "NB") summary(fm5NB) # AIC = 3181.046 # Zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) mixture fm5ZIP <- pcount(fm5@formula, starts = c(coef(fm5),0), umf, control=list(trace=TRUE, REPORT=5), mixture = "ZIP") summary(fm5ZIP) # AIC = 3636.058 cbind(rbind("Poisson" = exp(coef(fm5)[1]), "NegBin" = exp(coef(fm5NB)[1]), "ZIP" = exp(coef(fm5ZIP)[1])), rbind(plogis(coef(fm5)[15:17]), plogis(coef(fm5NB)[15:17]), plogis(coef(fm5ZIP)[15:17]))) # 6.9.3 Model criticism and goodness of fit # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ library(AICcmodavg) system.time(gof.P <- Nmix.gof.test(fm5, nsim=100)) # 65 min system.time(gof.NB <- Nmix.gof.test(fm5NB, nsim=100)) # 131 min system.time(gof.ZIP <- Nmix.gof.test(fm5ZIP, nsim=100)) # 69 min gof.P ; gof.NB ; gof.ZIP # print results # Look at data, fitted values and residuals and produce plots print(cbind(y, fitted(fm5), residuals(fm5)), 2) # For Poisson model plot.Nmix.resi(fm5, fm5NB, fm5ZIP) # Produces Fig. 6–10 plot.Nmix.resi <- function(fmP, fmNB, fmZIP){ # Function does diagnostic plots for one Nmix model fitted with all three # mixture distributions currently availabe in unmarked: # Poisson, negative binomial and zero-inflated Poisson # For each, fitted values vs. observed data and # residuals vs. fitted values are plotted. library(unmarked) # Plot fitted vs. observed data par(mfrow = c(2,3), mar = c(4,4,2,2), cex = 1.2) tmp1 <- range(c(fitted(fmP), fitted(fmNB), fitted(fmZIP)), na.rm = T) limits1 = round(c(tmp1[1], tmp1[2])) tmp2 <- range(c(residuals(fmP), residuals(fmNB), residuals(fmZIP)), na.rm = T) limits2 = round(c(tmp2[1], tmp2[2])) plot(fitted(fmP)~ fmP@data@y, xlab = "Observed data", ylab = "Fitted values (P)", frame = F, ylim = limits1) abline(0,1, lwd = 3 ) abline(lm(c(fitted(fmP))~ c(fmP@data@y)), col = "blue", lwd = 3) plot(fitted(fmNB)~ fmP@data@y, xlab = "Observed data", ylab = "Fitted values (NB)", frame = F, ylim = limits1) abline(0,1, lwd = 3) abline(lm(c(fitted(fmNB))~ c(fmP@data@y)), col = "blue", lwd = 3) plot(fitted(fmZIP)~ fmP@data@y, xlab = "Observed data", ylab = "Fitted values (ZIP)", frame = F, ylim = limits1) abline(0,1, lwd = 3) abline(lm(c(fitted(fmZIP)) ~ c(fmP@data@y)), col = "blue", lwd = 3) # Plot residuals vs. fitted values plot(residuals(fmP)~ fitted(fmP), xlab = "Fitted values (P)", ylab = "Residuals", frame = F, xlim = limits1, ylim = limits2) abline(h = 0, lwd = 2) abline(lm(c(residuals(fmP)) ~ c(fitted(fmP))), col = "blue", lwd = 3) plot(residuals(fmNB)~ fitted(fmNB), xlab = "Fitted values (NB)", ylab = "Residuals", frame = F, xlim = limits1, ylim = limits2) abline(h = 0, lwd = 2) abline(lm(c(residuals(fmNB)) ~ c(fitted(fmNB))), col = "blue", lwd = 3) plot(residuals(fmZIP)~ fitted(fmZIP), xlab = "Fitted values (ZIP)", ylab = "Residuals", frame = F, xlim = limits1, ylim = limits2) abline(h = 0, lwd = 2) abline(lm(c(residuals(fmZIP)) ~ c(fitted(fmZIP))), col = "blue", lwd = 3) } # Compute RMSE for all three models (RMSEP <- sqrt(mean((y - fitted(fm5))^2, na.rm = TRUE))) # Poisson (RMSENB <- sqrt(mean((y - fitted(fm5NB))^2, na.rm = TRUE))) # NB (RMSEZIP <- sqrt(mean((y - fitted(fm5ZIP))^2, na.rm = TRUE))) # ZIP map.Nmix.resi <- function(fm, x = tits$coordx, y = tits$coordy){ # Function produces a map of the mean residuals from an N-mixture model # object named fm, which was fit by function pcount in unmarked # Function arguments are the fitted model object and the x and y coordinates # of every site library(sp) mean.resi <- apply(residuals(fm), 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE) mean.resi[mean.resi == "NaN"] <- mean(mean.resi, na.rm = TRUE) spdata <- data.frame(residuals = mean.resi, x = x, y = y) coordinates(spdata) <- c("x", "y") plot(bubble(spdata, "residuals", col = c("blue", "red"), main = paste("Average residuals of fitted N-mixture model"))) } map.Nmix.resi(fm5) # Map of average residuals for Poisson model map.Nmix.resi(fm5NB) # Map of average residuals for NB model map.Nmix.resi(fm5ZIP) # Map of average residuals for ZIP model binFittedP <- fitted(fm5) %/% 2.5 # Bin fitted values mMeanP <- tapply(fitted(fm5)^2, binFittedP, mean, na.rm = T) # Mean mean mVarP <- tapply(residuals(fm5)^2, binFittedP, mean, na.rm = T) # Mean variance nsampleP <- table(binFittedP) # Sample size binFittedNB <- fitted(fm5NB) %/% 2.5 mMeanNB <- tapply(fitted(fm5NB)^2, binFittedNB, mean, na.rm = T) mVarNB <- tapply(residuals(fm5NB)^2, binFittedNB, mean, na.rm = T) nsampleNB <- table(binFittedNB) plot(mMeanP, mVarP, xlab = "Binned mean fitted response", ylab = "Mean variance of response", frame = F, cex = log(nsampleP), col = "grey", pch = 16, cex.lab = 1.5) points(mMeanNB, mVarNB, cex = log(nsampleNB), col = "green", pch = 16) # 6.9.4 Analysis of results # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Two new data sets for prediction: for lambda and for p (200 data points each) lamNewData <- data.frame(elev = (seq(200, 2250,,200) - mean(tits[,"elev"]))/ sd(tits[,"elev"]), forest = 0, iLength = 1/5.1) pNewData <- data.frame(elev = 0, time = factor("2", levels = c("1", "2", "3")), dur = 0, date = (seq(1,90,,200) - mean(date, na.rm = T))/sd(date, na.rm = T)) # Predictions for lambda and p, with SE and CIs, but no overdispersion predict(fm5, type="state", newdata=lamNewData) # Poisson model predict(fm5, type="det", newdata=pNewData) predict(fm5NB, type="state", newdata=lamNewData) # NegBin model predict(fm5NB, type="det", newdata=pNewData) predict(fm5ZIP, type="state", newdata=lamNewData) # ZIP predict(fm5ZIP, type="det", newdata=pNewData) # Predictions for lambda only, incl. SE and CIs, with overdispersion predictSE(fm5ZIP, newdata=lamNewData, print.matrix = TRUE, type="response", parm.type = "lambda", c.hat = 2.47) # Predictions for lambda and p, incl. SE and with overdispersion, but no CIs # Poisson model, for natural and for link scale of both lambda and p modavgPred(cand.set = list(fm5), newdata=lamNewData, parm.type = "lambda", type = "response", c.hat = 3.82) modavgPred(cand.set = list(fm5), newdata=lamNewData, parm.type = "lambda", type = "link", c.hat = 3.82) # Could be used to get 95% CIs modavgPred(cand.set = list(fm5), newdata=pNewData, parm.type = "detect", type = "response", c.hat = 3.82) modavgPred(cand.set = list(fm5), newdata=pNewData, parm.type = "detect", type = "link", c.hat = 3.82) # Could be used to get 95% CIs # NegBin model, for natural and for link scale of both lambda and p modavgPred(cand.set = list(fm5NB), newdata=lamNewData, parm.type = "lambda", type = "response", c.hat = 1.79) modavgPred(cand.set = list(fm5NB), newdata=lamNewData, parm.type = "lambda", type = "link", c.hat = 1.79) # Could be used to get 95% CIs modavgPred(cand.set = list(fm5NB), newdata=pNewData, parm.type = "detect", type = "response", c.hat = 1.79) modavgPred(cand.set = list(fm5NB), newdata=pNewData, parm.type = "detect", type = "link", c.hat = 1.79) # Could be used to get 95% CIs # ZIP model, for natural and for link scale of both lambda and p modavgPred(cand.set = list(fm5ZIP), newdata=lamNewData, parm.type = "lambda", type = "response", c.hat = 2.47) modavgPred(cand.set = list(fm5ZIP), newdata=lamNewData, parm.type = "lambda", type = "link", c.hat = 2.47) # Not yet implemented (May 2015) modavgPred(cand.set = list(fm5ZIP), newdata=pNewData, parm.type = "detect", type = "response", c.hat = 2.47) modavgPred(cand.set = list(fm5ZIP), newdata=pNewData, parm.type = "detect", type = "link", c.hat = 2.47) # this works, so we could get 95% CIs rlength <- seq(1, 30, 0.01) # Vary route length from 1 to 30 kms newData <- data.frame(elev=0, forest=0, iLength=1/rlength) pred <- predictSE(fm5ZIP, parm.type="lambda", newdata=newData, c.hat = 2.47) par(mar = c(5,5,3,2), cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.3) plot(rlength, pred[[1]], type = "l", lwd = 3, col = "blue", frame = F, xlab = "Transect length (km)", ylab = "Exposed population (lambda)", ylim = c(0, 16), axes = F) axis(1, at = seq(2,30,2)) ; axis(2) abline(v = c(1.2, 5.135, 9.4), lwd = 2) matlines(rlength, cbind(pred[[1]]-pred[[2]], pred[[1]]+pred[[2]]), type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = "gray") sat.pred <- predictSE(fm5ZIP, parm.type="lambda", newdata= data.frame(elev=0, forest=0, iLength=0), c.hat = 2.47) abline(h = sat.pred$fit, lwd = 2, lty = 2) # Inspect the numbers print(cbind("Route length" = rlength, "Exp. pop" = pred[[1]], "Rel. exp. pop" = pred[[1]] / sat.pred$fit), 3) # Create covariate vectors for prediction and standardise as in analysis ep.orig <- seq(200, 2250, length.out=100) # Elevation between 200 and 2250 m (elev.mean <- mean(tits[,"elev"])) (elev.sd <- sd(tits[,"elev"])) ep <- (ep.orig - elev.mean) / elev.sd # Standardized for prediction fp.orig <- seq(0, 100, length.out=100) # Forest cover between 0 and 100% (forest.mean <- mean(tits[,"forest"])) (forest.sd <- sd(tits[,"forest"])) fp <- (fp.orig - forest.mean) / forest.sd # Standardised for prediction date.orig <- seq(1, 90, length.out=100) # Survey date from 1 April - 1 July (date.mean <- mean(date, na.rm = TRUE)) (date.sd <- sd(date, na.rm = TRUE)) datep <- (date.orig - date.mean) / date.sd # Standardised for prediction dur.orig <- seq(90, 420, length.out=100) # Survey duration from 90 - 420 min (dur.mean <- mean(dur, na.rm = TRUE)) (dur.sd <- sd(dur, na.rm = TRUE)) durp <- (dur.orig - dur.mean) / dur.sd # Standardised for prediction # Do predictions along single covariate gradient newData1 <- data.frame(elev=ep, forest=0, iLength=0, date=0, dur=0, time = factor("2", levels = c("1", "2", "3"))) pred1 <- predictSE(fm5ZIP, newdata=newData1, c.hat = 2.47) pred2 <- modavgPred(cand.set = list(fm5ZIP), newdata=newData1, parm.type = "detect", type = "response", c.hat = 2.47) newData3 <- data.frame(elev=0, forest=fp, iLength=0, date=0, dur=0, time = factor("2", levels = c("1", "2", "3"))) pred3 <- predictSE(fm5ZIP, newdata=newData3, c.hat = 2.47) newData4 <- data.frame(elev=0, forest=0, iLength=0, date=datep, dur=0, time = factor("2", levels = c("1", "2", "3"))) pred4 <- modavgPred(cand.set = list(fm5ZIP), newdata=newData4, parm.type = "detect", type = "response", c.hat = 2.47) newData5 <- data.frame(elev=0, forest=0, iLength=0, date=0, dur=durp, time = factor("2", levels = c("1", "2", "3"))) pred5 <- modavgPred(cand.set = list(fm5ZIP), newdata=newData5, parm.type = "detect", type = "response", c.hat = 2.47) newData6 <- data.frame(elev=0, forest=0, iLength=0, date=0, dur=0, time = c("1", "2", "3")) pred6 <- modavgPred(cand.set = list(fm5ZIP), newdata=newData6, parm.type = "detect", type = "response", c.hat = 2.47) # Plot these predictions along single covariate gradient par(mfrow = c(3,2), mar = c(5,5,3,2), cex.lab = 1.3, cex.axis = 1.3) plot(ep.orig, pred1[[1]], type = "l", lwd = 2, col = "blue", xlab = "Elevation (m)", ylab = "Expected abundance", las = 1, ylim = c(0,50), frame = F) matlines(ep.orig, cbind(pred1[[1]]-pred1[[2]], pred1[[1]]+pred1[[2]]), type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = "gray") plot(fp.orig, pred3[[1]], type = "l", lwd = 2, col = "blue", xlab = "Forest cover (%)", ylab = "Expected abundance", las = 1, ylim = c(0, 18), frame = F) matlines(fp.orig, cbind(pred3[[1]]-pred3[[2]], pred3[[1]]+pred3[[2]]), type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = "gray") plot(ep.orig, pred2[[1]], type = "l", lwd = 2, col = "blue", xlab = "Elevation (m)", ylab = "Expected detection", las = 1, ylim = c(0,1), frame = F) matlines(ep.orig, cbind(pred2[[1]]-pred2[[2]], pred2[[1]]+pred2[[2]]), type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = "gray") plot(date.orig, pred4[[1]], type = "l", lwd = 2, col = "blue", xlab = "Survey date (1 = April 1)", ylab = "Expected detection", las = 1, ylim = c(0,1), frame = F) matlines(date.orig, cbind(pred4[[1]]-pred4[[2]], pred4[[1]]+pred4[[2]]), type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = "gray") plot(dur.orig, pred5[[1]], type = "l", lwd = 2, col = "blue", xlab = "Survey duration (min)", ylab = "Expected detection", las = 1, ylim = c(0,1), frame = F) matlines(dur.orig, cbind(pred5[[1]]-pred5[[2]], pred5[[1]]+pred5[[2]]), type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = "gray") barplot(pred6[[1]], names.arg = c("1", "2", "3"), ylim = c(0,1), ylab = "Expected detection", xlab = "Survey Number") segments(c(0.7,1.9, 3.1), pred6[[1]]-pred6[[2]], c(0.7,1.9, 3.1), pred6[[1]]+pred6[[2]], lwd = 2) # Make predictions along two covariate gradients # (1) Expected abundance (lambda) for forest and elevation pred.matrix1 <- array(NA, dim = c(100, 100)) for(i in 1:100){ for(j in 1:100){ newData <- data.frame(x=0, y=0, elev=ep[i], forest=fp[j], iLength=0) pred.matrix1[i,j] <- predict(fm5ZIP,type="state", newdata=newData)[1,1] } } # (2) Expected detection (p) for elevation and survey date pred.matrix2 <- array(NA, dim = c(100, 100)) for(i in 1:100){ for(j in 1:100){ newData <- data.frame(elev=ep[i], date=datep[j], dur=0, time = factor("2", levels = c("1", "2", "3"))) pred.matrix2[i,j] <- predict(fm5ZIP, type="det", newdata=newData)[1,1] } } # (3) Expected detection (p) for elevation and survey duration pred.matrix3 <- array(NA, dim = c(100, 100)) for(i in 1:100){ for(j in 1:100){ newData <- data.frame(elev=ep[i], date=0, dur=durp[j], time = factor("2", levels = c("1", "2", "3"))) pred.matrix3[i,j] <- predict(fm5ZIP, type="det", newdata=newData)[1,1] } } # Plot these prediction matrices par(mfrow = c(1, 3), mar = c(5,5,2,2), cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5) mapPalette <- colorRampPalette(c("grey", "yellow", "orange", "red")) image(x=ep.orig, y=fp.orig, z=pred.matrix1, col = mapPalette(100), axes = F, xlab = "Elevation (m)", ylab = "Forest cover (%)") contour(x=ep.orig, y=fp.orig, z=pred.matrix1, add = T, col = "blue", labcex = 1.5, lwd = 1.5) axis(1, at = seq(min(ep.orig), max(ep.orig), by = 250)) axis(2, at = seq(0, 100, by = 10)) box() title(main = "(A)", font.main = 2) points(tits$elev, tits$forest, pch="+", cex=1.5) image(x=ep.orig, y=date.orig, z=pred.matrix2, col = mapPalette(100), axes = F, xlab = "Elevation (m)", ylab = "Date (1 = April 1)") contour(x=ep.orig, y=date.orig, z=pred.matrix2, add = T, col = "blue", labcex = 1.5, lwd = 1.5) axis(1, at = seq(min(ep.orig), max(ep.orig), by = 250)) axis(2, at = seq(10, 120, by = 10)) box() title(main = "(B)", font.main =2) matpoints(tits$elev, date, pch="+", cex=1.5) image(x=ep.orig, y=dur.orig, z=pred.matrix3, col = mapPalette(100), axes = F, xlab = "Elevation (m)", ylab = "Duration (min)") contour(x=ep.orig, y=dur.orig, z=pred.matrix3, add = T, col = "blue", labcex = 1.5, lwd = 1.5) axis(1, at = seq(min(ep.orig), max(ep.orig), by = 250)) axis(2, at = seq(90, 420, by = 20)) box() title(main = "(C)", font.main = 2) matpoints(tits$elev, dur, pch="+", cex=1.5) data(Switzerland) # Load Swiss landscape data in unmarked CH <- Switzerland # Predictions for lambda, with overdispersion newData <- data.frame(elev = (CH$elev-elev.mean)/elev.sd, forest = (CH$forest-forest.mean)/forest.sd, iLength = 0, date=0, dur=0, time = factor("2", levels = c("1", "2", "3"))) predCH <- predictSE(fm5ZIP, newdata=newData, print.matrix = TRUE, type="response", parm.type = "lambda", c.hat = 2.47) max(predCH[,1]) # Look at the max prediction --- 43.8 sum(predCH[,1] > 60) # How many are > 60 ? --- none plot(CH$elev, predCH[,1]) # Relationship with elevation predCH[1][predCH[1] > 60] <- 60 # Censor freak predicions (not req'd here) # Prepare Swiss coordinates and produce map library(raster) library(rgdal) # Define a new dataframe with coordinates and outcome to be plotted PARAM1 <- data.frame(x = CH$x, y = CH$y, z = predCH[,1]) # Convert the DataFrame into a raster object r1 <- rasterFromXYZ(PARAM1) # Create mask for elevation (mask areas > 2250 m) elev <- rasterFromXYZ(cbind(CH$x, CH$y,CH$elevation)) elev[elev > 2250] <- NA r1 <- mask(r1, elev) # Create custom color palette mapPalette <- colorRampPalette(c("grey", "yellow", "orange", "red")) # Map expected abundance of great tits in Switzerland in 2013 par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(1,1,2,4)) plot(r1, col = mapPalette(100), axes = F, box = FALSE, main ="") lakes <- readOGR(".", "lakes") rivers <- readOGR(".", "rivers") border <- readOGR(".", "border") plot(rivers, col = "dodgerblue", add = TRUE) plot(border, col = "transparent", lwd = 1.5, add = TRUE) plot(lakes, col = "skyblue", border = "royalblue", add = TRUE) # Prepare raster with prediction SEs r2 <- rasterFromXYZ(data.frame(x = CH$x, y = CH$y, z = predCH[,2])) elev <- rasterFromXYZ(cbind(CH$x, CH$y,CH$elevation)) elev[elev > 2250] <- NA r2 <- mask(r2, elev) # Map prediction SEs of expected abundance plot(r2, col = mapPalette(100), axes = F, box = FALSE, main ="") lakes <- readOGR(".", "lakes") rivers <- readOGR(".", "rivers") border <- readOGR(".", "border") plot(rivers, col = "dodgerblue", add = TRUE) plot(border, col = "transparent", lwd = 1.5, add = TRUE) plot(lakes, col = "skyblue", border = "royalblue", add = TRUE) # Predictions for p with overdispersion newData <- data.frame(elev = (CH$elev-elev.mean)/elev.sd, date=0, dur=0, time = factor("2", levels = c("1", "2", "3"))) predCHp <- modavgPred(cand.set = list(fm5ZIP), newdata = newData, parm.type = "detect", type = "response", c.hat = 2.47) (N <- sum(predCH[-which(CH$elev > 2250),1])) # Nat'l population size out <- which(CH$water > 50 | CH$elev > 2250) (N <- sum(predCH[-out,1])) # 'Terrestrial' population size < 2250 m elevation # Remind ourselves of the relevant coefficients in the model cbind(coef(fm5ZIP)[25]) # Zero-inflation model cbind(coef(fm5ZIP)[1:8]) # Abundance model pelev <- (CH$elev - elev.mean)/elev.sd pforest <- (CH$forest - forest.mean)/forest.sd Nhat <- function(fm = fm5ZIP, iLength = 0, area = 1) { betavec <- coef(fm)[1:8] DM <- cbind(rep(1,length(pelev)), pelev, pelev^2, pforest, pforest^2, rep(iLength,length(pelev)), pelev*pforest, pelev*pforest^2) pred <- exp(DM %*% betavec) * (1-plogis(coef(fm)[25])) * (1/area) pred2 <- pred N1 <- sum(pred[-which(CH$elev > 2250),])# Drop quads > 2250 m pred2[pred2 > 100] <- 100 # Censor freak-high estimates N2 <- sum(pred2[-which(CH$elev > 2250),]) # Estimate with freaks censored out <- which(CH$water > 50 | CH$elev > 2250) N3 <- sum(pred2[-out,]) # Estimate excluding water bodies return(c(N1 = N1, N2 = N2, N3 = N3)) } (Nest <- Nhat(fm5ZIP)) # For default saturation density (Nest <- Nhat(fm5ZIP, 1/10)) # For 10 km routes # Launch the bootstrap (takes about 30h) system.time(pb.N <- parboot(fm5ZIP, Nhat, nsim = 2500, report=5)) bs <- pb.N@t.star[,3] # Extract the bootstrapped vals of N3 # Sample statistics summary(bs) quantile(bs, prob = c(0.025, 0.975)) # Get 95% CI # Plot hist(bs, breaks = 100, col = "grey", xlab = "National population size of great tits", cex = 1.5, main = "", xlim = c(400000, 1000000)) abline(v = Nest[3], lwd = 3) abline(v = mean(bs), lwd = 3, col = "blue") abline(v = quantile(bs, prob = c(0.025, 0.975)), lwd = 3, col = "blue", lty = 2) (CI1 <- quantile(bs, prob = c(0.025, 0.975))) # Percentile-based CI (CI2 <- c(mean(bs-2*sd(bs)), mean(bs+2*sd(bs)))) # Normal approx.-based CI c.hat <- gof.ZIP$c.hat.est (CI <- c(mean(bs-2*sqrt(c.hat)*sd(bs)), mean(bs+2*sqrt(c.hat)*sd(bs)))) # 6.9.5 Conclusions on the analysis with unmarked # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 6.10 The issue of space, or: what is your effective sample area ? # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AHR <- seq(0.001, 100, 0.1) # Area home range (in km2): 0.1-100 RHR <- sqrt(AHR/pi) # Translate to home range radius (in km) ESA <- (1 + 2*RHR)^2 # Eff. sample area for 1km2 nominal area par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(5,5,3,2), cex.lab = 1.3, cex.axis = 1.3) plot(AHR, ESA, xlab = "Home range size (km2)", ylab = "Effective sample area (km2)", type = "l", lwd = 3, frame = F) abline(h = 1, col = "red", lwd = 3) # Nominal sample area abline(h = 0, col = "grey", lwd = 3) GT.HR <- seq(0.003, 0.1,,1000) # Great tit home ranges in km2 GT.rad <- sqrt(GT.HR/pi) # Great tit home range radius (in km) ESA.GT <- (1 + 2*GT.rad)^2 # Effective sample area for Great tit NTOT <- numeric(length(ESA.GT)) # Adjusted national total population for(i in 1:length(NTOT)){ NTOT[i] <- Nhat(fm5ZIP, 0, ESA.GT[i])[3] } plot(100*GT.HR, NTOT, xlab = "Great tit home-range (ha)", ylab = "Adjusted national total (pairs)", type = "l", lwd = 3, frame = F) # 6.11 Bayesian modeling of Swiss Great tits with BUGS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 6.11.1 Bayesian fitting of the basic ZIP N-mixture model # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Prepare data for BUGS data bundle elev <- umf@siteCovs$elev ; elev2 <- elev^2 forest <- umf@siteCovs$forest ; forest2 <- forest^2 date <- matrix(umf@obsCovs$date, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE) dur <- matrix(umf@obsCovs$dur, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE) date[is.na(date)] <- 0 ; date2 <- date^2 dur[is.na(dur)] <- 0 ; dur2 <- dur^2 iRoute <- umf@siteCovs$iLength # Design matrix for abundance model (no intercept) lamDM <- model.matrix(~ elev + elev2 + forest + forest2 + elev:forest + elev:forest2 + iRoute)[,-1] # Specify model in BUGS language sink("ZIPNmix.txt") cat(" model { # Specify priors # zero-inflation/suitability phi ~ dunif(0,1) # proportion of suitable sites theta <- 1-phi # zero-inflation (proportion of unsuitable) ltheta <- logit(theta) # abundance beta0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) # log(lambda) intercept for(k in 1:7){ # Regression params in lambda beta[k] ~ dnorm(0, 1) } tau.lam <- pow(sd.lam, -2) sd.lam ~ dunif(0, 2) # site heterogeneity in lambda # detection for(j in 1:3){ alpha0[j] <- logit(mean.p[j]) mean.p[j] ~ dunif(0, 1)# p intercept for occasions 1-3 } for(k in 1:13){ # Regression params in p alpha[k] ~ dnorm(0, 1) } tau.p.site <- pow(sd.p.site, -2) sd.p.site ~ dunif(0, 2) # site heterogeneity in p tau.p.survey <- pow(sd.p.survey, -2) sd.p.survey ~ dunif(0, 2) # site-survey heterogeneity in p # ZIP model for abundance for (i in 1:nsite){ a[i] ~ dbern(phi) eps.lam[i] ~ dnorm(0, tau.lam) # Random site effects in log(abundance) loglam[i] <- beta0 + inprod(beta[], lamDM[i,]) + eps.lam[i] * hlam.on loglam.lim[i] <- min(250, max(-250, loglam[i])) # ‘Stabilize’ log lam[i] <- exp(loglam.lim[i]) mu.poisson[i] <- a[i] * lam[i] N[i] ~ dpois(mu.poisson[i]) } # Measurement error model for (i in 1:nsite){ eps.p.site[i] ~ dnorm(0, tau.p.site) # Random site effects in logit(p) for (j in 1:nrep){ y[i,j] ~ dbin(p[i,j], N[i]) p[i,j] <- 1 / (1 + exp(-lp.lim[i,j])) lp.lim[i,j] <- min(250, max(-250, lp[i,j])) # ‘Stabilize’ logit lp[i,j] <- alpha0[j] + alpha[1] * elev[i] + alpha[2] * elev2[i] + alpha[3] * date[i,j] + alpha[4] * date2[i,j] + alpha[5] * dur[i,j] + alpha[6] * dur2[i,j] + alpha[7] * elev[i] * date[i,j] + alpha[8] * elev2[i] * date[i,j] + alpha[9] * elev[i] * dur[i,j] + alpha[10] * elev[i] * dur2[i,j] + alpha[11] * elev2[i] * dur[i,j] + alpha[12] * date[i,j] * dur[i,j] + alpha[13] * date[i,j] * dur2[i,j] + eps.p.site[i] * hp.site.on + eps.p.survey[i,j] * hp.survey.on eps.p.survey[i,j] ~ dnorm(0, tau.p.survey) # Random site-survey effects } } # Posterior predictive distributions of chi2 discrepancy for (i in 1:nsite) { for (j in 1:nrep) { y.sim[i,j] ~ dbin(p[i,j], N[i]) # Create new data set under model e.count[i,j] <- N[i] * p[i,j] # Expected datum # Chi-square discrepancy for the actual data chi2.actual[i,j] <- pow((y[i,j]-e.count[i,j]),2) / (e.count[i,j]+e) # Chi-square discrepancy for the simulated ('perfect') data chi2.sim[i,j] <- pow((y.sim[i,j]-e.count[i,j]),2) / (e.count[i,j]+e) # Add small value e to denominator to avoid division by zero } } # Add up individual chi2 values for overall fit statistic fit.actual <- sum(chi2.actual[,]) # Fit statistic for actual data set fit.sim <- sum(chi2.sim[,]) # Fit statistic for a fitting model bpv <- step(fit.sim-fit.actual) # Bayesian p-value c.hat <- fit.actual/fit.sim # c-hat estimate # Derived parameters: Total abundance at 263 sampled sites Ntotal263 <- sum(N[]) } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Initial values Nst <- apply(y, 1, max, na.rm = T) + 1 Nst[is.na(Nst)] <- round(mean(y, na.rm = TRUE)) Nst[Nst == "-Inf"] <- round(mean(y, na.rm = TRUE)) inits <- function(){ list(N = Nst, beta0 = 0, mean.p = rep(0.5,3), beta = runif(7, 0,0), alpha = runif(13, 0,0))} # Parameters monitored params <- c("theta", "ltheta", "phi", "beta0", "beta", "sd.lam", "alpha0", "mean.p", "alpha", "sd.p.site", "sd.p.survey", "fit.actual", "fit.sim", "bpv", "c.hat", "Ntotal263") # Bundle data and choose to fit simple ZIP model (model 1) win.data1 <- list(y = y, nsite = nrow(y), nrep = ncol(y), lamDM = lamDM, elev = elev, date = date, dur = dur, elev2 = elev2, date2 = date2, dur2 = dur2, e = 1e-06, hlam.on = 0, hp.site.on = 0, hp.survey.on = 0) # MCMC settings ni <- 50000 ; nt <- 4 ; nb <- 10000 ; nc <- 3 # Call WinBUGS from R (ART 93 min) and summarize posteriors out1 <- bugs(win.data1, inits, params, "ZIPNmix.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = TRUE, bugs.directory = bugs.dir, working.directory = getwd()) print(out1, dig = 3) # Compare MLEs and Bayesian posterior means (order first): table and graph tmp <- summary(fm5ZIP) ord.MLE <- rbind(tmp$psi[,1:2], tmp$state[,1:2], tmp$det[c(7:9, 1:6, 10:16),1:2]) ord.Bayes <- out1$summary[-c(1,3,12,16:18,32:39), 1:2] cbind(ord.MLE, ord.Bayes) par(mar = c(5,5,3,2), cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5) plot(ord.MLE[,1], ylim = c(-3,3), pch = 16, col = "black", main = "", frame = F, xlab = "Parameters (zero-inflation, abundance, detection)", ylab = "Parameter estimate (+/- 1 SE)", cex = 1.5) segments(1:25, ord.MLE[,1]-ord.MLE[,2], 1:25, ord.MLE[,1]+ord.MLE[,2], lwd = 2) abline(h = 0) abline(v = c(1.5, 9.5), col = "grey") points((1:25)+0.3, ord.Bayes[,1], pch = 16, col = "blue", cex = 1.5) segments(1:25+0.3, ord.Bayes[,1]-ord.Bayes[,2], 1:25+0.3, ord.Bayes[,1]+ord.Bayes[,2], col = "blue", lwd = 2) library(unmarked) data(Switzerland) # Load Swiss landscape data in unmarked CH <- Switzerland ELEV <- (CH$elev-elev.mean)/elev.sd ELEV2 <- ELEV^2 FOREST <- (CH$forest-forest.mean)/forest.sd FOREST2 <- FOREST^2 CHdata <- cbind(elev = ELEV, elev2 = ELEV2, forest = FOREST, forest2 = FOREST^2, iRoute = rep(0, length(CH$elev)), elev.forest = ELEV * FOREST, elev.forest2 = ELEV * FOREST2) str(CHdata) # This is a design matrix MCMCout <- out1 # Choose results output from model 1 (nsamp <- length(MCMCout$sims.list$theta)) # how many MCMC samples do we have ? # Subsample sub.sample.size <- 3000 # choose sample of 3000 selection <- sort(sample(1:nsamp, sub.sample.size)) # Array to hold predictions for every Swiss 1km2 quadrat lamPred <- array(NA, dim =c(length(CH[,1]), sub.sample.size)) # Fill the array for(i in 1:sub.sample.size){ MCMCstep <- selection[i] lamPred[,i] <- (1-MCMCout$sims.list$theta[MCMCstep]) * exp(MCMCout$sims.list$beta0[MCMCstep] + CHdata %*% MCMCout$sims.list$beta[MCMCstep,1:7]) } # Get posterior means for every quadrat and check if sensible meanlam <- apply(lamPred, 1, mean) # Get posterior mean max(meanlam) # Check maximum sum(meanlam > 100) # Are any predictions >100 ? plot(CH$elev, meanlam, ylim = c(0, max(meanlam))) ; abline(v=2250, col="red") plot(CH$elev, meanlam, ylim = c(0,100)) ; abline(v = 2250, col = "red", lwd = 2) meanlam[meanlam > 100] <- 100 # censor all predictions lamPred[lamPred > 100] <- 100 # Produce map of posterior mean of lambda library(raster) library(rgdal) r <- rasterFromXYZ(data.frame(x = CH$x, y = CH$y, z = meanlam)) elevation <- rasterFromXYZ(cbind(CH$x, CH$y,CH$elevation)) elevation[elevation > 2250] <- NA r <- mask(r, elevation) mapPalette <- colorRampPalette(c("grey", "yellow", "orange", "red")) par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(5,5,1,5)) plot(r, col = mapPalette(100), axes = F, box = F, main ="") lakes <- readOGR(".", "lakes") rivers <- readOGR(".", "rivers") border <- readOGR(".", "border") plot(rivers, col = "dodgerblue", add = TRUE) plot(border, col = "transparent", lwd = 1.5, add = TRUE) plot(lakes, col = "skyblue", border = "royalblue", add = TRUE) elev.class <- 100*(CH$elev %/% 100 + 1) # elevation class of each km2 tmp <- aggregate(lamPred, by = list(elev.class), FUN = sum) N.elev <- as.matrix(tmp[,-1]) # Posterior sample of Ntotal per band band <- tmp[,1] # elevation band (in m) meanN <- apply(N.elev, 1, mean) barplot(meanN, col = "grey", horiz = T, xlab = "Number of Great tit territories", ylab = "Elevation band (100m)", xlim = c(0, 200000)) axis(2, at = 1:length(band), labels = band) # Posterior distribution of total number of great tit territories in 2013 keep <- which((CH$water < 50) & (CH$elev < 2251)) Ntot <- apply(lamPred[keep,], 2, sum) hist(Ntot, breaks = 100, col = "grey", main = "Posterior of national population size") # Point estimate and 95% CRI mean(Ntot) quantile(Ntot, prob = c(0.025, 0.975)) # 6.11.2 Adding random effects in BUGS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Accounting for overdispersion at multiple scales # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # MCMC settings ni <- 10^6 ; nt <- 80 ; nb <- 200000 ; nc <- 3 # Bundle data and select model 2 win.data2 <- list(y = y, nsite = nrow(y), nrep = ncol(y), lamDM = lamDM, elev = elev, date = date, dur = dur, elev2 = elev2, date2 = date2, dur2 = dur2, e = 1e-06, hlam.on = 1, hp.site.on = 0, hp.survey.on = 0) # Call WinBUGS from R (ART 4050 min) and summarize posteriors out2 <- bugs(win.data2, inits, params, "ZIPNmix.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = F, bugs.directory = bugs.dir) print(out2, dig = 3) # Bundle data and select model 3 win.data3 <- list(y = y, nsite = nrow(y), nrep = ncol(y), lamDM = lamDM, elev = elev, date = date, dur = dur, elev2 = elev2, date2 = date2, dur2 = dur2, e = 1e-06, hlam.on = 0, hp.site.on = 1, hp.survey.on = 0) # Call WinBUGS from R (ART 4200 min) and summarize posteriors out3 <- bugs(win.data3, inits, params, "ZIPNmix.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = F, bugs.directory = bugs.dir) print(out3, dig = 3) # Bundle data and select model 4 win.data4 <- list(y = y, nsite = nrow(y), nrep = ncol(y), lamDM = lamDM, elev = elev, date = date, dur = dur, elev2 = elev2, date2 = date2, dur2 = dur2, e = 1e-06, hlam.on = 0, hp.site.on = 0, hp.survey.on = 1) # Call WinBUGS from R (ART 4020 min) and summarize posteriors out4 <- bugs(win.data4, inits, params, "ZIPNmix.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = F, bugs.directory = bugs.dir) print(out4, dig = 3) # Bundle data and select model 5 win.data5 <- list(y = y, nsite = nrow(y), nrep = ncol(y), lamDM = lamDM, elev = elev, date = date, dur = dur, elev2 = elev2, date2 = date2, dur2 = dur2, e = 1e-06, hlam.on = 1, hp.site.on = 1, hp.survey.on = 0) # Call WinBUGS from R (ART 4250 min) and summarize posteriors out5 <- bugs(win.data5, inits, params, "ZIPNmix.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = F, bugs.directory = bugs.dir) print(out5, dig = 3) # Bundle data and select model 6 win.data6 <- list(y = y, nsite = nrow(y), nrep = ncol(y), lamDM = lamDM, elev = elev, date = date, dur = dur, elev2 = elev2, date2 = date2, dur2 = dur2, e = 1e-06, hlam.on = 1, hp.site.on = 0, hp.survey.on = 1) # Call WinBUGS from R (ART 4230 min) and summarize posteriors out6 <- bugs(win.data6, inits, params, "ZIPNmix.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = F, bugs.directory = bugs.dir) print(out6, dig = 3) # Bundle data and select model 7 win.data7 <- list(y = y, nsite = nrow(y), nrep = ncol(y), lamDM = lamDM, elev = elev, date = date, dur = dur, elev2 = elev2, date2 = date2, dur2 = dur2, e = 1e-06, hlam.on = 1, hp.site.on = 1, hp.survey.on = 1) # Call WinBUGS from R (ART 4625 min) and summarize posteriors out7 <- bugs(win.data7, inits, params, "ZIPNmix.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = F, bugs.directory = bugs.dir) print(out7, dig = 3) # Look at posteriors for random effects MCMCout <- out7 # Choose which model you want to plot random effects par(mfrow = c(1,3)) hist(MCMCout$sims.list$sd.lam, breaks = 60, col = "grey") hist(MCMCout$sims.list$sd.p.site, breaks = 60, col = "grey") hist(MCMCout$sims.list$sd.p.survey, breaks = 60, col = "grey") # Linear modeling of a variance in the N-mixture model # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Bundle and summarize data set str( win.data8 <- list(y = y, nsite = nrow(y), nrep = ncol(y), lamDM = lamDM, elev = elev, date = date, dur = dur, elev2 = elev2, date2 = date2, dur2 = dur2) ) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("Nmix.special.txt") cat(" model { # Specify priors # abundance beta0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) # log(lambda) intercept for(k in 1:7){ # Regression params in lambda beta[k] ~ dnorm(0, 1) } # Model for unexplained variance in lambda among sites for (i in 1:nsite){ tau.lam[i] <- 1/var.lam[i] log(var.lam[i]) <- alpha.var.lam + beta.var.lam * elev[i] } # Priors for intercept and slope of linear model for variance alpha.var.lam ~ dunif(-1, 1) beta.var.lam ~ dunif(0, 3) # detection for(j in 1:3){ alpha0[j] <- logit(mean.p[j]) mean.p[j] ~ dunif(0, 1)# p intercept for occasions 1-3 } for(k in 1:13){ # Regression params in p alpha[k] ~ dnorm(0, 1) } tau.p.survey <- pow(sd.p.survey, -2) sd.p.survey ~ dunif(0, 1) # site-survey heterogeneity in p # Poisson-lognormal model for abundance for (i in 1:nsite){ eps.lam[i] ~ dnorm(0, tau.lam[i]) # Random site effects in log(abundance) loglam[i] <- beta0 + inprod(beta[], lamDM[i,]) + eps.lam[i] loglam.lim[i] <- min(250, max(-250, loglam[i])) # ‘Stabilize’ log mu.poisson[i] <- exp(loglam.lim[i]) N[i] ~ dpois(mu.poisson[i]) } # Binomial measurement error model with extra-binomial dispersion for (i in 1:nsite){ for (j in 1:nrep){ y[i,j] ~ dbin(p[i,j], N[i]) p[i,j] <- 1 / (1 + exp(-lp.lim[i,j])) lp.lim[i,j] <- min(250, max(-250, lp[i,j])) # ‘Stabilize’ logit lp[i,j] <- alpha0[j] + alpha[1] * elev[i] + alpha[2] * elev2[i] + alpha[3] * date[i,j] + alpha[4] * date2[i,j] + alpha[5] * dur[i,j] + alpha[6] * dur2[i,j] + alpha[7] * elev[i] * date[i,j] + alpha[8] * elev2[i] * date[i,j] + alpha[9] * elev[i] * dur[i,j] + alpha[10] * elev[i] * dur2[i,j] + alpha[11] * elev2[i] * dur[i,j] + alpha[12] * date[i,j] * dur[i,j] + alpha[13] * date[i,j] * dur2[i,j] + eps.p.survey[i,j] eps.p.survey[i,j] ~ dnorm(0, tau.p.survey) # Random site-survey effects } } } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Initial values Nst <- apply(y, 1, max, na.rm = T) + 1 Nst[is.na(Nst)] <- round(mean(y, na.rm = TRUE)) Nst[Nst == "-Inf"] <- round(mean(y, na.rm = TRUE)) inits <- function(){ list(N = Nst, beta0 = 0, mean.p = rep(0.5,3), beta = runif(7, 0,0), alpha = runif(13, 0,0), alpha.var.lam = 0, beta.var.lam = 1.5, sd.p.survey = 0.3)} # Parameters monitored params <- c("beta0", "beta", "alpha.var.lam", "beta.var.lam", "alpha0", "mean.p", "alpha", "sd.p.survey") # MCMC settings ni <- 180000 ; nt <- 100 ; nb <- 10000 ; nc <- 3 # Call WinBUGS from R (ART 374 min) and summarize posteriors out8 <- bugs(win.data8, inits, params, "Nmix.special.