Grassland Birds of North America

Distributions and Trends of Breeding and Wintering Populations

This page provides a summary of population trends and breeding distributions of grassland birds in North America, as documented by the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS). Wintering species distributions are summarized from Audubon Christmas Bird Count (CBC) for species that winter in North America.

Version 95.0 - 11 October 1995

Please cite this Page as:

Sauer, J. R., B. G. Peterjohn, S. Schwartz, and J. E. Hines. 1995. The Grassland Bird Home Page. Version 95.0. Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD

General Information

Summary of Survey Results

trend info Trends-Estimates of Change Over Time

graphsGraphs of Annual Indices

maps of relative abundanceMaps of Relative Abundance

maps of bird population change Maps of Bird Population Change

Analysis and Interpretation:

bbs logo Species Accounts

guild logo The Big Picture: Are Grassland Birds Declining?