Hermit warbler
Dendroica occidentalis
Identification Tips:
- Length: 4.25 inches
- Small, active, insect-eating bird
- Thin, pointed bill
- Yellow face and forehead
- Grayish nape and upperparts
- Mostly white underparts with no black streaks at sides
- White wing bars
- Dark legs
Adult male:
- Black throat
- A few black spots at sides of upper breast
Female and immature:
- Cheeks are ever-so-slightly darker than rest of face
- Throat white to yellow and may be smudged with black
Similar species:
Other warblers with mostly yellow faces and wing bars have darker crowns
and streaked flanks.
Length and wingspan from: Robbins, C.S., Bruun, B., Zim, H.S., (1966). Birds of North America. New York: Western Publishing Company, Inc.