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = TRUE, bugs.directory = bugs.dir, working.directory = getwd()) print(out8, dig = 3) print(cbind(out6$summary[c(4:11,13:31,33),1:2], out8$summary[c(1:8,11:30),1:2]),2) # Predict site variance as a function of elevation # Get posterior distribution of predictions first orig.elev.pred <- seq(200, 2250, 50) elev.pred <- (orig.elev.pred - mean(tits$elev)) / sd(tits$elev) (n.mcmc <- length(out8$sims.list$alpha.var.lam)) # how many MCMC samples ? post.sd.lam <- array(NA, dim = c(length(elev.pred), n.mcmc)) for(i in 1:length(elev.pred)){ post.sd.lam[i,] <- sqrt(exp(out8$sims.list$alpha.var.lam + out8$sims.list$beta.var.lam * elev.pred[i])) } # Plot posterior mean and a sample of 500 regression lines from posterior show <- sample(1:n.mcmc, 500) matplot(orig.elev.pred, post.sd.lam[,show], xlab = "Elevation (m)", ylab = " sd.lam", type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = "grey", frame = F, ylim = c(0, 6)) lines(orig.elev.pred, apply(post.sd.lam, 1, mean), lwd = 3, col = "blue") # 6.12 Time-for-space substitution # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ simpleNmix(nyear = 12, nrep = 4, beta0 = 2, beta1 = 0.1, alpha0 = 0.5, alpha1 = -0.1, alpha2 = 1) # Define function to simulate such data simpleNmix <- function(nyear = 12, nrep = 4, beta0 = 2, beta1 = 0.1, alpha0 = 0.5, alpha1 = -0.1, alpha2 = 1){ # Simple function simulates data under binomial N-mixture model where you have # a single site that is survyed over 'nyear' primary sampling periods # ('seasons', 'years'), within which there are 'nrep' secondary samples each # alpha0, alpha1 are the logit-linear coefficients of detection (p) on Time # and on a survey-specific covariate such as temperature (temp). # beta0 and beta1 are the log-linear coefficients of expected abundance # (lambda) on Time. Time <- 1:nyear temp <- matrix(runif(nyear*nrep, -2, 2), ncol = nrep) N <- rpois(n = nyear, lambda = exp(beta0 + beta1 * Time)) C <- array(NA, dim = c(nyear, nrep)) p <- plogis(alpha0 + alpha1*Time + alpha2*temp) for(j in 1:nrep){ C[,j] <- rbinom(n = nyear, size = N, prob =p[,j]) } par(mfrow = c(3, 2)) curve(exp(beta0 + beta1 * x), 1, nyear, main = "Expected abundance (lambda) over time", frame = F, lwd = 2, ylab = "lambda", xlab = "Time") plot(Time, N, main = "Realized abundance (N) over time", frame = F) curve(plogis(alpha0 +alpha1 * x), 1, nyear, main = "p over time", frame = F, lwd = 2, xlab = "Time", ylab = "p (at averate temp)") matplot(Time, C, main = "Counts (C) over time", frame = F) curve(plogis(alpha0 + alpha2 * x), -2, 2, main = "p vs. Temperature", frame = F, lwd = 2, xlab = "Temperature", ylab = "p (at start of study)") matplot(temp, C, main = "Counts (C) over time", frame = F) return(list(nyear=nyear, nrep=nrep, beta0=beta0, beta1=beta1, alpha0=alpha0, alpha1=alpha1, alpha2=alpha2, N=N, C=C, Time=Time, temp = temp, p = p)) } library(unmarked) simrep <- 2500 # Number of simreps results <- array(NA, dim = c(simrep, 8)) # Array for results for(i in 1:simrep){ cat("Simrep", i, "\n") data <- simpleNmix(nyear = 12, nrep = 4) # Simulate a data set umf <- unmarkedFramePCount(y = data$C, siteCovs = data.frame(Time = data$Time), obsCov = list(temp = data$temp)) fm1 <- pcount(~Time+temp ~Time, data = umf) fm2 <- glm(c(data$C)~rep(data$Time,data$nrep)+c(data$temp),family='poisson') results[i, 1:5] <- coef(fm1) results[i, 6:8] <- coef(fm2) } colnames(results) <- c(names(coef(fm1)), names(coef(fm2))) par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar = c(4,4,3,2)) hist(results[,1], breaks = 100, col = "grey", main = "lambda(Int) Nmix", xlim = c(0, 4)) abline(v = data$beta0, col = "red", lwd = 3) abline(v = mean(results[,1]), col = "blue", lwd = 3) hist(results[,2], breaks = 100, col = "grey", main = "lambda(Slope Time) Nmix", xlim = c(-0.1, 0.3)) abline(v = data$beta1, col = "red", lwd = 3) abline(v = mean(results[,2]), col = "blue", lwd = 3) hist(results[,6], breaks = 100, col = "grey", main = "lambda(Int) GLM", xlim = c(0, 4)) abline(v = data$beta0, col = "red", lwd = 3) abline(v = mean(results[,6]), col = "blue", lwd = 3) hist(results[,7], breaks = 100, col = "grey", main = "lambda(Slope Time) GLM", , xlim = c(-0.1, 0.3)) abline(v = data$beta1, col = "red", lwd = 3) abline(v = mean(results[,7]), col = "blue", lwd = 3) # 6.13 The Royle-Nichols model and other non-standard N-mixture models # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 6.13.1 The Royle-Nichols or Poisson/Bernoulli N-mixture model # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ playRN <- function(M = 267, J = 3, mean.abundance = 1, mean.detection = 0.3){ # Function generates replicated count data under the Nmix model of Royle (2004), # then 'degrades' the data to detection/nondetection and fits the RN model # (Royle & Nichols 2003) using unmarked and estimates site-specific abundance. # Requires function simNmix and package unmarked. # devAskNewPage(ask = FALSE) # # Simulate Nmix data under a range of abundance levels data <- simNmix(nsite = M, nvisit = J, mean.lam = mean.abundance, mean.p = mean.detection, beta2.lam = 1, beta3.p = -1, beta.p.survey = -1, show.plot = FALSE) # Turn counts into detection/nondetection data y <- data$C # Copy counts C into y y[y>0] <- 1 # Turn counts >0 into 1 # Load unmarked, format data and summarize library(unmarked) umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y=y, siteCovs= data.frame(cov2 = data$site.cov[,2], cov3 = data$site.cov[,3]), obsCovs = list(obscov = data$survey.cov)) # Fit data-generating model fm <- occuRN(~cov3+obscov ~cov2, data=umf) # Estimate local abundance N and plot against true N (known in simulation) Nest <- bup(ranef(fm, K = ), "mean") par(mfrow = c(1,1)) plot(data$N, Nest, xlab = "True local abundance", ylab = "Estimated local abundance", frame = F) abline(0,1, lwd = 3) # 1:1 line abline(lm(Nest ~ data$N), col = "blue", lwd = 3) # Regression slope <- coef(lm(Nest ~ data$N))[2] # Is 1 if model perfect return(list(nsite = M, nvisit = J, coef = coef(fm), slope = slope)) } # Execute the function using various settings playRN(M = 100, J = 3, mean.abundance = 0.1) # Increasing abundance playRN(M = 100, J = 3, mean.abundance = 1) playRN(M = 100, J = 3, mean.abundance = 5) playRN(M = 100, J = 3, mean.detection = 0.3) # Increasing detection playRN(M = 100, J = 3, mean.detection = 0.5) playRN(M = 100, J = 3, mean.detection = 0.7) playRN(M = 100, J = 20) # More visits playRN(M = 1000, J = 3) # More sites # Run simulation lam <- c(0.1, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10) # 6 levels of mean abundance simrep <- 100 results <- array(NA, dim = c(length(lam), simrep, 6)) for(i in 1:6){ for(j in 1:simrep){ cat(paste("\n *** lambda level", lam[i], ", simrep", j, "***\n")) tmp <- playRN(mean.abundance = lam[i]) results[i,j,1:5] <- tmp$coef # Coefficients of RN model results[i,j,6] <- tmp$slope # Slope of regression of Nest on Ntrue } } # Summary of results for abundance (Fig. 6-23) par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(5,5,3,2), cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5) boxplot(t(exp(results[,,1])), names = as.character(lam), outline = F, frame = F, col = "grey", xlab = "Mean abundance (lambda)", ylab = "lambda intercept", ylim = c(0,10)) points(1:6, lam, pch = "*", col = "red", cex = 3) boxplot(t(results[,,2]), names = as.character(lam), outline = F, frame = F, col = "grey", xlab = "Mean abundance (lambda)", ylab = "lambda slope", ylim = c(0.5, 1.5)) abline(h = 1, col = "red", lwd = 3) # Load data on Swiss tits tits <- read.table("SwissTits_mhb_2004_2013.csv", header = T, sep = ";") str(tits) # Overview of data file table(tits$latname) # Available spec (Latin short) (not in order !) table(tits$name) # Same in English # Select 2013 counts (all species) and put into 3D array y <- as.matrix(tits[,c("count131","count132", "count133")]) # Create same NA pattern in counts y as in survey date y[is.na(cbind(tits$date131,tits$date132, tits$date133))] <- NA # List of sites that were surveyed in 2013 keep <- which(apply(is.na(y[1:267,]), 1, sum) != 3) # surveyed sites # Get covariate data (site and observational) and drop unsurveyed sites elev <- tits[keep, "elev"] route <- tits[keep, "rlength"] forest <- tits[keep, "forest"] date <- cbind(tits$date131,tits$date132, tits$date133)[keep,] # Survey date dur <- cbind(tits$dur131,tits$dur132, tits$dur133)[keep,] # Survey duration # Put counts (all species) into 3D array y3D <- array(NA, dim = c(267, 3, 6)) # Define 3D array for(i in 1:6){ # Fill in slices y3D[,,i] <- y[((i-1)*267+1):(i*267),] } y3D <- y3D[keep,,] # only keep sites surveyed in 2013 # 'Degrade' counts to mere detection/nondetection data y3DRN <- y3D # Copy counts y3DRN[y3DRN > 1] <- 1 # Overwrite any count >1 with 1 (for RN model) library(unmarked) spec.names <- c("Great tits", "Blue tits", "Coal tits", "Crested tits", "Marsh tits", "Willow tits") # Loop over 6 species of tits par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar = c(5,4,3,1)) for(k in 1:6){ cat("\n*** Analysis for ", spec.names[k], "***\n") # Plot observed data: counts vs survey date matplot(t(date), t(y3D[,,k]), type = "l", lwd = 3, lty = 1, frame = F, xlab = "Survey date (1 = April 1)", ylab = "Observed counts", main = paste("Counts of", spec.names[k], "as a function of survey date")) # Fit standard Nmix model (Nmix1) time <- matrix(rep(as.character(1:3), 263), ncol = 3, byrow = T) summary(umf1 <- unmarkedFramePCount(y = y3D[,,k], siteCovs=data.frame(elev=scale(elev), forest=scale(forest), iLength=1/route), obsCovs=list(time = time, date = scale(date), dur = scale(dur))) ) Nmix1 <- pcount(~(elev+I(elev^2)) * (date+I(date^2)) * (dur+I(dur^2)) + time-1 ~ (elev+I(elev^2)) * (forest+I(forest^2))+ iLength, umf1, control=list(trace=TRUE, REPORT=5, maxit = 250)) (tmp1 <- summary(Nmix1)) # Fit RN model (Nmix2) summary(umf2 <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y = y3DRN[,,k], siteCovs=data.frame(elev=scale(elev), forest=scale(forest), iLength=1/route), obsCovs=list(time = time, date = scale(date), dur = scale(dur)))) # Use solutions from Nmix1 as inits for Nmix2 Nmix2 <- occuRN(~(elev+I(elev^2)) * (date+I(date^2)) * (dur+I(dur^2)) + time-1 ~ (elev+I(elev^2)) * (forest+I(forest^2))+ iLength, umf2, control=list(trace=TRUE, REPORT=5), starts = coef(Nmix1)) (tmp2 <- summary(Nmix2)) # Compare estimates under both models # Table with MLEs and SEs print(cbind(rbind(tmp1$state[,1:2], tmp1$det[,1:2]), rbind(tmp2$state[,1:2], tmp2$det[,1:2]))) # Plot of all RN estimates versus all Nmix estimates plot(coef(Nmix1), coef(Nmix2), xlab = "Coefficients Nmix", ylab = "Coefficients RN", main = spec.names[k]) abline(0,1, lwd = 2) abline(h = 0, lwd = 1, col = "grey") abline(v = 0, lwd = 1, col = "grey") abline(lm(coef(Nmix2) ~ coef(Nmix1)), lwd = 2, col = "blue") browser() # Overall discrepancy measure (for state model only): slope of regression and r2 print(slope <- coef(lm(coef(Nmix2)[1:10] ~ coef(Nmix1)[1:10]))[2]) # Slope print(r <- cor(coef(Nmix2)[1:10], coef(Nmix1)[1:10])) # Correlation } # 6.13.2 The Poisson/Poisson N-mixture model # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 6.14 Multi-scale N-mixture models # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 6.15 Summary and outlook # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.16 Exercises # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Solution A: range(mhbdata[,12:14], na.rm = TRUE) day.mean <- mean(as.matrix(mhbdata[,12:14]), na.rm = TRUE) day.sd <- sd(c(as.matrix(mhbdata[,12:14])), na.rm = TRUE) original.pred.day <- 15:110 pred.day <- (original.pred.day - day.mean) / day.sd new<- data.frame(day=pred.day) pred<-predict(fm31,type="det",newdata=new,appendData=TRUE) head(pred) plot(Predicted ~ original.pred.day, pred,type="l",xlab="Date (1 = 1 April)", ylab="Expected detection prob",ylim=c(0,1), lwd = 2) lines(lower ~ original.pred.day, pred,type="l",col="red", lwd = 2) lines(upper ~ original.pred.day, pred,type="l",col="red", lwd = 2) # ========================================================================= # # 7. Modeling abundance using multinomial N-mixture models # # ========================================================================= # 7.1 Introduction # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 7.2 Multinomial N-Mixture Models in ecology # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 7.2.1 Covariate models # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 7.2.2 Types of multinomial models # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 7.3 Simulating multinomial observations in R # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ rmultinom(10, 5, c(0.1, 0.2, 0.7)) (rmn <- sample(1:3, 5, replace=TRUE, prob = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.7))) set.seed(2015) # Initialize RNG # Simulate covariate values and local population size for each point x <- rnorm(100) N <- rpois(100, lambda=exp(-1 + 1*x) ) # Intercept and slope equal to 1 table(N) # Summarize # Define detection probabilities (p) for both observers p1 <- 0.8 p2 <- 0.6 # Construct the multinomial cell probabilities (pi) cellprobs <- c(p1*p2, p1*(1-p2), (1-p1)*p2, (1-p1)*(1-p2)) # Create a matrix to hold the data y <- matrix(NA, nrow=100, ncol=4) dimnames(y) <- list(1:100, c("11", "10", "01", "00")) # Loop over sites and generate data with function rmultinom() for(i in 1:100){ y[i,] <- rmultinom(1, N[i], cellprobs) } # Remove 4th column ("not detected") and summarize results y <- y[,-4] apply(y, 2, sum) # Generate specific pseudo-random data set set.seed(2014) data <- simNmix(mean.lam = exp(1), beta3.lam = 1, mean.p = plogis(0), sigma.p.visit = 1, show.plot=FALSE) str(data$DH) # View detection histories for site with max abundance (here, N = 30) t(data$DH[min(which(data$N == max(dim(data$DH)[3]))),,]) # Get detection history frequencies for each site (for exactly 3 surveys) dhfreq <- array(NA, dim = c(data$nsite, 7), dimnames = list(NULL, c("100", "010", "001", "110", "101", "011", "111"))) for(i in 1:data$nsite){ dhfreq[i,] <- table(factor(paste(data$DH[i,1,], data$DH[i,2,], data$DH[i,3,], sep = ""), levels = c("100", "010", "001", "110", "101", "011", "111"))) } head(dhfreq) # Data for first 6 sites # Get occasions with first detection of each individual f <- apply(data$DH, c(1,3), function(x) min(which(x != 0))) head(f) ; str(f) ; table(f) # Inspect result # Produce removal counts y <- array(NA, dim = c(data$nsite, data$nvisit), dimnames = list(NULL, as.factor(1:data$nvisit))) for(i in 1:data$nsite){ y[i,] <- table(factor(f[i,], levels = as.character(1:data$nvisit))) } head(y) # Data for first 6 sites set.seed(24) data <- simNmix(mean.lam = exp(0), beta2.lam = 1, beta3.lam =-1, beta4.lam = 0.2, dispersion = 1, mean.p = plogis(0), beta3.p = 1, sigma.p.visit = 1, Neg.Bin = TRUE) # 7.4 Likelihood inference for multinomial N-mixture models # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 7.5 Example 1: Bird point counts based on removal sampling # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ data(ovendata) ovendata.list$data[11:20,] # Look at a snippet of data set apply(ovendata.list$data,2,sum) # Removals in occasion 1-4 # 7.5.1 Setting up the data for analysis # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ library(unmarked) data(ovendata) ovenFrame <- unmarkedFrameMPois(y = ovendata.list$data, siteCovs = as.data.frame(scale(ovendata.list$covariates[,-1])), type = "removal") # 7.5.2 Fitting models using function multinomPois # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Fit models: multinomPois order of formulas: detection, abundance fm0 <- multinomPois(~ 1 ~ 1, ovenFrame) fm1 <- multinomPois(~ 1 ~ ufc, ovenFrame) fm2 <- multinomPois(~ 1 ~ trba, ovenFrame) fm3 <- multinomPois(~ 1 ~ ufc + trba, ovenFrame) fm4 <- multinomPois(~ 1 ~ ufc + trba + ufc:trba, ovenFrame) fm5 <- multinomPois(~ ufc ~ ufc + trba, ovenFrame) fm6 <- multinomPois(~ ufc ~ ufc + trba + ufc:trba, ovenFrame) # Rank models by AIC ms <- fitList( "lam(.)p(.)" = fm0, "lam(ufc)p(.)" = fm1, "lam(trba)p(.)" = fm2, "lam(ufc+trba)p(.)" = fm3, "lam(ufc+trba+ufc:trba)p(.)" = fm4, "lam(ufc+trba)p(ufc)" = fm5, "lam(ufc+trba+ufc:trba)p(ufc)" = fm6) (ms1 <- modSel(ms)) # Table with everything you could possibly need coef(ms1)[,1:4] # Only first 4 columns shown output <- as(ms1, "data.frame") # 7.5.3 Fitting models using function gmultmix # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ovenFrame <- unmarkedFrameGMM(ovendata.list$data, siteCovs=as.data.frame(scale(ovendata.list$covariates[,-1])), numPrimary=1,type = "removal") fm0 <- gmultmix(lambdaformula = ~1, phiformula = ~1, pformula = ~1, data=ovenFrame) # Fit Poisson models fm1 <- gmultmix(~ ufc, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = ovenFrame) fm2 <- gmultmix(~ trba, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = ovenFrame) fm3 <- gmultmix(~ ufc + trba, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = ovenFrame) fm4 <- gmultmix(~ ufc + trba + ufc:trba, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = ovenFrame) # Maybe p also depends on understory foliage? fm5 <- gmultmix(~ ufc + trba, ~ 1, ~ ufc, data = ovenFrame) fm6 <- gmultmix(~ ufc + trba + ufc:trba, ~ 1, ~ ufc, data = ovenFrame) # Fit analogous NegBin models fm0nb <- gmultmix(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, mixture = "NB", data = ovenFrame) fm1nb <- gmultmix(~ ufc, ~ 1, ~ 1, mixture = "NB", data = ovenFrame) fm2nb <- gmultmix(~ trba, ~ 1, ~ 1, mixture = "NB", data = ovenFrame) fm3nb <- gmultmix(~ ufc + trba , ~ 1, ~ 1, mixture = "NB", data = ovenFrame) fm4nb <- gmultmix(~ ufc + trba + ufc:trba, ~ 1, ~ 1, mixture = "NB", data = ovenFrame) # maybe p also depends on understory foliage? fm5nb <- gmultmix(~ ufc + trba, ~ 1, ~ ufc, mixture = "NB", data = ovenFrame) fm6nb <- gmultmix(~ ufc + trba + ufc:trba, ~ 1, ~ ufc, mixture = "NB", data = ovenFrame) # Rank models by AIC gms <- fitList( "lam(.)p(.)" = fm0, "lam(ufc)p(.)" = fm1, "lam(trba)p(.)" = fm2, "lam(ufc+trba)p(.)" = fm3, "lam(ufc+trba+ufc:trba)p(.)" = fm4, "lam(ufc+trba)p(ufc)" = fm5, "lam(ufc+trba+ufc:trba)p(ufc)" = fm6, "NB,lam(.)p(.)" = fm0nb, "NB,lam(ufc)p(.)" = fm1nb, "NB,lam(trba)p(.)" = fm2nb, "NB,lam(ufc+trba)p(.)" = fm3nb, "NB,lam(ufc+trba+ufc:trba)p(.)" = fm4nb, "NB,lam(ufc+trba)p(ufc)" = fm5nb, "NB,lam(ufc+trba+ufc:trba)p(ufc)" = fm6nb) (gms1 <- modSel(gms)) # Table with everything you could possibly need output <- as(gms1, "data.frame") # Summary results gms1 fm2nb print(coef(gms1), digits = 2) # 7.5.4 Assessing model fit in unmarked # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ set.seed(2015) (gof <- parboot(fm2, fitstats, nsim = 1000, report = 1)) # 7.6 Bayesian Analysis in BUGS using the Conditional Multinomial (3-part model) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Set-up data with a missing value for element "not captured" y[i,] <- c(y[i,],NA) # Then, in BUGS, do this: y[i,] ~ dmulti(probs[i,], N[i]) N[i] ~ dpois(lambda[i]) # Harvest the data and bundle it up for sending to BUGS y <- as.matrix(getY(ovenFrame)) ncap <- apply(y, 1, sum) # number of individuals removed per point data <- list(y = y, M = nrow(y), n = ncap, X=as.matrix(siteCovs(ovenFrame))) str(data) # Good practice to always inspect your BUGS data # Write BUGS model cat(" model { # Prior distributions p0 ~ dunif(0,1) alpha0 <- logit(p0) alpha1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta2 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta3 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) for(i in 1:M){ # Loop over sites # Conditional multinomial cell probabilities pi[i,1] <- p[i] pi[i,2] <- p[i]*(1-p[i]) pi[i,3] <- p[i]*(1-p[i])*(1-p[i]) pi[i,4] <- p[i]*(1-p[i])*(1-p[i])*(1-p[i]) pi0[i] <- 1 - (pi[i,1] + pi[i,2] + pi[i,3] + pi[i,4]) pcap[i] <- 1 - pi0[i] for(j in 1:4){ pic[i,j] <- pi[i,j] / pcap[i] } # logit-linear model for detection: understory cover effect logit(p[i]) <- alpha0 + alpha1 * X[i,1] # Model specification, three parts: y[i,1:4] ~ dmulti(pic[i,1:4], n[i]) # component 1 uses the conditional # cell probabilities n[i] ~ dbin(pcap[i], N[i]) # component 2 is a model for the # observed sample size N[i] ~ dpois(lambda[i]) # component 3 is the process model # log-linear model for abundance: UFC + TRBA + UFC:TRBA log(lambda[i])<- beta0 + beta1*X[i,1] + beta2*X[i,2] + beta3*X[i,2]*X[i,1] } } ",fill=TRUE, file="model.txt") # Initial values inits <- function(){ list (p0 = runif(1), alpha1 = runif(1), beta0 = runif(1), N = ncap+2) } # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("p0", "alpha0", "alpha1", "beta0", "beta1", "beta2", "beta3") # MCMC settings nc <- 3 ; ni <- 6000 ; nb <- 1000 ; nt <- 1 # Experience the power of BUGS and print posterior summary library(R2WinBUGS) bd <- "c:/Program Files/WinBUGS14/" out <- bugs(data, inits, parameters, "model.txt", n.thin = nt, n.chains = nc, n.burnin = nb, n.iter = ni, debug = TRUE, bugs.directory = bd) print(out, 3) # To make trace plots using CODA functionality plot(as.mcmc.list(out), ask = TRUE) library(jagsUI) out <- jags(data, inits, parameters, "model.txt", n.thin=nt, n.chains = nc, n.burnin = nb, n.iter = ni) print(out, 3) set.factory("bugs::Conjugate", FALSE, type="sampler") # 7.6.1 Goodness-of-fit using Bayesian p-values # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ parameters <- c("N", "p0", "beta0", "beta1", "beta2", "beta3", "fit1.data", "fit1.pred", "fit2.data", "fit2.pred") out <- bugs (data, inits, parameters, "model.txt",n.thin=nt, n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb, n.iter=ni, debug=TRUE, bugs.dir = bd) mean(out$sims.list$fit1.pred > out$sims.list$fit1.data) mean(out$sims.list$fit2.pred > out$sims.list$fit2.data) # 7.6.2 Model selection in BUGS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Write BUGS model cat(" model { # Prior distributions p0 ~ dunif(0,1) alpha0 <- log(p0/(1-p0)) alpha1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) beta0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) beta1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) beta2 ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) beta3 ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) w1 ~ dbern(0.5) w2 ~ dbern(0.5) w3 ~ dbern(0.5) for(i in 1:M){ # Conditional multinomial cell probabilities pi[i,1] <- p[i] pi[i,2] <- p[i] * (1-p[i]) pi[i,3] <- p[i] * (1-p[i]) * (1-p[i]) pi[i,4] <- p[i] * (1-p[i]) * (1-p[i]) * (1-p[i]) pi0[i] <- 1 - (pi[i,1] + pi[i,2] + pi[i,3]+ pi[i,4]) pcap[i] <- 1 - pi0[i] for(j in 1:4){ pic[i,j] <- pi[i,j] / pcap[i] } # logit-linear model for detection: understory cover effect logit(p[i]) <- alpha0 + alpha1 * X[i,1] # Model specification, 3 parts: y[i,1:4] ~ dmulti(pic[i,1:4], n[i]) # component 1 uses the conditional # cell probabilities n[i] ~ dbin(pcap[i], N[i]) # component 2 is a model for the # observed sample size N[i] ~ dpois(lambda[i]) # component 3 is the process model # log-linear model for abundance: effects of UFC and TRBA, with weights log(lambda[i])<- beta0 + w1*beta1*X[i,1] + w2*beta2*X[i,2] + w1*w2*w3*beta3*X[i,2]*X[i,1] } } ",fill=TRUE,file="model.txt") # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("p0", "alpha0", "alpha1", "beta0", "beta1", "beta2", "beta3", "w1", "w2", "w3") # Initial values set.seed(2015) inits <- function(){ list (p0 = runif(1), alpha1 = runif(1), beta0 = runif(1), N = ncap+2, w1=1, w2=1, w3=1) } # Call WinBUGS from R and summarize marginal posteriors out <- bugs(data, inits, parameters, "model.txt", n.thin = nt, n.chains = nc, n.burnin = nb, n.iter = ni, debug = TRUE, bugs.dir=bd) print(out, digits = 3) # Extract the indicator variables for model selection w1 <- out$sims.list$w1 w2 <- out$sims.list$w2 # Create a new w3 variable which takes on the value 1 if the # interaction is in the model, also requires w1 = 1 AND w2=1 w3 <- out$sims.list$w3 * w1 * w2 # Combine into a model indicator string and tabulate posterior frequencies mod <- paste(w1, w2, w3, sep = "") table(mod) # 7.6.3 Poisson formulation of the multinomial mixture model # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Specify model in BUGS language cat(" model { # Prior distributions p0 ~ dunif(0,1) alpha0 <- logit(p0) alpha1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta2 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta3 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) for(i in 1:M){ # logit-linear model for detection: understory cover effect logit(p[i]) <- alpha0 + alpha1 * X[i,1] # log-linear model for abundance: UFC + TRBA + UFC:TRBA log(lambda[i])<- beta0 + beta1*X[i,1] + beta2*X[i,2] + beta3*X[i,2]*X[i,1] # Poisson parameter = multinomial cellprobs x expected abundance pi[i,1] <- p[i] * lambda[i] pi[i,2] <- p[i] * (1-p[i]) * lambda[i] pi[i,3] <- p[i] * (1-p[i]) * (1-p[i]) * lambda[i] pi[i,4] <- p[i] * (1-p[i]) * (1-p[i]) * (1-p[i]) * lambda[i] for(j in 1:4){ y[i,j] ~ dpois(pi[i,j]) } # Generate predictions of N[i] N[i] ~ dpois(lambda[i]) } } ",fill=TRUE,file="modelP.txt") # Bundle up the data and inits data <- list(y = y, M = nrow(y), X = as.matrix(siteCovs(ovenFrame))) inits <- function(){ list (p0 = runif(1), alpha1=runif(1), beta0=runif(1), beta1=runif(1), beta2=runif(1), beta3=runif(1)) } # Define parameters to save and MCMC settings parameters <- c("p0", "alpha1", "beta0", "beta1", "beta2", "beta3", "N") nc <- 3 ; ni <- 6000 ; nb <- 1000 ; nt <- 1 # Call WinBUGS from R and summarize marginal posteriors out <- bugs(data, inits, parameters, "modelP.txt", n.thin=nt, n.chains = nc, n.burnin = nb, n.iter = ni, debug = TRUE, bugs.dir=bd) print(out, 3) # Specify model in BUGS language cat(" model { # Prior distributions p0 ~ dunif(0,1) alpha0 <- logit(p0) alpha1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta2 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta3 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) tau ~ dgamma(0.1,0.1) # Excess-Poisson variation (precision) sigma <- sqrt(1 / tau) for(i in 1:M){ # logit-linear model for detection: understory cover effect logit(p[i]) <- alpha0 + alpha1 * X[i,1] # Normal random effects eta[i] ~ dnorm(0, tau) # 'residuals' for extra-Poisson noise # log-linear model for abundance: UFC + TRBA + UFC:TRBA + eta log(lambda[i])<- beta0 + beta1*X[i,1] + beta2*X[i,2] + beta3*X[i,2]*X[i,1] + eta[i] # note 'extra-residual' for overdispersion # Poisson parameter = multinomial cellprobs x expected abundance pi[i,1] <- p[i] * lambda[i] pi[i,2] <- p[i] * (1-p[i]) * lambda[i] pi[i,3] <- p[i] * (1-p[i]) * (1-p[i]) * lambda[i] pi[i,4] <- p[i] * (1-p[i]) * (1-p[i]) * (1-p[i]) * lambda[i] for(j in 1:4){ y[i,j] ~ dpois(pi[i,j]) } # Generate predictions of N[i] N[i] ~ dpois(lambda[i]) } } ",fill=TRUE,file="modelP.txt") # Inits inits <- function(){ list (p0 = runif(1), alpha1=runif(1), beta0=runif(1), beta1=runif(1), beta2=runif(1), beta3=runif(1), tau = 1) } # Define parameters to save and MCMC settings parameters <- c("p0", "alpha1", "beta0", "beta1", "beta2", "beta3", "sigma") nc <- 3 ; ni <- 32000 ; nb <- 2000 ; nt <- 1 # Call WinBUGS from R and summarize marginal posteriors out <- bugs(data, inits, parameters, "modelP.txt", n.thin=nt, n.chains = nc, n.burnin = nb, n.iter = ni, debug = TRUE, bugs.dir = bd) print(out, digits=3) plot(density(out$sims.list$sigma), frame = F, main = "") # Fig. 7-4 # 7.7 Building custom multinomial models in unmarked # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Removal model: capture probs for 5 sites, with 3 removal periods (pRem <- matrix(0.5, nrow=5, ncol=3)) removalPiFun(pRem) # Multinomial cell probabilities for each site # Double observer model: capture probs for 5 sites, with 2 observers (pDouble <- matrix(0.5, 5, 2)) doublePiFun(pDouble) # Multinomial cell probabilities for each site instRemPiFun <- function(p){ M <- nrow(p) J <- ncol(p) pi <- matrix(NA, M, J) p[,1] <- pi[,1] <- 1 - (1 - p[,1])^2 p[,2] <- 1 - (1 - p[,2])^3 p[,3] <- 1 - (1 - p[,3])^5 for(i in 2:J) { pi[,i] <- pi[, i - 1]/p[, i - 1] * (1 - p[, i - 1]) * p[, i] } return(pi) } instRemPiFun(pRem) o2y <- matrix(1, 2, 3) o2y # 7.8 Spatially Stratified Capture-Recapture Models # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ crPiFun <- function(p) { p1 <- p[,1] p2 <- p[,2] p3 <- p[,3] cbind("001" = (1 - p1) * (1 - p2) * p3, "010" = (1 - p1) * p2 * (1 - p3), "011" = (1 - p1) * p2 * p3, "100" = p1 * (1 - p2) * (1 - p3), "101" = p1 * (1 - p2) * p3, "110" = p1 * p2 * (1 - p3), "111" = p1 * p2 * p3) } p <- matrix(0.4, 2, 3) crPiFun(p) # To compute pi0 we do this: (pi0 <- 1 - rowSums(crPiFun(p))) # 7.8.1 Example 2: Fitting Models M0, Mt, and Mx to Chandler’s Flycatcher data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ alfl <- read.csv(system.file("csv", "alfl.csv", package="unmarked")) head(alfl, 5) alfl.covs <- read.csv(system.file("csv", "alflCovs.csv",package="unmarked"), row.names=1) head(alfl.covs) alfl$captureHistory <- paste(alfl$interval1, alfl$interval2, alfl$interval3, sep="") alfl$captureHistory <- factor(alfl$captureHistory, levels=c("001", "010", "011", "100", "101", "110", "111")) alfl$id <- factor(alfl$id, levels=rownames(alfl.covs)) alfl.v1 <- alfl[alfl$survey==1,] alfl.H1 <- table(alfl.v1$id, alfl.v1$captureHistory) head(alfl.H1, 5) intervalMat <- matrix(c('1','2','3'), 50, 3, byrow=TRUE) class(alfl.H1) <- "matrix" o2y <- matrix(1, 3, 7) umf.cr1 <- unmarkedFrameMPois(y=alfl.H1, siteCovs=alfl.covs[,c("woody", "struct", "time.1")], obsCovs=list(interval=intervalMat), obsToY=o2y, piFun="crPiFun") summary(umf.cr1) M0 <- multinomPois(~ 1 ~ 1, umf.cr1) Mt <- multinomPois(~ interval - 1 ~ 1, umf.cr1) Mx <- multinomPois(~ time.1 ~ 1, umf.cr1) (M0.woody <- multinomPois(~ 1 ~ woody, umf.cr1)) fl <- modSel(fitList(M0, Mt, Mx, M0.woody)) nd <- data.frame(woody=seq(0, 0.8, length=50)) E.abundance <- predict(M0.woody, type="state", newdata=nd, appendData=TRUE) plot(Predicted ~ woody, E.abundance, type="l", ylim=c(0, 6), ylab="Alder flycatchers / plot", xlab="Woody vegetation cover", frame = F) lines(lower ~ woody, E.abundance, col=gray(0.7)) lines(upper ~ woody, E.abundance, col=gray(0.7)) backTransform(M0.woody, type="det") round(getP(M0.woody), 2)[1,] # 7.8.2 Models with behavioral response # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ crPiFun.Mb <- function(p) { pNaive <- p[,1] pWise <- p[,3] cbind("001" = (1 - pNaive) * (1 - pNaive) * pNaive, "010" = (1 - pNaive) * pNaive * (1 - pWise), "011" = (1 - pNaive) * pNaive * pWise, "100" = pNaive * (1 - pWise) * (1 - pWise), "101" = pNaive * (1 - pWise) * pWise, "110" = pNaive * pWise * (1 - pWise), "111" = pNaive * pWise * pWise) } behavior <- matrix(c('Naive', 'Naive', 'Wise'), 50, 3, byrow=TRUE) umf.cr1Mb <- unmarkedFrameMPois(y=alfl.H1, siteCovs=alfl.covs[,c("woody", "struct", "time.1")], obsCovs=list(behavior=behavior), obsToY=o2y, piFun="crPiFun.Mb") M0 <- multinomPois(~1 ~1, umf.cr1Mb) (Mb <- multinomPois(~behavior-1 ~1, umf.cr1Mb)) # 7.8.3 Models with individual heterogeneity model # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ parID <- matrix(c('p','sig','sig'), 50, 3, byrow=TRUE) umf.cr2 <- unmarkedFrameMPois(y=alfl.H1, siteCovs=alfl.covs[,c("woody", "struct", "time.1")], obsCovs=list(parID=parID), obsToY=o2y, piFun="MhPiFun") # 7.8.4 Bayesian analysis using data augmentation (DA): heterogeneity models in BUGS # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extract data and do data augmentation up to M = 400 y <- as.matrix(alfl[,c("interval1","interval2","interval3")] ) nind <- nrow(y) M <- 400 y <- rbind(y, matrix(0, nrow=(M-nind), ncol=3)) # Site ID # Make site ID into an integer: This only works ok here because sites are in # alphabetical order in the data set! site <- as.numeric(alfl$id) site <- c(site, rep(NA, M-nind)) # Next we extract the covariates and standardize them sitecovs <- scale(as.matrix(alfl.covs[,c("woody", "struct", "time.1")])) # Bundle data for BUGS data <- list(y = y, J = 3, M = M , nsites = 50, X = sitecovs, group=site) str(data) # Specify model in BUGS language cat(" model { # Prior distributions p0 ~ dunif(0,1) alpha0 <- log(p0 / (1-p0)) # same as logit(p0) alpha1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) alpha2 ~ dnorm(0,0.01) beta0 ~ dnorm(0,0.01) beta1 ~ dnorm(0,0.01) psi <- sum(lambda[]) / M # psi is a derived parameter # log-linear model for abundance: lambda depends on WOODY for(s in 1:nsites){ log(lambda[s]) <- beta0 + beta1 * X[s,1] probs[s] <- lambda[s] / sum(lambda[]) } # Model for individual encounter histories for(i in 1:M){ group[i] ~ dcat(probs[]) # Group == site membership z[i] ~ dbern(psi) # Data augmentation variables # Observation model: p depends on 2 covariates: STRUCT + TIME for(j in 1:J){ logit(p[i,j]) <- alpha0 + alpha1 * X[group[i],2] + alpha2*X[group[i],3] pz[i,j] <- p[i,j] * z[i] y[i,j] ~ dbern(pz[i,j]) } } } ",fill=TRUE,file="model.txt") # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("p0", "alpha0", "alpha1", "alpha2", "beta0", "beta1", "psi") # Initial values inits <- function(){ list (p0 = runif(1), alpha1 = runif(1), alpha2 = rnorm(1),beta0=runif(1), beta1=rnorm(1), z= c( rep(1,100), rep(0, 300))) } # MCMC settings ni <- 11000 ; nb <- 1000 ; nt <- 4 ; nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R and summarize marginal posteriors library("jagsUI") out <- jags(data, inits, parameters, "model.txt", n.thin = nt, n.chains = nc, n.burnin = nb, n.iter = ni) print(out, digits = 3) # Specify model in BUGS language cat(" model { # Prior distributions p0 ~ dunif(0,1) alpha0 <- log(p0/(1-p0)) alpha1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) alpha2 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) psi <- sum(lambda[])/M tau ~ dgamma(0.1,0.1) # New parameter, precision of ind. random effects sigma <- 1/sqrt(tau) # log-linear model for abundance: lambda depends on WOODY for(s in 1:nsites){ log(lambda[s])<- beta0 + beta1*X[s,1] probs[s]<- lambda[s]/sum(lambda[]) } # Model for individual encounter histories for(i in 1:M){ eta[i] ~ dnorm(alpha0, tau) # Individual random effect group[i] ~ dcat(probs[]) # Group == site membership z[i] ~ dbern(psi) # Data augmentation variables # Observation model: p depends on STRUCT + TIME + ind. heterogeneity for(j in 1:J){ logit(p[i,j]) <- alpha1 * X[group[i],2] + alpha2*X[group[i],3] + eta[i] pz[i,j] <- p[i,j] * z[i] y[i,j] ~ dbern(pz[i,j]) } } } ",fill=TRUE,file="model.txt") # Parameters monitored: add sigma parameters <- c("p0", "alpha0", "alpha1", "alpha2", "beta0", "beta1", "psi", "sigma") # Initial values: add tau inits <- function(){ list (p0 = runif(1), alpha1 = runif(1), alpha2 = rnorm(1),beta0=runif(1), beta1=rnorm(1),z= c( rep(1,100), rep(0, 300)), tau = 1) } # MCMC settings (others as before) ni <- 50000 ; nb <- 10000 ; nt <- 2 ; nt <- 10 # Call JAGS from R and summarize marginal posteriors out <- jagsUI(data, inits, parameters, "model.txt", n.thin = nt, n.chains = nc, n.burnin = nb, n.iter = ni) print(out, digits = 3) 7.8.5 Example 2: analysis of data simulated with the simNmix data function # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Fit model in unmarked library(unmarked) time <- matrix(as.character(1:3), data$nsite, 3, byrow = T) # Define pifun for J=3 occasion capture-recapture protocol crPiFun <- function(p) { p1 <- p[,1] # Extract the columns of the p matrix, one for p2 <- p[,2] # each of J = 3 sample occasions p3 <- p[,3] cbind( # define multinomial cell probabilities: "100" = p1 * (1-p2) * (1-p3), "010" = (1-p1) * p2 * (1-p3), "001" = (1-p1) * (1-p2) * p3, "110" = p1 * p2 * (1-p3), "101" = p1 * (1-p2) * p3, "011" = (1-p1) * p2 * p3, "111" = p1 * p2 * p3) } # Define mapping function for missing values o2y <- matrix(1, 3, 7) # Create unmarked frame and fit couple of models umf <- unmarkedFrameMPois(y = dhfreq, siteCovs = data.frame(cov3 = data$site.cov[,3]), obsCovs = list(time = time), obsToY = o2y, piFun = "crPiFun") fm1 <- multinomPois(~1 ~1, umf) # detection model before abundance model fm2 <- multinomPois(~time-1 ~1, umf) fm3 <- multinomPois(~1 ~cov3, umf) fm4 <- multinomPois(~time-1 ~cov3, umf) # Assemble the models into a fitList and rank using AIC ms <- fitList( "lam(.)p(.)" = fm1, "lam(.)p(time)" = fm2, "lam(cov3)p(.)" = fm3, "lam(cov3)p(time)" = fm4) (AICtable <- modSel(ms)) summary(fm4) p.true <- qlogis(data$p[min(which(data$N>0)),,1]) tmp <- cbind(rbind(lam0 = log(data$mean.lam), beta3 = data$beta3.lam, logit.p1 = p.true[1], logit.p2 = p.true[2], logit.p3 = p.true[3]), coef(fm4)) colnames(tmp) <- c("Truth", "MLEs") tmp # No temporal variation in p and effect of site-covariate on lambda set.seed(24) data <- simNmix(mean.lam = exp(1), beta2.lam = 1, beta3.lam = 1, mean.p = plogis(0.2), beta3.p = -1, beta.p.survey = -1) str(data$DH) # Get occasions with first detection of each individual f <- apply(data$DH, c(1,3), function(x) min(which(x != 0))) head(f) ; str(f) # Produce removal counts (for any number of occasions) y <- array(NA, dim = c(data$nsite, data$nvisit), dimnames = list(NULL, as.factor(1:data$nvisit))) for(i in 1:data$nsite){ y[i,] <- table(factor(f[i,], levels = as.character(1:data$nvisit))) } y # Look at removal data set # Fit models in unmarked summary(umf <- unmarkedFrameMPois(y = y, siteCovs = data.frame(cov2 = data$site.cov[,2], cov3 = data$site.cov[,3]), obsCovs = list(obs.cov = data$survey.cov), type = "removal")) # Create and look at um data frame fm1 <- multinomPois(~1 ~1, umf) # Detection model before abundance model (fm4 <- multinomPois(~cov3 + obs.cov ~cov2 + cov3, umf)) print(c(log(data$mean.lam), data$beta2.lam, data$beta3.lam, logit(data$mean.p), data$beta3.p, data$beta.p.survey)) # Simulate detection frequency data from back in section 7.3.1 set.seed(24) data <- simNmix(mean.lam = exp(0), beta2.lam = 1, beta3.lam =-1, beta4.lam = 0.2, dispersion = 1, mean.p = plogis(0), beta3.p = 1, sigma.p.visit = 1, Neg.Bin = TRUE) dhfreq <- array(NA, dim = c(data$nsite, 7), dimnames = list(NULL, c("100", "010", "001", "110", "101", "011", "111"))) for(i in 1:data$nsite){ dhfreq[i,] <- table(factor(paste(data$DH[i,1,], data$DH[i,2,], data$DH[i,3,], sep = ""), levels = c("100", "010", "001", "110", "101", "011", "111"))) } dhfreq # Look at resulting data set # Bundle data in unmarked frame time <- matrix(as.character(1:3), data$nsite, 3, byrow = T) summary(umf <- unmarkedFrameGMM(y = dhfreq, numPrimary = 1, siteCovs = data.frame(cov2 = data$site.cov[,2], cov3 = data$site.cov[,3], cov4 = data$site.cov[,4]), obsCovs = list(time = time), obsToY = o2y, piFun = "crPiFun")) # Fit a couple of models, first for detection fm1 <- gmultmix(lambdaformula = ~1, phiformula = ~1, pformula = ~1, mix = "NB", data = umf) fm2 <- gmultmix(~1, ~1, ~time-1, mix = "NB", data = umf) fm3 <- gmultmix(~1, ~1, ~time-1+cov3, mix = "NB", data = umf) # ... then for abundance, fm4 <- gmultmix(~cov2, ~1, ~1, mix = "NB", data = umf) fm5 <- gmultmix(~cov2+cov3, ~1, ~1, mix = "NB", data = umf) fm6 <- gmultmix(~cov2+cov3+cov4, ~1, ~1, mix = "NB", data = umf) # ... and the data-generating model fm7 <- gmultmix(~cov2+cov3+cov4, ~1, ~time-1+cov3, mix = "NB", data = umf) # Compare models with AIC ms <- fitList( "lam(.)p(.)" = fm1, "lam(.)p(time)" = fm2, "lam(.)p(time+cov3)" = fm3, "lam(cov2)p(.)" = fm4, "lam(cov2+cov3)p(.)" = fm5, "lam(cov2+cov3+cov4)p(.)" = fm6, "lam(cov2+cov3+cov4)p(time+cov3)" = fm7) (AICtable <- modSel(ms)) # Compare data-generation truth with estimates p.true <- qlogis(data$mean.p) + data$eta.p.visit Truth <- rbind(lam0 = log(data$mean.lam), beta2.lam = data$beta2.lam, beta3.lam = data$beta3.lam, beta4.lam = data$beta4.lam, logit.p1 = p.true[1], logit.p2 = p.true[2], logit.p3 = p.true[3], beta3.p = data$beta3.p, log.dispersion = log(data$dispersion)) MLEs <- coef(fm7) print(cbind(Truth, MLEs), 3) # 7.9 Example 3: Jays in the Swiss MHB # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ data(jay) # Load data str(jay) # Inspect data list dim(jay$caphist) # Look at detection history data jay$caphist[1:4,] # 7.9.1 Setting up the data and preparing for analysis # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ crPiFun <- function(p) { p1 <- p[,1] # Extract the columns of the p matrix, one for p2 <- p[,2] # each of J = 3 sample occasions p3 <- p[,3] cbind( # define multinomial cell probabilities: "100" = p1 * (1-p2) * (1-p3), "010" = (1-p1) * p2 * (1-p3), "001" = (1-p1) * (1-p2) * p3, "110" = p1 * p2 * (1-p3), "101" = p1 * (1-p2) * p3, "011" = (1-p1) * p2 * p3, "111" = p1 * p2 * p3, "10x" = p1*(1-p2), "01x" = (1-p1)*p2, "11x" = p1*p2) } o2y <- matrix(1, 3, 10) # Grab the data objects covinfo <- jay$covinfo gridinfo <- jay$gridinfo sitecovs <- jay$sitecovs caphist <- jay$caphist # Get observation covariates to use in model # Day of year, sample intensity and survey duration. # Standardize them. day <- scale(covinfo[,c("date1", "date2", "date3")]) dur <- as.matrix(covinfo[,c("dur1", "dur2", "dur3")]) dur[is.na(dur)] <- mean(dur, na.rm=TRUE) # Pad the 6 missing values intensity <- dur / sitecovs[,"length"] # Sample rate = duration/length dur <- scale(dur) intensity <- scale(intensity) reps <- apply(!is.na(day), 1, sum) day[reps==2,3] <- 0 dur[reps==2,3] <- 0 intensity[reps==2, 3] <- 0 # Store the observation covariates in a list obscovs <- list(intensity = intensity, dur = dur, day = day) # Standardize site covariates sitecovs[,"elev"] <- scale(sitecovs[,"elev"]) sitecovs[,"forest"] <- scale(sitecovs[,"forest"]) # NOTE: length is NOT standardized, but over-written with its reciprocal sitecovs[,"iLength"] <- 1 / sitecovs[,"length"] # Create unmarkedFrame (need crPiFun above and unmarked loaded) caphist <- as.matrix(caphist) mhb.umf <- unmarkedFrameMPois(y=caphist, siteCovs=as.data.frame(sitecovs), obsCovs=obscovs, obsToY=o2y, piFun="crPiFun") # 7.9.2. Fitting some models # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Fit a series of models fm1 <- multinomPois(~1 ~1, mhb.umf) fm2 <- multinomPois(~day ~1, mhb.umf) fm3 <- multinomPois(~day + I(day^2) ~1, mhb.umf) fm4 <- multinomPois(~intensity ~1, mhb.umf) fm5 <- multinomPois(~intensity + I(intensity^2) ~1, mhb.umf) fm6 <- multinomPois(~day + intensity ~1, mhb.umf) fm7 <- multinomPois(~day + I(day^2) + intensity + I(intensity^2) ~1, mhb.umf) # Assemble the models into a fitList and rank them by AIC mspart1 <- fitList( "lam(.)p(.)" = fm1, "lam(.)p(day)" = fm2, "lam(.)p(day+day^2)" = fm3, "lam(.)p(intensity)" = fm4, "lam(.)p(intensity + intensity^2)" = fm5, "lam(.)p(day + rate)" = fm6, "lam(.)p(data + day^2 + intensity + intensity^2)" = fm7) (mspart1 <- modSel(mspart1)) # Fit series of models fm7 <- multinomPois(~day + I(day^2) + intensity + I(intensity^2) ~1, mhb.umf) fm8 <- multinomPois(~day + I(day^2) + intensity + I(intensity^2) ~elev, mhb.umf) fm9 <- multinomPois(~day + I(day^2) + intensity + I(intensity^2) ~forest, mhb.umf) fm10 <- multinomPois(~day + I(day^2) + intensity + I(intensity^2) ~iLength, mhb.umf) fm11 <- multinomPois(~day + I(day^2) + intensity + I(intensity^2) ~forest + elev, mhb.umf) fm12 <- multinomPois(~day + I(day^2) + intensity + I(intensity^2) ~forest + iLength, mhb.umf) fm13 <- multinomPois(~day + I(day^2) + intensity + I(intensity^2) ~elev + iLength, mhb.umf) fm14 <- multinomPois(~day + I(day^2) + intensity + I(intensity^2) ~forest + elev + iLength, mhb.umf) fm15 <- multinomPois(~day + I(day^2) + intensity + I(intensity^2) ~elev + I(elev^2), mhb.umf) fm16 <- multinomPois(~day + I(day^2) + intensity + I(intensity^2) ~forest + elev + I(elev^2), mhb.umf) fm17 <- multinomPois(~day + I(day^2) + intensity + I(intensity^2) ~forest + elev + I(elev^2) + iLength, mhb.umf) # Assemble the models into a fitList mspart2 <- fitList( "lam(.)p(best)" = fm7, "lam(elev)p(best)" = fm8, "lam(forest)p(best)" = fm9, "lam(length)p(best)" = fm10, "lam(forest + elev)p(best)" = fm11, "lam(forest + iLength)p(best)" = fm12, "lam(elev + iLength)p(best)" = fm13, "lam(forest + elev + length)p(best)" = fm14, "lam(elev + elev^2)p(best)" = fm15, "lam(forest + elev + elev^2)p(best)" = fm16, "lam(forest + elev + elev^2 + iLength)p(best)"= fm17) # Rank them by AIC (mspart2 <- modSel(mspart2)) fm17 mhb.umf2 <- unmarkedFrameGMM(y=caphist, numPrimary = 1, siteCovs=as.data.frame(sitecovs), obsCovs=obscovs, obsToY=o2y, piFun="crPiFun") fm1NB <- gmultmix(~1, ~1, ~1, mix = "NB", data = mhb.umf2) fm17P <- gmultmix(~forest + elev + I(elev^2) + iLength, ~1, ~day + I(day^2) + intensity + I(intensity^2), mix = "P", data = mhb.umf2) fm17NB <- gmultmix(~forest + elev + I(elev^2) + iLength, ~1, ~day + I(day^2) + intensity + I(intensity^2), mix = "NB", data = mhb.umf2) fm17P # AIC-best Poisson mixture model fm17NB # NegBin version of AIC-best Poisson mixture model # 7.9.3 Analysis of model fit # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Define new fitstats function fitstats2 <- function(fm) { observed <- getY(fm@data) expected <- fitted(fm) resids <- residuals(fm) n.obs<- apply(observed,1,sum,na.rm=TRUE) n.pred<- apply(expected,1,sum,na.rm=TRUE) sse <- sum(resids^2,na.rm=TRUE) chisq <- sum((observed - expected)^2 / expected,na.rm=TRUE) freeTuke <- sum((sqrt(observed) - sqrt(expected))^2,na.rm=TRUE) freeTuke.n<- sum((sqrt(n.obs)-sqrt(n.pred))^2,na.rm=TRUE) sse.n <- sum( (n.obs -n.pred)^2,na.rm=TRUE) chisq.n <- sum((n.obs - n.pred)^2 / expected,na.rm=TRUE) out <- c(SSE=sse, Chisq=chisq, freemanTukey=freeTuke, SSE.n = sse.n, Chisq.n = chisq.n, freemanTukey.n=freeTuke.n) return(out) } (pb.mhb <- parboot(fm17, fitstats2, nsim=1000, report=1)) (pb.mhbNB <- parboot(fm17NB, fitstats2, nsim=1000, report=1)) # Compute c-hat pb.mhbNB@t0[2] / mean(pb.mhbNB@t.star[,2]) n.obs <- apply(caphist, 1, sum, na.rm=TRUE) n.predP <- apply(fitted(fm17P), 1, sum, na.rm=TRUE) n.predNB <- apply(fitted(fm17NB), 1, sum, na.rm=TRUE) plot(n.obs, n.predP, frame = F) # Fig. 7-7 abline(0,1) points(smooth.spline(n.predP ~ n.obs, df = 4), type = "l", lwd = 2, col = "blue") points(smooth.spline(n.predNB ~ n.obs, df=4), type= "l", lwd = 2, col = "red") # 7.9.4 Summary analyses of jay models # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ range(siteCovs(mhb.umf)$elev) elev.mean <- attr(siteCovs(mhb.umf)$elev, "scaled:center") elev.sd <- attr(siteCovs(mhb.umf)$elev, "scaled:scale") elev.orig <- elev.sd*seq(-1.5, 2.42,,500) + elev.mean # Remember length = 0 is saturation sampling because length = 1/L newL <- data.frame(elev = seq(-1.5,2.42,,500), elev.orig, forest = 0, iLength = 1/5.1) # 'Low' prediction newH <- data.frame(elev = seq(-1.5,2.42,,500), elev.orig, forest = 0, iLength = 0) # 'High' prediction predL <- predict(fm17NB, type="lambda", newdata=newL, appendData=TRUE) predH <- predict(fm17NB, type="lambda", newdata=newH, appendData=TRUE) head(cbind(low = predL[,1:2], high = predH[,1:2])) plot(Predicted ~ elev.orig, predL, type="l", lwd = 3, xlab="Elevation", ylab="Expected # territories", ylim=c(0, 13), frame=F, col = "red") points(Predicted ~ elev.orig, predH, type="l", lwd = 3, col = "blue") matlines(elev.orig, predL[,3:4], lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = "red") matlines(elev.orig, predH[,3:4], lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = "blue") b <- coef(fm17NB)[3] c <- coef(fm17NB)[4] elev.opt <- -b / (2*c) (elev.opt <- elev.opt*elev.sd + elev.mean) require(AICcmodavg) model.list <- list(fm17NB) # candidate model list with single model model.names <- c("AIC-best model") # Compute model-averaged predictions of abundance for values of elevation, with uncertainty (SE, CIs) adjusted for overdispersion (c.hat), with latter estimated from bootstrapped Chisquare pred.c.hatL <- modavgPred(cand.set = model.list, modnames = model.names, newdata = newL, parm.type = "lambda", type = "response", c.hat = 1.11) # Compare predictions and SE without and with c.hat adjustment head(cbind(predL[1:2], pred.c.hatL[1:2]), 10) rlength <- seq(1, 30, 0.01) # Vary route length from 1 to 30 kms newData <- data.frame(elev=0, forest=0, iLength=1/rlength) pred <- predict(fm17NB, type="lambda", newdata=newData, c.hat = 1.11) par(mar = c(5,5,3,2), cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.3) plot(rlength, pred[[1]], type = "l", lwd = 3, col = "blue", frame = F, xlab = "Transect length (km)", ylab = "Exposed population (lambda)", ylim = c(0, 16), axes = F) axis(1, at = seq(2,30,2)) ; axis(2) abline(v = c(1.2, 5.135, 9.4), lwd = 2) matlines(rlength, cbind(pred[[1]]-pred[[2]], pred[[1]]+pred[[2]]), type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = "gray") sat.pred <- predict(fm17NB, type="lambda", newdata= data.frame(elev=0, forest=0, iLength=0), c.hat = 1.11) abline(as.numeric(sat.pred[1]),0, lwd = 2, lty = 2) pred[round(rlength,2)==1.2,]/as.numeric(sat.pred[1]) pred[round(rlength,2)==5.14,]/as.numeric(sat.pred[1]) pred[round(rlength,2)==9.4,]/as.numeric(sat.pred[1]) # 7.9.5 Spatial prediction # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ library(raster) library(rgdal) # Swiss landscape data and shape files data(Switzerland) # Load Swiss landscape data from unmarked CH <- Switzerland # this is for 'confoederatio helvetica' head(CH) gelev <- CH[,"elevation"] # Median elevation of quadrat gforest <- CH[,"forest"] grid <- CH[,c("x", "y")] lakes <- readOGR(".", "lakes") rivers <- readOGR(".", "rivers") border <- readOGR(".", "border") # Draw two maps of Swiss elevation and forest cover (Fig. 7-10) par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(1,2,3,5)) mapPalette1 <- colorRampPalette(c("grey", "yellow", "orange", "red")) mapPalette2 <- colorRampPalette(c("grey", "lightgreen", "darkgreen")) r1 <- rasterFromXYZ(cbind(x = CH$x, y = CH$y, z = CH$elevation)) r2 <- rasterFromXYZ(cbind(x = CH$x, y = CH$y, z = CH$forest)) plot(r1, col = mapPalette1(100), axes = FALSE, box = FALSE, main = "Elevation (m a.s.l.)", zlim = c(0, 4000)) plot(rivers, col = "dodgerblue", add = TRUE) plot(border, col = "transparent", lwd = 1.5, add = TRUE) plot(lakes, col = "skyblue", border = "royalblue", add = TRUE) plot(r2, col = mapPalette2(100), axes = FALSE, box = FALSE, main = "Forest cover (%)", zlim = c(0, 100)) plot(rivers, col = "dodgerblue", add = TRUE) plot(border, col = "transparent", lwd = 1.5, add = TRUE) plot(lakes, col = "skyblue", border = "royalblue", add = TRUE) # Standardize elevation for all grid cells using the mean at sample plots elev.mean <- attr(siteCovs(mhb.umf)$elev, "scaled:center") elev.sd <- attr(siteCovs(mhb.umf)$elev, "scaled:scale") gelev <- (gelev - elev.mean) / elev.sd # Standardize forest cover also using the mean at sample plots forest.mean <- attr(siteCovs(mhb.umf)$forest, "scaled:center") forest.sd <- attr(siteCovs(mhb.umf)$forest, "scaled:scale") gforest <- (gforest - forest.mean) / forest.sd # Form predictions for Swiss landscape newL <- data.frame(elev=gelev, forest=gforest, iLength=1/5.1) newH <- data.frame(elev=gelev, forest=gforest, iLength=0) pred.mhb.NB.Low <- predict(fm17NB, type="lambda", newdata=newL, appendData=T) pred.mhb.NB.High <- predict(fm17NB, type="lambda", newdata=newH, appendData=T) # Create rasters and mask for elevation (mask areas > 2250 m) r1 <- rasterFromXYZ(cbind(x = CH$x, y = CH$y, z = pred.mhb.NB.Low[,1])) r2 <- rasterFromXYZ(cbind(x = CH$x, y = CH$y, z = pred.mhb.NB.Low[,2])) elev <- rasterFromXYZ(cbind(CH$x, CH$y, gelev)) elev[elev > 2250] <- NA r1 <- mask(r1, elev) r2 <- mask(r2, elev) # Draw maps of jay density and standard error of density (Fig. 7–11) par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(1,2,3,5)) plot(r1, col = mapPalette1(100), axes = FALSE, box = FALSE, main = "Density of European Jay", zlim = c(0, 10)) plot(rivers, col = "dodgerblue", add = TRUE) plot(border, col = "transparent", lwd = 1.5, add = TRUE) plot(lakes, col = "skyblue", border = "royalblue", add = TRUE) plot(r2, col = mapPalette1(100), axes = FALSE, box = FALSE, main = "Standard errors of density", zlim = c(0, 1.5)) plot(rivers, col = "dodgerblue", add = TRUE) plot(border, col = "transparent", lwd = 1.5, add = TRUE) plot(lakes, col = "skyblue", border = "royalblue", add = TRUE) # 7.9.6 Population size of jays in Switzerland # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ out <- which(CH$water > 50 | CH$elevation > 2250) (N.jay <- sum(pred.mhb.NB.Low[-out,1])) # 'low prediction' (N.jay <- sum(pred.mhb.NB.High[-out,1])) # 'high prediction' Nhat <- function(fm) { betavec <- coef(fm)[1:5] Xg <- cbind(rep(1, length(gforest)), gforest, gelev, gelev*gelev, 1/5.1) predLow <- as.numeric(exp(Xg%*%(betavec))) predHigh <- as.numeric(exp(Xg[,-5]%*%(betavec[-5]))) out <- which(CH$water > 50 | CH$elevation > 2250) Nlow <- sum(predLow[-out]) Nhigh <- sum(predHigh[-out]) return(c(Nlow = Nlow, Nhigh = Nhigh)) } set.seed(2015) (pb.N <- parboot(fm17NB, Nhat, nsim=100, report=1)) # 7.9.7 Bayesian Analysis of the MHB Data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Extract data and do data augmentation up to M = 400 y <- as.matrix(getY(mhb.umf)) # Now we have to stretch out the encounter frequencies into individuals... # There were 439 unique individuals observed during the survey eh<- unlist(dimnames(y)[2]) ehid<- col(y)[y>0 & !is.na(y)] # Column ids, index to encounter history eh<- eh[ehid] siteid<- row(y)[y>0 & !is.na(y)] # Site ids y<- y[y>0 & !is.na(y)] # Positive counts eh<- rep(eh, y) siteid<- rep(siteid, y) eh.mat<- matrix(NA,nrow=length(eh),ncol=3) for(i in 1:length(eh)){ eh.mat[i,]<- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(eh[i],split=""))) } # Define some things and do the data augmentation nsites = nrow(sitecovs) nind <- nrow(eh.mat) M <- 800 y <- rbind(eh.mat, matrix(0, nrow=(M-nind), ncol=3)) # Augment site ID site <- c(siteid, rep(NA, M-nind)) sitecovs <- siteCovs(mhb.umf) obscovs<- obsCovs(mhb.umf) Intensity<- matrix(obscovs[,"intensity"], nrow=nsites, ncol=3,byrow=TRUE) # Bundle data for BUGS data <- list(y = y, J = 3, M = M , nsites=nsites, X = as.matrix(sitecovs), Intensity= Intensity, group=site) str(data) # Specify model in BUGS language cat(" model { # Prior distributions p0 ~ dunif(0,1) alpha0 <- log(p0 / (1-p0)) alpha1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta0 ~ dnorm(0,0.01) beta1 ~ dnorm(0,0.01) beta2 ~ dnorm(0,0.01) beta3 ~ dnorm(0,0.01) psi <- sum(lambda[]) / M # psi is a derived parameter # Model for abundance: lambda depends on Elev, Length, Forest for(s in 1:nsites){ log(lambda[s]) <- beta0 + beta1 * X[s,1] + (beta2/X[s,2]) + beta3*X[s,3] probs[s] <- lambda[s] / sum(lambda[]) } # Model for individual encounter histories for(i in 1:M){ group[i] ~ dcat(probs[]) # Group == site membership z[i] ~ dbern(psi) # Data augmentation variables # Observation model: p depends on Intensity for(j in 1:J){ logit(p[i,j]) <- alpha0 + alpha1 * Intensity[group[i],j] pz[i,j] <- p[i,j] * z[i] y[i,j] ~ dbern(pz[i,j]) } } } ",fill=TRUE,file="model.txt") # Parameters monitored parameters <- c("p0", "alpha0", "alpha1", "beta0", "beta1", "beta2", "beta3", "psi") # Initial values zst<-rep(c(1,M-100), rep(0,100)) inits <- function(){ list (p0 = runif(1), alpha1 = runif(1), beta0=runif(1), beta1=rnorm(1), z= zst ) } # MCMC settings ni <- 11000 ; nb <- 1000 ; nt <- 4 ; nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R and summarize marginal posteriors out <- jags(data, inits, parameters, "model.txt", n.thin = nt, n.chains = nc, n.burnin = nb, n.iter = ni) print(out, digits = 2) fm17P # AIC-best Poisson mixture model # 7.10 Summary and Outlook # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ========================================================================= # # 8. Modeling abundance using hierarchical distance sampling (HDS) # # ========================================================================= # 8.1 Introduction # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 8.2 Conventional Distance Sampling (CDS) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 8.2.1 The full likelihood # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 8.2.2 Models of detection probability # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 8.2.3 Simulating distance sampling data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ strip.width <- 100 # one side of the transect, really half-width sigma <- 30 # Scale parameter of half-normal detection function # Define half-normal detection function g <- function(x, sig) exp(-x^2/(2*sig^2)) # Function definition g(30, sig=sigma) # Detection probability at a distance of 30m # Plot the detection function par(mfrow=c(1,2)) curve(g(x, sig=30), 0, 100, xlab="Distance (x)", ylab="Detection prob.", lwd = 2, frame = F) curve(g(x, sig=60), 0, 100, add=TRUE, lty = 2, lwd = 2) # Define function to simulate non-hierarchical line transect data sim.ldata <- function(N = 200, sigma = 30){ # Function to simulate line transect data under CDS. # Function arguments: # N: number of individuals along transect with distance u(-100, 100) # sigma: scale parameter of half-normal detection function # Function subjects N individuals to sampling, and then retains the value # of x=distance only for individuals that are captured par(mfrow = c(1,2)) # Plot the detection function curve(exp(-x^2/(2*sigma^2)), 0, 100, xlab="Distance (x)", ylab="Detection prob.", lwd = 2, main = "Detection function", ylim = c(0,1)) text(80, 0.9, paste("sigma:", sigma)) xall <- runif(N, -100,100) # Distances of all N individuals hist(abs(xall), nclass=10, xlab = "Distance (x)", col = "grey", main = "True (grey) \nand observed distances (blue)") g <- function(x, sig) exp(-x^2/(2*sig^2)) p <- g(xall, sig=sigma) # detection probability y <- rbinom(N, 1, p) # some inds. are detected and their distance measured x <- xall[y==1] # this has direction (right or left transect side) x <- abs(x) # now it doesn't have direction hist(x, col = "blue", add = TRUE) return(list(N = N, sigma = sigma, xall = xall, x = x)) } # Obtain a data set for analysis set.seed(2015) # If you want to get same results tmp <- sim.ldata(sigma = 30) # Execute function and assign results to 'tmp' attach(tmp) # Conditional likelihood Lcond <- function(lsigma){ # Define conditional nll sigma<- exp(lsigma) -1*sum(log(g(x,sig=sigma)/integrate(g, 0, 100, sig=sigma)$value/100)) } # Full likelihood Lfull <- function(parm){ # Define full nll sigma <- exp(parm[1]) n0 <- exp(parm[2]) N <- length(x)+ n0 pbar <- integrate(g, 0, 100, sig=sigma)$value/100 -1*( lgamma(N+1) - lgamma(n0+1) + sum(log(g(x,sig=sigma)/100)) + n0*log(1-pbar) ) } # Call optim to maximize full likelihood optim(c(log(30), log(4)), Lfull, hessian=TRUE) pbar<- integrate(g, 0, 100, sig=exp(3.26))$value/100 n<- length(tmp$x) (Nhat.condl<- n/pbar) (Dhat.condl<- Nhat.condl/(10*.2)) n0hat<- exp(5.01) (Nhat.full<- n + n0hat) (Dhat.full<- Nhat.full/(10*.2)) # 8.2.4 Binned data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Conditional and other likelihoods for binned data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Simulating binned distance sampling data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ set.seed(2015) # Design settings and truth (population size N and detection function g) interval.width <- 10 strip.width <- 100 # half-width really (one side of transect) nbins<-strip.width%/%interval.width sigma <- 30 # Scale parameter of half-normal detection function g <- function(x, sig) exp(-x^2/(2*sig^2)) # Half-normal detection function N <- 200 # Population size # Method 1: simulate continuous distances and put into intervals x <- runif(N, -strip.width, strip.width) # Distance all animals p <- g(x, sig=sigma) # Detection probability y <- rbinom(N, 1, p) # only individuals with y=1 are detected x <- x[y==1] # this has direction (right or left side of transect) x <- abs(x) # now it doesn't have direction # Compute the distance category of each observation xbin <- x %/% interval.width + 1 # note integer division function %/% # Multinomial frequencies, may have missing levels y.obs <- table(xbin) # Pad the frequencies to include those with 0 detections y.padded <- rep(0,nbins) names(y.padded) <- 1:nbins y.padded[names(y.obs)] <- y.obs y.obs <- y.padded y.true <- c(y.obs, N-length(xbin)) # Last category is "Not detected" # Relative frequencies by binning continuous data (pi). These should compare # with the cell probabilities computed below when N is very large (y.rel <- y.true/N) # Last category is pi(0) from above (pi0.v1 <- y.rel[nbins+1]) # Compute detection probability in each distance interval dist.breaks <- seq(0, strip.width, by=interval.width) p <- rep(NA, length(dist.breaks)-1) for(j in 1:length(p)){ p[j] <- integrate(g, dist.breaks[j], dist.breaks[j+1], sig=sigma)$value / (dist.breaks[j+1]-dist.breaks[j]) } round(p, 2) # Compute the multinomial cell probabilities analytically. These are exact. # psi = probability of occurring in each interval interval.width <- diff(dist.breaks) psi <- interval.width/strip.width pi <- p * psi sum(pi) # This is 1 – pi(0) from above (pi0.exact <- 1-sum(pi)) # Method 2: Use rmultinom to simulate binned observations directly # This includes 0 cells AND n0 pi[length(p)+1] <- 1 - sum(pi) (y.obs2 <- as.vector(rmultinom(1, N, prob=pi))) (y.obs2 <- y.obs2[1:nbins]) # Discard last cell for n0 (because not observed) Lik.binned <- function(parm, data, dist.breaks){ # Note that the parameters are parm[1] = log(sigma), parm[2] = log(n0) sigma <- exp(parm[1]) n0 <- exp(parm[2]) p <- rep(NA, length(dist.breaks)-1) for(j in 1:length(p)) { p[j] <- integrate(g, dist.breaks[j], dist.breaks[j+1], sig=sigma)$value / (dist.breaks[j+1]-dist.breaks[j]) } psi <- interval.width/strip.width pi <- p * psi pi0 <- 1-sum(pi) N <- sum(data) + n0 -1*(lgamma(N+1)-lgamma(n0+1) + sum(c(data,n0)*log(c(pi,pi0)))) } # Evaluate likelihood for some particular value of the parameters Lik.binned(c(2,0), data=y.obs, dist.breaks=dist.breaks) # Obtain the MLEs for the simulated data optim(c(2,0), Lik.binned, data=y.obs, dist.breaks=dist.breaks) # 8.2.5 Point transect data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Define function to compute cell probs for binned distance sampling cp.ri <-function(radius1, radius2, sigma){ Pi <- 3.141593 a <- Pi*radius2^2 - Pi*radius1^2 integrate(function(r, s=sigma) exp(-r^2 / (2 * s^2)) * r, radius1,radius2)$value *(2*Pi/a) } # Define distance intervals and compute multinomial probabilities delta <- 0.5 # Width of distance bins B <- 3 # Max count distance dist.breaks <-seq(0, B, delta) # Make the interval cut points nD <-length(dist.breaks)-1 sigma <- 1 p.x <-rep(NA,nD) # Conditional detection probabilities for(i in 1:nD){ p.x[i] <- cp.ri(dist.breaks[i], dist.breaks[i+1], sigma =1) } area <- 3.141593 * dist.breaks[-1]^2 ring.area <- diff(c(0, area)) # Pr(detection| in ring)*Pr(in ring) cp <- p.x* ring.area/sum(ring.area) # Simulating point transect data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sim.pdata <- function(N=1000, sigma=1, B=3, keep.all=FALSE) { # Function simulates coordinates of individuals on a square # Square is [0,2*B] x[0,2*B], with a count location on the center # point (B,B) # Function arguments: # N: total population size in the square # sigma: scale of half-normal detection function # B: circle radias # keep.all: return the data for y = 0 individuals or not # Plot the detection function par(mfrow = c(1,2)) curve(exp(-x^2/(2*sigma^2)), 0, B, xlab="Distance (x)", ylab="Detection prob.", lwd = 2, main = "Detection function", ylim = c(0,1)) text(0.8*B, 0.9, paste("sigma:", sigma)) # Simulate and plot simulated data library(plotrix) u1 <-runif(N, 0, 2*B) # (u1,u2) coordinates of N individuals u2 <- runif(N, 0, 2*B) d <- sqrt((u1 - B)^2 + (u2 - B)^2) # distance to center point of square plot(u1, u2, asp = 1, pch = 1, main = "Point transect") N.real <- sum(d<= B) # Population size inside of count circle # Can only count indidividuals in the circle, so set to zero detection probability of individuals in the corners (thereby truncating them): p <- ifelse(d < B, 1, 0) * exp(-d*d/(2*(sigma^2))) # Now we decide whether each individual is detected or not y <- rbinom(N, 1, p) points(u1[d <= B], u2[d <= B], pch = 16, col = "black") points(u1[y==1], u2[y==1], pch = 16, col = "blue") points(B, B, pch = "+", cex = 3, col = "red") draw.circle(B, B, B) # Put all of the data in a matrix: # (note we don't care about y, u, or v normally) if(!keep.all){ u1 <- u1[y==1] u2 <- u2[y==1] d <- d[y==1] } return(list(N=N, sigma=sigma, B=B, u1=u1, u2=u2, d=d, y=y, N.real=N.real)) } # obtain a data set by distance sampling a population of N=1000 set.seed(1234) tmp <-sim.pdata(N=1000, sigma=1, keep.all=FALSE, B=3) attach(tmp) # Bin the data and tabulate the bin frequencies. Be sure to pad the 0s! delta <- 0.5 # width of distance bins dist.breaks <-seq(0, B, delta) # make the interval cut points dclass <- tmp$d %/% delta +1 # Convert distances to categorical distances nD<-length(dist.breaks)-1 # How many intervals do we have ? y.obs <- table(dclass) # next pad the frequency vector y.padded <- rep(0, nD) names(y.padded) <- 1:nD y.padded[names(y.obs)] <- y.obs y.obs <- y.padded cp <- c(cp, 1-sum(cp)) # Compute the last cell and add it to the vector as.vector(rmultinom(n=1, size=1000, prob=cp)) # Likelihood analysis of point transect data # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (1) Define multinomial likelihood for binned data Lik.binned.point <- function(parm, data, dist.breaks){ sigma <- exp(parm[1]) n0 <- exp(parm[2]) p.x <-rep(NA, nD) for(i in 1:nD){ p.x[i] <- cp.ri(dist.breaks[i], dist.breaks[i+1], sigma =sigma) } area <- 3.141593 * dist.breaks[-1]^2 ring.area <- diff(c(0, area)) cp <- p.x* ring.area/sum(ring.area) # Pr(detection| in ring)*Pr(in ring) pi0 <- 1-sum(cp) N <- sum(data) + n0 negLL <- -1*(lgamma(N+1)-lgamma(n0+1) + sum(c(data,n0)*log(c(cp,pi0)))) return(negLL) } # Fit model mle1 <- optim(c(2,0), Lik.binned.point, data=y.obs, dist.breaks=dist.breaks) # (2) Define full likelihood for continuous data Lik.cont.point <- function(parm, data, B){ sigma <- exp(parm[1]) n0 <- exp(parm[2]) n <- length(data) N <- n + n0 p <- exp(-data*data/(2*sigma*sigma)) f <- 2*data/(B^2) pbar <- integrate(function(r, s=sigma) exp(-r^2 / (2 * s^2)) * r, 0, B)$value*2/(B^2) negLL <- -1*sum( log(p*f/pbar )) -1*(lgamma(N+1) - lgamma(n0+1) + n * log(pbar) + n0*log(1-pbar)) return(negLL) } # Fit model mle2 <- optim(c(0, 5), Lik.cont.point, data=tmp$d, B=B, hessian=TRUE) # Compare two solutions and with realized true value of N (Nhat.binned <- length(tmp$d) + exp(mle1$par[2])) (Nhat.cont <- length(tmp$d) + exp(mle2$par[2])) tmp$N.real # (3) Define conditional likelihood for continuous data Lik.cond.point <- function(parm, data, B){ sigma <- exp(parm) p <- exp(-data*data/(2*sigma*sigma)) f <- 2*data/(B^2) pbar <- integrate(function(r, s=sigma) exp(-r^2 / (2 * s^2)) * r, 0, B)$value*2/(B^2) negLL <- -1*sum( log(p*f/pbar )) return(negLL) } # Fit the model mle3 <- optim(c(0), Lik.cond.point, data=tmp$d, B=B, method="Brent", hessian=TRUE, lower=-10, upper=10) # Inspect the output mle3 # Estimated sigma (sigma.hat <- exp(mle3$par)) # Estimated average detection probability and conditional estimator of N pbar <- integrate( function(r, s=sigma.hat) exp(-r^2 / (2 * s^2)) * r, 0, B)$value*2/(B^2) (Nhat.condl <- length(d) / pbar) # 8.2.6 Sensitivity to bin width # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ set.seed(1234) simrep <- 1000 # Number of sim reps simout <- matrix(NA, nrow=simrep, ncol=3) colnames(simout) <- c("N.real", "N.binned", "N.continuous") delta <- 0.5 # Set width of bins # Begin simulation loop for(sim in 1:simrep){ tmp <- sim.pdata(N=1000, sigma=1, keep.all=FALSE, B=3) B <- tmp$B d <- tmp$d N.real <- tmp$N.real # Bin data, tabulate frequencies and pad 0s if necessary dist.breaks <- seq(0, B, delta) dclass <- d%/%delta + 1 # Convert distances to categorical distances nD <- length(dist.breaks) -1 # How many intervals do we have ? y.obs <- table(dclass) # Next pad the frequency vector y.padded <- rep(0, nD) names(y.padded) <- 1:nD y.padded[names(y.obs)] <- y.obs y.obs <- y.padded # Obtain the MLEs using both models binned.est <- optim(c(2,0), Lik.binned.point, data=y.obs, dist.breaks=dist.breaks) cont.est <- optim(c(1, 6), Lik.cont.point, data=d, B=B, hessian=TRUE) Nhat.binned <- length(d) + exp(binned.est$par[2]) Nhat.cont <- length(d) + exp(cont.est$par[2]) # Store things in a matrix simout[sim,] <- c(N.real, Nhat.binned, Nhat.cont) } # Now summarize the output apply(simout, 2, mean) sqrt(apply(simout, 2, var)) # 8.2.7 Spatial sampling # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 8.3 Bayesian conventional distance sampling # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 8.3.1 Bayesian analysis of line transect data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get data and do data-augmentation # Observed distances (meters) x <- c(71.93, 26.05, 58.47, 92.35, 163.83, 84.52, 163.83, 157.33, 22.27, 72.11, 86.99, 50.8, 0, 73.14, 0, 128.56, 163.83, 71.85, 30.47, 71.07, 150.96, 68.83, 90, 64.98, 165.69, 38.01, 378.21, 78.15, 42.13, 0, 400, 175.39, 30.47, 35.07, 86.04, 31.69, 200, 271.89, 26.05, 76.6, 41.04, 200, 86.04, 0, 93.97, 55.13, 10.46, 84.52, 0, 77.65, 0, 96.42, 0, 64.28, 187.94, 0, 160.7, 150.45, 63.6, 193.19, 106.07, 114.91, 143.39, 128.56, 245.75, 123.13, 123.13, 153.21, 143.39, 34.2, 96.42, 259.81, 8.72) B <- 500 # Strip half-width. Larger than max distance nind <- length(x) # Analysis of continuous data using data augmentation (DA) nz <- 200 # Augment observed data with nz = 200 zeroes y <- c(rep(1, nind), rep(0, nz)) # Augmented inds. have y=0 by definition x <- c(x, rep(NA, nz)) # Value of distance are missing for the augmented # Bundle and summarize data set str( win.data <- list(nind=nind, nz=nz, x=x, y=y, B=B) ) # Save text file with BUGS model cat(" model { # Priors sigma ~ dunif(0,1000) # Half-normal scale psi ~ dunif(0,1) # DA parameter # Likelihood for(i in 1:(nind+nz)){ # Process model z[i] ~ dbern(psi) # DA variables x[i] ~ dunif(0, B) # Distribution of distances # Observation model logp[i] <- -((x[i]*x[i])/(2*sigma*sigma)) # Half-normal detection fct. p[i] <- exp(logp[i]) mu[i] <- z[i] * p[i] y[i] ~ dbern(mu[i]) # Simple Bernoulli measurement error process } # Derived quantities N <- sum(z[1:(nind + nz)]) # Population size D <- N / 60 # Density, with A = 60 km^2 when B = 500 } ",fill=TRUE,file="model1.txt") # Inits zst <- y inits <- function(){ list (psi=runif(1), z=zst, sigma=runif(1,40,200)) } # Params to save params <- c("N", "sigma", "D") # Experience the raw power of BUGS and summarize marginal posteriors library(R2WinBUGS) bd <- "c:/Program Files/WinBUGS14/" # May have to adapt out1 <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "model1.txt", n.thin=2,n.chains=3, n.burnin=1000, n.iter=11000, debug=TRUE, DIC=FALSE, bugs.dir=bd) print(out1, 3) # Analysis of binned data using data augmentation delta <- 50 # Width of distance bins xg <- seq(0, B, delta) # Make the interval cut points dclass <- x %/% delta + 1 # Convert distances to distance category nD <- length(xg) -1 # N intervals = length(xg) if max(x) = B # Bundle data # Note data changed to include dclass, nG, bin-width delta and midpt midpt <- xg[-1] - delta/2 # Interval mid-points str( win.data <- list (nind=nind, nz=nz, dclass=dclass, y=y, B=B, delta=delta, nD=nD, midpt=midpt) ) # Bundle and summarize # BUGS model specification cat(" model{ # Priors psi ~ dunif(0, 1) sigma ~ dunif(0, 1000) # Likelihood # construct conditional detection probability and Pr(x) for each bin for(g in 1:nD){ # midpt = mid point of each cell log(p[g]) <- -midpt[g] * midpt[g] / (2 * sigma * sigma) pi[g] <- delta / B # probability of x in each interval } for(i in 1:(nind+nz)){ z[i] ~ dbern(psi) # model for individual covariates dclass[i] ~ dcat(pi[]) # population distribution of distance class mu[i] <- z[i] * p[dclass[i]] # p depends on distance class y[i] ~ dbern(mu[i]) } # Derived quantities: Population size and density N <- sum(z[]) D <- N / 60 } ",fill=TRUE, file = "model2.txt") # Inits function zst <- y # DA variables start at observed value of y inits <- function(){ list (psi=runif(1), z=zst, sigma=runif(1,40,200)) } # Parameters to save params <- c("N", "sigma", "D") # Unleash WinBUGS and summarize posteriors bd <- "c:/Program Files/WinBUGS14/" out2 <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "model2.txt", n.thin=2, n.chains=3, n.burnin=1000, n.iter=11000, debug=TRUE, DIC=FALSE, bugs.dir = bd) print(out2, 2) # 8.3.2 Other formulations of the distance sampling model # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 8.3.3 A treatise on the integration of mathematical functions in one dimension # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sigma <- 2 # normal scale (standard deviation) curve(exp(-x^2 / (2*sigma^2)), 0, 10, frame = F) delta <- 1 # bin width mid <- seq(0.5, 9.5, delta) # 10 rectangles f.mid <- exp(-mid^2 / (2*sigma^2)) barplot(f.mid, add=T, space=0, col="grey", width=delta) curve(exp(-x^2 / (2*sigma^2)), 0, 10, add = TRUE, col = "blue", lwd = 3) # Integral done using the integrate function integrate( function(x){ exp(-x^2/(2*sigma^2)) }, lower=0, upper=100) # Summing up the 10 rectangular areas: areas <- f.mid * delta sum(areas) # 8.3.4 Bayesian analysis of point transect data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Version 1: Point count data in BUGS (conditional likelihood) # Simulate a data set and harvest the output set.seed(1234) tmp <- sim.pdata(N=200, sigma=1, keep.all=FALSE, B=3) attach(tmp) # Chop the data into bins delta <- 0.1 # width of distance bins for approximation xg <- seq(0, B, delta) # Make the mid points and chop up the data midpt <- xg[-1] - delta/2 # Convert distances to categorical distances (which bin?) dclass <- d %/% delta + 1 nD <- length(midpt) # how many intervals nind <- length(dclass) # Bundle and summarize data set str( win.data <- list(midpt=midpt, delta=delta, B=B, nind=nind, nD=nD, dclass=dclass) ) # BUGS model specification, conditional version cat(" model{ # Prior for single parameter sigma ~ dunif(0, 10) # Construct cell probabilities for nG cells (rectangle approximation) for(g in 1:nD){ # midpt[g] = midpoint of each distance band log(p[g]) <- -midpt[g] * midpt[g] / (2*sigma*sigma) pi[g] <- (( 2 * midpt[g] ) / (B*B)) * delta f[g] <- p[g] * pi[g] fc[g] <- f[g] / pcap } pcap <- sum(f[]) # capture prob. is the sum of all rectangular areas # Categorical observation model for(i in 1:nind){ dclass[i] ~ dcat(fc[]) } # Derived quantity: population size N <- nind / pcap D<- N/(3.141*B*B) } ",fill=TRUE, file="model3.txt") # Inits function inits <- function(){list (sigma=runif(1, 1, 10)) } # Params to save params <- c("sigma", "N","D") # MCMC settings ni <- 62000 ; nb <- 2000 ; nt <- 2 ; nc <- 3 # Run BUGS and summarize posteriors bd <- "c:/Program Files/WinBUGS14/" out3 <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "model3.txt", n.thin=nt, n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb, n.iter=ni, debug=FALSE, bugs.dir = bd) ## Version 2: point count data (full likelihood with data augmentation) # Do data augmentation (for same simulated data set) M <- 400 nz <- M - nind y <- c(rep(1, nind), rep(0, nz)) dclass <- c(dclass, rep(NA, nz)) # Bundle and summarize data set str( win.data <- list(midpt=midpt, delta=delta, B=B, nind=nind, nD=nD, dclass=dclass, y=y, nz=nz) ) # BUGS model cat(" model{ # Priors sigma ~ dunif(0, 10) psi ~ dunif(0, 1) # Construct cell probabilities for nG cells (rectangle approximation) for(g in 1:nD){ # midpt[g] = midpoint of each distance band log(p[g]) <- -midpt[g] * midpt[g] / (2*sigma*sigma) pi[g] <- ((2 * midpt[g]) / (B * B)) * delta pi.probs[g] <- pi[g] / norm f[g] <- p[g] * pi[g] fc[g] <- f[g] / pcap # conditional probabilities } pcap <- sum(f[])# capture prob. is the sum of all rectangular areas norm <- sum(pi[]) # Categorical observation model for(i in 1:(nind+nz)){ z[i] ~ dbern(psi) dclass[i] ~ dcat(pi.probs[]) mu[i] <- p[dclass[i]] * z[i] y[i] ~ dbern(mu[i]) } # Derived quantity: population size N <- sum(z[]) D<- N/(3.141*B*B) } ",fill=TRUE,file="model4.txt") # Inits inits <- function(){list (sigma=runif(1,1,10), psi=runif(1) ) } # Params to save params <- c("sigma", "N","D","psi") # MCMC settings ni <- 62000 ; nb <- 2000 ; nt <- 2 ; nc <- 3 # Run BUGS and summarize posteriors out4 <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "model4.txt", n.thin=nt, n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb, n.iter=ni, debug=FALSE, bugs.dir = bd) # Compare posterior summaries print(out3,2) print(out4,2) # 8.4 Hierarchical Distance Sampling # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 8.4.1 HDS data structure and model # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 8.4.2 HDS in unmarked # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 8.4.3 Example: Estimating the global population size of the Island Scrub Jay # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Load, view and format the ISSJ data library(unmarked) data(issj) round(head(issj), 2) # Package things up into an unmarkedFrame covs <- issj[,c("elevation", "forest", "chaparral")] area <- pi*300^2 / 100^2 # Area in ha jayumf <- unmarkedFrameDS(y=as.matrix(issj[,1:3]), siteCovs=data.frame(covs, area), dist.breaks=c(0, 100, 200, 300), unitsIn="m", survey="point") # Fit model 1 (fm1 <- distsamp(~chaparral ~chaparral + elevation + offset(log(area)), jayumf, keyfun="halfnorm", output="abund")) # Fit model 2 (fm2 <- distsamp(~1 ~chaparral + elevation + offset(log(area)), jayumf, keyfun="halfnorm", output="abund")) (pb <- parboot(fm1, fitstats, nsim=1000, report=5)) (c.hat <- pb@t0[2] / mean(pb@t.star[,2])) # c-hat as ratio of observed # and mean of expected value of Chi2 (under H0) # (see, e.g., Johnson et al., Biometrics, 2010) residuals(fm1) # Can inspect residuals plot(pb) # Not shown print(pb) # Standardize the covariates sc <- siteCovs(jayumf) sc.s <- scale(sc) sc.s[,"area"] <- pi*300^2 / 10000 # Don't standardize area siteCovs(jayumf) <- sc.s summary(jayumf) # Fit a bunch of models and produce a model selection table. fall <- list() # make a list to store the models # With the offset output=abund is the same as output = density fall$Null <- distsamp(~1 ~offset(log(area)), jayumf, output="abund") fall$Chap. <- distsamp(~1 ~chaparral + offset(log(area)), jayumf, output="abund") fall$Chap2. <- distsamp(~1 ~chaparral+I(chaparral^2)+offset(log(area)), jayumf, output="abund") fall$Elev. <- distsamp(~1 ~ elevation+offset(log(area)), jayumf, output="abund") fall$Elev2. <- distsamp(~1 ~ elevation+I(elevation^2)+offset(log(area)), jayumf, output="abund") fall$Forest. <- distsamp(~1 ~forest+offset(log(area)), jayumf, output="abund") fall$Forest2. <- distsamp(~1 ~forest+I(forest^2)+offset(log(area)), jayumf, output="abund") fall$.Forest <- distsamp(~forest ~offset(log(area)), jayumf, output="abund") fall$.Chap <- distsamp(~chaparral ~offset(log(area)), jayumf, output="abund") fall$C2E. <- distsamp(~1 ~ chaparral + I(chaparral^2) + elevation + offset(log(area)),jayumf, output="abund") fall$C2F2. <- distsamp(~1 ~chaparral + I(chaparral^2) + forest + I(forest^2)+offset(log(area)), jayumf, output="abund") fall$C2E.F <- distsamp(~forest ~chaparral+I(chaparral^2)+elevation+ offset(log(area)), jayumf, output="abund") fall$C2E.C <- distsamp(~chaparral ~chaparral + I(chaparral^2) + elevation + offset(log(area)), jayumf, output="abund") # Create a fitList and a model selection table (msFall <- modSel(fitList(fits=fall))) # Check out the best model fall$C2E.C # Check out the goodness-of-fit of this model (pb.try2 <- parboot(fall$C2E.C, fitstats, nsim=1000, report=5)) Call: parboot(object = fall$C2E.C, statistic = fitstats, nsim = 1000, report = 5) # Express the magnitude of lack of fit by an overdispersion factor (c.hat <- pb.try2@t0[2] / mean(pb.try2@t.star[,2])) # Chisq covs <- issj[,c("elevation", "forest", "chaparral")] area <- pi*300^2 / 100^2 # Area in ha jayumf <- unmarkedFrameGDS(y=as.matrix(issj[,1:3]), siteCovs=data.frame(covs, area), numPrimary=1, dist.breaks=c(0, 100, 200, 300), unitsIn="m", survey="point") sc <- siteCovs(jayumf) sc.s <- scale(sc) sc.s[,"area"] <- pi*300^2 / 10000 # Don't standardize area siteCovs(jayumf) <- sc.s summary(jayumf) # Fit the model using gdistsamp and look at the fit summary (nb.C2E.C <- gdistsamp( ~chaparral + I(chaparral^2) + elevation + offset(log(area)), ~1, ~chaparral, data =jayumf, output="abund", mixture="NB", K = 150)) gdistsamp(lambdaformula = ~chaparral + I(chaparral^2) + elevation + offset(log(area)), phiformula = ~1, pformula = ~chaparral, data = jayumf, output = "abund", mixture = "NB", K = 150) (pb.try3 <- parboot(nb.C2E.C, fitstats, nsim=1000, report=5)) (c.hat <- pb.try3@t0[2] / mean(pb.try3@t.star[,2])) # # *Expected* population size for the sample points getN <- function(fm, newdata=NULL) sum(predict(fm, type="lambda", newdata=newdata)[,1]) getN(nb.C2E.C) # This does the same thing as the following three commands X <- model.matrix(~chaparral+I(chaparral^2)+elevation+log(offset(area)), siteCovs(jayumf)) head(X) # The design matrix # Prediction of total expected population size at the sample points sum(exp(X %*% c(coef(nb.C2E.C, type="lambda"), 1))) # Empirical Bayes estimates of posterior distribution: # Pr(N=x | y, lambda, sigma) for x=0,1,...,K re.jay <- ranef(nb.C2E.C, K = 150) # *Realized* population size sum(bup(re.jay, "mean")) summary(jayumf) # Note the range of chaparral which we need to know # Create a new data frame with area 28.27 ha, the area of a 300 m circle chap.orig <- seq(0, 1, 0.01) # Values from 0 to 1 prop. chaparral chap.pred <- (chap.orig - mean(issj$chaparral)) / sd(issj$chaparral) newdat <- data.frame(chaparral = chap.pred, elevation = 0, area=28.27) # Expected values of N for covariate values in "newdat" E.N <- predict(fall$C2E.C, type="state", newdata=newdat, appendData=TRUE) head(E.N) # Make a plot of the response curve for the grid of chaparral values plot(chap.orig, E.N[,"Predicted"], xlab="Proportion chaparral", ylab="Predicted jay abundance", type="l", ylim = c(0, 20), frame = F, lwd = 2) matlines(chap.orig, E.N[,3:4], lty = 1, col = "grey", lwd = 1) attributes(sc.s) # means are "scaled:center". SDs are "scaled:scale" cruz.s <- cruz # Created a new data set for the scaled variables cruz.s$elevation <- (cruz$elevation-202)/125 cruz.s$chaparral <- (cruz$chaparral-0.270)/0.234 cruz.s$area <- (300*300)/10000 # The grid cells are 300x300m=9ha EN <- predict(nb.C2E.C, type="lambda", newdata=cruz.s) # Total population size (by summing predictions for all pixels) getN(nb.C2E.C, newdata=cruz.s) # Parametric bootstrap for CI # A much faster function could be written to doing the sum set.seed(2015) (EN.B <- parboot(nb.C2E.C, stat=getN, nsim=1000, report=5)) library(raster) cruz.raster <- stack(rasterFromXYZ(cruz.s[,c("x","y","elevation")]), rasterFromXYZ(cruz.s[,c("x","y","chaparral")]), rasterFromXYZ(cruz.s[,c("x","y","area")])) names(cruz.raster) # These should match the names in the formula plot(cruz.raster) # not shown # Elevation map on the original scale (not shown) plot(cruz.raster[["elevation"]]*125 + 202, col=topo.colors(20), main="Elevation (in feet) and Survey Locations", asp = 1) points(issj[,c("x","y")], cex=0.8, pch = 16) EN.raster <- predict(nb.C2E.C, type="lambda", newdata=cruz.raster) plot(EN.raster, col = topo.colors(20), asp = 1) # See Fig. 8-8 # 8.5 Bayesian HDS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 8.5.1 Simulating some HDS data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ set.seed(1234) tmp1 <- simHDS("point") # Point transect tmp2 <- simHDS() # Line transect (this is the default) str(tmp1) # Look at function output # 8.5.2 Bayesian HDS using data augmentation # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Recreate line transect data set set.seed(1234) tmp <- simHDS() # Line transect (default) attach(tmp) # Data augmentation: add a bunch of "pseudo-individuals" nz <- 500 # Augment by 500 nind <- nrow(data) y <- c(data[,2], rep(0, nz)) # Augmented detection indicator y site <- c(data[,1], rep(NA, nz)) # Augmented site indicator, # unknown (i.e., NA) for augmented inds. d <- c(data[,5], rep(NA,nz)) # Augmented distance data (with NAs) # Bundle and summarize data set str( win.data <- list(nsites=nsites, habitat=habitat, wind=wind, B=B, nind=nind, nz=nz, y=y, d=d, site=site) ) win.data$site # unknown site cov. for augmented inds. # BUGS model for line transect HDS (NOT point transects!) cat(" model{ # Prior distributions beta0 ~ dunif(-10,10) # Intercept of lambda-habitat regression beta1 ~ dunif(-10,10) # Slope of log(lambda) on habitat alpha0 ~ dunif(-10,10) # Intercept of log(sigma) (half-normal scale) alpha1 ~ dunif(-10,10) # Slope of log(sigma) on wind # psi is a derived parameter under DA for stratified populations psi <- sum(lambda[]) / (nind+nz) # 'Likelihood' (sort of...) for(i in 1:(nind+nz)){ # i is index for individuals z[i] ~ dbern(psi) # Data augmentation variables d[i] ~ dunif(0, B) # distance uniformly distributed p[i] <- exp(-d[i]*d[i]/(2*sigma[site[i]]*sigma[site[i]])) # Det. function mu[i] <- z[i]* p[i] # 'straw man' for WinBUGS y[i] ~ dbern(mu[i]) # basic Bernoulli random variable site[i] ~ dcat(site.probs[1:nsites]) # Population distribution among sites } # Linear models for abundance and for detection for(s in 1:nsites){ # s is index for sites # Model for abundance # next line not necessary, but allows to make predictions N[s] ~ dpois(lambda[s]) # Realized abundance at site s log(lambda[s]) <- beta0 + beta1*habitat[s] # Linear model abundance site.probs[s] <- lambda[s] / sum(lambda[]) # Linear model for detection log(sigma[s]) <- alpha0 + alpha1*wind[s] } # Derived parameter: total population size across all sites Ntotal <- sum(z[]) area<- nsites*1*2*B # Unit length == 1, half-width = B D<- Ntotal/area } ",fill=TRUE , file = "model1.txt") # Inits zst <- c(rep(1, sum(y)), rep(0, nz)) # ... and for DA variables inits <- function(){list(beta0=0, beta1=0, alpha0=0, alpha1=0, z=zst)} # Parameters to save params <- c("alpha0", "alpha1", "beta0", "beta1", "psi", "Ntotal", "D") # MCMC settings ni <- 12000 ; nb <- 2000 ; nt <- 2 ; nc <- 3 # Call BUGS (ART 33 min) ... bd <- "c:/Program