North American Breeding Bird Survey

Route Trend Analysis Form

Draft: Please do not cite or use without permission

This part of the Home Page provides data and results from individual survey routes. You select a route, and all species information will be summarized and displayed, along with links to other information about the species found on the BBS route.
BBS routes are named for the town nearest the start of the survey route. In this list, we list routes by state/province, route number, and the route name. Survey routes in National Parks are listed at the bottom.
Want more information about the route location? Please access the BBS route location maps available on the BBS operations web site.

Caution! No species is found on every route, and some routes have data of insufficient quality to estimate change. Consequently, some analyses will provide empty graphs, and "NaN" errors indicating insufficient information.

Select state of interest, then route and desired output:

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