Instructions for downloading and displaying smooth-grid abundance files from BBS data
Instructions for downloading and displaying smooth-grid abundance files from BBS data

  1. Download files:
  2. Unzip (extract) the files,, and
  3. Add Themes usacanab.shp and bbsgrid.shp to an Arcview project. Highlight bbsgrid.shp; then click on Theme; then click on Table to open the table "Attributes of bbs.shp".
  4. In the Project window, select Add Table. Choose to List Files of Type: Delimited Text (*.txt), select the file with the AOU number of your species of interest, and click OK.
  5. On the new Table, select the column labeled grid_code. On the Table Attributes of bbsgrid, select the same column. Click the Join button on the toolbar (Ctrl+ J). The data for your species should now be associated with the BBS grid shapefile as a new column in its Table, labeled R* (* indicating the AOU number of your species).
  6. On the left side of your View, double-click on the Theme usacanab.shp. Load the legend file usacanab.avl, then click Apply. Returning to the View, double-click on the Theme bbsgrid.shp and Load the legend file gridabundancelegend.avl. When asked to choose a Field, select R* and All, then click OK, then Apply.
  7. With both Themes displayed (bbsgrid.shp on top), you should now see a map of the U.S. and Canada overlaid with BBS grid, which will grade in color according to the relaive abundance of the selected species counted during 1993-2002.

    To view this information for a different species, repeat steps 4-6 above, using the appropriate AOU number.

    The shape files have the projection:

    1st standard parallel29 30 00
    2nd standard parallel45 30 00
    central meridian-96 00 00
    latitude of projection's origin23 0 0
    false easting0
    >false northing0