Files/WinBUGS14/" # Never forget this for WinBUGS out1 <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "model1.txt", n.thin=nt, n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb, n.iter=ni, debug=TRUE, bugs.dir = bd) # ... or try JAGS for a change (ART 6 min) library(jagsUI) # never forget to load jagsUI out1 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model1.txt", n.thin=nt, n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb, n.iter=ni) # Summarize posterior output print(out1, 2) sum(tmp$N.true) # Prepare data delta <- 0.1 # width of distance bins for approx. midpt <- seq(delta/2, B, delta) # make mid-points and chop up data dclass <- d %/% delta + 1 # convert distances to cat. distances nD <- length(midpt) # Number of distance intervals # Bundle and summarize data set str( win.data <- list (y=y, dclass=dclass, site=site, midpt=midpt, delta=delta, B=B, nind=nind, nz=nz, nsites=nsites, nD=nD, habitat=habitat, wind=wind) ) # BUGS model specification for line-transect HDS (NOT point transects!) cat(" model{ # Prior distributions alpha0 ~ dunif(-10,10) alpha1 ~ dunif(-10,10) beta0 ~ dunif(-10,10) beta1 ~ dunif(-10,10) psi <- sum(lambda[])/(nind+nz) # psi is a derived parameter for(i in 1:(nind+nz)){ # Loop over individuals z[i] ~ dbern(psi) # DA variables dclass[i] ~ dcat(pi[site[i],]) # Population distribution of dist class mu[i] <- z[i] * p[site[i],dclass[i]] # p depends on site AND dist class y[i] ~ dbern(mu[i]) # Basic Bernoulli response in DS model site[i] ~ dcat(site.probs[1:nsites]) # Site membership of inds } for(s in 1:nsites){ # Loop over sites # Construct cell probabilities for nG cells for(g in 1:nD){ # midpt = mid point of each cell log(p[s,g]) <- -midpt[g]*midpt[g]/(2*sigma[s]*sigma[s]) pi[s,g] <- delta/B # probability of x per interval f[s,g] <- p[s,g]*pi[s,g] # pdf of observed distances } # not necessary N[s]~dpois(lambda[s]) except for prediction N[s] ~ dpois(lambda[s]) # predict abundance at each site log(lambda[s]) <- beta0 + beta1 * habitat[s] # linear model for N site.probs[s] <- lambda[s]/sum(lambda[]) log(sigma[s]) <- alpha0 + alpha1*wind[s] # linear model for sigma } # Derived parameter Ntotal <- sum(z[]) # Also sum(N[]) which is size of a new population area<- nsites*1*2*B # Unit length == 1, half-width = B D<- Ntotal/area } ",fill=TRUE, file = "model2.txt") # Inits zst <- c(rep(1, sum(y)), rep(0, nz)) inits <- function(){list (alpha0=0, alpha1=0, beta0=0, beta1=0, z=zst) } # Params to save params <- c("alpha0", "alpha1", "beta0", "beta1", "psi", "Ntotal","D") # MCMC settings ni <- 12000 ; nb <- 2000 ; nt <- 2 ; nc <- 3 # Run JAGS with parallel processing (ART 1 min) library(jagsUI) out2 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model2.txt", n.thin=nt, n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb, n.iter=ni, parallel = FALSE) print(out2,2) # 8.5.3 Bayesian HDS using the 3-part conditional multinomial model # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ set.seed(1234) tmp <- simHDS(type="line", discard0=FALSE) attach(tmp) # Get number of individuals detected per site # ncap = 1 plus number of detected individuals per site ncap <- table(data[,1]) # ncap = 1 if no individuals captured sites0 <- data[is.na(data[,2]),][,1] # sites where nothing detected ncap[as.character(sites0)] <- 0 # Fill in 0 for sites with no detections ncap <- as.vector(ncap) # Prepare other data site <- data[!is.na(data[,2]),1] # site ID of each observation delta <- 0.1 # distance bin width for rect. approx. midpt <- seq(delta/2, B, delta) # make mid-points and chop up data dclass <- data[,5] %/% delta + 1 # convert distances to cat. distances nD <- length(midpt) # Number of distance intervals dclass <- dclass[!is.na(data[,2])] # Observed categorical observations nind <- length(dclass) # Total number of individuals detected # Bundle and summarize data set str( win.data <- list(nsites=nsites, nind=nind, B=B, nD=nD, midpt=midpt, delta=delta, ncap=ncap, habitat=habitat, wind=wind, dclass=dclass, site=site) ) # BUGS model specification for line-transect HDS (NOT point transects!) cat(" model{ # Priors alpha0 ~ dunif(-10,10) alpha1 ~ dunif(-10,10) beta0 ~ dunif(-10,10) beta1 ~ dunif(-10,10) for(i in 1:nind){ dclass[i] ~ dcat(fc[site[i],]) # Part 1 of HM } for(s in 1:nsites){ # Construct cell probabilities for nD multinomial cells for(g in 1:nD){ # midpt = mid-point of each cell log(p[s,g]) <- -midpt[g] * midpt[g] / (2*sigma[s]*sigma[s]) pi[s,g] <- delta / B # probability per interval f[s,g] <- p[s,g] * pi[s,g] fc[s,g] <- f[s,g] / pcap[s] } pcap[s] <- sum(f[s,]) # Pr(capture): sum of rectangular areas ncap[s] ~ dbin(pcap[s], N[s]) # Part 2 of HM N[s] ~ dpois(lambda[s]) # Part 3 of HM log(lambda[s]) <- beta0 + beta1 * habitat[s] # linear model abundance log(sigma[s])<- alpha0 + alpha1*wind[s] # linear model detection } # Derived parameters Ntotal <- sum(N[]) area<- nsites*1*2*B # Unit length == 1, half-width = B D<- Ntotal/area } ",fill=TRUE, file = "model3.txt") # Inits Nst <- ncap + 1 inits <- function(){list(alpha0=0, alpha1=0, beta0=0, beta1=0, N=Nst)} # Params to save params <- c("alpha0", "alpha1", "beta0", "beta1", "Ntotal","D") # MCMC settings ni <- 12000 ; nb <- 2000 ; nt <- 1 ; nc <- 3 # Run JAGS (ART 1 min) and summarize posteriors library(jagsUI) out3 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model3.txt", n.thin=nt, n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb, n.iter=ni) print(out3, 2) # 8.5.4 Point transect HDS using the conditional multinomial formulation # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Simulate a data set using our simHDS function set.seed(1234) tmp <- simHDS(type="point", discard0=FALSE) attach(tmp) # Prepare data # Number of individuals detected per site ncap <- table(data[,1]) # ncap = 1 if no individuals captured sites0 <- data[is.na(data[,2]),][,1] # sites where nothing was seen ncap[as.character(sites0)] <- 0 # Fill in 0 for sites with no detections ncap <- as.vector(ncap) # Number of individuals detected per site # Other data site <- data[!is.na(data[,2]),1] # Site ID of each observation delta <- 0.1 # Distance bin width for rect. approx. midpt <- seq(delta/2, B, delta) # Make mid-points and chop up data dclass <- data[,5] %/% delta + 1 # Convert distance to distance category nD <- length(midpt) # Number of distance intervals dclass <- dclass[!is.na(data[,2])] # Observed categorical observations nind <- length(dclass) # Total number of individuals detected # Bundle and summarize data set str( win.data <- list(nsites=nsites, nind=nind, B=B, nD=nD, midpt=midpt, delta=delta, ncap=ncap, habitat=habitat, wind=wind, dclass=dclass, site=site) ) # BUGS model specification for point transect data cat(" model{ # Priors alpha0 ~ dunif(-10,10) alpha1 ~ dunif(-10,10) beta0 ~ dunif(-10,10) beta1 ~ dunif(-10,10) for(i in 1:nind){ dclass[i] ~ dcat(fc[site[i],]) # Part 1 of HM } for(s in 1:nsites){ # Construct cell probabilities for nD distance bands for(g in 1:nD){ # midpt = mid-point of each band log(p[s,g]) <- -midpt[g] * midpt[g] / (2 * sigma[s] * sigma[s]) pi[s,g] <- ((2 * midpt[g] ) / (B * B)) * delta # prob. per interval f[s,g] <- p[s,g] * pi[s,g] fc[s,g] <- f[s,g] / pcap[s] } pcap[s] <- sum(f[s,]) # Pr(capture): sum of rectangular areas ncap[s] ~ dbin(pcap[s], N[s]) # Part 2 of HM N[s] ~ dpois(lambda[s]) # Part 3 of HM log(lambda[s]) <- beta0 + beta1 * habitat[s] # linear model abundance log(sigma[s]) <- alpha0 + alpha1*wind[s] # linear model detection } # Derived parameters Ntotal <- sum(N[]) area <- nsites*3.141*B*B D <- Ntotal/area } ",fill=TRUE, file="model4.txt") # Inits Nst <- ncap + 1 inits <- function(){list(alpha0=0, alpha1=0, beta0=0, beta1=0, N=Nst)} # Params to save params <- c("alpha0", "alpha1", "beta0", "beta1", "Ntotal","D") # MCMC settings ni <- 12000 ; nb <- 2000 ; nt <- 1 ; nc <- 3 # Run BUGS (not STAN !) (ART 2.3 min) and summarize posteriors out4 <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "model4.txt", n.thin=nt, n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb, n.iter=ni, debug=TRUE, bugs.dir = bd) print(out4, 2) sum(tmp$N.true) # True realized population size sum(!is.na(tmp$data[,"y"])) # Observed population size # 8.5.5 Analysis of the ISSJ data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Load the ISSJ data library(unmarked) data(issj) # Prepare some data nD <- 3 # Number of intervals delta <- 100 # Interval width B <- 300 # Upper bound (max. distance) midpt <- c(50, 150, 250) # mid points # Convert vector frequencies to individual distance class H <- as.matrix(issj[,1:3]) nsites <- nrow(H) ncap <- apply(H, 1, sum) # Number of individuals detected per site dclass <- rep(col(H), H) # Distance class of each individual nind <- length(dclass) # Number of individuals detected elevation <- as.vector(scale(issj[,c("elevation")])) # Prepare covariates forest <- as.vector(scale(issj[,"forest"])) chaparral <- as.vector(scale(issj[,"chaparral"])) # Bundle and summarize data set str( win.data <- list(nsites=nsites, nind=nind, B=B, nD=nD, midpt=midpt, delta=delta, ncap=ncap, chaparral=chaparral, elevation=elevation, dclass=dclass) ) # BUGS model specification cat(" model{ # Priors sigma ~ dunif(0,1000) beta0 ~ dunif(-10,10) beta1 ~ dunif(-10,10) beta2 ~ dunif(-10,10) beta3 ~ dunif(-10,10) sigma.site ~ dunif(0,10) tau <- 1/(sigma.site*sigma.site) # Specify hierarchical model for(i in 1:nind){ dclass[i] ~ dcat(fc[]) # Part 1 of HM } # construct cell probabilities for nG cells for(g in 1:nD){ # midpt = mid-point of each cell log(p[g]) <- -midpt[g] * midpt[g] / (2 * sigma * sigma) pi[g] <- ((2 * midpt[g]) / (B * B)) * delta # prob. per interval f[g] <- p[g] * pi[g] fc[g] <- f[g] / pcap } pcap <- sum(f[]) # Pr(capture): sum of rectangular areas for(s in 1:nsites){ ncap[s] ~ dbin(pcap, N[s]) # Part 2 of HM N[s] ~ dpois(lambda[s]) # Part 3 of HM log(lambda[s]) <- beta0 + beta1*elevation[s] + beta2*chaparral[s] + beta3*chaparral[s]*chaparral[s] + site.eff[s] # linear model for abundance site.eff[s] ~ dnorm(0, tau) # Site log-normal 'residuals' } # Derived params Ntotal <- sum(N[]) area<- nsites*3.141*300*300/10000 # Total area sampled, ha D<- Ntotal/area } ",fill=TRUE, file="model5.txt") # Inits Nst <- ncap + 1 inits <- function(){list (sigma = runif(1, 30, 100), beta0 = 0, beta1 = 0, beta2 = 0, beta3 = 0, N = Nst, sigma.site = 0.2)} # Params to save params <- c("sigma", "beta0", "beta1", "beta2", "beta3", "sigma.site", "Ntotal","D") # MCMC settings ni <- 52000 ; nb <- 2000 ; nt <- 2 ; nc <- 3 # Run BUGS (ART 0.9 min) and summarize posteriors out5 <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "model5.txt", n.thin=nt, n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb, n.iter=ni, debug=TRUE, bugs.dir = bd) out5 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model5.txt", n.thin=nt, n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb, n.iter=ni) # Run JAGS (ART 0.5 min) and summarize posteriors print(out5, 3) # 8.6 Summary # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ========================================================================= # # 9. Advanced Hierarchical Distance Sampling # # ========================================================================= # 9.1 Introduction # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 9.2 Distance sampling with clusters, groups, or other individual covariates # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 9.2.1 Simulating HDS data with group size # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function to simulate data under HDS protocol with groups simHDSg <- function(type = "line", nsites = 100, lambda.group = 0.75, alpha0 = 0, alpha1 = 0.5, beta0 = 1, beta1 = 0.5, B = 4, discard0 = TRUE){ # # Function simulates hierarchical distance sampling (HDS) data for groups under # either a line (type = "line") or a point (type = "point") transect protocol # and using a half-normal detection function (Buckland et al. 2001). # Other function arguments: # nsites: Number of sites (spatial replication) # lambda.group: Poisson mean of group size # alpha0, alpha1: intercept and slope of log-linear model relating sigma of # half-normal detection function to group size # beta0, beta1: intercept and slope of log-linear model relating the Poisson # mean of the number of groups per unit area to habitat # B: strip half width # # Get covariates habitat <- rnorm(nsites) # Simulated covariate # Simulate abundance model for groups (Poisson GLM for N) lambda <- exp(beta0 + beta1*habitat) # Density of groups per "square" N <- rpois(nsites, lambda) # site-specific number of groups N.true <- N # for point: inside of B # Simulate observation model data <- groupsize <- NULL for(i in 1:nsites){ if(N[i]==0){ data <- rbind(data,c(i,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA)) # save site, y=1, u, v, d next } if(type=="line"){ # Simulation of distances, uniformly, for each individual in the population d <- runif(N[i], 0, B) gs <- rpois(N[i],lambda.group) +1 # Observable group sizes >= 1 groupsize<-c(groupsize,gs) sigma.vec <- exp(alpha0 + alpha1*(gs-1)) # Subtract 1 for interpretation # Detection probability for each group p <- exp(-d*d/(2*(sigma.vec^2))) # Determine if individuals are captured or not y <- rbinom(N[i], 1, p) u1 <- u2 <- rep(NA,N[i]) # Subset to "captured" individuals only d <- d[y==1] ; u1 <- u1[y==1] ; u2 <- u2[y==1] ; gs <- gs[y==1] ; y <- y[y==1] } if(type=="point"){ # Simulation of data on a circle of radius B (algorithm of Wallin) angle <- runif(N[i], 0, 360) r2 <- runif(N[i], 0, 1) r <- B*sqrt(r2) u1 <- r*cos(angle) + B u2 <- r*sin(angle) + B d <- sqrt((u1 - B)^2 + (u2-B)^2) N.true[i] <- sum(d<= B) # Population size inside of count circle, should be N[i] here. gs <- rpois(N[i], lambda.group) + 1 groupsize <-c(groupsize,gs) sigma.vec <- exp(alpha0 + alpha1*(gs-1)) # For counting individuals on a circle so we truncate p here p <- ifelse(d<(B), 1, 0)*exp(-d*d/(2*(sigma.vec^2))) y <- rbinom(N[i], 1, p) # Subset to "captured" individuals only d <- d[y==1] ; u1 <- u1[y==1] ; u2 <- u2[y==1] ; gs <- gs[y==1] ; y <- y[y==1] } # Now compile things into a matrix and insert NA if no individuals were # captured at site i. Coordinates (u,v) are preserved. if(sum(y) > 0) data <- rbind(data,cbind(rep(i, sum(y)), y, u1, u2, d, gs)) else data <- rbind(data,c(i,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA)) # make a row of missing data } # Subset to sites at which individuals were captured. You may or may not # do this depending on how the model is formulated so be careful. if(discard0) data <- data[!is.na(data[,2]),] # Visualisation if(type=="line"){ # For line transect par(mfrow = c(1, 3)) hist(data[,"d"], col = "lightblue", breaks = 20, main = "Frequency of distances to groups", xlab = "Distance") ttt <- table(data[,1]) n <- rep(0, nsites) n[as.numeric(rownames(ttt))] <- ttt plot(habitat, n, main = "Observed group counts (n) vs. habitat", frame = F) plot(table(data[,"gs"]), main = "Observed group sizes", ylab = "Frequency", frame = F) } if(type=="point"){ # For point transect par(mfrow = c(2,2)) plot(data[,"u1"], data[,"u2"], pch = 16, main = "Located groups in point transects", xlim = c(0, 2*B), ylim = c(0, 2*B), col = data[,1], asp = 1) points(B, B, pch = "+", cex = 3) library(plotrix) draw.circle(B, B, B) hist(data[,"d"], col = "lightblue", breaks = 20, main = "Frequency of distances to groups", xlab = "Distance") ttt <- table(data[,1]) n <- rep(0, nsites) n[as.numeric(rownames(ttt))] <- ttt plot(habitat, n, main = "Observed group counts (n) vs. habitat", frame = F) plot(table(data[,"gs"]), main = "Observed group sizes", ylab = "Frequency", frame = F) } # Output list(type = type, nsites = nsites, lambda.group = lambda.group, alpha0 = alpha0, alpha1 = alpha1, beta0 = beta0, beta1 = beta1, B = B, data=data, habitat=habitat, N = N, N.true = N.true, groupsize=groupsize) } data <- simHDSg(type = "line") # Defaults for line transect data data <- simHDSg(type = "point") # Default for point transect data data <- simHDSg(lambda.group = 5) # Much larger groups data <- simHDSg(lambda.group = 5, alpha1 = 0) # No effect of groups size on p # 9.2.2 Analysis in BUGS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ set.seed(1234) # we all create same data set temp <- simHDSg(type="line") # Execute function data <- temp$data # harvest data B <- temp$B # Get strip half width habitat <- temp$habitat # habitat covariate nsites <- temp$nsites # Number of spatial replicates groupsize <- data[,"gs"] -1 # Input groupsize-1 as data M <- 400 # Size of augmented data set is M nz <- M-nrow(data) # Number of "pseudo-groups" added y <- c(data[,2],rep(0,nz)) # Indicator of capture (== 1 for all obs. groups) nind <- nrow(data) # Number of observed groups site <- c(data[,1], rep(NA,nz)) # Site they belong to is unknown d <- c(data[,5], rep(NA,nz)) # Their distance data are missing ... groupsize <- c(groupsize, rep(NA,nz)) # .... as is their size zst <- y # Starting values for data augmentation variable # Bundle data and produce summary str(bugs.data <- list (y=y, B=B, nind=nind, nsites=nsites, d=d, habitat=habitat, site=site, nz=nz, groupsize=groupsize)) # Define model in BUGS langauge cat(" model{ # Prior distributions for model parameters alpha0 ~ dunif(-10,10) alpha1 ~ dunif(-10,10) beta0 ~ dunif(-10,10) beta1 ~ dunif(-10,10) lambda.group ~ dgamma(0.1, 0.1) # psi is a derived parameter psi <- sum(lambda[])/(nind+nz) # Individual level model: observations and process for(i in 1:(nind+nz)){ z[i] ~ dbern(psi) # Data augmentation variables d[i] ~ dunif(0, B) # Distance is uniformly distributed groupsize[i] ~ dpois(lambda.group) # Group size is Poisson log(sigma[i]) <- alpha0 + alpha1*groupsize[i] mu[i] <- z[i]*exp(-d[i]*d[i]/(2*sigma[i]*sigma[i])) #p dep on dist class # here using the half normal detection function (Buckland et al. 2001) y[i] ~ dbern(mu[i]) site[i] ~ dcat(site.probs[1:nsites]) # Population distribution among sites zg[i]<- z[i]*(groupsize[i] + 1) # Number of individuals in that group } for(s in 1:nsites){ # Model for population size of groups N[s] ~ dpois(lambda[s]) log(lambda[s])<- beta0 + beta1*habitat[s] site.probs[s]<- lambda[s]/sum(lambda[]) } # Derived quantities G <- sum(z[]) # Total number of groups Ntotal <- sum(zg[]) # Total population size (all groups combined) } ",fill=TRUE, file="model1.txt") # Load some libraries, define MCMC settings, inits function and parameters to save library("R2WinBUGS") library("jagsUI") # ni <- 6000 ; nb <- 2000 ; nt <- 2 ; nc <- 3 inits <- function(){list(alpha0=0, alpha1=0.5, beta0=0, beta1=0, z=zst)} params <- c("alpha0", "alpha1", "beta0", "beta1", "psi", "Ntotal", "G", "lambda.group") # Call JAGS (ART 1.4 min), check convergence and summarize posterior distributions out1 <- jags(bugs.data, inits, params, "model1.txt", n.thin=nt, n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb,n.iter=ni) traceplot(out1) ; print(out1, 3) # 9.2.3 Imperfect observation of cluster size # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 9.3 Time-removal and distance sampling combined # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 9.3.1 The four-part hierarchical model # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 9.3.2 Simulating some time-removal/DS data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Obtain a data set and harvest the results set.seed(1235) # so we all create the same data set temp <- simHDStr(type="point") # Simulate point count-removal data set data <- temp$data # harvest data B <- temp$B # upper limit of counting (maximum count distance) nsites <- temp$nsites # Number of sites habitat <- temp$habitat # habitat covariate K <- temp$K # Number of removal periods # Create the observed encounter frequencies per site (include the zeros! ) data <- data[!is.na(data[,2]),] # Sites where detections did occur n <- rep(0,nsites) # The full site vector names(n) <- 1:nsites n[names(table(data[,1]))] <- table(data[,1]) # Put in the counts site <- data[,1] nobs <- nrow(data) # Create the distance class data nD <- 10 # Number of distance classes delta <- B/nD # bin size or width mdpts <- seq(delta/2,B,delta) # midpoint distance of bins up to max distance dclass <- data[,"d"] # distance class for each observation dclass <- dclass%/%delta +1 tint <- data[,"aux"] # Bundle data and summarize str( win.data<-list(n=n, site=site, dclass=as.numeric(dclass),nsites=nsites, nobs=nobs, delta=delta, nD=nD,mdpts=mdpts,B=B, K=K, tint=tint, habitat=habitat) ) cat(" model { # Prior distributions for basic parameters # Intercepts beta.a0 ~ dnorm(0,0.01) # intercept for availability alpha0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # intercept for sigma alpha1 ~ dnorm(0,0.01) # slope on sigma covariate # Coefficients # beta.a1 ~ dnorm(0,0.01) # slope for availability covariate beta0 ~ dnorm(0,0.01) # intercept for lambda beta1 ~dnorm(0,0.01) # slope for lambda covariate for(s in 1:nsites){ # Add covariates to scale parameter DISTANCE (perceptibility) log(sigma[s]) <- alpha0 + alpha1*habitat[s] # Add covariates for availability here TIME-REMOVAL (availability) p.a[s] <- exp(beta.a0) / (1+exp(beta.a0)) # Optional covariates on availability # exp(beta.a0 + beta.a1*date[s])/(1+exp(beta.a0+beta.a1*date[s])) # Distance sampling detection probability model for(b in 1:nD){ log(g[b,s]) <- -mdpts[b]*mdpts[b]/(2*sigma[s]*sigma[s]) # Half-normal f[b,s] <- ( 2*mdpts[b]*delta )/(B*B) # Radial density function pi.pd[b,s] <- g[b,s]*f[b,s] # Product Pr(detect)*Pr(distribution) pi.pd.c[b,s] <- pi.pd[b,s]/pdet[s] # Conditional probabilities } pdet[s] <- sum(pi.pd[,s]) # Probability of detection at all # Time-removal probabilities for (k in 1:K){ pi.pa[k,s] <- p.a[s] * pow(1-p.a[s], (k-1)) pi.pa.c[k,s] <- pi.pa[k,s]/phi[s] # Conditional probabilities of availability } phi[s] <- sum(pi.pa[,s]) # Probability of ever available } # Conditional observation model for categorical covariates for(i in 1:nobs){ dclass[i] ~ dcat(pi.pd.c[,site[i]]) tint[i] ~ dcat(pi.pa.c[,site[i]]) } # Abundance model for(s in 1:nsites){ # Binomial model for # of captured individuals # n[s] ~ dbin(pmarg[s], M[s]) # Formulation b, see text # pmarg[s] <- pdet[s]*phi[s] n[s] ~ dbin(pdet[s], N[s]) # Formulation a, see text N[s] ~ dbin(phi[s],M[s]) # Number of available individuals M[s] ~ dpois(lambda[s]) # Abundance per survey/site/point # Add site-level covariates to lambda log(lambda[s]) <- beta0 + beta1*habitat[s] } # Derived quantities Mtot <- sum(M[]) # Total population size Ntot <- sum(N[]) # Total available population size PDETmean <- mean(pdet[]) # Mean perceptibility across sites PHImean <- mean(phi[]) # Mean availability across sites } ", fill=TRUE, file="tr-ds.txt") # Create initial values (including for M and N) and list parameters to save Mst <- Nst <- n + 1 inits <- function(){list(M=Mst, N=Nst, alpha0=1, beta0=runif(1,-1,1), beta.a1=runif(1,-1,1), beta1=runif(1,-1,1), alpha1=runif(1,-1,1), beta.a0=runif(1,-1,1))} params <- c("beta.a0", "beta.a1", "alpha0", "alpha1", "beta0", "beta1", "PDETmean", "PHImean", "Mtot", "Ntot") # MCMC settings ni <- 50000 ; nb <- 10000 ; nt <- 4 ; nc <- 3 # Run JAGS in parallel (ART 7.3 min), check convergence and summarize posteriors out2a <- jags(data=win.data, inits=inits, parameters=params, model.file ="tr-ds.txt",n.thin=nt, n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb, n.iter=ni, parallel = TRUE) traceplot(out2a) ; print(out2a, 3) sum(temp$M) print(out2b,3) # 9.4 Mark-Recapture/Double observer Distance Sampling # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 9.4.1 Simulating MRDS data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Simulate a double-observer sampling data set set.seed(1235) temp <- simHDStr(type="point", method="double") # simulate double observer point count data set data <- temp$data # harvest data B <- temp$B # upper limit of counting (maximum count distance) nsites <-temp$nsites # number of sites habitat <-temp$habitat # habitat covariate # Processing of the data: pad the count vector with 0s etc. data <- data[!is.na(data[,2]),] n <- rep(0,nsites) names(n) <- 1:nsites n[names(table(data[,1]))] <- table(data[,1]) site <- data[,1] dclass <- data[,"d"] # categorical distance class for each observation aux <- data[,"aux"] # the auxiliary variable is capture history # Create the categorical distance variable, use 10 classes here. nD <- 10 delta <- B/nD # bin width mdpts <-seq(delta/2,B,delta) # midpoint of bins up to max distance nobs <- nrow(data) dclass <- dclass%/%delta +1 # Bundle data and look at overview of data str( win.data <-list(n=n,site=site, dclass=as.numeric(dclass), nsites=nsites, nobs=nobs, delta=delta, nD=nD, mdpts=mdpts, B=B, aux=aux, habitat=habitat) ) # 9.4.2 Analysis in BUGS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Define model in BUGS langauge cat(" model { #Priors for fixed detection parameters # 2 observer detection probability parameters logitp1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) logitp2 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Intercepts alpha0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # intercept for sigma alpha1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # slope on sigma covariate # Coefficients beta0 ~ dnorm(0,0.01) # intercept for lambda beta1 ~ dnorm(0,0.01) # slope for lambda covariate # Detection scale parameter model for(s in 1:nsites){ # Covariates on scale parameter (perceptibility) log(sigma[s]) <- alpha0 + alpha1*habitat[s] # Double observer cell probabilities here if there are covariates logit(pobs[1,s]) <- logitp1 # + covariates logit(pobs[2,s]) <- logitp2 # + covariates # Distance sampling model and cell probabilities for(b in 1:nD){ log(g[b,s]) <- -mdpts[b]*mdpts[b]/(2*sigma[s]*sigma[s]) # half-normal f[b,s] <- ( 2*mdpts[b]*delta )/(B*B) # Scaled radial density function pi.pd[b,s] <- g[b,s]*f[b,s] # Product Pr(detect)*Pr(distribution) pi.pd.c[b,s] <- pi.pd[b,s]/pdet[s] # Conditional cell probabilities } pdet[s] <- sum(pi.pd[,s]) # Marginal probability of detection # Double observer cell probabilities and conditional probabilities doprobs[1,s] <- pobs[1,s]*(1-pobs[2,s]) doprobs.condl[1,s] <- doprobs[1,s]/sum(doprobs[,s]) doprobs[2,s] <- (1-pobs[1,s])*pobs[2,s] doprobs.condl[2,s] <- doprobs[2,s]/sum(doprobs[,s]) doprobs[3,s] <- pobs[1,s]*pobs[2,s] doprobs.condl[3,s] <- doprobs[3,s]/sum(doprobs[,s]) pavail[s] <- sum(doprobs[,s]) # probability of availability AT ALL } # Observation model for two categorical covariates for(i in 1:nobs){ dclass[i] ~ dcat(pi.pd.c[,site[i]]) aux[i] ~ dcat(doprobs.condl[,site[i]]) } # Abundance model for(s in 1:nsites){ # Binomial model for # of captured individuals n[s] ~ dbin(pdet[s], N[s]) N[s] ~ dbin(pavail[s], M[s]) # binomial availability model # Abundance model M[s] ~ dpois(lambda[s]) # predicted abundance per survey/site/point # Add site-level covariates to lambda log(lambda[s])<- beta0 + beta1*habitat[s] } # Derived parameters Mtot <- sum(M[]) Ntot <- sum(N[]) logit(p1) <- logitp1 logit(p2) <- logitp2 sigma0 <- exp(alpha0) # Baseline sigma } ", fill=TRUE,file="do_model.txt") # Inits function Nst <- n + 1 # inits for N inits <- function(){list(M=Nst+1, N=Nst, alpha0=runif(1,1,2), beta0=runif(1,-1,1), beta1=runif(1,-1,1), alpha1=runif(1,-1,1), logitp1=0, logitp2=0)} # Parameters to monitor params <- c("alpha0", "alpha1", "beta0", "beta1", "Ntot", "Mtot", "logitp1", "logitp2", "p1", "p2", "sigma0") # MCMC settings ni <- 50000 ; nb <- 10000 ; nt <- 4 ; nc <- 3 # Run JAGS in parallel (ART 6.8 min), check convergence and summarize the results out3 <- jags(data=win.data, inits=inits, parameters.to.save=params, model.file="do_model.txt", n.thin=nt, n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb, n.iter=ni, parallel = TRUE) traceplot(out3) ; print(out3, 3) # Put true values into a vector truth <- temp$parms psi <- 1-(1-truth["p.double1"])*(1-truth["p.double2"])# Compute availability truth <- c(truth[c("p.double1", "p.double2")], exp(truth["alpha0"]), truth["beta0"], "Mtot" = sum(temp$M), "Ntot" = sum(temp$M)*as.numeric(psi), truth[c("alpha0","alpha1","beta1")]) # Get posterior means and 2.5% and 97.5% percentiles (95% CRI) post <- out3$summary[c("p1", "p2", "sigma0", "beta0", "Mtot", "Ntot", "alpha0", "alpha1", "beta1"), c(1,3,7)] # Table compares truth with posterior mean and 95% CRI from JAGS cbind(truth, posterior = round(post, 3)) # 9.4.3 Remarks # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 9.5 Open HDS models: temporary emigration # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 9.5.1 Data and model structure # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 9.5.2 Cautionary note on temporary emigration processes # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 9.5.3 Modeling temporary emigration with distance sampling in unmarked using the function gdistsamp # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Load the wagtail data, investigate NA patterns in detection data load("wagtail.RData") Y <- wagtail$Y table(n.missing <- apply(y, 1, function(x) sum(is.na(x)))) # Frequency distribution of number of NAs per site n.missing keep <- which(n.missing == 0) # Sites with complete distance data Y <- Y[keep,] # restrict analysis to those # Harvest other data for sites with complete distance data potato <- wagtail$potato[keep] ; grass <- wagtail$grass[keep] lscale <- wagtail$lscale[keep] ; hour <- wagtail$hour[keep,] date <- wagtail$date[keep,] ; rep <- wagtail$rep[keep,] breaks <- wagtail$breaks # Look at the distance data str(Y) tmp <- apply(Y, 2, sum, na.rm = T) matplot(1:6, t(matrix(tmp, nrow = 4, byrow= T)), type = "b", ylim = c(0, 90), xlab = "Distance class", ylab = "Number of wagtails", frame = F, lwd = 3, lty = 1) # Standardize all continuous covariates mn.potato <- mean(potato) ; sd.potato <- sd(potato) mn.grass <- mean(grass) ; sd.grass <- sd(grass) mn.lscale <- mean(lscale) ; sd.lscale <- sd(lscale) mn.date <- mean(date) ; sd.date <- sd(c(date)) mn.hour <- mean(hour) ; sd.hour <- sd(c(hour)) POTATO <- (potato - mn.potato) / sd.potato GRASS <- (grass - mn.grass) / sd.grass LSCALE <- (lscale - mn.lscale) / sd.lscale DATE <- (date - mn.date) / sd.date HOUR <- (hour - mn.hour) / sd.hour # Package into unmarked GDS data frame and inspect the data umf <- unmarkedFrameGDS(y = Y[,1:24], survey="point", unitsIn="m", dist.breaks=breaks, numPrimary = 4, siteCovs = data.frame(POTATO, GRASS, LSCALE), yearlySiteCovs=list(rep = rep, DATE = DATE, HOUR = HOUR)) str(umf) summary(umf) # Model fitting: Null models fm0 # exponential detection function summary(fm0.exp <- gdistsamp(lambdaformula = ~1, phiformula = ~1, pformula = ~1, keyfun = "exp", output = "density", unitsOut = "ha", mixture = "P", K = 100, se = TRUE, data = umf) ) # hazard detection function summary(fm0.haz <- gdistsamp(lambdaformula = ~1, phiformula = ~1, pformula = ~1, keyfun = "haz", output = "density", unitsOut = "ha", mixture = "P", K = 100, se = TRUE, data = umf ) ) # half-normal detection function summary(fm0.hn <- gdistsamp(lambdaformula = ~1, phiformula = ~1, pformula = ~1, keyfun = "halfnorm", output = "density", unitsOut = "ha", mixture = "P", K = 100, se = TRUE, data = umf,control=list(trace=TRUE, REPORT=1)) ) # Compare AIC scores for 3 detection functions rbind('AIC exp' = fm0.exp@AIC, 'AIC haz' = fm0.haz@AIC, 'AIC hn' = fm0.hn@AIC) backTransform(fm0.haz, type="lambda") backTransform(fm0.haz, type="det") plot(1:300, gxhaz(1:300, shape = exp(5.13), scale=1.59), frame = F, type = "l", xlab = "Distance Wagtail–Observer (metres)", ylab = "Detection probability", lwd=3) # Model with time-dependent phi fm1 <- gdistsamp(lambdaformula = ~1, phiformula = ~rep-1, pformula = ~1, keyfun = "haz", output = "density", unitsOut = "ha", mixture = "P", K = 100, se = TRUE, data = umf) # Compare AIC for models with phi constant and phi time-dependent rbind('AIC phi constant' = fm0.haz@AIC, 'AIC phi time-dep' = fm1@AIC) # Add covariates on lambda: 2-phase fitting to assist convergence using # first K = 20 summary( fm2.init <- gdistsamp(lambdaformula = ~ POTATO+GRASS+LSCALE, phiformula = ~rep-1, pformula = ~1, keyfun = "haz", output = "density", unitsOut = "ha", control=list(trace=TRUE, REPORT=1), mixture = "P", K = 20, se = TRUE, data = umf)) starts <- coef(fm2.init) summary( fm2 <- gdistsamp(lambdaformula = ~ POTATO+GRASS+LSCALE, phiformula = ~rep-1, pformula = ~1, keyfun = "haz", output = "density", unitsOut = "ha", starts=starts, control=list(trace=TRUE, REPORT=1), mixture = "P", K = 100, se = TRUE, data = umf)) # Add covariates on lambda: optimisation with default, no inits summary( fm2a <- gdistsamp(lambdaformula = ~ POTATO+GRASS+LSCALE, phiformula = ~rep-1, pformula = ~1, keyfun = "haz", output = "density", unitsOut = "ha", control=list(trace=TRUE, REPORT=1), mixture = "P", K = 100, se = TRUE, data = umf)) # Estimates of availability probabilities plogis(fm2@estimates@estimates$phi@estimates) # Models with time-dependent phi, AIC-best key functions and # three covariates on phi. Use previous estimates as starting values. (tmp <- coef(fm2)) starts <- c(tmp[1:4], tmp[5:8], 0,0,0, tmp[9], tmp[10]) summary(fm3 <- gdistsamp(lambdaformula = ~ POTATO+GRASS+LSCALE, phiformula = ~(rep-1)+ POTATO+GRASS+LSCALE, pformula = ~1, keyfun = "haz", output = "density", unitsOut = "ha", mixture = "P", K = 100, control=list(trace=TRUE, REPORT=1), se = TRUE, data = umf, starts = starts)) # Models with time-dependent phi, AIC-best key function, 3 covariates on phi # and, in addition, date and hour on detection # linear effects on detection tmp <- fm3@estimates@estimates starts <- c(tmp$lambda@estimates, tmp$phi@estimates, tmp$det@estimates, 0, 0, tmp$scale@estimates) summary(fm4A <- gdistsamp(lambdaformula = ~ POTATO+GRASS+LSCALE, phiformula = ~(rep-1)+ POTATO+GRASS+LSCALE, pformula = ~ DATE + HOUR, keyfun = "haz", output = "density", unitsOut = "ha", mixture = "P", K = 100, control=list(trace=TRUE, REPORT=1), se = TRUE, data = umf, starts = starts) ) # quadratic effects on detection tmp <- fm4A@estimates@estimates p.start <- tmp$det@estimates p.start <- c(p.start[1:2], 0, p.start[3], 0) starts <- c(tmp$lambda@estimates, tmp$phi@estimates, p.start, tmp$scale@estimates) summary(fm4B <- gdistsamp(lambdaformula = ~ POTATO+GRASS+LSCALE, phiformula = ~(rep-1)+ POTATO+GRASS+LSCALE, pformula = ~ DATE + I(DATE^2) + HOUR + I(HOUR^2), keyfun = "haz", output = "density", unitsOut = "ha", mixture = "P", K = 100, control=list(trace=TRUE, REPORT=1), se = TRUE, data = umf, starts = starts) ) starts <- coef(fm4B)[-16] # Drop coef for HOUR^2 summary(fm4C <- gdistsamp(~ POTATO+GRASS+LSCALE, ~(rep-1)+ POTATO+GRASS+LSCALE, ~ DATE + I(DATE^2) + HOUR, keyfun = "haz", output = "density", unitsOut = "ha", mixture = "P", K = 100, control=list(trace=TRUE, REPORT=1), se = TRUE, data = umf, starts = starts) ) starts <- c(coef(fm4C), 0) summary(fm5 <- gdistsamp(~ POTATO+GRASS+LSCALE, ~(rep-1)+ POTATO+GRASS+LSCALE, ~ DATE + I(DATE^2) + HOUR, keyfun = "haz", output = "density", unitsOut = "ha", mixture = "NB", K = 100, control=list(trace=TRUE, REPORT=1), se = TRUE, data = umf , starts = starts) ) # Now we create a model selection table of these various models modSel(fitList(fm0.haz, fm1, fm2, fm3, fm4A, fm4B, fm4C, fm5) ) summary(fm5) # Bootstrap Goodness-of-fit assessment: ART ~ 20 hours set.seed(1234) (pb <- parboot(fm5, fitstats, nsim=100, report=5)) # Compute magnitude of "overdispersion" c.hat as ratio of observed to expected # chisquare test statistic (c.hat <- pb@t0[2] / mean(pb@t.star[,2])) # c-hat as ratio of observed/expected # Predictions of lambda for POTATO, GRASS and LSCALE newdat1 <- data.frame(POTATO=0, GRASS=0, LSCALE = seq(-1.8,4.33,,100)) newdat2 <- data.frame(POTATO=seq(-0.75,3,,100), GRASS=0, LSCALE = 0) newdat3 <- data.frame(POTATO=0, GRASS=seq(-0.4, 3.6,,100), LSCALE = 0) pred1 <- predict(fm5, type="lambda", newdata=newdat1, append = T) pred2 <- predict(fm5, type="lambda", newdata=newdat2, append = T) pred3 <- predict(fm5, type="lambda", newdata=newdat3, append = T) # Predictions of phi for POTATO, GRASS and LSCALE and for rep = 1 newdat4 <- data.frame(rep = factor('1', levels = c('1','2','3','4')), POTATO=0, GRASS=0, LSCALE = seq(-1.8,4.33,,100)) newdat5 <- data.frame(rep = factor('1', levels = c('1','2','3','4')), POTATO=seq(-0.75,3,,100), GRASS=0, LSCALE = 0) newdat6 <- data.frame(rep = factor('1', levels = c('1','2','3','4')), POTATO=0, GRASS=seq(-0.4, 3.6,,100), LSCALE = 0) pred4 <- predict(fm5, type="phi", newdata=newdat4, append = T) pred5 <- predict(fm5, type="phi", newdata=newdat5, append = T) pred6 <- predict(fm5, type="phi", newdata=newdat6, append = T) # Predictions of detection function sigma for DATE and HOUR newdat7 <- data.frame(DATE = seq(-1.51,1.69,,100), HOUR = 0) newdat8 <- data.frame(DATE=0, HOUR = seq(-1.92,3.1,,100)) pred7 <- predict(fm5, type="det", newdata=newdat7, append = T) pred8 <- predict(fm5, type="det", newdata=newdat8, append = T) par(mfrow = c(1,3), mar = c(5,5,2,2), cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5) plot(newdat1$LSCALE, pred1[,1], xlab="Standardized covariate", ylab="Density (birds/ha)", lwd=3,type="l", frame = F) lines(newdat2$POTATO, pred2[,1], lwd=3, col="red") lines(newdat3$GRASS, pred3[,1], lwd=3, col="blue") legend(-1.6, 1.65, c("LSCALE", "POTATO", "GRASS"), col=c("black", "red", "blue"), lty=1, lwd=3, cex=1.2) plot(newdat4$LSCALE, pred4[,1], xlab="Standardized covariate", ylab="Availability (phi)", lwd=3,type="l", frame = F) lines(newdat5$POTATO, pred5[,1], lwd=3, col="red") lines(newdat6$GRASS, pred6[,1], lwd=3, col="blue") legend(2, 0.65, c("LSCALE", "POTATO", "GRASS"), col=c("black", "red", "blue"), lty=1, lwd=3, cex=1.2) plot(newdat7$DATE, pred7[,1], xlab="Standardized covariate", ylab="Detection function (sigma)", lwd=3,type="l", frame = F, ylim = c(100, 200)) lines(newdat8$HOUR, pred8[,1], lwd=3, col="red") legend(0.5, 140, c("DATE", "HOUR"), col=c("black", "red"), lty=1, lwd=3, cex=1.2) # 9.5.4 Fitting temporary emigration HDS models in BUGS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Simulating a temporary emigration system # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ simHDSopen(type="line", nsites = 100, mean.lam = 2, beta.lam = 0, mean.sig = 1, beta.sig = 0, B = 3, discard0=TRUE, nreps=2, phi=0.7, nyears=5, beta.trend = 0) # Obtain a temporary emigration data set set.seed(1234) str(tmp <- simHDSopen("point", nreps=7, nyears=5, nsites=100) ) attach(tmp) apply(tmp$M.true,2,sum) # Define distance class information delta <- 0.5 nD <- B%/%delta # Number of distance classes midpt <- seq(delta/2, B, delta) # Mid-point of distance intervals # Create the 4-d array y4d <- array(0,dim=c(nsites, nD, K, nyears)) for(yr in 1:nyears){ for(rep in 1:K){ data <- tmp$data[[yr]][[rep]] site <- data[,1] dclass <- data[,"d"]%/%delta + 1 ndclass <- B%/%delta dclass <- factor(dclass, levels= 1:ndclass) y4d[1:nsites,1:nD,rep,yr] <- table(site, dclass) } } y3d <- y4d[,,,1] # Bundle and summarize the data set nobs <- apply(y3d, c(1,3), sum) # Total detections per site and occasion str( data <- list(y3d=y3d, nsites=nsites, K=K, nD=nD, midpt=midpt, delta=delta, habitat=habitat, B=B, nobs = nobs) ) # Define model in BUGS cat(" model { # Prior distributions beta0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Intercept for log(lambda) mean.lam <- exp(beta0) beta1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Coefficient of lambda on habitat phi ~ dunif(0,1) # Probability of availability sigma ~ dunif(0.01,5) # Distance function parameter # Detection probs for each distance interval and related things for(b in 1:nD){ log(g[b]) <- -midpt[b]*midpt[b]/(2*sigma*sigma) # half-normal f[b] <- (2*midpt[b]*delta)/(B*B) # radial density function cellprobs[b] <- g[b]*f[b] cellprobs.cond[b] <- cellprobs[b]/sum(cellprobs[1:nD]) } cellprobs[nD+1]<- 1-sum(cellprobs[1:nD]) for (s in 1:nsites) { for (k in 1:K) { pdet[s,k] <- sum(cellprobs[1:nD]) # Distance class probabilities pmarg[s,k] <- pdet[s,k]*phi # Marginal probability # Model part 4: distance class frequencies y3d[s,1:nD,k] ~ dmulti(cellprobs.cond[1:nD], nobs[s,k]) # Model part 3: total number of detections: nobs[s,k] ~ dbin(pmarg[s,k], M[s]) # nobs[s,k] ~ dbin(pdet[s,k], Navail[s,k]) # Alternative formulation # Model part 2: Availability. Not used in this model but simulated. Navail[s,k] ~ dbin(phi, M[s]) } # end k loop # Model part 1: Abundance model M[s] ~ dpois(lambda[s]) log(lambda[s]) <- beta0 + beta1*habitat[s] } # End s loop # Derived quantities Mtot <- sum(M[]) for(k in 1:K){ Ntot[k]<- sum(Navail[,k]) } } # End model ",file="model.txt") # Assemble the initial values and parameters to save for JAGS Navail.st <- apply(y3d, c(1,3),sum) Mst <- apply(Navail.st, c( 1), max) +2 inits <- function(){ list(M=Mst, sigma = 1.0, phi=0.9, beta0=log(2), beta1=0.5) } params <- c("sigma", "phi", "beta0", "mean.lam", "beta1", "Mtot", "Ntot") # MCMC settings ni <- 60000 ; nb <- 10000 ; nt <- 5 ; nc <- 3 # Run WinBUGS or JAGS library("R2WinBUGS") library("jagsUI") # JAGS works but WinBUGS does not! # bd <- "c:/WinBUGS14/" # out1 <- bugs(data, inits, parameters, "model.txt", n.thin=nthin, # n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb,n.iter=ni,debug=TRUE, bugs.dir = bd) # We get this error: vector valued relation y3d must involve consecutive # elements of variable # Run JAGS: This fails quite often ('invalid parent node'), just keep trying outTE1 <- jags(data, inits, params, "model.txt", n.thin=nt,n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb,n.iter=ni, parallel = TRUE) traceplot(outTE1) ; print(outTE1, 3) # ART 4 min # Put true values into a vector truth <- c(tmp$parms[c(1:3,5)], Mtot = sum(tmp$M[,1]), Ntot = (apply(tmp$Na.real[,,1],2,sum))) # Get posterior means and 2.5% and 97.5% percentiles (95% CRI) post <- outTE1$summary[c("mean.lam", "beta1", "sigma", "phi", "Mtot", "Ntot[1]", "Ntot[2]", "Ntot[3]" ,"Ntot[4]", "Ntot[5]", "Ntot[6]", "Ntot[7]"), c(1,3,7)] # Table compares truth with posterior mean and 95% CRI from JAGS cbind(truth, posterior = round(post, 3)) # Bayesian analysis of the Wagtail data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ y3d <- array(NA,dim=c(nrow(Y), 6, 4) ) # Create 3d array y3d[,,1] <- Y[,1:6] ; y3d[,,2] <- Y[,7:12] # Fill the array y3d[,,3] <- Y[,13:18] ; y3d[,,4] <- Y[,19:24] K <- 4 # Number of primary occasions nsites <- nrow(Y) # Number of sites nD <- 6 # Number of distance classes midpt <- seq(25,275,50) # Class midpoint distance delta <- 50 # Class width B <- 300 # Maximum distance nobs <- apply(y3d, c(1,3), sum) # Total detections per site and occasion # Bundle and summarize data set area <- pi*(300^2)/10000 str(data <- list(y3d=y3d, nsites=nsites, K=K, nD=nD, midpt=midpt, delta=delta, B=B, nobs=nobs, area=area)) # Write out the BUGS model file cat(" model { # Priors # Abundance parameters beta0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Availability parameter phi ~ dunif(0,1) # Detection parameter sigma ~ dunif(0,500) # Multinomial cell probabilities for(b in 1:nD){ log(g[b]) <- -midpt[b]*midpt[b]/(2*sigma*sigma) # Half-normal model f[b] <- (2*midpt[b]*delta)/(B*B) # Scaled radial density function cellprobs[b] <- g[b]*f[b] cellprobs.cond[b] <- cellprobs[b]/sum(cellprobs[1:nD]) } cellprobs[nD+1] <- 1-sum(cellprobs[1:nD]) for (s in 1:nsites) { for (k in 1:K) { # Conditional 4-part version of the model pdet[s,k] <- sum(cellprobs[1:nD]) pmarg[s,k] <- pdet[s,k]*phi y3d[s,1:nD,k] ~ dmulti(cellprobs.cond[1:nD], nobs[s,k]) # Part 4: distance nobs[s,k] ~ dbin(pmarg[s,k], M[s]) # Part 3: number of detected individuals Navail[s,k] ~ dbin(phi,M[s]) # Part 2: Number of available individuals } # end k loop M[s] ~ dpois(lambda[s]) # Part 1: Abundance model log(lambda[s]) <- beta0 # Habitat variables would go here } # end s loop # Derived quantities for(k in 1:K){ Davail[k] <- phi*exp(beta0)/area } Mtotal <- sum(M[]) Dtotal<- exp(beta0)/area } # end model ",fill=TRUE,file="wagtail.txt") # Inits Navail.st <- apply(y3d, c(1,3),sum) Mst <- apply(Navail.st, c( 1), max,na.rm=TRUE) + 2 inits <- function() list(M=Mst, sigma = 100.0) # Parameters to save params <- c("sigma", "phi", "beta0", "beta1", "Mtotal", "Davail", "Dtotal") # MCMC settings ni <- 12000 ; nb <- 2000 ; nt <- 2 ; nc <- 3 # Run JAGS (ART 3 min) library("jagsUI") wag1 <- jags(data, inits, params, "wagtail.txt", n.thin=nt, n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb, n.iter=ni, parallel = TRUE) par(mfrow = c(3,3)) ; traceplot(wag1) summary(wag1) exp(-2.06) # Bundle and summmarize data set for BUGS rep <- matrix(as.numeric(rep), ncol=4) area <- pi*(300^2)/10000 str(data <- list(y3d=y3d, nsites=nsites, K=K, nD=nD, midpt = midpt, delta=delta, B=B, nobs=nobs, POTATO=POTATO, GRASS=GRASS, LSCALE=LSCALE, rep=rep, DATE=DATE, HOUR=HOUR, area=area)) # Define model in BUGS cat(" model { # Priors # Abundance parameters beta0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta2 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta3 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Availability parameters phi0 ~ dunif(0,1) logit.phi0 <- log(phi0/(1-phi0)) for(k in 1:4){ gamma1[k] ~ dunif(0, 1) # Availability effects of surveys 1 - 4 logit.gamma1[k]<- log(gamma1[k]/(1-gamma1[k])) } gamma2 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) gamma3 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) gamma4 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Detection parameters sigma0 ~ dunif(0.1,500) # Intercept alpha2 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # effect of DATE (linear) alpha3 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # effect of DATE (squared) alpha4 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # effect of HOUR theta ~ dgamma(0.1, 0.1) r ~ dunif(0, 10) for (s in 1:nsites) { for (k in 1:K) { # Availability parameter logit.phi[s,k] <- logit.gamma1[k] + gamma2*POTATO[s] + gamma3*GRASS[s] + gamma4*LSCALE[s] phi[s,k] <- exp(logit.phi[s,k])/(1+ exp(logit.phi[s,k])) # Distance sampling parameter log(sigma[s,k]) <- log(sigma0) + alpha2*DATE[s,k] + alpha3*pow(HOUR[s,k],2) + alpha4*HOUR[s,k] # Multinomial cell probability construction for(b in 1:nD){ #log(g[s,b,k]) <- -midpt[b]*midpt[b]/(2*sigma[s,k]*sigma[s,k]) # half-normal cloglog(g[s,b,k]) <- theta*log(sigma[s,k]) - theta*log(midpt[b]) # hazard f[s,b,k] <- (2*midpt[b]*delta)/(B*B) cellprobs[s,b,k] <- g[s,b,k]*f[s,b,k] cellprobs.cond[s,b,k] <- cellprobs[s,b,k]/sum(cellprobs[s,1:nD,k]) } cellprobs[s,nD+1,k]<- 1-sum(cellprobs[s,1:nD,k]) # Conditional 4-part hierarchical model pdet[s,k] <- sum(cellprobs[s,1:nD,k]) pmarg[s,k] <- pdet[s,k]*phi[s,k] y3d[s,1:nD,k] ~ dmulti(cellprobs.cond[s,1:nD,k], nobs[s,k]) # Part 4 nobs[s,k] ~ dbin(pmarg[s,k], M[s]) # Part 3: Number of detected individuals Navail[s,k] ~ dbin(phi[s,k],M[s]) # Part 2: Number of available individuals } # end k loop M[s] ~ dnegbin(prob[s], r) prob[s] <- r/(r+lambda[s]) # M[s] ~ dpois(lambda[s]) # Part 1: Abundance model log(lambda[s]) <- beta0 + beta1*POTATO[s] + beta2*GRASS[s] + beta3*LSCALE[s] } # end s loop # Derived quantities for(k in 1:K){ Davail[k] <- mean(phi[,k])*exp(beta0)/area } Mtotal <- sum(M[]) Dtotal <- exp(beta0)/area } # End model ",fill=TRUE,file="wagtail2.txt") # Inits Navail.st <- apply(y3d, c(1,3),sum) Mst <- apply(Navail.st, c( 1), max,na.rm=TRUE) + 2 inits <- function() list(M=Mst, sigma0 = 100, alpha2=0, alpha3=0, alpha4=0, gamma2=0, gamma3=0, gamma4=0, beta1=0,beta2=0,beta3=0, r = 1) # Parameters to save params <- c("r","sigma0", "beta0", "beta1", "beta2", "beta3", "Mtotal", "alpha2", "alpha3", "alpha4", "theta", "Dtotal", "Davail", "phi0", "gamma1", "gamma2", "gamma3", "gamma4" ,"logit.gamma1") # MCMC settings ni <- 32000 ; nb <- 2000 ; nt <- 2 ; nc <- 5 # Run JAGS (ART 79 min), check convergence and summarize posteriors wag2 <- jags(data, inits, params, "wagtail2.txt", n.thin=nt,n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb,n.iter=ni, parallel = TRUE) # Compare posterior means to MLEs obtained from unmarked mle <- coef(fm5) mle[12] <- exp(mle[12]) # convert to distance units mle[16] <- exp(mle[16]) # back-transform the hazard parameter mle[17] <- exp(mle[17]) # back-transform the NB dispersion parameter bayes <- wag2$summary[,1] bayes <- c(bayes[3:6],bayes[c(25:28,22:24)],bayes[c(2,8:10)],bayes[11],bayes[1]) bayes[1] <- log(exp(bayes[1])/area)# Convert from N per site to log(density) per ha round( cbind(mle,bayes), 3) # Robust Design: Replicates within and among years # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 9.6 Open HDS models: Implicit Dynamics # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Obtain a data set set.seed(1236) str(tmp <- simHDSopen("point", nreps=7, nyears=5, nsites=100, beta.trend=0.2) ) attach(tmp) apply(tmp$M.true,2,sum) # True population size per year # Define distance class information delta <- 0.5 nD <- B%/%delta # Number of distance classes midpt <- seq(delta/2, B, delta) # Mid-point of distance intervals # Create the 4-d array y4d <- array(0, dim=c(nsites, nD, K, nyears)) for(yr in 1:nyears){ for(rep in 1:K){ data <- tmp$data[[yr]][[rep]] site <- data[,1] dclass <- data[,"d"]%/%delta + 1 ndclass <- B%/%delta dclass <- factor(dclass, levels= 1:ndclass) y4d[1:nsites,1:nD,rep,yr] <- table(site, dclass) } } # Bundle and summarize the data set nobs <- apply(y4d, c(1,3,4), sum) # Total detections per site and occasion str( data <- list(y4d=y4d, nsites=nsites, K=K, nD=nD, midpt=midpt, delta=delta, habitat=habitat, B=B, nobs = nobs, T=tmp$nyears) ) # Define model in BUGS cat(" model { # Prior distributions beta0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Intercept for log(lambda) mean.lam <- exp(beta0) beta1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Coefficient on habitat phi ~ dunif(0,1) # Probability of availability sigma ~ dunif(0,5) # Detection function parameter beta.trend ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Construct the multinomial cell probabilities for(b in 1:nD){ log(g[b]) <- -midpt[b]*midpt[b]/(2*sigma*sigma) # half-normal f[b] <- (2*midpt[b]*delta)/(B*B) # radial density function cellprobs[b] <- g[b]*f[b] cellprobs.cond[b] <- cellprobs[b]/sum(cellprobs[1:nD]) } cellprobs[nD+1] <- 1-sum(cellprobs[1:nD]) for (s in 1:nsites) { for (k in 1:K) { pdet[s,k] <- sum(cellprobs[1:nD]) # Distance class probabilities pmarg[s,k] <- pdet[s,k]*phi # Marginal probability } } for(t in 1:T){ # Years for (s in 1:nsites) { # Sites for (k in 1:K) { # Replicates # Model part 4: distance class frequencies y4d[s,1:nD,k,t] ~ dmulti(cellprobs.cond[1:nD], nobs[s,k,t]) # Model part 3: total number of detections: nobs[s,k,t] ~ dbin(pmarg[s,k], M[s,t]) # Model part 2: Availability. Not used in this model but simulated. Navail[s,k,t] ~ dbin(phi, M[s,t]) } # end k loop # Model part 1: Abundance model M[s,t] ~ dpois(lambda[s,t]) log(lambda[s,t]) <- beta0 + beta1*habitat[s] + beta.trend*(t-2.5) } # end s loop } # end t loop # Derived quantities for(t in 1:T){ Mtot[t] <- sum(M[,t]) for(k in 1:K){ Ntot[k,t] <- sum(Navail[,k,t]) } } } # End model ",file="tempemig4d.txt") # Inits and parameters to save Navail.st <- apply(y4d, c(1,3,4),sum) Mst <- apply(Navail.st, c( 1,3), max) +2 inits <- function(){ list(M=Mst, Navail = Navail.st, sigma = 1.0, phi=.9,beta0=log(2),beta1=.5) } params <- c("sigma", "phi", "beta0", "mean.lam", "beta.trend", "beta1", "Mtot", "Ntot") # MCMC settings ni <- 12000 ; nb <- 2000 ; nt <- 5 ; nc <- 3 # Run JAGS (ART 9 min), look at trace plots and summarize outRD <- jags(data, inits, params, "tempemig4d.txt", n.thin=nt, n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb, n.iter=ni, parallel = FALSE) par(mfrow = c(3,3)) ; traceplot(outRD) summary(outRD) # 9.7 Open HDS models: modelling population dynamics # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 9.7.1 Simulating the ISSJ data over multiple years # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # We load the ISSJ data analyzed in chapter 8, package into an unmarked frame library(unmarked) library(rjags) data(issj) covs <- issj[,c("elevation","forest","chaparral")] area <- pi*300^2 / 100^2 # Area in ha jayumf <- unmarkedFrameGDS(y=as.matrix(issj[,1:3]), siteCovs=data.frame(covs, area), numPrimary=1, dist.breaks=c(0, 100, 200, 300), unitsIn="m", survey="point") sc <- siteCovs(jayumf) sc.s <- scale(sc) sc.s[,"area"] <- pi*300^2 / 10000 # Don't standardize area covs<- siteCovs(jayumf) <- sc.s summary(jayumf) # Fit the model using gdistsamp and look at the fit summary (nb.C2E.C <- gdistsamp( ~chaparral + I(chaparral^2) + elevation , ~1, ~chaparral, data =jayumf, output="abund", mixture="NB", K = 150)) # Get coefficient estimates to be used in data simulation beta <- coef(nb.C2E.C) betaFall <- beta[c("lambda(Int)", "lambda(chaparral)", "lambda(elevation)", "lambda(I(chaparral^2))")] # Predict expected abundance per point count on log-scale for simulation Xmat <- cbind(rep(1,307),covs[,3],covs[,3]^2,covs[,1]) # Order: chap, chap^2, elev loglam <- Xmat%*%(betaFall) lamnew <- exp(loglam) # Parameters of the detection function dparm <- beta[c("p(Int)", "p(chaparral)")] sigma <- exp(Xmat[,c(1, 2)]%*%dparm) J <- nsites <- 307 # number of sampling points # Number of years nyrs <- 6 # Set dynamics parameters to achieve a target growth rate of 0.95 phi <- 0.6 # Survival probability gamma <- 0.35 # Recruitment rate # Distance category info db <- c(0,50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300) midpt <- c(25, 75, 125, 175, 225, 275) nD <- length(midpt) delta <- 50 # Distance interval width B <- 300 # Simulate an ISSJ data set and harvest the data objects set.seed(2015) dat <- issj.sim(B=300, db = db, lam=lamnew, sigma=sigma, phi=phi, gamma=gamma, npoints=nsites, nyrs=nyrs) y <- dat$y dclass <- dat$dclass site <- dat$site # Bundle and summarize the data set str(data1<-list(nsites=nsites, chap=as.vector(covs[,"chaparral"])[dat$cell], chap2=as.vector(covs[,"chaparral"]^2)[dat$cell], elev=as.vector(covs[,"elevation"])[dat$cell], T=nyrs, nD=nD, midpt=midpt, B=B, delta=delta, y=y, dclass=dclass, site=site, nind=sum(y)) ) # 9.7.2 Fitting a slurry of open population models # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The independence model # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Write out the BUGS model file cat(" model{ # Prior distributions # Regression parameters alpha0 ~ dunif(0,20) alpha1 ~ dunif(-10,10) beta0 ~ dunif(-20,20) beta1 ~ dunif(-20,20) beta2 ~ dunif(-20,20) beta3 ~ dunif(-20,20) beta4 ~ dunif(-20,20) # Population trend parameter r ~ dunif(0,5) # NegBin dispersion parameter rout <- log(r) # 'Likelihood' for (s in 1:nsites){ # Linear model for detection function scale log(sigma[s]) <- alpha0+alpha1*chap[s] # Compute detection probability for(k in 1:nD){ pi[k,s] <- (2*midpt[k]*delta )/(B*B) log(p[k,s]) <- -midpt[k]*midpt[k]/(2*sigma[s]*sigma[s]) f[k,s] <- p[k,s]*pi[k,s] fc[k,s] <- f[k,s]/pcap[s] fct[k,s] <- fc[k,s]/sum(fc[1:nD,s]) } pcap[s]<-sum(f[1:nD,s]) # Overall detection probability # Process model for (t in 1:T){ log(lambda[s,t]) <- beta0 + beta1*chap[s] + beta2*chap2[s] + beta3*elev[s] + beta4*(t - t/2) # Note trend parameter here y[s,t] ~ dbin(pcap[s], N[s,t]) N[s,t] ~ dnegbin(prob[s,t], r) prob[s,t] <- r/(r+lambda[s,t]) } # End loop over years } # End loop over sites # Distance sampling observation model for observed (binned) distance data for(i in 1:nind){ dclass[i] ~ dcat(fct[1:nD,site[i]]) } # Derived parameters for(t in 1:6){ Ntot[t] <- sum(N[,t]) D[t] <- Ntot[t] / (28.27*nsites) # 300 m point = 28.27 ha } } ", file="Sollmann1.txt") # Set up initial values, parameters vector and MCMC settings Nst <- y+1 # this is for trend model inits <- function(){list(N=Nst, beta0=runif(1), beta1=runif(1), beta2=runif(1), beta3=runif(1), beta4=runif(1), alpha0=runif(1,3,5), alpha1=runif(1), r = 1)} params <-c('beta0', 'beta1', 'beta2', 'beta3', 'beta4', 'alpha0', 'alpha1', 'Ntot', 'D', 'r') ni <- 22000 ; nb <- 2000 ; nt <- 1 ; nc <- 3 # JAGS setting b/c otherwise JAGS cannot build a sampler, rec. by M. Plummer set.factory("bugs::Conjugate", FALSE, type="sampler") # Execute JAGS, look at convergence and summarize the results library(jagsUI) open1 <- jags (data1, inits, params, "Sollmann1.txt", n.thin=nt, n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb, n.iter=ni) par(mfrow = c(3,3)) ; traceplot(open1) ; print(open1, 2) # The reduced-dynamics model # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Write out the BUGS model file cat(" model{ # Prior distributions # Regression parameters alpha0 ~ dunif(0,20) alpha1 ~ dunif(-10,10) beta0 ~ dunif(-20,20) beta1 ~ dunif(-20,20) beta2 ~ dunif(-20,20) beta3 ~ dunif(-20,20) theta ~ dunif(0,5) # NegBin dispersion parameter r ~ dunif(0,5) rout <- log(r) # 'Likelihood' for (s in 1:nsites){ # Linear model for detection function scale log(sigma[s]) <- alpha0+alpha1*chap[s] # Compute detection probability for(k in 1:nD){ log(p[k,s]) <- -midpt[k]*midpt[k]/(2*sigma[s]*sigma[s]) f[k,s] <- p[k,s]*pi[k,s] fc[k,s] <- f[k,s]/pcap[s] fct[k,s] <- fc[k,s]/sum(fc[1:nD,s]) pi[k,s] <- (2*midpt[k]*delta )/(B*B) } pcap[s]<-sum(f[1:nD,s]) # Overall detection probability # Process model # Abundance model for Yr1 as in Sillett et al 2012 log(lambda[s,1]) <- beta0 + beta1*chap[s] + beta2*chap2[s] + beta3*elev[s] y[s,1] ~ dbin(pcap[s], N[s,1]) N[s,1] ~ dnegbin(prob[s,1], r) prob[s,1] <- r/(r+lambda[s,1]) # Population dynamics model for subsequent years for (t in 2:T){ N[s,t] ~ dpois(N[s, t-1] * theta) y[s,t] ~ dbin(pcap[s], N[s,t]) } } # Distance sampling observation model for observed (binned) distance data for(i in 1:nind){ dclass[i] ~ dcat(fct[1:nD,site[i]]) } # Derived parameters for(t in 1:6){ Ntot[t] <- sum(N[,t]) D[t] <- Ntot[t] / (28.27*nsites) # 300 m point = 28.27 ha } } ", file="Sollmann2.txt") # Set up initial values, parameters vector and MCMC settings Nst <- y+1 # this is for trend model inits <- function(){list(N=Nst, beta0=runif(1), beta1=runif(1), beta2=runif(1), beta3=runif(1), alpha0=runif(1,3,5), alpha1=runif(1), theta=runif(1,0.6,0.99))} params <- c('beta0', 'beta1', 'beta2', 'beta3', 'alpha0', 'alpha1', 'theta', 'rout', 'Ntot', 'D', 'r') ni <- 22000 ; nb <- 2000 ; nt <- 1 ; nc <- 3 # Execute JAGS, look at convergence and summarize the results open2 <- jags (data1, inits, params, "Sollmann2.txt", n.thin=nt, n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb, n.iter=ni) par(mfrow = c(3,3)) ; traceplot(open2) ; print(open2, 2) # The Glorious Integrated HDS/Dail-Madsen Model # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Write out the BUGS model file cat(" model{ # Prior distributions # Regression parameters alpha0 ~ dunif(0,20) alpha1 ~ dunif(-10,10) beta0 ~ dunif(-20,20) beta1 ~ dunif(-20,20) beta2 ~ dunif(-20,20) beta3 ~ dunif(-20,20) # Priors for dynamics parameters: here they are constant across years # We could add covariate models for logit(phi) and log(gamma) phi ~ dunif(0,1) gamma ~ dunif(0,5) # NegBin dispersion parameter r ~ dunif(0,5) rout <- log(r) # 'Likelihood' for (s in 1:nsites){ # Linear model for detection function scale log(sigma[s]) <- alpha0+alpha1*chap[s] # Compute detection probability for(k in 1:nD){ log(p[k,s]) <- -midpt[k]*midpt[k]/(2*sigma[s]*sigma[s]) f[k,s] <- p[k,s]*pi[k,s] fc[k,s] <- f[k,s]/pcap[s] fct[k,s] <- fc[k,s]/sum(fc[1:nD,s]) pi[k,s] <- (2*midpt[k]*delta )/(B*B) } pcap[s]<-sum(f[1:nD,s]) # Overall detection probability # Process model # Abundance model for year 1 log(lambda[s,1]) <- beta0 + beta1*chap[s] + beta2*chap2[s] + beta3*elev[s] y[s,1] ~ dbin(pcap[s], N[s,1]) N[s,1] ~ dnegbin(prob[s,1], r) prob[s,1] <- r/(r+lambda[s,1]) # Population dynamics model for subsequent years for (t in 2:T){ # Loop over years S[s,t] ~ dbinom(phi, N[s, t-1]) # Survivors R[s,t] ~ dpois(gamma * N[s, t-1]) # Recruits N[s,t] <- S[s,t] + R[s,t] # N = Survivors + Recruits y[s,t]~ dbin(pcap[s],N[s,t]) # Measurement error } } # Distance sampling observation model for observed (binned) distance data for(i in 1:nind){ dclass[i] ~ dcat(fct[1:nD,site[i]]) } # Derived parameters for(t in 1:6){ Ntot[t] <- sum(N[,t]) D[t] <- Ntot[t] / (28.27*nsites) # 300 m point = 28.27 ha } } ", file="Sollmann3.txt") # Set up some sensible starting values for S and R yin <- y+1 yin[,2:6] <- NA Sin <- Rin <- matrix(NA, nrow=nsites, ncol=nyrs) y1 <- y + 1 for(s in 1:nsites){ for (t in 2:6){ Sin[s,t] <- rbinom(1,y1[s,t-1], phi ) Rin[s,t] <- ifelse((y1[s,t]-Sin[s,t])>0, y1[s,t]-Sin[s,t], 0) } } # Set up initial values, parameters vector and MCMC settings inits <-function(){list(N=yin, beta0=runif(1), beta1=runif(1), beta2=runif(1), beta3=runif(1), alpha0=runif(1,3,5), alpha1=runif(1), phi=0.6, gamma=0.3, R=Rin, S=Sin) } params <- c('beta0', 'beta1', 'beta2', 'beta3', 'alpha0', 'alpha1', 'phi', 'gamma', 'Ntot', 'D', 'r') ni <- 152000 ; nb <- 2000 ; nt <- 10 ; nc <- 5 # Run JAGS, look at convergence and summarize the results library(jagsUI) open3 <- jags (data1, inits, params, "Sollmann3.txt", n.thin=nt, n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb, n.iter=ni, parallel=TRUE) par(mfrow = c(3,3)) ; traceplot(open3) ; print(open3, 2) # Compare inferences in graph .... (Fig. 9-6) plot(apply(dat$N,2,sum),ylim=c(600,1300),xlab="Year",ylab="Population size (307 sample units)") lines(apply(open1$sims.list$Ntot,2,mean), lty=1, col="blue", lwd=2) lines(apply(open2$sims.list$Ntot,2,mean), lty=1, col="red", lwd=2) lines(apply(open3$sims.list$Ntot,2,mean), lty=1, col="green", lwd=2) open1.95cri<- apply(open1$sims.list$N,2,function(x) quantile(x, c(0.025,0.975))) open2.95cri<- apply(open2$sims.list$N,2,function(x) quantile(x, c(0.025,0.975))) open3.95cri<- apply(open3$sims.list$N,2,function(x) quantile(x, c(0.025,0.975))) legend(1,750,legend=c("Independence","Reduced dynamics","Full dynamics"), lty=1, col=c("blue","red","green")) matlines(1:6, t(open1.95cri), type="l", lty=2, lwd=2, col="blue") matlines(1:6, t(open2.95cri), type="l", lty=2, lwd=2, col="red") matlines(1:6, t(open3.95cri), type="l", lty=2, lwd=2, col="green") # .... and table parms <- c(betaFall, dparm) round(post <- cbind(parms, Independent=open1$summary[c(1:4,6,7),1], Partial=open2$summary[1:6,1], Full=open3$summary[1:6,1]), 3) parms Independent Partial Full lambda(Int) 0.827 0.990 0.971 0.949 lambda(chaparral) 1.432 1.755 1.783 1.806 lambda(elevation) -0.227 -0.509 -0.519 -0.523 lambda(I(chaparral^2)) -0.376 -0.343 -0.317 -0.323 p(Int) 4.679 4.682 4.672 4.680 p(chaparral) -0.199 -0.194 -0.187 -0.192 # Summary remarks on modelling populations over time # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 9.8 Spatial Distance Sampling: Modelling within-unit variation in density # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 9.8.1 Distance sampling with location of encounter # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Simulate a data set and harvest the output set.seed(1234) str(tmp <- sim.pdata(N=200,sigma=1,keep.all=FALSE,B=3)) List of 8 $ N : num 200 $ sigma : num 1 $ B : num 3 $ u1 : num [1:37] 3.73 3.66 3.27 1.72 3.32 ... $ u2 : num [1:37] 3.17 1.9 1.68 3.83 2.54 ... $ d : num [1:37] 0.753 1.276 1.345 1.529 0.557 ... $ y : int [1:200] 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... $ N.real: int 152 # Harvest some data objects B <- tmp$B d <- tmp$d u1 <- tmp$u1 u2 <- tmp$u2 nind <- length(d) # Data augmentation M <- 400 # max of 400 individuals nz <- M-nind # augment by nz individuals y <- c(rep(1,nind), rep(0,nz)) # augmented data augmentation variable u <- cbind(u1,u2) # Locations of individuals detected u <- rbind(u, matrix(NA, nrow=nz, ncol=2)) # Bundle and summarize the data set str(data <- list (B=B, nind=nind, u=u, y=y, nz=nz)) # Write out the BUGS model file cat(" model{ # Priors sigma ~ dunif(0,10) psi ~ dunif(0,1) # Categorical observation model for(i in 1:(nind+nz)){ z[i] ~ dbern(psi) u[i,1] ~ dunif(0, 2*B) # Here is the uniformity assumption made explicit u[i,2] ~ dunif(0, 2*B) # Compute distance as a derived quantity d[i] <- pow( pow( u[i,1]-B,2) + pow(u[i,2]-B,2), 0.5) # Pythagoras p[i] <- exp(-d[i]*d[i] / (2*sigma*sigma)) mu[i] <- p[i] * z[i] y[i] ~ dbern(mu[i]) } # Other derived quantity N <- sum(z[]) D <- N / (B*B) } ",fill=TRUE,file="model1.txt") # Load libraries and specify MCMC settings library("R2WinBUGS") ; library(jagsUI) ni <- 22000 ; nb <- 2000 ; nthin <- 2 ; nc <- 3 # Inits and parameters inits <- function(){ list(sigma=runif(1,1,10), psi=runif(1),z = c(rep(1,nind),rep(0,nz)) ) } params <- c("sigma", "N", "psi") # Execute jags and summarize the posterior distributions out1 <- jags (data, inits, parameters, "model1.txt", n.thin=nthin, n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb,n.iter=ni, parallel = FALSE) par(mfrow = c(2,2)) ; traceplot(out1) print(out1, 2) # 9.8.2 The line transect case # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 9.8.3 Modelling spatial covariates # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Simulator function for spatial distance sampling data sim.spatialDS <- function(N=1000, beta = 1, sigma=1, keep.all=FALSE, B=B, model="halfnorm"){ # Function simulates coordinates of individuals on a square # Square is [0,2B] x [0,2B], with a count location on the point (B, B) # N: total population size in the square # beta: coefficient of SOEMTHING on spatial covariate x # sigma: scale of half-normal detection function # B: circle radius # keep.all: return the data for y=0 individuals or not library(raster) # Load required packages library(plotrix) # Create coordinates for 30 x 30 grid delta <- (2*B-0)/30 # '2D bin width' grx <- seq(delta/2, 2*B - delta/2, delta) # mid-point coordinates gr <- expand.grid(grx,grx) # Create grid coordinates # Create spatially correlated covariate x and plot it V <- exp(-e2dist(gr,gr)/1) x <- t(chol(V))%*%rnorm(900) par(mar=c(3,3,3,6)) image(rasterFromXYZ(cbind(gr,x)), col=topo.colors(10)) draw.circle(3, 3, B) points(3, 3, pch="+", cex=3) image.scale(x, col=topo.colors(10)) # Simulate point locations as function of habitat covariate x probs <- exp(beta*x)/sum(exp(beta*x)) # probability of point in pixel (sum = 1) pixel.id <- sample(1:900, N, replace=TRUE, prob=probs) # could simulate randomly within the pixel but it won't matter so place centrally u1 <- gr[pixel.id,1] u2 <- gr[pixel.id,2] points(u1, u2, pch=20, col='black', cex = 0.8) # plot points title("This is so cool !") # express your appreciation of all this d <- sqrt((u1 - B)^2 + (u2-B)^2) # distance to center point of square #plot(u1, u2, pch = 1, main = "Point transect") N.real <- sum(d<= B) # Population size inside of count circle # Can only count individuals in the circle, so set to zero detection probability of individuals in the corners (thereby truncating them) # p <- ifelse(d< B, 1, 0) * exp(-d*d/(2*(sigma^2))) # We do away with the circle constraint here. if(model=="hazard") p <- 1-exp(-exp(-d*d/(2*sigma*sigma))) if(model=="halfnorm") p <- exp(-d*d/(2*sigma*sigma)) # Now we decide whether each individual is detected or not y <- rbinom(N, 1, p) # detected or not points(u1[d<= B], u2[d<= B], pch = 16, col = "black", cex = 1) # not detected points(u1[y==1], u2[y==1], pch = 16, col = "red", cex = 1) # detected # Put all of the data in a matrix if(!keep.all){ u1 <- u1[y==1] u2 <- u2[y==1] d <- d[y==1] } # Output return(list(model=model, N=N, beta=beta, B=B, u1=u1, u2=u2, d=d, y=y, N.real=N.real, Habitat=x, grid=gr)) } # Generate one data set and harvest the output set.seed(1234) str(tmp <- sim.spatialDS(N=200, beta=1, sigma=1.5, keep.all=FALSE, B=3)) # Fig. 9-7 # Harvest data B <- tmp$B d <- tmp$d u1 <- tmp$u1 u2 <- tmp$u2 Habitat <- as.vector(tmp$Habitat) Habitat <- Habitat - mean(Habitat) Habgrid <- tmp$grid nind <- length(d) G <- nrow(Habgrid) # Do data augmentation, including for pixel ID M <- 400 nz <- M-nind pixel <- rep(NA, M) # We use discrete "pixel ID" here instead of "s" y <- c(rep(1,nind), rep(0,nz)) # Pick some starting values and figure out the pixel of each observation s <- cbind(u1,u2) s <- rbind(s, matrix(NA,nrow=nz,ncol=2)) D <- e2dist(s[1:nind,], Habgrid) for(i in 1:nind){ pixel[i] <- (1:ncol(D))[D[i,]==min(D[i,])] } # Bundle and summarize the data for BUGS str(data <- list (B=B, nind=nind, y=y, nz=nz, Habitat=Habitat, Habgrid=Habgrid, G=G, pixel=pixel)) # Write BUGS model cat(" model{ # Prior distributions sigma ~ dunif(0,10) psi ~ dunif(0,1) beta ~ dnorm(0,0.01) for(g in 1:G){ # g is the pixel index, there are G total pixels probs.num[g] <- exp(beta*Habitat[g]) probs[g] <- probs.num[g]/sum(probs.num[]) } # Models for DA variables and location (pixel) for(i in 1:(nind+nz)){ z[i] ~ dbern(psi) pixel[i] ~ dcat(probs[]) s[i,1:2] <- Habgrid[pixel[i],] # location = derived quantity # compute distance = derived quantity d[i] <- pow( pow( s[i,1]-B,2) + pow(s[i,2]-B,2), 0.5) p[i] <- exp(-d[i]*d[i]/(2*sigma*sigma)) # Half-normal detetion function mu[i]<- p[i]*z[i] y[i] ~ dbern(mu[i]) # Observation model } # Derived parameters N <- sum(z[]) # N is a derived parameter D <- N/9 # area = 9 ha } ",fill=TRUE, file="spatialDS.txt") # Load libraries and specify MCMC settings library("R2WinBUGS") library(jagsUI) ni <- 12000 ; nb <- 2000 ; nthin <- 2 ; nc <- 3 # Create inits and define parameters to monitor inits <- function(){ list (sigma=runif(1,1,10),psi=runif(1), z = c(rep(1,nind), rep(0,nz)) ) } params <- c("sigma", "N", "psi", "beta", "D") # Run JAGS, check convergence and summarize posteriors out2 <- jags (data, inits, params, "spatialDS.txt", n.thin=nthin, n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb, n.iter=ni, parallel = TRUE) par(mfrow = c(2,3) ; traceplot(out2) print(out2, 2) # Add pixel in order to make a density map params <- c("sigma", "N", "psi", "beta", "D", "pixel") # Run JAGS, check convergence and summarize posteriors out2 <- jags (data, inits, params, "spatialDS.txt", n.thin=nthin, n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb, n.iter=ni, parallel = FALSE) # Plot density maps library(raster) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) pixel <- out2$sims.list$pixel post <- table(pixel)/nrow(pixel) # Average number of locations in each pixel prior.mean <- mean(out2$sims.list$beta)*as.vector(Habitat) prior.mean <- mean(out2$sims.list$psi)*M*exp(prior.mean)/sum(exp(prior.mean)) plot(rast.data <- rasterFromXYZ(cbind(Habgrid,prior.mean)), axes=FALSE, col=topo.colors(10) ) title("Prior mean density (estimated)") plot(rast.post <- rasterFromXYZ(cbind(Habgrid,as.vector(post))),axes=FALSE, col=topo.colors(10) ) title("Posterior mean density") # 9.8.4 Spatial HDS models in unmarked using the pcount function # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Simulate a data set, N = 600 for the population size set.seed(1234) tmp <-sim.spatialDS(N=600, sigma=1.5, keep.all=FALSE, B=3, model= "hazard") # Harvest stuff B <- tmp$B d <- tmp$d u1 <- tmp$u1 u2 <- tmp$u2 Habitat <- as.vector(tmp$Habitat) Habitat <- Habitat - mean(Habitat) Habgrid <- tmp$grid nind <- length(d) G <- nrow(Habgrid) # Find which pixel each observation belongs to s <- cbind(u1,u2) D <- e2dist(s[1:nind,], Habgrid) pixel <-rep(NA,nind) for(i in 1:nind){ pixel[i] <- (1:ncol(D))[D[i,]==min(D[i,])] } # Create a vector of counts in each pixel and pad it with zeros pixel.count <- rep(0, G) names(pixel.count) <- 1:G pixel.count[names(table(pixel))] <- table(pixel) # Create a covariate: distance between observer and pixel center dist <- sqrt( (Habgrid[,1]-3)^2 + (Habgrid[,2]-3)^2 ) # Construct an unmarkedFrame umf <- unmarkedFramePCount(y=matrix(pixel.count,ncol=1), siteCovs=data.frame(dist=dist,Habitat=Habitat)) summary(umf) # Fit an N-mixture model with no intercept and distance squared using # the hacked function pcount.hds (fm1 <- pcount.spHDS(~ -1 + I(dist^2) ~ Habitat, umf, K=20)) lam <- exp( coef(fm1)[1] + coef(fm1)[2]*Habitat ) pred <- predict(fm1, type='state') sum(lam) sum(pred[,1]) # Same # 9.8.5 Hierarchical spatial distance sampling # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sim.spatialHDS(lam0 = 4, sigma = 1.5, B = 3, nsites = 100) # lam0 = expected population size per site # nsites = number of point count locations # B = count radius. Function simulates coordinates of individuals on a square # [0,2*B] x[0,2*B], with a count location on the point (B,B) # sigma = scale of half-normal detection function library(raster) # Simulate a data set and harvest the output set.seed(1234) str(tmp <-sim.spatialHDS(lam0 = 3, sigma = 1.5, B = 3, nsites = 100)) # Process the simulated data set data <- tmp$data # To make it a ‘real’ data set: data <- data[!is.na(data[,2]),] # Get rid of the 0 sites data <- data[data[,"y"]==1,] # Only keep detected individuals # Now zero-pad the observed counts nsites <- tmp$nsites nobs <- rep(0, nsites) names(nobs) <- 1:nsites nobs[names(table(data[,1]))] <- table(data[,1]) # Extract data elements that we need site <- data[,"site"] s <- data[,c("u1","u2")] B <- tmp$B Habitat <- (tmp$Habitat) # Raster values Habgrid <- tmp$grid # Raster coordinates nind <- nrow(data) G <- nrow(Habgrid) # We have to convert observed locations to pixels pixel <- rep(NA,nrow(data)) D <- e2dist(s[1:nind,], Habgrid) for(i in 1:nind){ pixel[i] <- (1:ncol(D))[D[i,]==min(D[i,])] } # Do data augmentation of data from each site “S-fold” DA. Three objects need # to have DA applied to them: Ymat, umat, pixmat Msite <- 2*max(nobs) # Perhaps use a larger value Ymat <- matrix(0,nrow=Msite,ncol=nsites) umat <- array(NA, dim=c(Msite,nsites,2)) pixmat <- matrix(NA,nrow=Msite,ncol=nsites) for(i in 1:nsites){ if(nobs[i]==0) next Ymat[1:nobs[i],i]<- data[data[,1]==i,"y"] umat[1:nobs[i],i,1:2]<- data[data[,1]==i,c("u1","u2")] pixmat[1:nobs[i],i]<- pixel[data[,1]==i] } # Bundle the data for BUGS str(data <- list (y=Ymat, pixel=pixmat, Habitat=Habitat, Habgrid=Habgrid, G = G, nsites=nsites, M = Msite, B = B)) # Write out the BUGS model file cat(" model{ # Prior distributions sigma ~ dunif(0,10) beta1 ~ dnorm(0,0.01) beta0 ~ dnorm(0,0.01) lam0 <- exp(beta0)*G # Baseline lambda in terms of E(N) per sample unit # For each site, construct the DA parameter as a function of lambda for(s in 1:nsites){ lamT[s] <- sum(lambda[,s]) # total abundance at a site psi[s] <- lamT[s]/M for(g in 1:G){ # g is the pixel index, there are G total pixels lambda[g,s] <- exp(beta0 + beta1*Habitat[g,s]) probs[g,s] <- lambda[g,s]/sum(lambda[,s]) } } # DA variables and spatial location variables: for(s in 1:nsites){ for(i in 1:M){ z[i,s] ~ dbern(psi[s]) pixel[i,s] ~ dcat(probs[,s]) u[i,s,1:2] <- Habgrid[pixel[i,s],] # location = derived quantity # distance = derived quantity d[i,s] <- pow( pow( u[i,s,1]-B,2) + pow(u[i,s,2]-B,2), 0.5) p[i,s] <- exp(-d[i,s]*d[i,s]/(2*sigma*sigma)) # Half-normal model mu[i,s] <- p[i,s]*z[i,s] y[i,s] ~ dbern(mu[i,s]) # Observation model } # Derived parameters N[s]<- sum(z[,s]) # Site specific abundance } Ntotal <- sum(N[]) # Total across all sites D <- Ntotal/(9*nsites) # Density: point area = 9 ha } ",fill=TRUE, file="spatialHDS.txt") # Inits and parameters saved zst <- Ymat inits <- function(){ list (sigma=1.5, z = zst, beta0 = -5, beta1=1 ) } params <- c("sigma", "Ntotal", "beta1", "beta0", "D", "lam0") # MCMC settings ni <- 12000 ; nb <- 2000 ; nthin <- 2 ; nc <- 3 # Call JAGS, check convergence and summarize the results out3 <- jags(data, inits, params, "spatialHDS.txt", n.thin=nthin, n.chains=nc, n.burnin=nb, n.iter=ni, parallel = TRUE) par(mfrow = c(2,3)) ; traceplot(out3) print(out3, 3) Ntrue <- tmp$N Nhat <- out3$summary[7:106,1] plot(Ntrue, Nhat, xlab="Local population size, N, for each site", ylab="Posterior mean N for each site", pch=20) abline(0, 1, lwd=2) # 9.9 Summary # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ==================================================================================== # # 10. Modeling static occurrence and species distributions using site-occupancy models # # ==================================================================================== # 10.1. Introduction to the modeling of occurrence, including species distributions # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- alpha <- seq(-10, 10, by = 1) curve(plogis(-10 + 1 * x), -2, 2, lwd = 3, ylim = c(0,1), xlab = "Covariate X", ylab = "Occupancy prob.", frame = F, main = "", cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5) for(i in 2:21){ curve(plogis(alpha[i] + 1 * x), -2, 2, lwd = 3, add = T) } (min <- (plogis(-10 + 1 * 2) - plogis(-10 + 1 * -2)) ) (max <- (plogis(0 + 1 * 2) - plogis(0 + 1 * -2)) ) # 10.2. Another exercise in hierarchical modeling: Derivation of the site-occupancy model # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 10.3 Simulation and analysis of the simplest possible site-occupancy model # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Choose sample sizes and prepare observed data array y set.seed(24) # So we all get same data set M <- 100 # Number of sites J <- 2 # Number of presence/absence measurements y <- matrix(NA, nrow = M, ncol = J) # to contain the obs. data # Parameter values psi <- 0.8 # Probability of occupancy or presence p <- 0.5 # Probability of detection # Generate presence/absence data (the truth) z <- rbinom(n = M, size = 1, prob = psi) # R has no Bernoulli # Generate detection/nondetection data (i.e. presence/absence measurements) for(j in 1:J){ y[,j] <- rbinom(n = M, size = 1, prob = z*p) } # Look at data sum(z) # True number of occupied sites sum(apply(y, 1, max)) # Observed number of occupied sites head(cbind(z=z, y)) # Truth and measurements for first 6 sites library(unmarked) umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y = y) # Create unmarked data frame summary(umf) # Summarize data frame (fm1 <- occu(~1 ~1, data = umf)) # Fit model backTransform(fm1, "state") # Get estimates on probability scale backTransform(fm1, "det") # Bundle data and summarize data bundle str( win.data <- list(y = y, M = nrow(y), J = ncol(y)) ) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model.txt") cat(" model { # Priors psi ~ dunif(0, 1) p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Likelihood for (i in 1:M) { # Loop over sites z[i] ~ dbern(psi) # State model for (j in 1:J) { # Loop over replicate surveys y[i,j] ~ dbern(z[i]*p) # Observation model (only JAGS !) # y[i,j] ~ dbern(mu[i]) # For WinBUGS define 'straw man' } # mu[i] <- z[i]*p # Only WinBUGS } } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Initial values zst <- apply(y, 1, max) # Avoid data/model/inits conflict inits <- function(){list(z = zst)} # Parameters monitored params <- c("psi", "p") # MCMC settings ni <- 5000 ; nt <- 1 ; nb <- 1000 ; nc <- 3 # Call JAGS and summarize posteriors library(jagsUI) fm2 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb) print(fm2, dig = 3) # 10.4 A slightly more complex site-occupancy model with covariates # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Choose sample sizes and prepare obs. data array y set.seed(1) # So we all get same data set M <- 100 # Number of sites J <- 3 # Number of presence/absence measurements y <- matrix(NA, nrow = M, ncol = J) # to contain the obs. data # Create a covariate called vegHt vegHt <- sort(runif(M, -1, 1)) # sort for graphical convenience # Choose parameter values for occupancy model and compute occupancy beta0 <- 0 # Logit-scale intercept beta1 <- 3 # Logit-scale slope for vegHt psi <- plogis(beta0 + beta1 * vegHt) # Occupancy probability # plot(vegHt, psi, ylim = c(0,1), type = "l", lwd = 3) # Plot psi relationship # Now visit each site and observe presence/absence perfectly z <- rbinom(M, 1, psi) # True presence/absence # Look at data so far table(z) # Plot the true system state par(mfrow = c(1, 3), mar = c(5,5,2,2), cex.axis = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.5) plot(vegHt, z, xlab="Vegetation height", ylab="True presence/absence (z)", frame = F, cex = 1.5) plot(function(x) plogis(beta0 + beta1*x), -1, 1, add=T, lwd=3, col = "red") # Create a covariate called wind wind <- array(runif(M * J, -1, 1), dim = c(M, J)) # Choose parameter values for measurement error model and compute detectability alpha0 <- -2 # Logit-scale intercept alpha1 <- -3 # Logit-scale slope for wind p <- plogis(alpha0 + alpha1 * wind) # Detection probability # plot(p ~ wind, ylim = c(0,1)) # Look at relationship # Take J = 3 presence/absence measurements at each site for(j in 1:J) { y[,j] <- rbinom(M, z, p[,j]) } sum(apply(y, 1, max)) # Number of sites with observed presences # Plot observed data and true effect of wind on detection probability plot(wind, y, xlab="Wind", ylab="Observed det./nondetection data (y)", frame = F, cex = 1.5) plot(function(x) plogis(alpha0 + alpha1*x), -1, 1, add=T, lwd=3, col = "red") # Look at the data: occupancy, true presence/absence (z), and measurements (y) cbind(psi=round(psi,2), z=z, y1=y[,1], y2=y[,2], y3=y[,3]) # Create factors time <- matrix(rep(as.character(1:J), M), ncol = J, byrow = TRUE) hab <- c(rep("A", 33), rep("B", 33), rep("C", 34)) # Must have M = 100 # Load unmarked, format data and summarize library(unmarked) umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu( y = y, # Pres/Abs measurements siteCovs = data.frame(vegHt = vegHt, hab = hab), # site-specific covs. obsCovs = list(wind = wind, time = time)) # obs-specific covs. summary(umf) # Fit model and extract estimates # Detection covariates follow first tilde, then occupancy covariates summary(fm.occ1 <- occu(~wind ~vegHt, data=umf)) # Predict occupancy and detection as function of covs (with 95% CIs) # Add truth from data simulation (below for full code to produce fig. 10-2) newdat <- data.frame(vegHt=seq(-1, 1, 0.01)) pred.occ <- predict(fm.occ1, type="state", newdata=newdat) newdat <- data.frame(wind=seq(-1, 1, 0.1)) pred.det <- predict(fm.occ1, type="det", newdata=newdat) # Predictions for specified values of vegHt, say 0.2 and 2.1 newdat <- data.frame(vegHt=c(0.2, 2.1)) predict(fm.occ1, type="state", newdata=newdat, append = T) # ... for values of wind of -1 to 1 newdat <- data.frame(wind=seq(-1, 1, , 5)) predict(fm.occ1, type="det", newdata=newdat, append = T) # Fit detection-naive GLM to observed occurrence and plot comparison summary(fm.glm <- glm(apply(y, 1, max) ~ vegHt, family=binomial)) plot(vegHt, apply(y, 1, max), xlab="Vegetation height", ylab="Observed occurrence ('ever observed ?')", frame = F, cex = 1.5) plot(function(x) plogis(beta0 + beta1*x), -1, 1, add=T, lwd=3, col = "red") lines(vegHt, predict(fm.glm,,"response"), type = "l", lwd = 3) lines(vegHt, predict(fm.occ1, type="state")[,1], col = "blue", lwd = 3) legend(-1, 0.9, c("Truth", "'LR' with p", "LR without p"), col=c("red", "blue", "black"), lty = 1, lwd=3, cex = 1.2) ranef(fm.occ1) (psi1 <- predict(fm.occ1, type="state")[1,1]) (p1 <- predict(fm.occ1, type="det")[c(1:3),1]) (z1 <- (psi1 * prod(1-p1)) / ((1 - psi1) + psi1 * prod(1-p1))) # Define function for finite-sample number and proportion of occupied sites fs.fn <- function(fm){ Nocc <- sum(ranef(fm)@post[,2,]) psi.fs <- Nocc / nrow(fm@data@y) out <- c(Nocc = Nocc, psi.fs = psi.fs) return(out) } # Bootstrap the function fs.hat <- fs.fn(fm.occ1) # Point estimate pb.fs <- parboot(fm.occ1, fs.fn, nsim=10000, report=2) # Takes a while (33 min) # system.time(pb.fs <- parboot(fm.occ1, fs.fn, nsim=100, report=10)) # quicker # Summarize bootstrap distributions summary(pb.fs@t.star) # Get 95% bootstrapped confidence intervals (tmp1 <- quantile(pb.fs@t.star[,1], prob = c(0.025, 0.975))) (tmp2 <- quantile(pb.fs@t.star[,2], prob = c(0.025, 0.975))) # Plot bootstrap distribution of number of occupied sites (Fig. 10-3 left) par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(5,4,3,2)) hist(pb.fs@t.star[,1], col = "grey", breaks = 80, xlim = c(20, 100), main = "", freq = F) abline(v = fs.hat[1], col = "blue", lwd = 3) # add point estimate abline(v = tmp1, col = "grey", lwd = 3) # add 95% CI abline(v = sum(apply(y, 1, max)), lty = 2, lwd = 3) # observed #occ sites abline(v = sum(z), col = "red", lwd = 3) # true #occ sites # Fit model p(time+wind), psi(hab+vegHt) summary(fm2.occ <- occu(~time+wind-1 ~hab+vegHt-1, data=umf)) # Predict occupancy for habitat factor levels at average covariate values newdat <- data.frame(vegHt=0, hab = c("A", "B", "C")) predict(fm2.occ, type="state", newdata = newdat, appendData = TRUE) # Predict detection for time factor levels at average covariate values newdat <- data.frame(wind=0, time = c("1", "2", "3")) predict(fm2.occ, type="det", newdata=newdat, appendData = TRUE) # Fit model p(time*wind), psi(hab*vegHt) summary(fm3.occ <- occu(~time*wind-1-wind ~hab*vegHt-1-vegHt, data=umf)) # Do likelihood ratio test LRT(fm2.occ, fm3.occ) # Bundle and summarize data set str( win.data <- list(y = y, vegHt = vegHt, wind = wind, M = nrow(y), J = ncol(y), XvegHt = seq(-1, 1, length.out=100), Xwind = seq(-1, 1, length.out=100)) ) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model.txt") cat(" model { # Priors mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Detection intercept on prob. scale alpha0 <- logit(mean.p) # Detection intercept alpha1 ~ dunif(-20, 20) # Detection slope on wind mean.psi ~ dunif(0, 1) # Occupancy intercept on prob. scale beta0 <- logit(mean.psi) # Occupancy intercept beta1 ~ dunif(-20, 20) # Occupancy slope on vegHt # Likelihood for (i in 1:M) { # True state model for the partially observed true state z[i] ~ dbern(psi[i]) # True occupancy z at site i logit(psi[i]) <- beta0 + beta1 * vegHt[i] for (j in 1:J) { # Observation model for the actual observations y[i,j] ~ dbern(p.eff[i,j]) # Detection-nondetection at i and j p.eff[i,j] <- z[i] * p[i,j] # 'straw man' for WinBUGS logit(p[i,j]) <- alpha0 + alpha1 * wind[i,j] } } # Derived quantities N.occ <- sum(z[]) # Number of occupied sites among sample of M psi.fs <- N.occ/M # Proportion of occupied sites among sample of M for(k in 1:100){ logit(psi.pred[k]) <- beta0 + beta1 * XvegHt[k] # psi predictions logit(p.pred[k]) <- alpha0 + alpha1 * Xwind[k] # p predictions } } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Initial values: must give for same quantities as priors given ! zst <- apply(y, 1, max) # Avoid data/model/inits conflict inits <- function(){list(z = zst, mean.p = runif(1), alpha1 = runif(1), mean.psi = runif(1), beta1 = runif(1))} # Parameters monitored params <- c("alpha0", "alpha1", "beta0", "beta1", "N.occ", "psi.fs", "psi.pred", "p.pred", "z") # Also estimate z = "conditional occ. prob." # MCMC settings ni <- 25000 ; nt <- 10 ; nb <- 2000 ; nc <- 3 # Call WinBUGS from R (ART 2 min) and summarize posteriors out1B <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "model.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = TRUE, bugs.directory = bugs.dir, working.directory = getwd()) print(out1B, dig = 3) # Compare truth with MLEs and bayesian posterior inference in table ... truth <- c(alpha0, alpha1, beta0, beta1, sum(z), sum(z)/M) tmp <- summary(fm.occ1) MLEs <- rbind(tmp[[2]][1:2,1:2], tmp[[1]][1:2,1:2], sumZ = c(mean(pb.fs@t.star[,1]), sd(pb.fs@t.star[,1])), psi.fs = c(mean(pb.fs@t.star[,2]), sd(pb.fs@t.star[,2]))) print(cbind(truth, MLEs, out1B$summary[1:6, 1:2])) # .... and in a graph (Fig. 10-4) par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(4, 5, 2, 2), las = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex = 1.2) plot(vegHt, z, xlab="Vegetation height", ylab="Occupancy prob. (MLE)", ylim = c(0, 1), frame = F) # True presence/absence lines(seq(-1,1, 0.01), pred.occ[,1], col = "blue", lwd = 2) matlines(seq(-1,1, 0.01), pred.occ[,3:4], col = "grey", lty = 1) lines(vegHt, psi, lwd=3, col="red") # True psi plot(wind, y, xlab="Wind", ylab="Detection prob. (MLE)", ylim = c(0,1), frame=F) lines(seq(-1, 1, 0.1), pred.det[,1], col = "blue", lwd = 2) matlines(seq(-1, 1, 0.1), pred.det[,3:4], col = "grey", lty = 1) plot(function(x) plogis(alpha0 + alpha1*x), -1, 1, add=T, lwd=3, col = "red") plot(vegHt, z, xlab="Vegetation height", ylab="Occupancy prob. (P. mean)", las = 1, frame = F) # True presence/absence lines(vegHt, psi, lwd=3, col="red") # True psi lines(win.data$XvegHt, out1B$summary[7:106,1], col="blue", lwd = 2) matlines(win.data$XvegHt, out1B$summary[7:106,c(3,7)], col="grey", lty = 1) plot(wind, y, xlab="Wind", ylab="Detection prob. (P. mean)", frame = F) plot(function(x) plogis(alpha0 + alpha1*x), -1, 1, add=T, lwd=3, col = "red") lines(win.data$Xwind, out1B$summary[107:206,1], col="blue", lwd = 2) matlines(win.data$Xwind, out1B$summary[107:206,c(3,7)], col="grey", lty = 1) # Plot posterior distribution of number of occupied sites (see Fig. 10-3, right) hist(out1B$sims.list$N.occ, col = "grey", breaks = 60, xlim = c(20, 100), main = "", freq = F) abline(v = out1B$mean$N.occ, col = "blue", lwd = 3) # add point estimate abline(v = out1B$summary[5,c(3,7)], col = "grey", lwd = 3) # add 95% CRI abline(v = sum(apply(y, 1, max)), lty = 2, lwd = 3) # observed #occ sites abline(v = sum(z), col = "red", lwd = 2) # true #occ sites # 10.5 A general data-simulation function for static occupancy models: simOcc() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- simOcc(M = 267, J = 3, mean.occupancy = 0.6, beta1 = -2, beta2 = 2, beta3 = 1, mean.detection = 0.3, time.effects = c(-1, 1), alpha1 = -1, alpha2 = -3, alpha3 = 0, sd.lp = 0.5, b = 2, show.plot = TRUE) simOcc() # Execute function with default arguments simOcc(show.plot = FALSE) # same, without plots simOcc(M = 267, J = 3, mean.occupancy = 0.6, beta1 = -2, beta2 = 2, beta3 = 1, mean.detection = 0.3, time.effects = c(-1, 1), alpha1 = -1, alpha2 = -3, alpha3 = 0, sd.lp = 0.5, b = 2, show.plot = TRUE) # Explicit defaults # Create a 'fix' data set and look at what we created set.seed(24) data <- simOcc() # Assign results to an object called 'data' str(data) # Simplest possible occupancy model, with constant occupancy and detection tmp <- simOcc(mean.occ=0.6, beta1=0, beta2=0, beta3=0, mean.det=0.3, time.effects=c(0, 0), alpha1=0, alpha2=0, alpha3=0, sd.lp=0, b=0) str(tmp) # give overview of results # psi = 1 (i.e., species occurs at every site) tmp <- simOcc(mean.occ=1) ; str(tmp) # p = 1 (i.e., species is always detected when it occurs) tmp <- simOcc(mean.det=1) ; str(tmp) Other potentially interesting settings include these: simOcc(J = 2) # Only 2 surveys simOcc(M = 1, J = 100) # No spatial replicates, but 100 measurements simOcc(beta3 = 1) # Including interaction elev-wind on p simOcc(mean.occ = 0.96) # A really common species simOcc(mean.occ = 0.05) # A really rare species simOcc(mean.det = 0.96) # A really easy species simOcc(mean.det = 0.05) # A really hard species simOcc(mean.det = 0) # The dreaded invisible species simOcc(alpha1=-2, beta1=2) # Opposing effects of elev on psi and p simOcc(J = 10, time.effects = c(-5, 5)) # Huge time effects on p simOcc(sd.lp = 10) # Huge (random) site effects on p simOcc(J = 10, b = 0) # No behavioural response in p simOcc(J = 10, b = 2) # Trap happiness simOcc(J = 10, b = -2) # Trap shyness # 10.6 A model with lots of covariates: use of R function model.matrix with BUGS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ set.seed(148) data <- simOcc(time.effects = c(0,0), sd.lp = 0, b = 0) str(data) # Look at data object # Create habitat factor hab <- c(rep("A", 90), rep("B", 90), rep("C", 87)) # must have M = 267 sites # Load library, format data and summarize unmarked data frame library(unmarked) umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu( y = data$y, siteCovs = data.frame(elev = data$elev, forest = data$forest, hab = hab), obsCovs = list(wind = data$wind)) summary(umf) summary(fm <- occu(~elev+wind ~elev*forest*hab, data=umf)) # Bundle and summarize data set HAB <- as.numeric(as.factor(hab)) # Get numeric habitat factor str( win.data <- list(y = data$y, M = nrow(data$y), J = ncol(data$y), elev = data$elev, forest = data$forest, wind = data$wind, HAB = HAB) ) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("modelA.txt") cat(" model { # Priors mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Detection intercept on prob. scale alpha0 <- logit(mean.p) # same on logit scale mean.psi ~ dunif(0, 1) # Occupancy intercept on prob. scale beta0 <- logit(mean.psi) # same on logit scale for(k in 1:2){ # 2 terms in detection model alpha[k] ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) # Covariates on logit(detection) } for(k in 1:11){ # 11 terms in occupancy model beta[k] ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) # Covariates on logit(occupancy) } # Likelihood for (i in 1:M) { # Loop over sites z[i] ~ dbern(psi[i]) logit(psi[i]) <- beta0 + # occupancy (psi) intercept beta[1] * elev[i] + # effect of elev beta[2] * forest[i] + # effect of forest beta[3] * equals(HAB[i],2) + # effect of habitat 2 (= B) beta[4] * equals(HAB[i],3) + # effect of habitat 3 (= C) beta[5] * elev[i] * forest[i] + # elev:forest beta[6] * elev[i] * equals(HAB[i],2) + # elev:habB beta[7] * elev[i] * equals(HAB[i],3) + # elev:habC beta[8] * forest[i] * equals(HAB[i],2) + # forest:habB beta[9] * forest[i] * equals(HAB[i],3) + # forest:habC beta[10] * elev[i] * forest[i] * equals(HAB[i],2) + # elev:forest:habB beta[11] * elev[i] * forest[i] * equals(HAB[i],3) # elev:forest:habC for (j in 1:J) { # Loop over replicates y[i,j] ~ dbern(z[i] * p[i,j]) # WinBUGS would need 'straw man' ! logit(p[i,j]) <- alpha0 + # detection (p) intercept alpha[1] * elev[i] + # effect of elevation on p alpha[2] * wind[i,j] # effect of wind on p } } } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Inits inits <- function(){list(z = apply(data$y, 1, max), mean.psi = runif(1), mean.p = runif(1), alpha = rnorm(2), beta = rnorm(11))} # Parameters monitored params <- c("alpha0", "alpha", "beta0", "beta") # MCMC settings ni <- 50000 ; nt <- 10 ; nb <- 10000 ; nc <- 3 # Run JAGS (ART 4 min), look at convergence and summarize posteriors outA <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "modelA.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, parallel = TRUE) traceplot(outA) ; print(outA, 3) # Compare MLEs and SEs with posterior means and sd's tmp <- summary(fm) cbind(rbind(tmp$state[1:2], tmp$det[1:2]), Post.mean = outA$summary[c(4:15, 1:3), 1], Post.sd = outA$summary[c(4:15, 1:3), 2]) # Create design matrix for occupancy covariates and look at it occDM <- model.matrix(~ data$elev * data$forest * hab)[,-1] # Drop first col. head(occDM) # Look at design matrix str(occDM) # Bundle and summarize data set str( win.data <- list(y = data$y, M = nrow(data$y), J = ncol(data$y), elev = data$elev, wind = data$wind, occDM = occDM) ) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("modelB.txt") cat(" model { # Priors mean.p ~ dunif(0, 1) # Detection intercept on prob. scale alpha0 <- logit(mean.p) # same on logit scale mean.psi ~ dunif(0, 1) # Occupancy intercept on prob. scale beta0 <- logit(mean.psi) # same on logit scale for(k in 1:2){ # 2 terms in detection model alpha[k] ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) # Covariates on logit(detection) } for(k in 1:11){ # 11 terms in occupancy model beta[k] ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) # Covariates on logit(occupancy) } # Likelihood for (i in 1:M) { z[i] ~ dbern(psi[i]) logit(psi[i]) <- beta0 + inprod(beta[], occDM[i,]) # slick ! for (j in 1:J) { y[i,j] ~ dbern(z[i] * p[i,j]) # In WinBUGS need 'straw man' logit(p[i,j]) <- alpha0 + # detection (p) intercept alpha[1] * elev[i] + # effect of elevation on p alpha[2] * wind[i,j] # effect of wind on p } } } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Call JAGS from R (ART 3.3 min) and summarize posteriors outB <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "modelB.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, parallel = TRUE) traceplot(outB) ; print(outB, 3) # 10.7 Study design, and bias and precision of site-occupancy estimators # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Do simulation with 1000 reps simreps <- 1000 library(unmarked) # Define arrays to hold the results p <- array(dim = c(simreps,3,3)) estimates <- array(dim = c(2,simreps,3,3)) # Choose number and levels of simulation factors nsites <- c(20, 120, 250) # number of sites nsurveys <- c(2, 5, 10) # number of repeat surveys # Start simulation system.time( # time whole thing for(j in 1:3) { # Loop j over site factor for(k in 1:3) { # Loop k over survey factor for(i in 1:simreps){ # Loop i over simreps # Counter cat("** nsites", j, "nsurveys", k, "simrep", i, "***\n") # Generate a data set: pick p and use p in simOcc() det.prob <- runif(1, 0.01, 0.99) data <- simOcc(M = nsites[j], J = nsurveys[k], mean.occupancy = 0.5, beta1 = 0, beta2 = 0, beta3 = 0, mean.detection = det.prob, time.effects = c(0, 0), alpha1 = 0, alpha2 = 0, alpha3 = 0, sd.lp = 0, b = 0, show.plot = F) # Fit model umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y = data$y) tmp <- occu(~1 ~1, umf, se = FALSE) # Only get MLEs, not SEs # Save results (p and MLEs) p[i,j,k] <- data$mean.det estimates[,i,j,k] <- coef(tmp) } } } ) # Plot results par(mfrow = c(3,3), mar = c(4,5,3,1), cex.main = 1.2) for(j in 1:3){ for(k in 1:3){ lab <- paste(nsites[j],"sites,", nsurveys[k],"surveys") plot(p[,j,k], plogis(estimates[1,,j,k]), xlab = "Detection prob.", ylab = "Occupancy prob.", main = lab, ylim = c(0,1)) abline(h = 0.5, col = "red", lwd = 2) lines(smooth.spline(plogis(estimates[1,,j,k])~ p[,j,k], df = 5), col = "blue", lwd = 2) } } # 10.8 Goodness of fit # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ simOcc(M = 267, J = 3, mean.occupancy = 0.6, beta1 = 0, beta2 = 1, beta3 = 0, mean.detection = 0.3, time.effects = c(0, 0), alpha1 = 1, alpha2 = -1, alpha3 = 0, sd.lp = 0, b = 0) # 10.9 Distribution modeling and mapping of Swiss red squirrels # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read in data set, select squirrels and harvest data data <- read.table("SwissSquirrels.txt", header = TRUE) str(data) y <- as.matrix(data[,7:9]) # Grab 2007 squirrel det/nondet data elev.orig <- data[,"ele"] # Unstandardised, original values of covariates forest.orig <- data[,"forest"] time <- matrix(as.character(1:3), nrow=265, ncol = 3, byrow = T) date.orig <- as.matrix(data[,10:12]) dur.orig <- as.matrix(data[,13:15]) # Overview of covariates covs <- cbind(elev.orig, forest.orig, date.orig, dur.orig) par(mfrow = c(3,3)) for(i in 1:8){ hist(covs[,i], breaks = 50, col = "grey", main = colnames(covs)[i]) } pairs(cbind(elev.orig, forest.orig, date.orig, dur.orig)) # Standardize covariates and mean-impute date and duration # Compute means and standard deviations (means <- c(apply(cbind(elev.orig, forest.orig), 2, mean), date.orig = mean(c(date.orig), na.rm = TRUE), dur.orig=mean(c(dur.orig), na.rm = TRUE))) (sds <- c(apply(cbind(elev.orig, forest.orig), 2, sd), date.orig = sd(c(date.orig), na.rm = TRUE), dur.orig=sd(c(dur.orig), na.rm = TRUE))) # Scale covariates elev <- (elev.orig - means[1]) / sds[1] forest <- (forest.orig - means[2]) / sds[2] date <- (date.orig - means[3]) / sds[3] date[is.na(date)] <- 0 dur <- (dur.orig - means[4]) / sds[4] dur[is.na(dur)] <- 0 # Load unmarked, format data and summarize library(unmarked) umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y = y, siteCovs = data.frame(elev = elev, forest = forest), obsCovs = list(time = time, date = date, dur = dur)) summary(umf) We want to identify a model that is useful for inference, specifically for prediction of squirrel distribution to the whole of Switzerland. We do some step-wise model selection first on the detection part, then on the occupancy part, while keeping the detection part as identified in the first step. # Fit a series of models for detection first and do model selection summary(fm1 <- occu(~1 ~1, data=umf)) summary(fm2 <- occu(~date ~1, data=umf)) summary(fm3 <- occu(~date+I(date^2) ~1, data=umf)) summary(fm4 <- occu(~date+I(date^2)+I(date^3) ~1, data=umf)) summary(fm5 <- occu(~dur ~1, data=umf)) summary(fm6 <- occu(~date+dur ~1, data=umf)) summary(fm7 <- occu(~date+I(date^2)+dur ~1, data=umf)) summary(fm8 <- occu(~date+I(date^2)+I(date^3)+dur ~1, data=umf)) summary(fm9 <- occu(~dur+I(dur^2) ~1, data=umf)) summary(fm10 <- occu(~date+dur+I(dur^2) ~1, data=umf)) summary(fm11 <- occu(~date+I(date^2)+dur+I(dur^2) ~1, data=umf)) summary(fm12 <- occu(~date+I(date^2)+I(date^3)+dur+I(dur^2) ~1, data=umf)) # Put the fitted models in a "fitList" and rank them by AIC fms <- fitList("p(.)psi(.)" = fm1, "p(date)psi(.)" = fm2, "p(date+date2)psi(.)" = fm3, "p(date+date2+date3)psi(.)" = fm4, "p(dur)psi(.)" = fm5, "p(date+dur)psi(.)" = fm6, "p(date+date2+dur)psi(.)" = fm7, "p(date+date2+date3+dur)psi(.)" = fm8, "p(dur+dur2)psi(.)" = fm9, "p(date+dur+dur2)psi(.)" = fm10, "p(date+date2+dur+dur2)psi(.)" = fm11, "p(date+date2+date3+dur+dur2)psi(.)" = fm12) (ms <- modSel(fms)) # Continue with model fitting for occupancy, guided by AIC as we go # Check effects of elevation summary(fm13 <- occu(~date+dur+I(dur^2) ~elev, data=umf)) summary(fm14 <- occu(~date+dur+I(dur^2) ~elev+I(elev^2), data=umf)) summary(fm15 <- occu(~date+dur+I(dur^2) ~elev+I(elev^2)+ I(elev^3), data=umf)) cbind(fm13@AIC, fm14@AIC, fm15@AIC) # model 14 with elev2 best # Check effects of forest and interactions summary(fm16 <- occu(~date+dur+I(dur^2) ~elev+I(elev^2)+forest, data=umf)) summary(fm17 <- occu(~date+dur+I(dur^2) ~elev+I(elev^2)+forest+I(forest^2), data=umf)) summary(fm18 <- occu(~date+dur+I(dur^2) ~elev+I(elev^2)+forest+I(forest^2)+elev:forest, data=umf)) summary(fm19 <- occu(~date+dur+I(dur^2) ~elev+I(elev^2)+forest+I(forest^2)+elev:forest+elev:I(forest^2), data=umf)) summary(fm20 <- occu(~date+dur+I(dur^2) ~elev+I(elev^2)+forest+I(forest^2)+elev:forest+elev:I(forest^2)+I(elev^2):forest, data=umf)) summary(fm21 <- occu(~date+dur+I(dur^2) ~elev+I(elev^2)+forest+I(forest^2)+elev:forest+elev:I(forest^2)+I(elev^2):forest+ I(elev^2):I(forest^2), data=umf)) cbind(fm16@AIC, fm17@AIC, fm18@AIC, fm19@AIC, fm20@AIC) # fm20 is best # Check for some additional effects in detection summary(fm22 <- occu(~date+dur+I(dur^2)+elev ~elev+I(elev^2)+forest+I(forest^2)+elev:forest+elev:I(forest^2)+I(elev^2):forest, data=umf)) summary(fm23 <- occu(~dur+I(dur^2)+date*(elev+I(elev^2)) ~elev+I(elev^2)+forest+I(forest^2)+elev:forest+elev:I(forest^2)+I(elev^2):forest, data=umf)) summary(fm24 <- occu(~dur+I(dur^2)+date*(elev+I(elev^2))+forest ~elev+I(elev^2)+forest+I(forest^2)+elev:forest+elev:I(forest^2)+I(elev^2):forest, data=umf)) cbind(fm22@AIC, fm23@AIC, fm24@AIC) # None better, hence, stay with model 20 library(AICcmodavg) system.time(gof.boot <- mb.gof.test(fm20, nsim = 1000)) gof.boot # Create new covariates for prediction ('prediction covs') orig.elev <- seq(200, 2500,,100) # New covs for prediction orig.forest <- seq(0, 100,,100) orig.date <- seq(15, 110,,100) orig.duration <- seq(100, 550,,100) ep <- (orig.elev - means[1]) / sds[1] # Standardise them like actual covs fp <- (orig.forest - means[2]) / sds[2] dp <- (orig.date - means[3]) / sds[3] durp <- (orig.duration - means[4]) / sds[4] # Obtain predictions newData <- data.frame(elev=ep, forest=0) pred.occ.elev <- predict(fm20, type="state", newdata=newData, appendData=TRUE) newData <- data.frame(elev=0, forest=fp) pred.occ.forest <- predict(fm20, type="state", newdata=newData, appendData=TRUE) newData <- data.frame(date=dp, dur=0) pred.det.date <- predict(fm20, type="det", newdata=newData, appendData=TRUE) newData <- data.frame(date=0, dur=durp) pred.det.dur <- predict(fm20, type="det", newdata=newData, appendData=TRUE) # Plot predictions against unstandardized 'prediction covs' par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar = c(5,5,2,3), cex.lab = 1.2) plot(pred.occ.elev[[1]] ~ orig.elev, type = "l", lwd = 3, col = "blue", ylim = c(0,1), las = 1, ylab = "Pred. occupancy prob.", xlab = "Elevation (m)", frame = F) matlines(orig.elev, pred.occ.elev[,3:4], lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = "grey") plot(pred.occ.forest[[1]] ~ orig.forest, type = "l", lwd = 3, col = "blue", ylim = c(0,1), las = 1, ylab = "Pred. occupancy prob.", xlab = "Forest cover (%)", frame = F) matlines(orig.forest, pred.occ.forest[,3:4], lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = "grey") plot(pred.det.date[[1]] ~ orig.date, type = "l", lwd = 3, col = "blue", ylim = c(0,1), las = 1, ylab = "Pred. detection prob.", xlab = "Date (1 = 1 April)", frame = F) matlines(orig.date, pred.det.date[,3:4], lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = "grey") plot(pred.det.dur[[1]] ~ orig.duration, type = "l", lwd = 3, col = "blue", ylim = c(0,1), las = 1, ylab = "Pred. detection prob.", xlab = "Survey duration (min)", frame = F) matlines(orig.duration, pred.det.dur[,3:4], lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = "grey") # Predict abundance and detection jointly along two separate covariate gradients # abundance ~ (forest, elevation) and detection ~ (survey duration, date) pred.matrix1 <- pred.matrix2 <- array(NA, dim = c(100, 100)) # Define arrays for(i in 1:100){ for(j in 1:100){ newData1 <- data.frame(elev=ep[i], forest=fp[j]) # For abundance pred <- predict(fm20, type="state", newdata=newData1) pred.matrix1[i, j] <- pred$Predicted newData2 <- data.frame(dur=durp[i], date=dp[j]) # For detection pred <- predict(fm20, type="det", newdata=newData2) pred.matrix2[i, j] <- pred$Predicted } } par(mfrow = c(1,2), cex.lab = 1.2) mapPalette <- colorRampPalette(c("grey", "yellow", "orange", "red")) image(x=orig.elev, y=orig.forest, z=pred.matrix1, col = mapPalette(100), axes = FALSE, xlab = "Elevation [m]", ylab = "Forest cover [%]") contour(x=orig.elev, y=orig.forest, z=pred.matrix1, add = TRUE, lwd = 1.5, col = "blue", labcex = 1.3) axis(1, at = seq(min(orig.elev), max(orig.elev), by = 250)) axis(2, at = seq(0, 100, by = 10)) box() title(main = "Expected squirrel occurrence prob.", font.main = 1) points(data$ele, data$forest, pch="+", cex=1) image(x=orig.duration, y=orig.date, z=pred.matrix2, col = mapPalette(100), axes = FALSE, xlab = "Survey duration [min]", ylab = "Date (1 = April 1)") contour(x=orig.duration, y=orig.date, z=pred.matrix2, add = TRUE, lwd = 1.5, col = "blue", labcex = 1.3) axis(1, at = seq(min(orig.duration), max(orig.duration), by = 50)) axis(2, at = seq(0, 100, by = 10)) box() title(main = "Expected squirrel detection prob.", font.main = 1) matpoints(as.matrix(data[, 13:15]), as.matrix(data[, 10:12]), pch="+", cex=1) # Load the Swiss landscape data from unmarked data(Switzerland) # Load Swiss landscape data in unmarked CH <- Switzerland # Get predictions of occupancy prob for each 1km2 quadrat of Switzerland newData <- data.frame(elev = (CH$elevation - means[1])/sds[1], forest = (CH$forest - means[2])/sds[2]) predCH <- predict(fm20, type="state", newdata=newData) # Prepare Swiss coordinates and produce map library(raster) library(rgdal) # Define new data frame with coordinates and outcome to be plotted PARAM <- data.frame(x = CH$x, y = CH$y, z = predCH$Predicted) r1 <- rasterFromXYZ(PARAM) # convert into raster object # Mask quadrats with elevation greater than 2250 elev <- rasterFromXYZ(cbind(CH$x, CH$y, CH$elevation)) elev[elev > 2250] <- NA r1 <- mask(r1, elev) # Plot species distribution map (Fig. 10-14 left) par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(1,2,2,5)) mapPalette <- colorRampPalette(c("grey", "yellow", "orange", "red")) plot(r1, col = mapPalette(100), axes = F, box = F, main = "Red squirrel distribution in 2007") lakes <- readOGR(".", "lakes") rivers <- readOGR(".", "rivers") border <- readOGR(".", "border") plot(rivers, col = "dodgerblue", add = TRUE) plot(border, col = "transparent", lwd = 1.5, add = TRUE) plot(lakes, col = "skyblue", border = "royalblue", add = TRUE) # Plot SE of the species distrbution map (Fig. 10-14 right) r2 <- rasterFromXYZ(data.frame(x = CH$x, y = CH$y, z = predCH$SE)) r2 <- mask(r2, elev) plot(r2, col = mapPalette(100), axes = F, box = F, main = "Uncertainty map 2007") plot(rivers, col = "dodgerblue", add = TRUE) plot(border, col = "transparent", lwd = 1.5, add = TRUE) plot(lakes, col = "skyblue", border = "royalblue", add = TRUE) points(data$coordx, data$coordy, pch = "+", cex = 0.8) # Get extent of squirrel occurrence in 2007 sum(predCH$Predicted) # All quadrats sum(predCH$Predicted[CH$elevation < 2250]) # Only at elevations < 2250 m # Standardise prediction covariate identical to those in analysis pelev <- (CH$elevation - means[1]) / sds[1] pforest <- (CH$forest - means[2]) / sds[2] # Define function that predicts occupancy under model 20 Eocc <- function(fm) { betavec <- coef(fm)[1:8] # Extract coefficients in psi DM <- cbind(rep(1,length(pelev)), pelev, pelev^2, pforest, pforest^2, pelev*pforest, pelev*pforest^2, pelev^2*pforest) # design matrix pred <- plogis(DM%*%(betavec)) # Prediction = DM * param. vector Eocc <- sum(pred) # Sum over all Swiss quadrats (no mask) Eocc } (estimate.of.occurrence <- Eocc(fm20)) # Same as before, without mask system.time(Eocc.boot <- parboot(fm20, Eocc, nsim=1000, report=10)) # 100 sec plot(Eocc.boot) # Plot bootstrap distribution of extent of occurrence quantile(Eocc.boot@t.star, c(0.025, 0.975)) # 10.10 Multi-scale occupancy models # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ data <- sim3Occ() # Execute function with default args str(data) # Summary of output with some comments added # 'Null' model (model 1) str(data <- sim3Occ(nunit = 100, nsubunit = 5, nrep = 3, mean.psi = 0.8, beta.Xpsi = 0, sd.logit.psi = 0, mean.theta = 0.6, theta.time.range = c(0, 0), beta.Xtheta = 0, sd.logit.theta = 0, mean.p = 0.4, p.time.range = c(0,0), beta.Xp = 0, sd.logit.p = 0)) # No covariate effects, no random variability (model 2) str(data <- sim3Occ(nunit = 100, nsubunit = 5, nrep = 3, mean.psi = 0.8, beta.Xpsi = 0, sd.logit.psi = 0, mean.theta = 0.6, theta.time.range = c(-1, 1), beta.Xtheta = 0, sd.logit.theta = 0, mean.p = 0.4, p.time.range = c(-2,2), beta.Xp = 0, sd.logit.p = 0)) # All covariate effects, but no random variability (model 3) str(data <- sim3Occ(nunit = 100, nsubunit = 5, nrep = 3, mean.psi = 0.8, beta.Xpsi = 1, sd.logit.psi = 0, mean.theta = 0.6, theta.time.range = c(-1, 1), beta.Xtheta = 1, sd.logit.theta = 0, mean.p = 0.4, p.time.range = c(-2,2), beta.Xp = -1, sd.logit.p = 0)) # Most complex model with all effects allowed for by sim function (model 4) str(data <- sim3Occ(nunit = 100, nsubunit = 5, nrep = 3, mean.psi = 0.8, beta.Xpsi = 1, sd.logit.psi = 1, mean.theta = 0.6, theta.time.range = c(-1, 1), beta.Xtheta = 1, sd.logit.theta = 1, mean.p = 0.4, p.time.range = c(-2,2), beta.Xp = -1, sd.logit.p = 1)) set.seed(1) str(data <- sim3Occ(nunit = 100, nsubunit = 5, nrep = 3, mean.psi = 0.8, beta.Xpsi = 1, mean.theta = 0.3, theta.time.range = c(-1, 1), beta.Xtheta = 1, mean.p = 0.2, p.time.range = c(-1,1), beta.Xp = -1)) # Look at data str(data$z) # True quadrat (pond) occurrence state str(data$a) # True subquadrat (water sample) occurrence state str(data$y) # Observed data cbind("pond"=data$z, "sample 1"= data$a[,1], "sample 2"= data$a[,2], "sample 3"= data$a[,3], "sample 4"= data$a[,4], "sample 5"= data$a[,5]) which(data$z-apply(data$a, 1, max)==1) # Fungus present in pond, but not in examined samples # Bundle and summarize data set y <- data$y str( win.data <- list(y = y, n.pond = dim(y)[1], n.samples = dim(y)[2], n.pcr = dim(y)[3], covA = data$covA, covB = data$covB, covC = data$covC) ) # Define model in BUGS language sink("model.txt") cat(" model { # Priors and model for params int.psi ~ dunif(0,1) # Intercept of occupancy probability for(t in 1:n.samples){ int.theta[t] ~ dunif(0,1) # Intercepts availability probability } for(t in 1:n.pcr){ int.p[t] ~ dunif(0,1) # Intercepts detection probability (1-PCR error) } beta.lpsi ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) # Slopes of three covariates beta.ltheta ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) beta.lp ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) # 'Likelihood' (or basic model structure) for (i in 1:n.pond){ # Occurrence in pond i z[i] ~ dbern(psi[i]) logit(psi[i]) <- logit(int.psi) + beta.lpsi * covA[i] for (j in 1:n.samples){ # Occurrence in sample j a[i,j] ~ dbern(mu.a[i,j]) mu.a[i,j] <- z[i] * theta[i,j] logit(theta[i,j]) <- logit(int.theta[j]) + beta.ltheta * covB[i,j] for (k in 1:n.pcr){ # PCR detection error process in sample k y[i,j,k] ~ dbern(mu.y[i,j,k]) mu.y[i,j,k] <- a[i,j] * p[i,j,k] logit(p[i,j,k]) <- logit(int.p[k]) + beta.lp * covC[i,j,k] } } tmp[i] <- step(sum(a[i,])-0.1) } # Derived quantities sum.z <- sum(z[]) # Total # of occupied ponds in sample sum.a <- sum(tmp[]) # Total # of ponds with presence in <=1 of the 5 samples } # end model ",fill=TRUE) sink() # Initial values zst <- apply(y, 1, max) # inits for presence (z) ast <- apply(y, c(1,2), max) # inits for availability (a) inits <- function() list(z = zst, a = ast, int.psi = 0.5, beta.lpsi = 0) # Parameters monitored params <- c("int.psi", "int.theta", "int.p", "beta.lpsi", "beta.ltheta", "beta.lp", "sum.z", "sum.a") # MCMC setting ni <- 5000 ; nt <- 2 ; nb <- 1000 ; nc <- 3 # Call WinBUGS and summarize posterior out <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "model.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = TRUE, bugs.dir = bd) # bd="c:/WinBUGS14/" print(out, 3) data$sum.z # 10.11 Space-for-time substitution # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 10.11.1 A magical covariate # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ set.seed(1) data <- sim3Occ(nunit = 500, nsubunit = 5, nrep = 1, mean.psi = 0.8, beta.Xpsi = 1, sd.logit.psi = 0.4, mean.theta = 0.6, theta.time.range = c(0, 0), beta.Xtheta = 1, sd.logit.theta = 0.6, mean.p = 0.4, p.time.range = c(0,0), beta.Xp = -1, sd.logit.p = 0.8) # Bundle and summarize data set y <- data$y str( win.data <- list(y = y, nunit = dim(y)[1], nsubunit = dim(y)[2], nrep = dim(y)[3], covA = data$covA, covB = data$covB, covC = data$covC) ) # Define model in BUGS langauge sink("model.txt") cat(" model { # Priors int.psi ~ dunif(0,1) # Occupancy probability int.theta ~ dunif(0,1) # Availability probability int.p ~ dunif(0,1) # Detection probability beta.lpsi ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta.ltheta ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) beta.lp ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Likelihood for (i in 1:nunit){ # Occupancy model for quad i z[i] ~ dbern(psi[i]) logit(psi[i]) <- logit(int.psi) + beta.lpsi * covA[i] for (j in 1:nsubunit){ # Availability in subquad j a[i,j] ~ dbern(mu.a[i,j]) mu.a[i,j] <- z[i] * theta[i,j] logit(theta[i,j]) <- logit(int.theta) + beta.ltheta * covB[i,j] for (k in 1:nrep){ # PCR detection error process in replicate k y[i,j,k] ~ dbern(mu.y[i,j,k]) mu.y[i,j,k] <- a[i,j] * p[i,j] logit(p[i,j]) <- logit(int.p) + beta.lp * covC[i,j,1] } } tmp[i] <- step(sum(a[i,])-0.1) } # Derived quantities sum.z <- sum(z[]) # Total number of occupied quadrats sum.a <- sum(tmp[]) # Total number of quads with presence in samples p.theta <- int.p * int.theta # What a 2-level model estimates as 'p' } ",fill=TRUE) sink() # Initial values inits <- function() list(z = array(1, dim = data$nunit), a = array(1, dim =c(data$nunit, data$nsubunit)) ) # Set all to 1 to avoid conflict # Parameters monitored params <- c("int.psi", "int.theta", "int.p", "beta.lpsi", "beta.ltheta", "beta.lp","p.theta", "sum.z", "sum.a") # MCMC settings ni <- 25000 ; nt <- 2 ; nb <- 2000 ; nc <- 3 # Call JAGS (ART 15 min) and summarize posterior out <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, parallel = T) traceplot(out) ; print(out, 3) # Compare truth and estimate in table tmp <- cbind(rbind(mean.psi = data$mean.psi, mean.theta = data$mean.theta, mean.p = data$mean.p, beta.lpsi = data$beta.Xpsi, beta.ltheta = data$beta.Xtheta, beta.lp = data$beta.Xp, product.theta.p = data$mean.theta* data$mean.p, sum.z = data$sum.z), out$summary[c(1:8),c(1, 3, 7)]) colnames(tmp) <- c("Truth", "Post.mean", "LCRL", "UCRL") print(tmp, 3) # 10.11.2 No magical covariate known: theta and p are confounded # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Load unmarked and define a function to fit the model with unmarked library(unmarked) occUM.fn <- function(data = data, inits = c(1, 1, -1)){ umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y = data$y[,,1], siteCovs = data.frame(covA = data$covA)) tmp1 <- summary(fm <- occu(~1 ~covA, data=umf, starts=inits)) tmp <- matrix(unlist(c(tmp1$state[,1], tmp1$det[,1], tmp1$state[,2], tmp1$det[,2])), ncol = 2, byrow = F) dimnames(tmp) <- list(c("Occ_Int", "Occ_A", "Det_Int"), c("MLE", "SE")) return(MLE = tmp) } # Choose number of simulations and create structures to hold results simreps <- 10000 # takes about 30 min obs.stats <- array(NA, dim = c(simreps, 3)) dimnames(obs.stats) <- list(NULL, c("sum.z", "obs.sum.z", "sum.z.x")) MLEs <- array(NA, dim = c(3,2,simreps)) dimnames(MLEs) <- list(c("Occ_Int", "Occ_A", "Det_Int"), c("MLE", "SE"), NULL) # Set timer and launch simulation system.time( for(i in 1:simreps){ cat("\n\n*** Simrep Number:", i, "***\n\n") # Generate data set data <- sim3Occ(nunit = 500, nsubunit = 5, nrep = 1, mean.psi = 0.8, beta.Xpsi = 1, sd.logit.psi = 0.4, mean.theta = 0.6, theta.time.range = c(-1, 1), beta.Xtheta = 0, sd.logit.theta = 0.6, mean.p = 0.4, p.time.range = c(0,0), beta.Xp = 0, sd.logit.p = 0.8) # Save stats obs.stats[i,] <- unlist(data[23:25]) # Get MLEs of occupancy model and save them UMmle <- try(occUM.fn(data = data, inits = c(1,1,-1))) if (class(UMmle) == "try-error") {v<-1} else { MLEs[,,i] <- UMmle } rm(data, UMmle) } ) # Visualize results par(mfrow = c(1,3), mar = c(5,5,3,2), cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5, cex.main = 1.5) # Estimate of occupancy (psi) hist(plogis(MLEs[1,1,]), breaks = 40, col = "grey", main = "Quadrat occupancy (psi)") abline(v = mean(plogis(MLEs[1,1,]), na.rm = T), col = "blue", lwd = 3) abline(v = 0.8, col = "red", lwd = 3) # Estimate of occupancy covariate (A) hist(MLEs[2,1,], breaks = 40, col = "grey", main = "Quadrat occupancy covariate (covA)") abline(v = mean(MLEs[2,1,], na.rm = T), col = "blue", lwd = 3) abline(v = data$beta.Xpsi, col = "red", lwd = 3) # Estimate of "detection": product of theta and p hist(plogis(MLEs[3,1,]), breaks = 40, col = "grey", main = "'Detection probability' = \n theta * p") abline(v = mean(plogis(MLEs[3,1,]), na.rm = T), col = "blue", lwd = 3) abline(v = data$mean.theta * data$mean.p, col = "red", lwd = 3, lty = 2) # 10.12 Models for data along transects: Poisson, exponential, # Weibull and removal observation models # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 10.12.1 Occupancy models with "survival model" observation process: # exponential time-to-detection (TTD) model with simulated data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ simOccttd(M = 250, mean.psi = 0.4, mean.lambda = 0.3, beta1 = 1, alpha1 = -1, Tmax = 10) set.seed(1) data <- simOccttd() str(data) # Plot response (not shown) hist(data$ttd, breaks = 50, col = "grey", main = "Observed distribution of time to detection", xlim = c(0, data$Tmax), xlab = "Measured time to detection") abline(v = data$Tmax, col = "grey", lwd = 3) # Bundle data str( win.data <- list(ttd = data$ttd, d = data$d, covA = data$covA, covB = data$covB, nobs = data$M, Tmax = data$Tmax) ) # Define exponential observation model cat(file = "model1.txt", " model { # Priors int.psi ~ dunif(0, 1) # Intercept occupancy on prob. scale beta1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) # Slope coefficient in logit(occupancy) int.lambda ~ dgamma(0.0001, 0.0001) # Poisson rate parameter alpha1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) # Slope coefficient in log(rate) # Likelihood for (i in 1:nobs){ # Model for occurrence z[i] ~ dbern(psi[i]) logit(psi[i]) <- logit(int.psi) + beta1 * covB[i] # Observation model # Exponential model for time to detection ignoring censoring ttd[i] ~ dexp(lambda[i]) log(lambda[i]) <- log(int.lambda) + alpha1 * covA[i] # Model for censoring due to species absence and ttd>=Tmax d[i] ~ dbern(theta[i]) theta[i] <- z[i] * step(ttd[i] - Tmax) + (1 - z[i]) } # Derived quantities n.occ <- sum(z[]) # Number of occupied sites among M } ") # Inits function for some params # Initialize with z = 1 throughout and # all missings due to censoring, rather than non-occurrence zst <- rep(1, length(win.data$ttd)) ttdst <-rep(win.data$Tmax+1, data$M) ttdst[win.data$d == 0] <- NA inits <- function(){list(z =zst, ttd = ttdst, int.psi = runif(1), int.lambda = runif(1))} # Parameters to estimate params <- c("int.psi", "beta1", "int.lambda", "alpha1", "n.occ") # MCMC settings ni <- 12000 ; nt <- 2 ; nb <- 2000 ; nc <- 3 # Call WinBUGS from R (ART 1.3 min) and summarize posteriors out1 <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "model1.txt", n.chains=nc, n.iter=ni, n.burn = nb, n.thin=nt, debug = TRUE, bugs.directory = bd) print(out1, dig = 3) # 10.12.2 Time-to-detection analysis with real data: # Weibull occupancy model for the peregrine spring survey # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read in data data <- read.table("ttdPeregrine.txt", header = T, sep = "\t") str(data) # Will be part of the AHM package later # Manage data and standardize time of day nobs <- length(data$SiteNumber) # Number of observations d <- as.numeric(is.na(data$ttd)) # Censoring indicator mean.tod <- mean(data$MinOfDay) sd.tod <- sd(data$MinOfDay) tod <- (data$MinOfDay -mean.tod) / sd.tod # Bundle and summarize data set str( win.data <- list(M = max(data$SiteNumber), site = data$SiteNumber, tod = tod, male = as.numeric(data$sex)-1, ttd = data$ttd, d = d, nobs = nobs, Tmax = data$Tmax) ) # Define model cat(file = "model2.txt", " model { # Priors psi ~ dunif(0, 1) # Occupancy intercept lambda.int[1] ~ dgamma(0.001, 0.001) # Poisson rate parameter for females lambda.int[2] ~ dgamma(0.001, 0.001) # Poisson rate parameter for males alpha1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) # Coefficient of time of day (linear) alpha2 ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) # Coefficient of time of day (squared) shape ~ dgamma(0.001,0.001) # Weibull shape sexratio ~ dunif(0,1) # Sex ratio (proportion males) # Likelihood for (i in 1:M){ # Model for occurrence at site level z[i] ~ dbern(psi) } for (i in 1:nobs){ # Observation model at observation level # Weibull model for time to detection ignoring censoring ttd[i] ~ dweib(shape, lambda[i]) log(lambda[i]) <- (1-male[i])*log(lambda.int[1]) + male[i]*log(lambda.int[2])+ alpha1 * tod[i] + alpha2 * pow(tod[i],2) # Model for censoring due to species absence and ttd>=Tmax d[i] ~ dbern(theta[i]) theta[i] <- z[site[i]] * step(ttd[i] - Tmax[i]) + (1 - z[site[i]]) # Model for sex of unobserved individuals male[i] ~ dbern(sexratio) # Will impute sex for unobserved individuals } # Derived quantities n.occ <- sum(z[]) # Number of occupied sites among M } ") # Inits function zst <- rep(1, win.data$M) ttdst <-rep(win.data$Tmax+1) ttdst[win.data$d == 0] <- NA inits <- function(){list(z =zst, ttd = ttdst, psi = runif(1), lambda.int = runif(2), alpha1 = rnorm(1), alpha2 = rnorm(1), shape = runif(1))} # Parameters to estimate params <- c("psi", "lambda.int", "alpha1", "alpha2", "n.occ", "z", "sexratio", "shape") # MCMC settings ni <- 15000 ; nt <- 2 ; nb <- 2000 ; nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (ART 0.6 min) and summarize posteriors out2 <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "model2.txt", n.chains=nc, n.iter=ni, n.burn = nb, n.thin=nt, debug = T, bugs.directory = bd) print(out2, dig = 3) # Predict detection over time of day: prediction cov. runs from 7h to 19h minutes <- 60:780 pred.tod <- (minutes - mean.tod) / sd.tod # Standardize as real data # Predict p over time of day, averaging over sex, and for duration of 10 min sex.mean <- apply(out2$sims.list$lambda.int, 1, mean) p.pred1 <- 1 - exp(-exp(log(mean(sex.mean)) + out2$mean$alpha1 * pred.tod + out2$mean$alpha2 * pred.tod^2) * 10) # Predict p for durations of 1-60 min, averaging over time of day and sex duration <- 1:60 p.pred2 <- 1 - exp(-exp(log(mean(sex.mean))) * duration) # Visualize analysis par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar = c(5,5,3,2), cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5) hist(data$ttd, breaks = 40, col = "grey", xlab = "Time to first detection (min)", main = "") plot(table(out2$sims.list$n.occ)/length(out2$sims.list$n.occ), xlab = "Number of occupied sites", ylab = "Density", frame = F) plot(minutes, p.pred1, xlab = "Minutes after 6.00 hours (i.e., 7.00 – 19.00h)", ylab = "Detection prob.", ylim = c(0.6, 1), type = "l", col = "blue", lwd = 3, frame = F) plot(duration, p.pred2, xlab = "Survey duration (min)", ylab = "Detection prob.", ylim = c(0, 1), type = "l", col = "blue", lwd = 3, frame = F) # 10.12.3 Occupancy models with removal design observation process # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 10.13 Occupancy modeling of a community of species # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 10.14 Modeling wiggly covariate relationships: penalized splines in hierarchical models # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Execute the function and inspect file produced data <- wigglyOcc(seed = 1) str(data) # Convert matrix data into vectors and prepare stuff y <- c(data$y) # Detection/nondetection data (response) Xsite <- data$Xsite # Fine as is Xsurvey <- c(data$Xsurvey) # Survey covariate site <- rep(1:data$M, data$J) # Site index # tmp1 <-spline.prep(Xsite, 20) # This would choose 20 knots for Xsite tmp1 <-spline.prep(Xsite, NA) # Choose variable default number of knots tmp2 <-spline.prep(Xsurvey, NA) Xocc <- tmp1$X # Fixed-effects part of covariate Xsite in occ Zocc <- tmp1$Z # Random-effects part of covariate Xsite in occ Xdet <- tmp2$X # Fixed-effects part of covariate Xsite in det Zdet <- tmp2$Z # Random-effects part of covariate Xsite in det nk.occ <- length(tmp1$knots) # Number of knots in occupancy spline nk.det <- length(tmp2$knots) # Number of knots in detection spline # Bundle and summarize data set win.data <- list(y1 = y, site = site, M = data$M, Xocc = Xocc, Zocc = Zocc, nk.occ = nk.occ, Xdet = Xdet, Zdet = Zdet, nk.det = nk.det, nobs = data$M*data$J, y2 = y, onesSite = rep(1, 240), onesSurvey = rep(1, 720), Xsite = Xsite, Xsite2 = Xsite^2, Xsurvey = Xsurvey, Xsurvey2 = Xsurvey^2) str(win.data) # onesSite and onesSurvey are for occ and det intercepts # Specify two models in one in BUGS language cat(file = "hypermodel.txt", "model { # *** Spline model for the data*** # -------------------------------- # Priors for(k in 1:3){ # Regression coefficients alpha1[k] ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) # Detection model beta1[k] ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) # Occupancy model } for(k in 1:nk.occ){ # Random effects at specified knots (occupancy) b.occ[k] ~ dnorm(0, tau.b.occ) } for(k in 1:nk.det){ # Random effects at specified knots (detection) b.det[k] ~ dnorm(0, tau.b.det) } tau.b.occ ~ dgamma(0.01, 0.01) tau.b.det ~ dgamma(0.01, 0.01) # Likelihood # Model for latent occupancy state for (i in 1:M) { z1[i] ~ dbern(psi1[i]) logit(psi1[i]) <- fix.terms.occ[i] + smooth.terms.occ[i] fix.terms.occ[i] <- beta1[1]*Xocc[i,1] + beta1[2]*Xocc[i,2] + beta1[3]*Xocc[i,2] smooth.terms.occ[i] <- inprod(b.occ[], Zocc[i,]) } # Model for observations for(i in 1:nobs){ y1[i] ~ dbern(mu.y1[i]) mu.y1[i] <- z1[site[i]] * p1[i] logit(p1[i]) <- fix.terms.det[i] + smooth.terms.det[i] fix.terms.det[i] <- alpha1[1]*Xdet[i,1] + alpha1[2]*Xdet[i,2] + alpha1[3]*Xdet[i,2] smooth.terms.det[i] <- inprod(b.det[], Zdet[i,]) } # Derived quantities sum.z1 <- sum(z1[]) # Number of occupied sites in sample sd.b.occ <- sqrt(1/tau.b.occ) # SD of spline random effects variance Occ. sd.b.det <- sqrt(1/tau.b.det) # SD of spline random effects variance Det. # *** Polynomial model for same data *** # -------------------------------------- # Priors for(k in 1:3){ # Regression coefficients alpha2[k] ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) # Detection model beta2[k] ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) # Occupancy model } # Likelihood # Model for latent occupancy state for (i in 1:M) { z2[i] ~ dbern(psi2[i]) logit(psi2[i]) <- beta2[1]*onesSite[i] + beta2[2]*Xsite[i] + beta2[3]*Xsite2[i] } # Model for observations for(i in 1:nobs){ y2[i] ~ dbern(mu.y2[i]) mu.y2[i] <- z2[site[i]] * p2[i] logit(p2[i]) <- alpha2[1]*onesSurvey[i] + alpha2[2]*Xsurvey[i] + alpha2[3] * Xsurvey2[i] } # Derived quantities sum.z2 <- sum(z2[]) # Number of occupied sites in sample } ") # Initial values zst <- apply(data$y, 1, max) inits <- function(){list(z1=zst, alpha1=rnorm(3), beta1=rnorm(3), b.occ = rnorm(nk.occ), b.det = rnorm(nk.det), tau.b.occ = runif(1), tau.b.det = runif(1), z2=zst, alpha2=rnorm(3), beta2=rnorm(3))} # Parameters monitored params <- c("alpha1", "beta1", "psi1", "p1", "fix.terms.occ", "smooth.terms.occ", "b.occ", "fix.terms.det", "smooth.terms.det", "b.det", "sum.z1", "sd.b.occ", "sd.b.det", "alpha2", "beta2", "psi2", "p2", "sum.z2") # MCMC settings ni <- 100000 ; nb <- 10000 ; nt <- 90 ; nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (ART 95 min) and summarize posteriors system.time(fhm <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "hypermodel.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, parallel = TRUE)) traceplot(fhm) ; print(fhm, 3) print(fhm$summary[c(1:6, 2957:2965, 3926),], 3) # Compare some key estimands # Plot prediction of psi and p par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(5,4,3,2), cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5) plot(Xsite, data$psi, main = "Occupancy probability",type = "l", ylim = c(-0.1, 1.1), col = "red", xlab = "Site covariate (Xsite)", ylab = "", lwd = 3) #abline(v = tmp1$knots, col = "grey") points(Xsite, jitter(data$z, amount = 0.02)) lines(Xsite, fhm$mean$psi1, col = "blue", lty = 1, lwd = 3) lines(Xsite, fhm$mean$psi2, col = "brown", lty = 1, lwd = 3) plot(Xsurvey[order(data$x.index)], data$p.ordered, main = "Detection probability ",type = "l", ylim = c(-0.1, 1.1), col = "red", xlab = "Survey covariate (Xsurvey)", ylab = "", lwd = 3) points(Xsurvey, jitter(y, amount = 0.02)) #abline(v = tmp2$knots, col = "grey") lines(Xsurvey[order(data$x.index)], fhm$mean$p1[order(data$x.index)], col = "blue", lwd = 3) lines(Xsurvey[order(data$x.index)], fhm$mean$p2[order(data$x.index)], col = "brown", lwd = 3) # 10.15 Summary and outlook # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ========================================================================= # # 11. Hierarchical models for communities # # ========================================================================= # 11.1 Introduction # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 11.2 Simulation of a metacommunity # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ simComm(type="det/nondet", nsite=30, nrep=3, nspec=100, mean.psi=0.25, sig.lpsi=1, mu.beta.lpsi=0, sig.beta.lpsi=0, mean.lambda=2, sig.loglam=1, mu.beta.loglam=1, sig.beta.loglam=1, mean.p=0.25, sig.lp=1, mu.beta.lp=0, sig.beta.lp=0, show.plot = TRUE) # Execute function with default arguments set.seed(1234) data <- simComm(type="det/nondet", nsite=30, nrep=3, nspec=100, mean.psi=0.25, sig.lpsi=1, mu.beta.lpsi=0, sig.beta.lpsi=0, mean.lambda=2, sig.loglam=1, mu.beta.loglam=1, sig.beta.loglam=1, mean.p=0.25, sig.lp=1, mu.beta.lp=0, sig.beta.lp=0, show.plot = TRUE) # data <- simComm() # same str(data) # Some possibly interesting settings of the function data <- simComm(nsite = 267, nspec = 190, mean.psi = 0.25, sig.lpsi = 2, mean.p = 0.12, sig.lp = 2) # similar to Swiss MHB data <- simComm(mean.psi = 1) # all species occur at every site data <- simComm(mean.p = 1) # no measurement error (perfect detection) # Effect of spatial sample size (nsite) on species richness in sample (Ntotal.fs) data <- simComm(nsite=50, nspec = 200) # 1-3 are usually missed in sample data <- simComm(nsite=30, nspec = 200) # 4-6 usually missed data <- simComm(nsite=10, nspec = 200) # around 30 typically missed # Check for frequentist characteristics of such statistics temp <- rep(NA, 100) for(i in 1:100){ cat("\nSimrep", i) temp[i] <- simComm(nsite=10, nspec = 200, show.plot = F)$Ntotal.fs } hist(200-temp, breaks = 30, main = "Number of species in the metacommunity \nthat do not occur in the 10 sampled sites", col = "gold") # Simulation 1: effects of psi and sd(logit(psi)) on number of species actually occurring in the 50 sampled sites simrep <- 50 # Run 50 simulation reps mpsi <- seq(0.01, 0.25,,10) slpsi <- seq(0.1, 5,,10) results1 <- array(NA, dim = c(10, 10, simrep)) for(i in 1:10){ # Loop over levels of factor mean.psi (mpsi) for(j in 1:10){ # Loop over levels of factor sig.lpsi (slpsi) for(k in 1:simrep){ cat("\nDim 1:",i, ", Dim 2:", j, ", Simrep", k) tmp <- simComm(nsite=50, nspec = 200, show.plot = F, mean.psi = mpsi[i], sig.lpsi = slpsi[j]) results1[i,j,k] <- tmp$Ntotal.fs } } } # Simulation 2: effects of p and sd(logit(p)) on the proportion of the species occurring in the 50 sampled sites that are detected at least once simrep <- 50 # Run 50 simulation reps again mp <- seq(0.01, 0.25,,10) slp <- seq(0.1, 5,,10) results2 <- array(NA, dim = c(10, 10, simrep, 2)) for(i in 1:10){ # Loop over levels of factor mean.p (mp) for(j in 1:10){ # Loop over levels of factor sig.lp (slp) for(k in 1:simrep){ cat("\nDim 1:",i, ", Dim 2:", j, ", Simrep", k) tmp <- simComm(nsite=50, nspec = 200, show.plot = F, mean.p = mp[i], sig.lp = slp[j]) results2[i,j,k,] <- c(tmp$Ntotal.fs, tmp$Ntotal.obs) } } } # Plot these two prediction matrices par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(5,5,2,2), cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5) mapPalette <- colorRampPalette(c("grey", "yellow", "orange", "red")) # Plot proportion of species occurring in sampled sites (Fig. 11-4 left) z1 <- apply(results1/200, c(1,2), mean) # Prop species occurring image(x=mpsi, y=slpsi, z=z1, col = mapPalette(100), axes = T, xlab = "Occupancy probability (psi)", ylab = "Among-species variability in psi") contour(x=mpsi, y=slpsi, z=z1, add = T, col = "blue", labcex = 1.5, lwd = 1.5) # Plot proportion of species detected in sampled sites (Fig. 11-4 right) z2 <- apply(results2[,,,2] / results2[,,,1], c(1,2), mean) image(x=mp, y=slp, z=z2, col = mapPalette(100), axes = T, xlab = "Detection probability (p)", ylab = "Among-species variability in p") contour(x=mp, y=slp, z=z2, add = T, col = "blue", labcex = 1.5, lwd = 1.5) # 11.3 Metacommunity data from the Swiss breeding bird survey MHB # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read in data set and look at data first data <- read.csv2("MHB_2014.csv", header = T, sep = ";", dec= ".") str(data) # (Later read in as a system file of R package AHM) # Create various species lists (based on English names and systematic order) (species.list <- levels(data$engname)) # alphabetic list (spec.name.list <- tapply(data$specid, data$engname, mean)) # species ID (spec.id.list <- unique(data$specid)) # ID list (ordered.spec.name.list <- spec.name.list[order(spec.name.list)]) # ID-order list COUNTS <- cbind(data$count141, data$count142, data$count143) # Counts 2014 DET <- COUNTS DET[DET > 1] <- 1 # now turned into detection/nondetection data # Put detection data into 3D array: site x rep x species nsite <- 267 # number of sites in Swiss MHB nrep <- 3 # number of replicate surveys per season nspec <- length(species.list) # 158 species occur in the 2014 data Y <- array(NA, dim = c(nsite, nrep, nspec)) for(i in 1:nspec){ Y[,,i] <- DET[((i-1)*nsite+1):(i*nsite),] } dimnames(Y) <- list(NULL, NULL, names(ordered.spec.name.list)) # Check data for one species, here chaffinch, and pull them out from 3D array which(names(ordered.spec.name.list) == "Common Chaffinch") (tmp <- Y[,,which(names(ordered.spec.name.list) == "Common Chaffinch")]) # Frequency distribution of number of surveys per site in chosen year table(nsurveys <- apply(Y[,,1], 1, function(x) sum(!is.na(x)))) # Which site has NA data in 2014 ? (NAsites <- which(nsurveys == 0) ) # Observed number of occupied sites tmp <- apply(Y, c(1,3), max, na.rm = TRUE) tmp[tmp == -Inf] <- NA # Only 266 quadrats surveyed in 2014 sort(obs.occ <- apply(tmp, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)) # Plot species 'occurrence frequency' distribution (not shown) plot(sort(obs.occ), xlab = "Species number", ylab = "Number of quads with detections") # Drop data from species that were not observed in 2014 toss.out <- which(obs.occ == 0) Y <- Y[,,-toss.out] obs.occ <- obs.occ[-toss.out] # Redefine nspec as the observed # species: 145 ( nspec <- dim(Y)[3] ) str(Y) # Get observed number of species per site tmp <- apply(Y, c(1,3), max, na.rm = TRUE) tmp[tmp == "-Inf"] <- NA sort(C <- apply(tmp, 1, sum)) # Compute and print sorted species counts plot(table(C), xlim = c(0, 60), xlab = "Observed number of species", ylab = "Number of quadrats", frame = F) abline(v = mean(C, na.rm = TRUE), col = "blue", lwd = 3) # 11.4 Overview of some models for metacommunities # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 11.5 Community models that ignore species identity # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 11.5.1 Simple Poisson regression for the observed community size # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get covariates and standardise them # Quadrat elevation and forest cover orig.ele <- data$elev[1:nsite] (mean.ele <- mean(orig.ele, na.rm = TRUE)) (sd.ele <- sd(orig.ele, na.rm = TRUE)) ele <- (orig.ele - mean.ele) / sd.ele orig.forest <- data$forest[1:nsite] (mean.forest <- mean(orig.forest, na.rm = TRUE)) (sd.forest <- sd(orig.forest, na.rm = TRUE)) forest <- (orig.forest - mean.forest) / sd.forest # Average date and duration of survey tmp <- cbind(data$date141, data$date142, data$date143)[1:nsite,] orig.mdate <- apply(tmp, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE) (mean.mdate <- mean(orig.mdate[-NAsites])) # drop unsurved site (sd.mdate <- sd(orig.mdate[-NAsites])) mdate <- (orig.mdate - mean.mdate) / sd.mdate mdate[NAsites] <- 0 # impute mean for missing tmp <- cbind(data$dur141, data$dur142, data$dur143)[1:nsite,] orig.mdur <- apply(tmp, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE) (mean.mdur <- mean(orig.mdur[-NAsites])) (sd.mdur <- sd(orig.mdur[-NAsites])) mdur <- (orig.mdur - mean.mdur) / sd.mdur mdur[NAsites] <- 0 # impute mean for missing # Bundle data and summarize input data for BUGS str( win.data <- list(C = C, nsite = length(C), ele = ele, forest = forest, mdate = mdate, mdur = mdur) ) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model1.txt") cat(" model { # Priors gamma0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) # Regression intercept for(v in 1:6){ # Loop over regression coef's gamma[v] ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) } # Likelihood for Poisson GLM for (i in 1:nsite){ C[i] ~ dpois(lambda[i]) log(lambda[i]) <- gamma0 + gamma[1] * ele[i] + gamma[2] * pow(ele[i],2) + gamma[3] * forest[i] + gamma[4] * mdate[i] + gamma[5] * pow(mdate[i],2) + gamma[6] * mdur[i] } } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Initial values inits <- function() list(gamma0 = rnorm(1), gamma = rnorm(6)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("gamma0", "gamma") # MCMC settings ni <- 6000 ; nt <- 4 ; nb <- 2000 ; nc <- 3 # Call WinBUGS from R (ART <1 min) out1 <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "model1.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = TRUE, bugs.directory = bugs.dir, working.directory = getwd()) # Call JAGS from R (ART <1 min), check convergence and summarize posteriors library(jagsUI) out1J <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model1.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb) traceplot(out1J) ; print(out1J, dig = 3) # Plot posterior distributions for potentially 'ecological' parameters par(mfrow = c(1,3)) hist(out1J$sims.list$gamma[,1], breaks = 50, col = "grey", main = "", xlab = "Slope of elevation (linear)") hist(out1J$sims.list$gamma[,2], breaks = 50, col = "grey", main = "", xlab = "Slope of elevation (squared)") hist(out1J$sims.list$gamma[,3], breaks = 50, col = "grey", main = "", xlab = "Slope of forest") # Get covariate values for prediction orig.pred.ele <- seq(250, 2750,, 500) # 500 vals spread between 250 and 2750 p.ele <- (orig.pred.ele - mean.ele) / sd.ele orig.pred.forest <- seq(1, 100,, 500) p.forest <- (orig.pred.forest - mean.forest) / sd.forest # Compute predictions nsamp <- out1J$mcmc.info$n.samples pred.ele <- pred.forest <- array(NA, dim = c(500, nsamp)) for(i in 1:nsamp){ pred.ele[,i] <- exp(out1J$sims.list$gamma0[i] + out1J$sims.list$gamma[i,1] * p.ele + out1J$sims.list$gamma[i,2]* p.ele^2) pred.forest[,i] <- exp(out1J$sims.list$gamma0[i] + out1J$sims.list$gamma[i,3] * p.forest) } # Plot posterior mean and a random sample of 100 from posterior of regression selection <- sample(1:nsamp, 100) par(mfrow = c(1,3)) matplot(orig.pred.ele, pred.ele[,selection], ylab = "Predicted species count", xlab = "Elevation (m a.s.l.)", type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = "grey", ylim = c(0, 50), frame = F) lines(orig.pred.ele, apply(pred.ele, 1, mean), lwd = 3, col = "blue") matplot(orig.pred.forest, pred.forest[,selection], ylab = "Predicted species count", xlab = "Forest cover (%)", type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = "grey", ylim = c(0, 50), frame = F) lines(orig.pred.forest, apply(pred.forest, 1, mean), lwd = 3, col = "blue") # Get observed species richness per site and rep and plot CC <- apply(Y, c(1,2), sum, na.rm = TRUE) CC[CC == 0] <- NA # 0 means not surveyed matplot(t(CC), type = 'l', lty = 1, lwd = 2, xlab = "First to third survey", ylab = "Number of species detected", frame = F) # Fig. 11–6 right # Get survey date and survey duration and standardise both # Survey date (this is Julian date, with day 1 being April 1) orig.DAT <- cbind(data$date141, data$date142, data$date143)[1:nsite,] (mean.date <- mean(orig.DAT, na.rm = TRUE)) (sd.date <- sd(c(orig.DAT), na.rm = TRUE)) DAT <- (orig.DAT - mean.date) / sd.date # scale DAT[is.na(DAT)] <- 0 # impute missings # Survey duration (in minutes) orig.DUR <- cbind(data$dur141, data$dur142, data$dur143)[1:nsite,] (mean.dur <- mean(orig.DUR, na.rm = TRUE)) (sd.dur <- sd(c(orig.DUR), na.rm = TRUE)) DUR <- (orig.DUR - mean.dur) / sd.dur # scale DUR[is.na(DUR)] <- 0 # mean impute missings # Bundle data and summarize str( win.data <- list(CC = CC, M = nrow(CC), J = ncol(CC), ele = ele, forest = forest, DAT = DAT, DUR = DUR) ) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model2.txt") cat(" model { # Priors gamma0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) for(v in 1:6){ gamma[v] ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) } # Likelihood for Poisson GLM for (i in 1:M){ # Loop over sites for(j in 1:J){ # Loop over occasions CC[i,j] ~ dpois(lambda[i,j]) log(lambda[i,j]) <- gamma0 + gamma[1] * ele[i] + gamma[2] * pow(ele[i],2) + gamma[3] * forest[i] + gamma[4] * DAT[i,j] + gamma[5] * pow(DAT[i,j],2) + gamma[6] * DUR[i,j] } } } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Initial values inits <- function() list(gamma0 = rnorm(1), gamma = rnorm(6)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("gamma0", "gamma") # MCMC settings ni <- 6000 ; nt <- 4 ; nb <- 2000 ; nc <- 3 # Call WinBUGS from R (ART 1.7 min) out2 <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "model2.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = TRUE, bugs.directory = bugs.dir, working.directory = getwd()) # Call JAGS from R (ART 0.6 min) out2J <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model2.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb) traceplot(out2J) ; print(out2J, dig = 2) # 11.5.2 Poisson random effects model for the observed community size # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Bundle and summarize data set str( win.data <- list(CC = CC, M = nrow(CC), J = ncol(CC), ele = ele, forest = forest, DAT = DAT, DUR = DUR) ) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model3.txt") cat(" model { # Priors mugamma0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) # Hyperparameters taugamma0 <- pow(sd.gamma0,-2) sd.gamma0 ~ dunif(0, 10) for(v in 1:6){ # Parameters gamma[v] ~ dnorm(0, 0.001) } # Likelihood for Poisson GLMM for (i in 1:M){ # Loop over sites gamma0[i] ~ dnorm(mugamma0, taugamma0) # site intercepts random now for(j in 1:J){ # Loop over repeated measurements CC[i,j] ~ dpois(lambda[i,j]) log(lambda[i,j]) <- gamma0[i] + gamma[1]*ele[i] + gamma[2] * pow(ele[i],2) + gamma[3] * forest[i] + gamma[4] * DAT[i,j] + gamma[5] * pow(DAT[i,j],2) + gamma[6] * DUR[i,j] } } } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Initial values inits <- function() list(gamma0 = rnorm(nrow(CC)), gamma = rnorm(6)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("mugamma0", "sd.gamma0", "gamma0", "gamma") # MCMC settings ni <- 6000 ; nt <- 4 ; nb <- 2000 ; nc <- 3 # Call WinBUGS from R (ART 2.9 min) out3 <- bugs(win.data, inits, params, "model3.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, debug = TRUE, bugs.directory = bugs.dir, working.directory = getwd()) # Call JAGS from R (ART 0.7 min) out3J <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model3.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb) traceplot(out3J, c('mugamma0', 'sd.gamma0', 'gamma')) ; print(out3J, dig = 2) # 11.5.3 N-mixture model for the observed community size # ----------------------------------------------------- # Bundle and summarize data set str( win.data <- list(CC = CC, M = nrow(CC), J = ncol(CC), ele = ele, forest = forest, DAT = DAT, DUR = DUR) ) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model4.txt") cat(" model { # Priors alpha0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Base-line community detection probability beta0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Base-line community size (number of species) for(v in 1:3){ alpha[v] ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Covariate effects on detection beta[v] ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Covariate effects on community size } # Likelihood # Ecological model for true community size for (i in 1:M){ # Loop over sites N[i] ~ dpois(lambda[i]) # Community size lambda[i] <- exp(beta0 + beta[1] * ele[i] + beta[2] * pow(ele[i],2) + beta[3] * forest[i]) # Observation model for repeated measurements for (j in 1:J){ # Loop over occasions CC[i,j] ~ dbin(p[i,j], N[i]) p[i,j] <- 1 / (1 + exp(-lp[i,j])) lp[i,j] <- alpha0 + alpha[1] * DAT[i,j] + alpha[2] * pow(DAT[i,j],2) + alpha[3] * DUR[i,j] # logit(p) = ... causes undefined real result in WinBUGS (but not JAGS) } } } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Define function to generate random initial values Nst <- apply(CC, 1, max, na.rm = TRUE) + 1 Nst[Nst == -Inf] <- max(Nst, na.rm = T) # Some nonzero val. for unsurv. sites inits <- function() list(N = Nst, alpha0 = rnorm(1), alpha = rnorm(3), beta0 = rnorm(1), beta = rnorm(3)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("alpha0", "alpha", "beta0", "beta","N") # MCMC settings ni <- 6000 ; nt <- 4 ; nb <- 2000 ; nc <- 3 # Run JAGS from R (ART 1.5 min) in parallel, look at traceplots # and summarize posteriors out4 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model4.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, parallel = TRUE) traceplot(out4, c('alpha0', 'alpha', 'beta0', 'beta')) ; print(out4, 3) print(tmp <- cbind(out3$summary[c(1, 270:272),c(1:3,7)], out4$summary[5:8, c(1:3, 7)]), 3) plot(orig.ele, out4$summary[9:275, 1], pch = 16, xlab = "Elevation (m)", ylab = "Species richness", ylim = c(0, 60), frame = F) segments(orig.ele, out4$summary[9:275, 3], orig.ele, out4$summary[9:275, 7]) points(orig.ele+20, C) # elevation jittered # 11.6 Community models that retain species identity # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 11.6.1 Simplest community occupancy model: n-fold single species # occupancy model with species treated as fixed effects # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Collapse 3D detection/nondetection data to 2D detection frequencies Ysum <- apply(Y, c(1,3), sum, na.rm = T) # Collapse to detection frequency Ysum[NAsites,] <- NA # Have to NA out sites with NA data # Bundle and summarize data set str( win.data <- list(Ysum = Ysum, M = nrow(Ysum), J = data$nsurvey[1:nsite], nspec = dim(Ysum)[2]) ) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model5.txt") cat(" model { # Priors for(k in 1:nspec){ # Loop over species psi[k] ~ dunif(0, 1) p[k] ~ dunif(0, 1) } # Ecological model for latent occurrence z (process model) for(k in 1:nspec){ # Loop over species for (i in 1:M) { # Loop over sites z[i,k] ~ dbern(psi[k]) } } # Observation model for observed data Y for(k in 1:nspec){ # Loop over species for (i in 1:M) { mup[i,k] <- z[i,k] * p[k] Ysum[i,k] ~ dbin(mup[i,k], J[i]) } } # Derived quantities for(k in 1:nspec){ # Loop over species Nocc.fs[k] <- sum(z[,k]) # Add up number of occupied sites among the 267 } for (i in 1:M) { # Loop over sites Nsite[i] <- sum(z[i,]) # Add up number of occurring species at each site } } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Initial values zst <- apply(Y, c(1,3), max) # Observed occurrence as inits for z zst[is.na(zst)] <- 1 inits <- function() list(z = zst, psi = rep(0.4, nspec), p = rep(0.4, nspec)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("psi", "p", "Nsite", "Nocc.fs") # MCMC settings ni <- 2500 ; nt <- 2 ; nb <- 500 ; nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (ART 2.1 min) out5 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model5.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, parallel = TRUE) par(mfrow = c(4,4)) ; traceplot(out5) ; print(out5, dig = 3) # Compare observed and estimated site species richness par(cex = 1.3) twice <- which(data$nsurvey[1:267] == 2) plot(C[twice], out5$summary[291:557,1][twice], xlab = "Observed number of species", ylab = "Estimated number of species", frame = F, xlim = c(0, 60), ylim = c(0, 70), col = "red", pch = 16) segments(C[twice], out5$summary[291:557,3][twice], C[twice], out5$summary[291:557,7][twice], col = "red") points(C[-twice], out5$summary[291:557,1][-twice], col = "blue", pch = 16) segments(C[-twice], out5$summary[291:557,3][-twice], C[-twice], out5$summary[291:557,7][-twice], col = "blue") abline(0,1) # Observed and estimated number of occupied sites for each species # in a table cbind(obs.occu = obs.occ, out5$summary[558:702, c(1,3,7)]) # and in a plot plot(obs.occ, out5$summary[558:702, 1], xlab = "Observed number of occupied sites", ylab = "Estimated version of quantity", ylim = c(0, 267), frame = F, pch = 16) abline(0,1) segments(obs.occ, out5$summary[558:702,3], obs.occ, out5$summary[558:702,7], col = "grey", lwd = 2) # Estimated occupancy and detection probability for each species plot(out5$summary[1:145,1], out5$summary[146:290,1], xlab = "Occupancy estimate", ylab = "Detection estimate", xlim = c(0,1), ylim = c(0,1), frame = F, pch = 16) segments(out5$summary[1:145,3], out5$summary[146:290,1], out5$summary[1:145,7], out5$summary[146:290,1], col = "grey", lwd = 2) segments(out5$summary[1:145,1], out5$summary[146:290,3], out5$summary[1:145,1], out5$summary[146:290,7], col = "grey", lwd = 2) # 11.6.2 Community occupancy model with bivariate species-specific random effects # ----------------------------------------------------- # Bundle and summarize data set str( win.data <- list(Ysum = Ysum, M = nrow(Ysum), J = data$nsurvey[1:nsite], nspec = dim(Ysum)[2], R = matrix(c(5,0,0,1), ncol = 2), df = 3) ) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model6.txt") cat(" model { # Priors for(k in 1:nspec){ # Group lpsi and lp together in array eta lpsi[k] <- eta[k,1] lp[k] <- eta[k,2] eta[k, 1:2] ~ dmnorm(mu.eta[], Omega[,]) } # Hyperpriors # Priors for mu.lpsi=mu.eta[1] and mu.lp=mu.eta[2] # probs = community means of occupancy and detection probability for(v in 1:2){ mu.eta[v] <- log(probs[v] / (1-probs[v])) probs[v] ~ dunif(0,1) } # Prior for variance-covariance matrix Omega[1:2, 1:2] ~ dwish(R[,], df) Sigma[1:2, 1:2] <- inverse(Omega[,]) # Ecological model for latent occurrence z (process model) for(k in 1:nspec){ logit(psi[k]) <- lpsi[k] # Must take outside of i loop for (i in 1:M) { z[i,k] ~ dbern(psi[k]) } } # Observation model for observed data Y for(k in 1:nspec){ logit(p[k]) <- lp[k] # Needs to be outside of i loop for (i in 1:M) { mu.p[i,k] <- z[i,k] * p[k] Ysum[i,k] ~ dbin(mu.p[i,k], J[i]) } } # Derived quantities rho <- Sigma[1,2] / sqrt(Sigma[1,1] * Sigma[2,2]) # Correlation coefficient for(k in 1:nspec){ Nocc.fs[k] <- sum(z[,k]) # Number of occupied sites among the 267 } for (i in 1:M) { Nsite[i] <- sum(z[i,]) # Number of occurring species } } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Initial values zst <- apply(Y, c(1,3), max) # Observed occurrence as starting values for z zst[is.na(zst)] <- 1 inits <- function() list(z = zst, Omega = matrix(c(1,0,0,1), ncol = 2), eta = matrix(0, nrow = nspec, ncol = 2)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("mu.eta", "probs", "psi", "p", "Nsite", "Nocc.fs", "Sigma", "rho") # MCMC settings ni <- 20000 ; nt <- 15 ; nb <- 5000 ; nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (ART 12 min), check traceplots and summarize posteriors out6 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model6.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, parallel = TRUE) par(mfrow = c(3,3)) ; traceplot(out6, c('mu.eta', 'probs', 'Sigma', 'rho')) print(out6, 3) # Graphically compare some estimates between fixed- and random-effects model par(mfrow = c(2,2)) # not shown # Species-specific occupancy (probability scale) plot(out5$summary[1:145,1], out6$summary[5:149,1], main = "Species-specific occupancy probability") ; abline(0,1) # Species-specific detection (probability scale) plot(out5$summary[146:290,1], out6$summary[150:294,1], main = "Species-specific detection probability") ; abline(0,1) # Site-specific species richness plot(out5$summary[291:557,1], out6$summary[295:561,1], main = "Site-specific species richness (conditional on list of 145 detected)") ; abline(0,1) # Species-specific number of presences plot(out5$summary[558:702,1], out6$summary[562:706,1], main = "Species-specific number of presences (in 267 sites)") ; abline(0,1) # Estimated occupancy and detection probability for each species plot(out6$summary[5:149,1], out6$summary[150:294,1], xlab = "Occupancy estimate", ylab = "Detection estimate", xlim = c(0,1), ylim = c(0,1), frame = F, pch = 16) segments(out6$summary[5:149,3], out6$summary[150:294,1], out6$summary[5:149,7], out6$summary[150:294,1], col = "grey", lwd = 2) segments(out6$summary[5:149,1], out6$summary[150:294,3], out6$summary[5:149,1], out6$summary[150:294,7], col = "grey", lwd = 2) # 11.6.3 Modeling species-specific effects in community occupancy models # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Look at distribution of body mass among 145 observed species mass <- tapply(data$body.mass, data$specid, mean) # Get mean species mass (all 158 spec) mass <- mass[-toss.out] # Only retain 145 observed species hist(log10(mass), breaks = 40, col = "grey") # Look at log10 gmass <- as.numeric(log10(mass) %/% 1.3 + 1) # size groups 1, 2 and 3 gmass[gmass == 4] <- 3 # Mute swan is group 3, too # Bundle and summarize data set str( win.data <- list(Ysum = Ysum, g = gmass, M = nrow(Ysum), J = data$nsurvey[1:nsite], nspec = dim(Ysum)[2]) ) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model7.txt") cat(" model { # Priors for(k in 1:nspec){ # loop over species lpsi[k] ~ dnorm(mu.lpsi[g[k]], tau.lpsi[g[k]]) # note g-dependence now lp[k] ~ dnorm(mu.lp[g[k]], tau.lp[g[k]]) } # Hyperpriors for(g in 1:3){ # loop over groups (g) mu.lpsi[g] <- logit(mu.psi[g]) # everything is indexed g now mu.lp[g] <- logit(mu.p[g]) mu.psi[g] ~ dunif(0,1) mu.p[g] ~ dunif(0,1) tau.lpsi[g] <- pow(sd.lpsi[g], -2) sd.lpsi[g] ~ dunif(0,5) tau.lp[g] <- pow(sd.lp[g], -2) sd.lp[g] ~ dunif(0,5) } # Ecological model for latent occurrence z (process model) for(k in 1:nspec){ # no change at all down here in model logit(psi[k]) <- lpsi[k] for (i in 1:M) { z[i,k] ~ dbern(psi[k]) } } # Observation model for observed data Ysum for(k in 1:nspec){ # Loop over species logit(p[k]) <- lp[k] for (i in 1:M) { mu.px[i,k] <- z[i,k] * p[k] # call mu.px to avoid conflict with above Ysum[i,k] ~ dbin(mu.px[i,k], J[i]) } } # Derived quantities for(k in 1:nspec){ # Loop over species Nocc.fs[k] <- sum(z[,k]) # Number of occupied sites among the 267 } for (i in 1:M) { # Loop over sites Nsite[i] <- sum(z[i,]) # Number of occurring species at each site } } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Initial values zst <- apply(Y, c(1,3), max) zst[is.na(zst)] <- 1 inits <- function() list(z = zst) # Parameters monitored params <- c("mu.psi", "mu.lpsi", "sd.lpsi", "mu.p", "mu.lp", "sd.lp") # MCMC settings ni <- 6000 ; nt <- 2 ; nb <- 2000 ; nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (ART 6 min), look at convergence and summarize posteriors out7 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model7.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, parallel = TRUE) par(mfrow = c(3,3)) ; traceplot(out7) print(out7, dig = 3) # Bundle and summarize data set logmass <- as.numeric(log10(mass)) # Take log10 of body mass str( win.data <- list(Ysum = Ysum, logmass = logmass, M = nrow(Ysum), nsite = nrow(Ysum), J = data$nsurvey[1:nsite], nspec = dim(Ysum)[2]) ) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model8.txt") cat(" model { # Priors for(k in 1:nspec){ # loop over species lpsi[k] ~ dnorm(mu.lpsi[k], tau.lpsi[k]) # now all indexed by k, not g tau.lpsi[k] <- 1/var.lpsi[k] lp[k] ~ dnorm(mu.lp[k], tau.lp[k]) tau.lp[k] <- 1/var.lp[k] mu.lpsi[k] <- delta0.lpsi + delta1.lpsi * logmass[k] mu.lp[k] <- delta0.lp + delta1.lp * logmass[k] log(var.lpsi[k]) <- phi0.lpsi + phi1.lpsi * logmass[k] log(var.lp[k]) <- phi0.lp + phi1.lp * logmass[k] } # Priors for regression params for means delta0.lpsi ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) delta1.lpsi ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) delta0.lp ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) delta1.lp ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Priors for regression params for variances phi0.lpsi ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) phi1.lpsi ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) phi0.lp ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) phi1.lp ~ dnorm(0, 0.01) # Ecological model for latent occurrence z (process model) for(k in 1:nspec){ logit(psi[k]) <- lpsi[k] for (i in 1:M) { z[i,k] ~ dbern(psi[k]) } } # Observation model for observed data Ysum for(k in 1:nspec){ # Loop over species logit(p[k]) <- lp[k] for (i in 1:M) { mu.p[i,k] <- z[i,k] * p[k] Ysum[i,k] ~ dbin(mu.p[i,k], J[i]) } } # Derived quantities for(k in 1:nspec){ # Loop over species Nocc.fs[k] <- sum(z[,k]) # Number of occupied sites among the 267 } for (i in 1:nsite) { # Loop over sites Nsite[i] <- sum(z[i,]) # Number of occurring species at each site } } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Initial values zst <- apply(Y, c(1,3), max) zst[is.na(zst)] <- 1 inits <- function() list(z = zst, delta0.lpsi = rnorm(1), delta1.lpsi = rnorm(1), delta0.lp = rnorm(1), delta1.lp = rnorm(1), phi0.lpsi = rnorm(1), phi1.lpsi = rnorm(1), phi0.lp = rnorm(1), phi1.lp = rnorm(1)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("delta0.lpsi", "delta1.lpsi", "delta0.lp", "delta1.lp", "phi0.lpsi", "phi1.lpsi", "phi0.lp", "phi1.lp", "psi", "p", "Nocc.fs", "Nsite") # MCMC settings ni <- 12000 ; nt <- 2 ; nb <- 2000 ; nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (ART 12 min), look at convergence and summarize posteriors out8 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model8.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, parallel = TRUE) par(mfrow = c(3,3)) traceplot(out8, c('delta0.lpsi', 'delta1.lpsi', 'delta0.lp', 'delta1.lp', 'phi0.lpsi', 'phi1.lpsi', 'phi0.lp', 'phi1.lp')) print(out8, dig = 3) # Get covariate values for prediction predm <- seq(10, 10000,,500) # Predict for mass of 10g to 10 kg pred.logm <- log10(predm) # Compute predictions (all in one array) tmp <- out8$sims.list # Grab simulation list nsamp <- out8$mcmc.info$n.samples # Number of MCMC samples pred <- array(NA, dim = c(500, nsamp, 4)) # Array for predictions # [,,1] mu.psi, [,,2] mu.p, [,,3] var.lpsi, [,,4] var.lp for(i in 1:nsamp){ # Fill array pred[,i,1] <- plogis(tmp$delta0.lpsi[i] + tmp$delta1.lpsi[i] * pred.logm) pred[,i,2] <- plogis(tmp$delta0.lp[i] + tmp$delta1.lp[i] * pred.logm) pred[,i,3] <- exp(tmp$phi0.lpsi[i] + tmp$phi1.lpsi[i] * pred.logm) pred[,i,4] <- exp(tmp$phi0.lp[i] + tmp$phi1.lp[i] * pred.logm) } # Plot posterior mean and a random sample of 100 from posterior of regression selection <- sample(1:nsamp, 100) # Choose random sample of MCMC output par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar = c(5,5,2,2)) matplot(predm, pred[,selection,1], ylab = "Occupancy mean", xlab = "Body mass (g)", type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = "grey", ylim = c(0, 0.4), frame = F) lines(predm, apply(pred[,,1], 1, mean), lwd = 3, col = "blue") matplot(predm, pred[,selection,2], ylab = "Detection mean", xlab = "Body mass (g)", type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = "grey", ylim = c(0, 0.8), frame = F) lines(predm, apply(pred[,,2], 1, mean), lwd = 3, col = "blue") matplot(predm, pred[,selection,3], ylab = "Occupancy variance", xlab = "Body mass (g)", type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = "grey", ylim = c(0, 8), frame = F) lines(predm, apply(pred[,,3], 1, mean), lwd = 3, col = "blue") matplot(predm, pred[,selection,4], ylab = "Detection variance", xlab = "Body mass (g)", type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = "grey", ylim = c(0, 8), frame = F) lines(predm, apply(pred[,,4], 1, mean), lwd = 3, col = "blue") # 11.6.4 Modeling species richness in a two-step analysis # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Extract estimates of N from model 5 N.pm <- out5$summary[291:557, 1] # Posterior means of Nsite N.psd <- out5$summary[291:557, 2] # ... posterior sd's of Nsite N.cri <- out5$summary[291:557, c(3,7)] # ... CRL's of Nsite # Plot estimates as a function of elevation elev <- data$elev[1:267] plot(elev, N.pm, xlab = "Altitude (m a.s.l.)", ylab = "Estimated avian species richness", ylim = c(0, 70), frame = F) segments(elev, N.cri[,1], elev, N.cri[,2], col = "grey") lines(smooth.spline(N.pm ~ elev, w = 1 / N.psd), col = "grey", lwd = 3) # Bundle and summarize data set pred.ele <- (seq(200, 2750,5) - mean.ele) / sd.ele # elevation standardised str(win.data <- list(ele = ele, N = N.pm, psd = N.psd, n = length(N.pm), pred.ele = pred.ele, npred = length(pred.ele))) # Define model in BUGS language sink("meta.analysis.txt") cat(" model{ # Priors for(v in 1:4){ # Priors for intercept and polynomial coefficients beta[v] ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001) } tau.site <- pow(sd.site, -2) sd.site ~ dunif(0,10) # Likelihood for (i in 1:n){ N[i] ~ dnorm(muN[i], tau.psd[i]) # Measurement error model for estimated N tau.psd[i] <- pow(psd[i], -2) # 'Known' part of residual: meas. error muN[i] <- beta[1] + beta[2] * ele[i] + beta[3] * pow(ele[i],2) + beta[4] * pow(ele[i],3) + eps.site[i] # add another source of uncertainty eps.site[i] ~ dnorm(0, tau.site) # this is the usual 'residual' } # Get predictions for plot for(i in 1:npred){ Npred[i] <- beta[1] + beta[2] * pred.ele[i] + beta[3] * pow(pred.ele[i],2) + beta[4] * pow(pred.ele[i],3) } } # end model ",fill=TRUE) sink() # Initial values, params monitored, and MCMC settings inits <- function() list(beta = rnorm(4)) params <- c("beta", "sd.site", "Npred") ni <- 12000 ; nt <- 10 ; nb <- 2000 ; nc <- 3 # Call JAGS and summarize posterior out <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "meta.analysis.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb) print(out, 3) lines(seq(200, 2750,5), out$mean$Npred, col = "blue", lwd = 3) matlines(seq(200,2750,5), out$summary[6:516,c(3, 7)], col = "blue", lwd = 2, lty= "dashed") par(mfrow = c(3, 3), mar = c(5,4,3,2)) for(i in 1:267){ for(j in 1:267){ plot(jitter(out5$sims.list$Nsite[,i]), jitter(out5$sims.list$Nsite[,j]), main = paste("Joint posterior sites", i, "and", j)) # browser() } } # 11.7 The Dorazio-Royle (DR) community occupancy model with data augmentation # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 11.7.1 The simplest DR community model with data augmentation # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Augment data set (DA part) nz <- 150 # Number of potential species in superpopulation M <- nspec + nz # Size of augmented data set ('superpopulation') Yaug <- cbind(Ysum, array(0, dim=c(nsite, nz))) # Add all zero histories # Bundle and summarize data set str( win.data <- list(Yaug = Yaug, nsite = nrow(Ysum), nrep = data$nsurvey[1:nsite], M = M, nspec = nspec, nz = nz) ) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model9.txt") cat(" model { # Priors to describe heterogeneity among species in community for(k in 1:M){ # Loop over all species in augmented list lpsi[k] ~ dnorm(mu.lpsi, tau.lpsi) lp[k] ~ dnorm(mu.lp, tau.lp) } # Hyperpriors to describe full community omega ~ dunif(0,1) # Data augmentation or 'occupancy' parameter mu.lpsi ~ dnorm(0,0.001) # Community mean of occupancy (logit) mu.lp ~ dnorm(0,0.001) # Community mean of detection (logit) tau.lpsi <- pow(sd.lpsi, -2) sd.lpsi ~ dunif(0,5) # Species heterogeneity in logit(psi) tau.lp <- pow(sd.lp, -2) sd.lp ~ dunif(0,5) # Species heterogeneity in logit(p) # Superpopulation process:this is the 'paramater expansion' part of PX-DA for(k in 1:M){ w[k] ~ dbern(omega) # Metacommunity membership indicator } # (or data augmentation variable) # Ecological model for latent occurrence z (process model) for(k in 1:M){ mu.psi[k] <- w[k] * psi[k] # species not part of community zeroed out for z logit(psi[k]) <- lpsi[k] for (i in 1:nsite) { z[i,k] ~ dbern(mu.psi[k]) } } # Observation model for observed detection frequencies for(k in 1:M){ logit(p[k]) <- lp[k] for (i in 1:nsite) { mu.p[i,k] <- z[i,k] * p[k] # non-occurring species are zeroed out for p Yaug[i,k] ~ dbin(mu.p[i,k], nrep[i]) } } # Derived quantities for(k in 1:M){ Nocc.fs[k] <- sum(z[,k]) # Number of occupied sites among the 267 } for (i in 1:nsite) { Nsite[i] <- sum(z[i,]) # Number of occurring species at each site } n0 <- sum(w[(nspec+1):(nspec+nz)]) # Number of unseen species in metacommunity Ntotal <- sum(w[]) # Total metacommunity size (= nspec + n0) } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Initial values wst <- rep(1, nspec+nz) # Simply set everybody at 'occurring' zst <- array(1, dim = c(nsite, nspec+nz)) # ditto for z inits <- function() list(z = zst, w = wst, lpsi = rnorm(n = nspec+nz), lp = rnorm(n = nspec+nz)) # Parameters monitored params <- c("mu.lpsi", "sd.lpsi", "mu.lp", "sd.lp", "psi", "p", "Nsite", "Ntotal", "omega", "n0") # MCMC settings ni <- 22000 ; nt <- 2 ; nb <- 2000 ; nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (ART 62 min), check convergence and summarize posteriors out9 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model9.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, parallel = TRUE) par(mfrow = c(2,2)) ; traceplot(out9, c('mu.lpsi', 'sd.lpsi', 'mu.lp', 'sd.lp')) print(out9, dig = 3) # Plot posterior distribution of site-specific species richness (Nsite) par(mfrow = c(3,3), mar = c(5,4,3,2)) for(i in 1:267){ plot(table(out9$sims.list$Nsite[,i]), main = paste("Quadrat", i), xlab = "Local species richness", ylab = "", frame = F, xlim = c((min(C[i], out9$sims.list$Nsite[,i], na.rm = T)-2), max(out9$sims.list$Nsite[,i]) )) abline(v = C[i], col = "grey", lwd = 4) browser() } # Plot it only for a selection of sites par(mfrow = c(3,3), mar = c(5,4,3,2)) for(i in c(9, 32, 162, 12, 27, 30, 118, 159, 250)){ plot(table(out9$sims.list$Nsite[,i]), main = paste("Quadrat", i), xlab = "Local species richness", ylab = "", frame = F, xlim = c((min(C[i], out9$sims.list$Nsite[,i], na.rm = T)-2), max(out9$sims.list$Nsite[,i]) )) abline(v = C[i], col = "grey", lwd = 4) } # Plot posterior distribution of total species richness (Ntotal) plot(table(out9$sims.list$Ntotal), main = "", ylab = "", xlab = "Avian metacommunity size in Swiss MHB survey (267 1km2 quadrats)", frame = F, xlim = c(144, 245)) abline(v = nspec, col = "grey", lwd = 4) # 11.7.2 Dorazio-Royle community model with covariates # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Augment data set: choose one of two different priors on Ntotal nz <- 250 # Use for vague prior on Ntotal: M = 395 nz <- 215 - nspec # Use for informative prior on Ntotal: M = 215 Yaug <- array(0, dim=c(nsite, nrep, nspec+nz)) # array with only zeroes Yaug[,,1:nspec] <- Y # copy into it the observed data # Create same NA pattern in augmented species as in the observed species missings <- is.na(Yaug[,,1]) # e.g., third survey in high-elevation quads for(k in (nspec+1):(nspec+nz)){ Yaug[,,k][missings] <- NA } # Bundle and summarize data str(win.data <- list(Y = Yaug, nsite = dim(Y)[1], nrep = dim(Y)[2], nspec = dim(Y)[3], nz = nz, M = nspec + nz, ele = ele, forest = forest, DAT = DAT, DUR = DUR) ) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model10.txt") cat(" model { # Priors omega ~ dunif(0,1) # Priors for species-specific effects in occupancy and detection for(k in 1:M){ lpsi[k] ~ dnorm(mu.lpsi, tau.lpsi) # Hyperparams describe community betalpsi1[k] ~ dnorm(mu.betalpsi1, tau.betalpsi1) betalpsi2[k] ~ dnorm(mu.betalpsi2, tau.betalpsi2) betalpsi3[k] ~ dnorm(mu.betalpsi3, tau.betalpsi3) lp[k] ~ dnorm(mu.lp, tau.lp) betalp1[k] ~ dnorm(mu.betalp1, tau.betalp1) betalp2[k] ~ dnorm(mu.betalp2, tau.betalp2) betalp3[k] ~ dnorm(mu.betalp3, tau.betalp3) } # Hyperpriors # For the model of occupancy mu.lpsi ~ dnorm(0,0.01) tau.lpsi <- pow(sd.lpsi, -2) sd.lpsi ~ dunif(0,8) # as always, bounds of uniform chosen by trial and error mu.betalpsi1 ~ dnorm(0,0.1) tau.betalpsi1 <- pow(sd.betalpsi1, -2) sd.betalpsi1 ~ dunif(0, 4) mu.betalpsi2 ~ dnorm(0,0.1) tau.betalpsi2 <- pow(sd.betalpsi2, -2) sd.betalpsi2 ~ dunif(0,2) mu.betalpsi3 ~ dnorm(0,0.1) tau.betalpsi3 <- pow(sd.betalpsi3, -2) sd.betalpsi3 ~ dunif(0,2) # For the model of detection mu.lp ~ dnorm(0,0.1) tau.lp <- pow(sd.lp, -2) sd.lp ~ dunif(0, 2) mu.betalp1 ~ dnorm(0,0.1) tau.betalp1 <- pow(sd.betalp1, -2) sd.betalp1 ~ dunif(0,1) mu.betalp2 ~ dnorm(0,0.1) tau.betalp2 <- pow(sd.betalp2, -2) sd.betalp2 ~ dunif(0,1) mu.betalp3 ~ dnorm(0,0.1) tau.betalp3 <- pow(sd.betalp3, -2) sd.betalp3 ~ dunif(0,1) # Superpopulation process: Ntotal species sampled out of M available for(k in 1:M){ w[k] ~ dbern(omega) } # Ecological model for true occurrence (process model) for(k in 1:M){ for (i in 1:nsite) { logit(psi[i,k]) <- lpsi[k] + betalpsi1[k] * ele[i] + betalpsi2[k] * pow(ele[i],2) + betalpsi3[k] * forest[i] mu.psi[i,k] <- w[k] * psi[i,k] z[i,k] ~ dbern(mu.psi[i,k]) } } # Observation model for replicated detection/nondetection observations for(k in 1:M){ for (i in 1:nsite){ for(j in 1:nrep){ logit(p[i,j,k]) <- lp[k] + betalp1[k] * DAT[i,j] + betalp2[k] * pow(DAT[i,j],2) + betalp3[k] * DUR[i,j] mu.p[i,j,k] <- z[i,k] * p[i,j,k] Y[i,j,k] ~ dbern(mu.p[i,j,k]) } } } # Derived quantities #for(k in 1:M){ # Nocc.fs[k] <- sum(z[,k]) # Number of occupied sites among the 267 #} for (i in 1:nsite){ Nsite[i] <- sum(z[i,]) # Number of occurring species at each site } n0 <- sum(w[(nspec+1):(nspec+nz)]) # Number of unseen species Ntotal <- sum(w[]) # Total metacommunity size # Vectors to save (S for ‘save’; discard posterior samples for # all minus 1 of the potential species to save disk space) # we do this for nz = 250 (i.e., M = 395) lpsiS[1:(nspec+1)] <- lpsi[1:(nspec+1)] betalpsi1S[1:(nspec+1)] <- betalpsi1[1:(nspec+1)] betalpsi2S[1:(nspec+1)] <- betalpsi2[1:(nspec+1)] betalpsi3S[1:(nspec+1)] <- betalpsi3[1:(nspec+1)] lpS[1:(nspec+1)] <- lp[1:(nspec+1)] betalp1S[1:(nspec+1)] <- betalp1[1:(nspec+1)] betalp2S[1:(nspec+1)] <- betalp2[1:(nspec+1)] betalp3S[1:(nspec+1)] <- betalp3[1:(nspec+1)] } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Initial values wst <- rep(1, nspec+nz) # Simply set everybody at occurring zst <- array(1, dim = c(nsite, nspec+nz)) # ditto inits <- function() list(z = zst, w = wst, lpsi = rnorm(n = nspec+nz), betalpsi1 = rnorm(n = nspec+nz), betalpsi2 = rnorm(n = nspec+nz), betalpsi3 = rnorm(n = nspec+nz), lp = rnorm(n = nspec+nz), betalp1 = rnorm(n = nspec+nz), betalp2 = rnorm(n = nspec+nz), betalp3 = rnorm(n = nspec+nz)) # Set 1 params1 <- c("omega", "mu.lpsi", "sd.lpsi", "mu.betalpsi1", "sd.betalpsi1", "mu.betalpsi2", "sd.betalpsi2", "mu.betalpsi3", "sd.betalpsi3", "mu.lp", "sd.lp", "mu.betalp1", "sd.betalp1", "mu.betalp2", "sd.betalp2", "mu.betalp3", "sd.betalp3", "Ntotal", "Nsite") # MCMC settings ni <- 15000 ; nt <- 10 ; nb <- 5000 ; nc <- 3 # Run JAGS, check convergence and summarize posteriors out101 <- jags(win.data, inits, params1, "model10.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, parallel = TRUE) par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) traceplot(out101, c(c("omega", "mu.lpsi", "sd.lpsi", "mu.betalpsi1", "sd.betalpsi1", "mu.betalpsi2", "sd.betalpsi2", "mu.betalpsi3", "sd.betalpsi3", "mu.lp", "sd.lp", "mu.betalp1", "sd.betalp1", "mu.betalp2", "sd.betalp2", "mu.betalp3", "sd.betalp3", "Ntotal")) ) # Set 2 params2 <- c("mu.lpsi", "sd.lpsi", "mu.betalpsi1", "sd.betalpsi1", "mu.betalpsi2", "sd.betalpsi2", "mu.betalpsi3", "sd.betalpsi3", "lpsi", "betalpsi1", "betalpsi2", "betalpsi3", "lp", "betalp1", "betalp2", "betalp3", "z", "w") ni <- 12000 ; nt <- 20 ; nb <- 2000 ; nc <- 3 out102 <- jags.basic(win.data, inits, params2, "model10.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, parallel = TRUE) library(coda) all10 <- as.matrix(out102) # Put output from 3 chains into a matrix summary(out102) # May take a loooong time gelman.diag(out102) # ditto # Comparison of main hyperparameters when M = 215 and with M = 395 # (not all code to produce this output is shown) print(cbind(out10.215$summary[1:17,c(1:3, 7)], out10.395$summary[1:17, c(1:3, 7)]), 2) out10 <- out101 par(mfrow = c(1,2)) # Fig. 11-16 psi.sample <- plogis(rnorm(10^6, mean = out10$mean$mu.lpsi, sd = out10$mean$sd.lpsi)) p.sample <- plogis(rnorm(10^6, mean = out10$mean$mu.lp, sd = out10$mean$sd.lp)) hist(psi.sample, freq = F, breaks = 50, col = "grey", xlab = "Species occupancy probability", ylab = "Density", main = "") hist(p.sample, freq = F, breaks = 50, col = "grey", xlab = "Species detection probability", ylab = "Density", main = "") summary(psi.sample) ; summary(p.sample) par(mfrow = c(2,4)) # Among-species variability in parameters (not shown) hist(out10$sims.list$sd.lpsi, breaks = 100, col = "grey", xlim = c(0,6), main = "Occupancy: intercept") abline(v = mean(out10$sims.list$sd.lpsi), col = "blue", lwd = 3) hist(out10$sims.list$sd.betalpsi1, breaks = 100, col = "grey", xlim = c(0,3), main = "Occupancy: linear effect of elevation") abline(v = mean(out10$sims.list$sd.betalpsi1), col = "blue", lwd = 3) hist(out10$sims.list$sd.betalpsi2, breaks = 100, col = "grey", xlim = c(0,3), main = "Occupancy: quadratic effect of elevation") abline(v = mean(out10$sims.list$sd.betalpsi2), col = "blue", lwd = 3) hist(out10$sims.list$sd.betalpsi3, breaks = 100, col = "grey", xlim = c(0,3), main = "Occupancy: linear effect of forest cover") abline(v = mean(out10$sims.list$sd.betalpsi3), col = "blue", lwd = 3) hist(out10$sims.list$sd.lp, breaks = 100, col = "grey", xlim = c(0,2), main = "Detection: intercept") abline(v = mean(out10$sims.list$sd.lp), col = "blue", lwd = 3) hist(out10$sims.list$sd.betalp1, breaks = 100, col = "grey", xlim = c(0,1), main = "Detection: linear effect of survey date") abline(v = mean(out10$sims.list$sd.betalp1), col = "blue", lwd = 3) hist(out10$sims.list$sd.betalp2, breaks = 100, col = "grey", xlim = c(0,1), main = "Detection: quadratic linear effect of survey date") abline(v = mean(out10$sims.list$sd.betalp2), col = "blue", lwd = 3) hist(out10$sims.list$sd.betalp3, breaks = 100, col = "grey", xlim = c(0,1), main = "Detection: linear effect of survey duration") abline(v = mean(out10$sims.list$sd.betalp3), col = "blue", lwd = 3) # Visualize covariate mean relationships for the average species o.ele <- seq(200, 2500,,500) # Get covariate values for prediction o.for <- seq(0, 100,,500) o.dat <- seq(15, 120,,500) o.dur <- seq(100, 420,,500) ele.pred <- (o.ele - mean.ele) / sd.ele for.pred <- (o.for - mean.forest) / sd.forest dat.pred <- (o.dat - mean.date) / sd.date dur.pred <- (o.dur - mean.dur) / sd.dur # Predict occupancy for elevation and forest and detection for date and duration # Put all fourpredictions into a single str( tmp <- out10$sims.list ) # grab MCMC samples nsamp <- length(tmp[[1]]) # number of mcmc samples predC <- array(NA, dim = c(500, nsamp, 4)) # "C" for 'community mean' for(i in 1:nsamp){ predC[,i,1] <- plogis(tmp$mu.lpsi[i] + tmp$mu.betalpsi1[i] * ele.pred + tmp$mu.betalpsi2[i] * ele.pred^2 ) predC[,i,2] <- plogis(tmp$mu.lpsi[i] + tmp$mu.betalpsi3[i] * for.pred) predC[,i,3] <- plogis(tmp$mu.lp[i] + tmp$mu.betalp1[i] * dat.pred + tmp$mu.betalp2[i] * dat.pred^2 ) predC[,i,4] <- plogis(tmp$mu.lp[i] + tmp$mu.betalp3[i] * dur.pred) } # Get posterior means and 95% CRIs and plot (Fig. 11–17) pmC <- apply(predC, c(1,3), mean) criC <- apply(predC, c(1,3), function(x) quantile(x, prob = c(0.025, 0.975))) par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) plot(o.ele, pmC[,1], col = "blue", lwd = 3, type = 'l', lty = 1, frame = F, ylim = c(0, 0.05), xlab = "Elevation (m a.s.l)", ylab = "Community mean occupancy") matlines(o.ele, t(criC[,,1]), col = "grey", lty = 1) plot(o.for, pmC[,2], col = "blue", lwd = 3, type = 'l', lty = 1, frame = F, ylim = c(0, 0.05), xlab = "Forest cover", ylab = "Community mean occupancy") matlines(o.for, t(criC[,,2]), col = "grey", lty = 1) plot(o.dat, pmC[,3], col = "blue", lwd = 3, type = 'l', lty = 1, frame = F, ylim = c(0.2, 0.8), xlab = "Survey date", ylab = "Community mean detection") matlines(o.dat, t(criC[,,3]), col = "grey", lty = 1) plot(o.dur, pmC[,4], col = "blue", lwd = 3, type = 'l', lty = 1, frame = F, ylim = c(0.2, 0.8), xlab = "Survey duration", ylab = "Community mean detection") matlines(o.dur, t(criC[,,4]), col = "grey", lty = 1) # Plot posterior distribution of site-specific species richness (Nsite) par(mfrow = c(3,3), mar = c(5,4,3,2)) for(i in 1:267){ plot(table(out10$sims.list$Nsite[,i]), main = paste("Quadrat", i), xlab = "Local species richness", ylab = "", frame = F, xlim = c((min(C[i], out10$sims.list$Nsite[,i], na.rm = T)-2), max(out10$sims.list$Nsite[,i]) )) abline(v = C[i], col = "grey", lwd = 4) browser() } # Plot it only for a selection of sites (Fig. 11-18) par(mfrow = c(3,3), mar = c(5,4,3,2)) for(i in c(9, 32, 162, 12, 27, 30, 118, 159, 250)){ plot(table(out10$sims.list$Nsite[,i]), main = paste("Quadrat", i), xlab = "Local species richness", ylab = "", frame = F, xlim = c((min(C[i], out10$sims.list$Nsite[,i], na.rm = T)-2), max(out10$sims.list$Nsite[,i]) )) abline(v = C[i], col = "grey", lwd = 4) } # Plot Nsite estimates under models 9 & 10 vs. elevation (Fig. 11-19) offset <- 30 # Set off elevation for better visibility plot(elev, out9$mean$Nsite, xlab = "Elevation (metres)", ylab = "Community size estimate (Nsite)", frame = F, ylim = c(0,60), pch = 16) # black: model 9 lines(smooth.spline(out9$mean$Nsite ~ elev), lwd = 3) points(elev+offset, out10$mean$Nsite, pch = 16, col = "blue") # red: model 10 lines(smooth.spline(out10$mean$Nsite ~ elev), lwd = 3, col = "blue") str(all10) # look at the MCMC output pm <- apply(all10, 2, mean) # Get posterior means and 95% CRIs cri <- apply(all10, 2, function(x) quantile(x, prob = c(0.025, 0.975))) # CRIs # Effects of date (linear and quadratic) and of duration on detection #par(mfrow = c(1,3), cex.lab = 1.3, cex.axis = 1.3) # Can put all three in one par(mfrow = c(1,2), cex.lab = 1.3, cex.axis = 1.3) # Date linear (Fig. 11 – 20 left) plot(pm[1:145], 1:145, xlim = c(-1.5, 1.5), xlab = "Parameter estimate", ylab = "Species number", main = "Effect of date (linear) on detection", pch = 16) abline(v = 0, lwd = 2, col = "black") segments(cri[1, 1:145], 1:145, cri[2, 1:145], 1:145, col = "grey", lwd = 1) sig1 <- (cri[1, 1:145] * cri[2, 1:145]) > 0 segments(cri[1, 1:145][sig1 == 1], (1:145)[sig1 == 1], cri[2, 1:145][sig1 == 1], (1:145)[sig1 == 1], col = "blue", lwd = 2) abline(v = out101$summary[11,1], lwd = 3, col = "red") abline(v = out101$summary[11,c(3,7)], lwd = 2, col = "red", lty = 2) # Date quadratic (not shown) plot(pm[216:360], 1:145, xlim = c(-1.5, 1.5), xlab = "Parameter estimate", ylab = "Species number", main = "Effect of date (quadratic) on detection", pch = 16) abline(v = 0, lwd = 2, col = "black") segments(cri[1, 216:360], 1:145, cri[2, 216:360], 1:145, col = "grey", lwd = 1) sig2 <- (cri[1, 216:360] * cri[2, 216:360]) > 0 segments(cri[1, 216:360][sig2 == 1], (1:145)[sig2 == 1], cri[2, 216:360][sig2 == 1], (1:145)[sig2 == 1], col = "blue", lwd = 2) abline(v = out101$summary[13,1], lwd = 3, col = "red") abline(v = out101$summary[13, c(3,7)], lwd = 3, col = "red", lty = 2) # Survey duration (Fig. 11-20 right) plot(pm[431:575], 1:145, xlim = c(-0.5, 1), xlab = "Parameter estimate", ylab = "Species number", main = "Effect of survey duration on detection", pch = 16) abline(v = 0, lwd = 2, col = "black") segments(cri[1, 431:575], 1:145, cri[2, 431:575], 1:145, col = "grey", lwd = 1) sig3 <- (cri[1, 431:575] * cri[2, 431:575]) > 0 segments(cri[1, 431:575][sig3 == 1], (1:145)[sig3 == 1], cri[2, 431:575][sig3 == 1], (1:145)[sig3 == 1], col = "blue", lwd = 2) abline(v = out101$summary[15,1], lwd = 3, col = "red") abline(v = out101$summary[15, c(3,7)], lwd = 3, col = "red", lty = 2) # Effects of elevation (linear and quadratic) and of forest on occupancy # par(mfrow = c(1,3), cex.lab = 1.3, cex.axis = 1.3) # can do all in one # Effect of elevation (linear) on occupancy probability (Fig. 11-21) plot(pm[646:790], 1:145, xlim = c(-8, 8), xlab = "Parameter estimate", ylab = "Species number", main = "Effect of elevation (linear) on occupancy", pch = 16) abline(v = 0, lwd = 2, col = "black") segments(cri[1, 646:790], 1:145, cri[2, 646:790], 1:145, col = "grey", lwd = 1) sig4 <- (cri[1, 646:790] * cri[2, 646:790]) > 0 segments(cri[1, 646:790][sig4 == 1], (1:145)[sig4 == 1], cri[2, 646:790][sig4 == 1], (1:145)[sig4 == 1], col = "blue", lwd = 2) abline(v = out101$summary[3,1], lwd = 3, col = "red") abline(v = out101$summary[3,c(3,7)], lwd = 3, col = "red", lty = 2) # Effect of elevation (quadratic) on occupancy probability (Fig. 11-22) plot(pm[861:1005], 1:145, xlim = c(-4, 2), xlab = "Parameter estimate", ylab = "Species number", main = "Effect of elevation (quadratic) on occupancy", pch = 16) abline(v = 0, lwd = 2, col = "black") segments(cri[1, 861:1005], 1:145, cri[2, 861:1005], 1:145, col = "grey", lwd=1) sig5 <- (cri[1, 861:1005] * cri[2, 861:1005]) > 0 segments(cri[1, 861:1005][sig5 == 1], (1:145)[sig5 == 1], cri[2, 861:1005][sig5 == 1], (1:145)[sig5 == 1], col = "blue", lwd = 2) abline(v = out101$summary[5,1], lwd = 3, col = "red") abline(v = out101$summary[5,c(3,7)], lwd = 3, col = "red", lty = 2) # Effect of forest (linear) on occupancy probability (Fig. 11-23) plot(pm[1076:1220], 1:145, xlim = c(-3, 4), xlab = "Parameter estimate", ylab = "Species number", main = "Effect of forest cover on occupancy", pch = 16) abline(v = 0, lwd = 2, col = "black") segments(cri[1, 1076:1220], 1:145, cri[2, 1076:1220],1:145, col = "grey", lwd=1) sig6 <- (cri[1, 1076:1220] * cri[2, 1076:1220]) > 0 segments(cri[1, 1076:1220][sig6 == 1], (1:145)[sig6 == 1], cri[2, 1076:1220][sig6 == 1], (1:145)[sig6 == 1], col = "blue", lwd = 2) abline(v = out101$summary[7,1], lwd = 3, col = "red") abline(v = out101$summary[7,c(3,7)], lwd = 3, col = "red", lty = 2) negsig6 <- (cri[1, 1076:1220] < 0 & cri[2, 1076:1220] < 0) == 1 # sig negative possig6 <- (cri[1, 1076:1220] > 0 & cri[2, 1076:1220] > 0) == 1 # sig positive # Predict detection for date and duration and occupancy for elevation and forest # for each of the 145 observed species predS <- array(NA, dim = c(500, nspec, 4)) # covariate value x species x response, "S" for 'species' p.coef <- cbind(lp=pm[1292:1436], betalp1 = pm[1:145], betalp2 = pm[216:360], betalp3 = pm[431:575]) psi.coef <- cbind(lpsi=pm[1507:1651], betalpsi1 = pm[646:790], betalpsi2 = pm[861:1005], betalpsi3 = pm[1076:1220]) for(i in 1:nspec){ # Loop over 145 observed species predS[,i,1] <- plogis(p.coef[i,1] + p.coef[i,2] * dat.pred + p.coef[i,3] * dat.pred^2 ) # p ~ date predS[,i,2] <- plogis(p.coef[i,1] + p.coef[i,4] * dur.pred) # p ~ duration predS[,i,3] <- plogis(psi.coef[i,1] + psi.coef[i,2] * ele.pred + psi.coef[i,3] * ele.pred^2 ) # psi ~ elevation predS[,i,4] <- plogis(psi.coef[i,1] + psi.coef[i,4] * for.pred) # psi ~ forest } # Plots for detection probability and survey date and duration (Fig. 11-24) par(mfrow = c(1,2), cex.lab = 1.3, cex.axis = 1.3) plot(o.dat, predS[,1,1], lwd = 3, type = 'l', lty = 1, frame = F, ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = "Survey date (1 = 1 April)", ylab = "Detection probability") for(i in 2:145){ lines(o.dat, predS[,i,1], col = i, lwd = 3) } plot(o.dur, predS[,1,2], lwd = 3, type = 'l', lty = 1, frame = F, ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = "Survey duration (min)", ylab = "Detection probability") for(i in 2:145){ lines(o.dur, predS[,i,2], col = i, lwd = 3) } # Plots for occupancy probability and elevation and forest cover (Fig. 11-25) par(mfrow = c(1,2), cex.lab = 1.3, cex.axis = 1.3) plot(o.ele, predS[,1,3], lwd = 3, type = 'l', lty = 1, frame = F, ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = "Elevation (m a.s.l.)", ylab = "Occupancy probability") for(i in 2:145){ lines(o.ele, predS[,i,3], col = i, lwd = 3) } plot(o.for, predS[,1,4], lwd = 3, type = 'l', lty = 1, frame = F, ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = "Forest cover (%)", ylab = "Occupancy probability") for(i in 2:145){ lines(o.for, predS[,i,4], col = i, lwd = 3) } # 11.8 Inferences based on the estimated Z matrix: similarity among sites and species # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Plug MCMC samples for full z matrix into 3D array str(all10) nsite <- 267 nspec <- 215 nsamp <- dim(all10)[1] # 1200 MCMC samples z <- array(NA, dim = c(nsite, nspec, nsamp)) Jacc <- array(NA, dim = c(nsite, nspec, nsamp)) for(j in 1:nsamp){ # Fill z matrix by column (default) cat(paste("\nMCMC sample", j, "\n")) z[,,j] <- all10[j, 1937:59341] } # Restrict computations to observed species zobs <- z[,1:145,] # Species 1 to 145 # Compute Jaccard index for sites and for species Jsite <- array(NA, dim = c(nsite, nsamp)) Jspec <- array(NA, dim = c(145, nsamp)) # Choose reference site and species for Jaccard indices ref.site <- 1 # Just choose first site ref.species <- 13 # European Sparrowhawk (check object 'obs.occ') # Get posterior distributions for Jsite and Jspec (for references) for(k in 1:nsamp){ for(i in 1:nsite){ # Jaccard index for sites (in terms of shared species) Jsite[i,k] <- sum(zobs[ref.site,,k] * zobs[i,,k]) / (sum(zobs[ref.site,,k]) + sum(zobs[i,,k]) - sum(zobs[ref.site,,k] * zobs[i,,k])) } for(i in 1:(nspec-nz)){ # Jacc. index for species (in terms of shared sites) Jspec[i,k] <- sum(zobs[,ref.species,k] * zobs[,i,k]) / (sum(zobs[,ref.species,k]) + sum(zobs[,i,k]) - sum(zobs[,ref.species,k] * zobs[,i,k])) } } # NA's arise when a site has no species or a species no sites # Get posterior means, standard deviations and 95% CRI # Jaccard index for sites, compared to reference site 1 pm <- apply(Jsite, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE) # Post. mean of Jsite wrt. site 1 psd <- apply(Jsite, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE) # Post. mean of Jsite wrt. site 1 cri <- apply(Jsite, 1, function(x) quantile(x, prob = c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm = TRUE)) # CRI cbind('post. mean' = pm, 'post. sd' = psd, '2.5%' = cri[1,], '97.5%' = cri[2,]) # Make a map of Jaccard site indices (Fig. 11-26) x <- 3 # poportional size of plotting symbol plot(data$coordx[1:267], data$coordy[1:267], xlab = "x coordinate", ylab = "y coordinate", cex = x*pm, asp = 1, pch = 16) points(data$coordx[which(pm == 1)], data$coordy[which(pm == 1)], cex = x*pm, col = "red", pch = 16) # Jaccard index for species, compared to reference species # (species 13, European Sparrowhawk) pm <- apply(Jspec, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE) # Post. mean of Jspec wrt. species 1 psd <- apply(Jspec, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE) # Post. mean of Jspec wrt. species 1 cri <- apply(Jspec, 1, function(x) quantile(x, prob = c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm = TRUE)) # CRI tmp <- cbind('post. mean' = pm, 'post. sd' = psd, '2.5%' = cri[1,], '97.5%' = cri[2,]) rownames(tmp) <- names(obs.occ) print(tmp]) # print in systematic order print(tmp[rev(order(tmp[,1])),]) # print in order of decreasing Jacc. values plot(1:145, tmp[rev(order(tmp[,1])),1]) # can also plot # 11.9 Species richness maps and species accumulation curves # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get Swiss landscape data and standardise covariates as for model 10 library(unmarked) data(Switzerland) ch <- Switzerland ELE <- (ch$elevation - mean.ele) / sd.ele FOREST <- (ch$forest - mean.forest) / sd.forest nsamp <- nrow(all10) # 1200 ..... far too many nkm2 <- length(ch[[1]]) # 42275, that's a LOT! select.samp <- sort(sample(1:nsamp, 50)) # Chose random sample of 50 nsamp <- length(select.samp) # new sample size 50 # Create posterior predictive distribution for Z for Swiss landscape str( zCH <- array(NA, dim = c(nkm2, 215, nsamp)) ) # BIG array ! W <- all10[,1722:1936] # Grab MCMC samples from w LPSI <- all10[,1507:1721] # Grab MCMC samples from logit(psi) BETALPSI1 <- all10[,646:860] # Grab MCMC samples from betalpsi1 BETALPSI2 <- all10[,861:1075] # Grab MCMC samples from betalpsi2 BETALPSI3 <- all10[,1076:1290] # Grab MCMC samples from betalpsi3 for(i in 1:nkm2){ # takes about 5 mins ! cat(paste("\nQuadrat", i, "\n")) for(u in 1:length(select.samp)){ psi <- W[select.samp[u],] * plogis(LPSI[select.samp[u],] + BETALPSI1[select.samp[u],] * ELE[i] + BETALPSI2[select.samp[u],] * ELE[i]^2 + BETALPSI3[select.samp[u],] * FOREST[i] ) zCH[i,,u] <- rbinom(215, 1, psi) } } # Compute posterior distribution of species richness by collapsing z array SR <- apply(zCH, c(1,3), sum) # posterior distribution pmSR <- apply(SR, 1, mean) # posterior mean sdSR <- apply(SR, 1, sd) # posterior standard deviation library(raster) library(rgdal) par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(2,2,3,5)) # Posterior mean map r1 <- rasterFromXYZ(data.frame(x = ch$x, y = ch$y, z = pmSR)) elev <- rasterFromXYZ(cbind(ch$x, ch$y,ch$elevation)) elev[elev > 2250] <- NA # Mask areas > 2250 m a.s.l. r1 <- mask(r1, elev) mapPalette <- colorRampPalette(c("grey", "yellow", "orange", "red")) plot(r1, col = mapPalette(100), axes = F, box = FALSE, main ="") lakes <- readOGR(".", "lakes") rivers <- readOGR(".", "rivers") border <- readOGR(".", "border") plot(rivers, col = "dodgerblue", add = TRUE) plot(border, col = "transparent", lwd = 1.5, add = TRUE) plot(lakes, col = "skyblue", border = "royalblue", add = TRUE) # Posterior standard deviation map r1 <- rasterFromXYZ(data.frame(x = ch$x, y = ch$y, z = sdSR)) elev <- rasterFromXYZ(cbind(ch$x, ch$y,ch$elevation)) elev[elev > 2250] <- NA # Mask areas > 2250 m a.s.l. r1 <- mask(r1, elev) mapPalette <- colorRampPalette(c("grey", "yellow", "orange", "red")) plot(r1, col = mapPalette(100), axes = F, box = FALSE, main ="") lakes <- readOGR(".", "lakes") rivers <- readOGR(".", "rivers") border <- readOGR(".", "border") plot(rivers, col = "dodgerblue", add = TRUE) plot(border, col = "transparent", lwd = 1.5, add = TRUE) plot(lakes, col = "skyblue", border = "royalblue", add = TRUE) # Get 3,000 posterior samples of omega, and the mean and sd hyperparameters omega <- out101$sims.list$omega mu.lpsi <- out101$sims.list$mu.lpsi str( sd.lpsi <- out101$sims.list$sd.lpsi ) # Confirms we have 3,000 draws # compute posterior predictions of species occurrence probabilities nsites <- 100 ndraws <- length(omega) Nmax <- 215 psi <- matrix(NA, nrow=ndraws, ncol=Nmax) for (i in 1:ndraws) { w <- rbinom(215, 1, omega[i]) psi[i,] <- w * plogis(rnorm(Nmax, mean = mu.lpsi[i], sd=sd.lpsi[i])) } # compute posterior predictions of species presence at each site z <- array(NA, dim=c(ndraws, Nmax, nsites)) for (i in 1:ndraws) { for (j in 1:Nmax) { z[i,j, ] <- rbinom(nsites, size=1, prob=psi[i,j]) } } # compute posterior predictions of cumulative number of species present Ntot <- matrix(NA, nrow=ndraws, ncol=nsites) for (i in 1:ndraws) { for (j in 1:nsites) { zsum <- rep(NA, Nmax) if (j>1) { zsum <- apply(z[i, , 1:j], 1, sum) } else { zsum <- z[i, , 1] } Ntot[i,j] <- sum(zsum>0) } } # takes about 4 min # compute summary stats of species accumulation curve nSpeciesPresent <- matrix(NA, nrow=3, ncol=nsites) for (j in 1:nsites) { x <- Ntot[,j] nSpeciesPresent[1, j] <- mean(x) nSpeciesPresent[2:3, j] <- quantile(x, probs=c(0.05, 0.95)) } # Plot species accumulation curve ylim = c(min(nSpeciesPresent[2,]), max(nSpeciesPresent[3,])) plot(1:nsites, nSpeciesPresent[1,], pch=16, ylim=ylim, type="b", xlab="Number of sample locations", ylab="Number of occurring species", las=1, cex.axis=1.2, cex.lab=1.5, cex=1.2, frame = F) segments(1:nsites, nSpeciesPresent[2,], 1:nsites, nSpeciesPresent[3,]) # 11.10 Community N-mixture models # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Organize counts in 3D array: site x rep x species COUNTS <- cbind(data$count141, data$count142, data$count143) # Counts 2014 nsite <- 267 # number of sites in Swiss MHB nrep <- 3 # number of replicate surveys per season nspec <- length(species.list) # 158 species occur in the 2014 data Yc <- array(NA, dim = c(nsite, nrep, nspec)) for(i in 1:nspec){ Yc[,,i] <- COUNTS[((i-1)*nsite+1):(i*nsite),] # 'c' for counts } dimnames(Yc) <- list(NULL, NULL, names(ordered.spec.name.list)) # Observed maximum and mean maximum count per species tmp <- apply(Yc, c(1,3), max, na.rm = TRUE) tmp[tmp == -Inf] <- NA # 1 quadrat with NA data in 2014 sort(round(meanmax <- apply(tmp, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE), 3)) # mean of max sort(obs.max.C <- apply(tmp, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)) # max # Plot observed species abundance distribution plot(sort(meanmax), xlab = "Species number", ylab = "Mean maximum count") # Spatio-temporal patterns in counts (mean over sites) tmp <- apply(Yc, c(2,3), mean, na.rm = TRUE) matplot(log10(tmp+0.1), type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 3, xlab = "MHB survey 1 - 3", ylab = "log10 of mean count over sites", frame = F, cex.lab = 1.3, cex.axis = 1.3) # Drop data from 13 species not observed in 2014 toss.out <- which(obs.max.C == 0) # list of species not seen Yc <- Yc[,,-toss.out] # toss them out obs.max.C <- obs.max.C[-toss.out] nspec <- dim(Yc)[3] # Redefine nspec as 145 # So here are our data str(Yc) plot(table(Yc)) # Extremely skewed distribution of observed counts # Bundle and summarize data set str(win.data <- list(Yc = Yc, nsite = dim(Yc)[1], nrep = dim(Yc)[2], nspec = dim(Yc)[3], ele = ele, forest = forest, DAT = DAT, DUR = DUR)) # Specify model in BUGS language sink("model11.txt") cat(" model { # Community priors (with hyperparameters) for species-specific parameters for(k in 1:nspec){ phi[k] ~ dunif(0,1) # Zero-inflation alpha0[k] ~ dnorm(mu.alpha0, tau.alpha0) # Detection intercepts beta0[k] ~ dnorm(mu.beta0, tau.beta0) # Abundance intercepts for(v in 1:3){ alpha[k, v] ~ dnorm(mu.alpha[v], tau.alpha[v]) # Slopes detection beta[k, v] ~ dnorm(mu.beta[v], tau.beta[v]) # Slopes abundance } } # Hyperpriors for community hyperparameters # abundance model mu.beta0 ~ dunif(-1, 2) tau.beta0 <- pow(sd.beta0, -2) sd.beta0 ~ dunif(0, 3) for(v in 1:3){ mu.beta[v] ~ dunif(-1.5, 1) tau.beta[v] <- pow(sd.beta[v], -2) } sd.beta[1] ~ dunif(0, 3) sd.beta[2] ~ dunif(0, 1.5) sd.beta[3] ~ dunif(0, 1) # detection model mu.alpha0 ~ dunif(-2, 0) tau.alpha0 <- pow(sd.alpha0, -2) sd.alpha0 ~ dunif(0, 2) for(v in 1:3){ mu.alpha[v] ~ dunif(-0.5, 0.5) tau.alpha[v] <- pow(sd.alpha[v], -2) } sd.alpha[1] ~ dunif(0, 0.8) sd.alpha[2] ~ dunif(0, 0.5) sd.alpha[3] ~ dunif(0, 0.3) # Ecological model for true abundance (process model) for(k in 1:nspec){ for (i in 1:nsite){ a[i,k] ~ dbern(phi[k]) # zero-inflation N[i,k] ~ dpois(a[i,k] * lambda[i,k]) log(lambda[i,k]) <- beta0[k] + beta[k,1] * ele[i] + beta[k,2] * pow(ele[i],2) + beta[k,3] * forest[i] # Compute presence/absence matrix z (for N > 0) from latent abundance z[i,k] <- step(N[i,k]-1) # returns TRUE if N >= 0 } } # Observation model for replicated counts for(k in 1:nspec){ for (i in 1:nsite){ for (j in 1:nrep){ Yc[i,j,k] ~ dbin(p[i,j,k], N[i,k]) logit(p[i,j,k]) <- alpha0[k] + alpha[k,1] * DAT[i,j] + alpha[k,2] * pow(DAT[i,j],2) + alpha[k,3] * DUR[i,j] } } } # Other derived quantities for(k in 1:nspec){ mlambda[k] <- phi[k] * exp(beta0[k]) # Expected abundance on natural scale logit(mp[k]) <- alpha0[k] # Mean detection on natural scale Nocc.fs[k] <- sum(z[,k]) # Number of occupied sites among the 267 } for (i in 1:nsite) { Nsite[i] <- sum(z[i,]) # Number of occurring species at each site } } ",fill = TRUE) sink() # Initial values ast <- matrix(rep(1, nspec*nsite), nrow = nsite) some.more <- 5 # May have to play with this until JAGS is happy Nst <- apply(Yc, c(1,3), max, na.rm = T) + some.more Nst[Nst == '-Inf'] <- 20 # May have to play with this, too Nst <- Nst inits <- function()list(a = ast, N = Nst) # OR: use inits at earlier solutions (greatly speeds up convergence) pm <- out11$mean # Pull out posterior means from earlier run inits <- function() list(a = ast, N = Nst, alpha0 = rnorm(nspec), beta0 = rnorm(nspec), alpha = matrix(rnorm(n = nspec*3), ncol = 3), beta = matrix(rnorm(n = nspec*3), ncol = 3), mu.beta0 = pm$mu.beta0, sd.beta0 = pm$sd.beta0, mu.beta = pm$mu.beta, sd.beta = pm$sd.beta, mu.alpha0 = pm$mu.alpha0, sd.alpha0 = pm$sd.alpha0, mu.alpha = pm$mu.alpha, sd.alpha = pm$sd.alpha ) # Parameters monitored params <- c("phi", "mp", "mlambda", "alpha0", "beta0", "alpha", "beta", "mu.beta0", "sd.beta0", "mu.beta", "sd.beta", "mu.alpha0", "sd.alpha0", "mu.alpha", "sd.alpha", "Nsite") # MCMC settings ni <- 60000 ; nt <- 30 ; nb <- 30000 ; nc <- 3 # Call JAGS from R (BRT XXX min), check convergence and summarize posteriors out11 <- jags(win.data, inits, params, "model11.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb, parallel = FALSE) par(mfrow = c(3,3)) ; traceplot(out11, c("mu.beta0", "sd.beta0", "mu.beta", "sd.beta", "mu.alpha0", "sd.alpha0", "mu.alpha", "sd.alpha") ) print(out11, 2) summary(p.sample <- plogis(rnorm(10^6, mean = -1.170, sd = 0.980)) ) hist(p.sample, breaks = 50, col = "grey", xlab = "Per-individual detection probability", freq = FALSE) # Predict detection for date and duration and occupancy for elevation and forest # for each of the 145 observed species predI <- array(NA, dim = c(500, nspec, 4)) # covariate value x species x response, "I" for 'individual' (as opposed to 'species' in model 10) pm <- out11$mean # Grab posterior means from model 11 for(i in 1:nspec){ # Loop over 145 observed species predI[,i,1] <- plogis(pm$alpha0[i] + pm$alpha[i,1] * dat.pred + pm$alpha[i,2] * dat.pred^2 ) # p ~ date predI[,i,2] <- plogis(pm$alpha0[i] + pm$alpha[i,3] * dur.pred) # p ~ duration predI[,i,3] <- pm$phi[i] * exp(pm$beta0[i] + pm$beta[i,1] * ele.pred + pm$beta[i,2] * ele.pred^2 ) # psi ~ elevation predI[,i,4] <- pm$phi[i] * exp(pm$beta0[i] + pm$beta[i,3] * for.pred) # psi ~ forest } # Plots for detection probability and survey date and duration (Fig. 11-29) par(mfrow = c(1,2), cex.lab = 1.3, cex.axis = 1.3) plot(o.dat, predI[,1,1], lwd = 3, type = 'l', lty = 1, frame = F, ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = "Survey date (1 = 1 April)", ylab = "Per-individual detection probability") for(i in 2:145){ lines(o.dat, predI[,i,1], col = i, lwd = 3) } plot(o.dur, predI[,1,2], lwd = 3, type = 'l', lty = 1, frame = F, ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = "Survey duration (min)", ylab = "Per-individual detection probability") for(i in 2:145){ lines(o.dur, predI[,i,2], col = i, lwd = 3) } # Plots for expected abundance and elevation and forest cover (Fig. 11-30) par(mfrow = c(1,2), cex.lab = 1.3, cex.axis = 1.3) plot(o.ele, predI[,1,3], lwd = 3, type = 'l', lty = 1, frame = F, ylim = c(0, 60), xlab = "Elevation (m a.s.l.)",ylab = "Expected abundance") for(i in 2:145){ lines(o.ele, predI[,i,3], col = i, lwd = 3) } plot(o.for, predI[,1,4], lwd = 3, type = 'l', lty = 1, frame = F, ylim = c(0, 60), xlab = "Forest cover (%)", ylab = "Expected abundance") for(i in 2:145){ lines(o.for, predI[,i,4], col = i, lwd = 3) } # 11.11 Summary and outlook # ----------------------------------------------------- # ========================================================================= # # Summary and conclusion # # ========================================================================= # Objectives of Applied hierarchical modeling in ecology (AHM) # ----------------------------------------------------- # What's in the two AHM books? # ----------------------------------------------------- # Outlook: AHM volume 2 # -----------------------------------------------------